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require 'concurrent/edge/lock_free_linked_set/node'
require 'concurrent/edge/lock_free_linked_set/window'
module Concurrent
module Edge
# This class implements a lock-free linked set. The general idea of this
# implementation is this: each node has a successor which is an Atomic
# Markable Reference. This is used to ensure that all modifications to the
# list are atomic, preserving the structure of the linked list under _any_
# circumstance in a multithreaded application.
# One interesting aspect of this algorithm occurs with removing a node.
# Instead of physically removing a node when remove is called, a node is
# logically removed, by 'marking it.' By doing this, we prevent calls to
# `remove` from traversing the list twice to perform a physical removal.
# Instead, we have have calls to `add` and `remove` clean up all marked
# nodes they encounter while traversing the list.
# This algorithm is a variation of the Nonblocking Linked Set found in
# 'The Art of Multiprocessor Programming' by Herlihy and Shavit.
# @!macro warn.edge
class LockFreeLinkedSet
include Enumerable
# @!macro [attach] lock_free_linked_list_method_initialize
# @param [Fixnum] initial_size the size of the linked_list to initialize
def initialize(initial_size = 0, val = nil)
@head =
initial_size.times do
val = block_given? ? yield : val
add val
# @!macro [attach] lock_free_linked_list_method_add
# Atomically adds the item to the set if it does not yet exist. Note:
# internally the set uses `Object#hash` to compare equality of items,
# meaning that Strings and other objects will be considered equal
# despite being different objects.
# @param [Object] item the item you wish to insert
# @return [Boolean] `true` if successful. A `false` return indicates
# that the item was already in the set.
def add(item)
loop do
window = Window.find @head, item
pred, curr = window.pred, window.curr
# Item already in set
return false if curr == item
node = item, curr
if pred.successor_reference.compare_and_set curr, node, false, false
return true
# @!macro [attach] lock_free_linked_list_method_<<
# Atomically adds the item to the set if it does not yet exist.
# @param [Object] item the item you wish to insert
# @return [Object] the set on which the :<< method was invoked
def <<(item)
add item
# @!macro [attach] lock_free_linked_list_method_contains
# Atomically checks to see if the set contains an item. This method
# compares equality based on the `Object#hash` method, meaning that the
# hashed contents of an object is what determines equality instead of
# `Object#object_id`
# @param [Object] item the item you to check for presence in the set
# @return [Boolean] whether or not the item is in the set
def contains?(item)
curr = @head
while curr < item
curr = curr.next_node
marked = curr.successor_reference.marked?
curr == item && !marked
# @!macro [attach] lock_free_linked_list_method_remove
# Atomically attempts to remove an item, comparing using `Object#hash`.
# @param [Object] item the item you to remove from the set
# @return [Boolean] whether or not the item was removed from the set
def remove(item)
loop do
window = Window.find @head, item
pred, curr = window.pred, window.curr
return false if curr != item
succ = curr.next_node
removed = curr.successor_reference.compare_and_set succ, succ, false, true
#next_node unless removed
next unless removed
pred.successor_reference.compare_and_set curr, succ, false, false
return true
# @!macro [attach] lock_free_linked_list_method_each
# An iterator to loop through the set.
# @yield [item] each item in the set
# @yieldparam [Object] item the item you to remove from the set
# @return [Object] self: the linked set on which each was called
def each
return to_enum unless block_given?
curr = @head
until curr.last?
curr = curr.next_node
marked = curr.successor_reference.marked?
yield unless marked