rocket_csrf =========== CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection for [Rocket]( web framework. > **WARNING!** > The implementation is very simple for now and may not be ready for production. Table of contents ----------------- * [Overview](#rocket_csrf) * [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) * [Usage](#usage) * [TODO](#todo) Usage ----- Attach [fairing]( to the Rocket instance: ```rust #![feature(decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; use rocket_contrib::templates::Template; fn main() { rocket::ignite() .attach(rocket_csrf::Fairing::new()) .attach(Template::fairing()) .mount("/", routes![new, create]) .launch(); } ``` Add [guard]( to any request where you want to have access to session's CSRF token (e.g. to include it in forms) or verify it (e.g. to validate form): ```rust use rocket::response::Redirect; use rocket::request::Form; use rocket_contrib::templates::Template; use rocket_csrf::CsrfToken; #[get("/comments/new")] fn new(csrf: CsrfToken) -> Template { // your code } #[post("/comments", data = "
")] fn create(csrf: CsrfToken, form: Form) -> Redirect { // your code } ``` Get CSRF token from [guard]( to use it in [templates]( ```rust #[get("/comments/new")] fn new(csrf: CsrfToken) -> Template { let csrf_token: String = csrf.0; // your code } ``` Add CSRF token to your HTML forms in [templates]( ```html ``` Add attribute `authenticity_token` to your [forms]( ```rust #[derive(FromForm)] struct Comment { authenticity_token: String, // your attributes } ``` Validate [forms]( to have valid authenticity token: ```rust #[post("/comments", data = "
")] fn create(csrf: CsrfToken, form: Form) -> Redirect { if let Err(_) = csrf.verify(&form.authenticity_token) { return Redirect::to(uri!(new)); } // your code } ``` See the complete code in [minimal example](examples/minimal). TODO ---- * [ ] Add fairing to verify all requests as an option. * [ ] Add [data guard]( to verify forms with a guard. * [ ] Add helpers to render form field. * [ ] Add helpers to add HTML meta tags for Ajax with `X-CSRF-Token` header. * [ ] Verify `X-CSRF-Token` header. * [ ] Use authenticity token encryption from [Ruby on Rails]( * [ ] Allow to configure CSRF protection (CSRF token byte length, cookie name, etc.). * [ ] Set cookie to expire with session.