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module Concurrent
# A new implementation of actor which also simulates the process, therefore it can be used
# in the same way as Erlang's actors but **without** occupying thread. A tens of thousands
# ProcessingActors can run at the same time sharing a thread pool.
# @example
# # Runs on a pool, does not consume 50_000 threads
# actors = do |i|
# Concurrent::ProcessingActor.act(i) { |a, i| a.receive.then_on(:fast, i) { |m, i| m + i } }
# end
# actors.each { |a| a.tell 1 }
# values =
# values[0,5] # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# values[-5, 5] # => [49996, 49997, 49998, 49999, 50000]
# @!macro warn.edge
class ProcessingActor < Synchronization::Object
# TODO (pitr-ch 29-Jan-2019): simplify as much as possible, maybe even do not delegate to mailbox, no ask linking etc
# TODO (pitr-ch 03-Feb-2019): remove completely
# @return [Promises::Channel] actor's mailbox.
def mailbox
# @return [Promises::Future(Object)] a future which is resolved when the actor ends its processing.
# It can either be fulfilled with a value when actor ends normally or rejected with
# a reason (exception) when actor fails.
def termination
# Creates an actor.
# @see #act_listening Behaves the same way, but does not take mailbox as a first argument.
# @return [ProcessingActor]
# @example
# actor = Concurrent::ProcessingActor.act do |actor|
# actor.receive.then do |message|
# # the actor ends normally with message
# message
# end
# end
# actor.tell :a_message
# # => <#Concurrent::ProcessingActor:0x7fff11280560 termination:pending>
# actor.termination.value! # => :a_message
def self.act(*args, &process)
act_listening, *args, &process
# Creates an actor listening to a specified channel (mailbox).
# @param [Object] args Arguments passed to the process.
# @param [Promises::Channel] channel which serves as mailing box. The channel can have limited
# size to achieve backpressure.
# @yield [actor, *args] to the process to get back a future which represents the actors execution.
# @yieldparam [ProcessingActor] actor
# @yieldparam [Object] *args
# @yieldreturn [Promises::Future(Object)] a future representing next step of execution
# @return [ProcessingActor]
def self.act_listening(channel, *args, &process) channel, *args, &process
# # Receives a message when available, used in the actor's process.
# # @return [Promises::Future(Object)] a future which will be fulfilled with a message from
# # mailbox when it is available.
# def receive(*channels)
# channels = [@Mailbox] if channels.empty?
# # TODO (pitr-ch 27-Dec-2016): support patterns
# # - put any received message aside if it does not match
# # - on each receive call check the messages put aside
# # - track where the message came from, cannot later receive m form other channel only because it matches
# end
def receive(channel = mailbox)
# Tells a message to the actor. May block current thread if the mailbox is full.
# {#tell_op} is a better option since it does not block. It's usually used to integrate with
# threading code.
# @example
# do |actor|
# # ...
# actor.tell! :a_message # blocks until the message is told
# # (there is a space for it in the channel)
# # ...
# end
# @param [Object] message
# @return [self]
def tell!(message)
# Tells a message to the actor.
# @param [Object] message
# @return [Promises::Future(ProcessingActor)] a future which will be fulfilled with the actor
# when the message is pushed to mailbox.
def tell_op(message)
@Mailbox.push_op(message).then(self) { |_ch, actor| actor }
# # Simplifies common pattern when a message sender also requires an answer to the message
# # from the actor. It appends a resolvable_future for the answer after the message.
# # @todo has to be nice also on the receive side, cannot make structure like this [message = [...], answer]
# # all receives should receive something friendly
# # @param [Object] message
# # @param [Promises::ResolvableFuture] answer
# # @return [Promises::Future] a future which will be fulfilled with the answer to the message
# # @example
# # add_once_actor = Concurrent::ProcessingActor.act do |actor|
# # actor.receive.then do |(a, b), answer|
# # result = a + b
# # answer.fulfill result
# # # terminate with result value
# # result
# # end
# # end
# # # => <#Concurrent::ProcessingActor:0x7fcd1315f6e8 termination:pending>
# #
# # add_once_actor.ask([1, 2]).value! # => 3
# # # fails the actor already added once
# # add_once_actor.ask(%w(ab cd)).reason
# # # => #<RuntimeError: actor terminated normally before answering with a value: 3>
# # add_once_actor.termination.value! # => 3
# def ask(message, answer = Promises.resolvable_future)
# raise 'to be removed'
# # TODO (pitr-ch 12-Dec-2018): REMOVE, the process ends up as another future not a value, no nice way to do ask in the actor
# tell [message, answer]
# # do not leave answers unanswered when actor terminates.
# Promises.any(
# Promises.fulfilled_future(:answer).zip(answer),
# Promises.fulfilled_future(:termination).zip(@Terminated)
# ).chain do |fulfilled, (which, value), (_, reason)|
# # TODO (pitr-ch 20-Jan-2017): we have to know which future was resolved
# # TODO (pitr-ch 20-Jan-2017): make the combinator programmable, so anyone can create what is needed
# # FIXME (pitr-ch 19-Jan-2017): ensure no callbacks are accumulated on @Terminated
# if which == :termination
# raise reason.nil? ? format('actor terminated normally before answering with a value: %s', value) : reason
# else
# fulfilled ? value : raise(reason)
# end
# end
# end
# actor.ask2 { |a| [:count, a] }
def ask_op(answer = Promises.resolvable_future, &message_provider)
# TODO (pitr-ch 12-Dec-2018): is it ok to let the answers be unanswered when the actor terminates
tell_op( { |_, a| a }
# answer.chain { |v| [true, v] } | @Terminated.then
# @return [String] string representation.
def to_s
format '%s termination: %s>', super[0..-2], termination.state
alias_method :inspect, :to_s
def to_ary
[@Mailbox, @Terminated]
def initialize(channel, *args, &process)
@Mailbox = channel
@Terminated = Promises.future(self, *args, &process).run