Chris Seaton 3270635331 Switched from Yahoo stock API to Alpha Vantage 2022-03-07 16:33:08 +00:00
.gitignore Update yardoc 2018-08-10 13:21:43 +02:00, rather than Kernel#open 2022-03-07 12:40:59 +00:00
top-stock.rb Switched from Yahoo stock API to Alpha Vantage 2022-03-07 16:33:08 +00:00

Top Stock - Scala

This program determines which stock had the highest price in a given year. It as an example from chapter 1 "Introduction", section 1.2 "What's Scala?" of the book Programming Scala: Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine.

What It Does

This program takes a list of one or more stock symbols and a year. It then concurrently obtains the relevant stock data from Alpha Vantage service for each symbol. Once all the data has been retrieved the program determines which stock had the highest year-end closing price.

To use this example you need to obtain a free api key in AlphaVantage."

Run It

This example can be run from the console. From the root of the repo run:

$ ALPHAVANTAGE_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY bundle exec ruby top-stock-scala/top-stock.rb

The output should be:

Top stock of 2008 is GOOG closing at price $307.65

The Ruby Code

require 'concurrent'
require 'csv'
require 'open-uri'

def get_year_end_closing(symbol, year, api_key)
  uri = "{symbol}&apikey=#{api_key}&datatype=csv"
  data = [] do |f|
    CSV.parse(f, headers: true) do |row|
      data << row['close'] if row['timestamp'].include?(year.to_s)
  price = data.max
  [symbol, price.to_f]

def get_top_stock(symbols, year, timeout = 10)
  abort(error_message) unless api_key

  stock_prices = symbols.collect{|symbol| Concurrent::dataflow{ get_year_end_closing(symbol, year, api_key) }}
  Concurrent::dataflow(*stock_prices) { |*prices|
    prices.reduce(['', 0.0]){|highest, price| price.last > highest.last ? price : highest}

def error_message
    PLEASE provide a Alpha Vantage api key for the example to work
      ALPHAVANTAGE_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY bundle exec ruby top-stock-scala/top-stock.rb

symbols = ['AAPL', 'GOOG', 'IBM', 'ORCL', 'MSFT']
year = 2008

top_stock, highest_price = get_top_stock(symbols, year)

puts "Top stock of #{year} is #{top_stock} closing at price $#{highest_price}"

The Scala Code

import scala.actors._
import Actor._

val symbols = List( "AAPL", "GOOG", "IBM", "JAVA", "MSFT")
val receiver = self
val year = 2008

symbols.foreach { symbol =>
  actor { receiver ! getYearEndClosing(symbol, year) }

val (topStock, highestPrice) = getTopStock(symbols.length)

printf("Top stock of %d is %s closing at price %f\n", year, topStock, highestPrice)

def getYearEndClosing(symbol : String, year : Int) = {
  val url = "" +
    symbol + "&a=11&b=01&c=" + year + "&d=11&e=31&f=" + year + "&g=m"

  val data = io.Source.fromURL(url).mkString
  val price = data.split("\n")(1).split(",")(4).toDouble
  (symbol, price)

def getTopStock(count : Int) : (String, Double) = {
  (1 to count).foldLeft("", 0.0) { (previousHigh, index) =>
    receiveWithin(10000) {
      case (symbol : String, price : Double) =>
        if (price > previousHigh._2) (symbol, price) else previousHigh