
394 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Hanami
# Hanami::Mailer
# @since 0.1.0
class Mailer
require 'hanami/mailer/template_name'
# Class level DSL
# @since 0.1.0
module Dsl
# @since 0.3.0
# @api unstable
def self.extended(base)
base.class_eval do
@from = nil
@to = nil
@cc = nil
@bcc = nil
@subject = nil
@template = nil
@before = ->(*) {}
private_class_method :extended
# Sets the sender for mail messages
# It accepts a hardcoded value as a string, or a symbol that represents
# an instance method for more complex logic.
# This value MUST be set, otherwise an exception is raised at the delivery
# time.
# When a value is given, specify the sender of the email
# Otherwise, it returns the sender of the email
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding class variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload from(value)
# Sets the sender
# @param value [String, Symbol] the hardcoded value or method name
# @return [NilClass]
# @overload from
# Returns the sender
# @return [String, Symbol] the sender
# @since 0.1.0
# @example Hardcoded value (String)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# from "noreply@example.com"
# end
# @example Lazy (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# from ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:sender).email }
# end
def from(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@from = value
# Sets the recipient for mail messages
# It accepts a hardcoded value as a string or array of strings.
# For dynamic values, you can specify a symbol that represents an instance
# method.
# This value MUST be set, otherwise an exception is raised at the delivery
# time.
# When a value is given, specify the recipient of the email
# Otherwise, it returns the recipient of the email
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding class variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload to(value)
# Sets the recipient
# @param value [String, Array, Symbol] the hardcoded value or method name
# @return [NilClass]
# @overload to
# Returns the recipient
# @return [String, Array, Symbol] the recipient
# @since 0.1.0
# @example Hardcoded value (String)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# to "user@example.com"
# end
# @example Hardcoded value (Array)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# to ["user-1@example.com", "user-2@example.com"]
# end
# @example Lazy value (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# to ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:user).email }
# end
# user = User.new(name: 'L')
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(user: user)
# @example Lazy values (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# to ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:users).map(&:email) }
# end
# users = [User.new(name: 'L'), User.new(name: 'MG')]
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(users: users)
def to(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@to = value
# Sets the cc (carbon copy) for mail messages
# It accepts a hardcoded value as a string or array of strings.
# For dynamic values, you can specify a symbol that represents an instance
# method.
# This value is optional.
# When a value is given, it specifies the cc for the email.
# When a value is not given, it returns the cc of the email.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding class variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload cc(value)
# Sets the cc
# @param value [String, Array, Symbol] the hardcoded value or method name
# @return [NilClass]
# @overload cc
# Returns the cc
# @return [String, Array, Symbol] the recipient
# @since 0.3.0
# @example Hardcoded value (String)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# cc "other.user@example.com"
# end
# @example Hardcoded value (Array)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# cc ["other.user-1@example.com", "other.user-2@example.com"]
# end
# @example Lazy value (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# cc ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:user).email }
# end
# user = User.new(name: 'L')
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(user: user)
# @example Lazy values (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# cc ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:users).map(&:email) }
# end
# users = [User.new(name: 'L'), User.new(name: 'MG')]
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(users: users)
def cc(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@cc = value
# Sets the bcc (blind carbon copy) for mail messages
# It accepts a hardcoded value as a string or array of strings.
# For dynamic values, you can specify a symbol that represents an instance
# method.
# This value is optional.
# When a value is given, it specifies the bcc for the email.
# When a value is not given, it returns the bcc of the email.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding class variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload bcc(value)
# Sets the bcc
# @param value [String, Array, Symbol] the hardcoded value or method name
# @return [NilClass]
# @overload bcc
# Returns the bcc
# @return [String, Array, Symbol] the recipient
# @since 0.3.0
# @example Hardcoded value (String)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# bcc "other.user@example.com"
# end
# @example Hardcoded value (Array)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# bcc ["other.user-1@example.com", "other.user-2@example.com"]
# end
# @example Lazy value (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# bcc ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:user).email }
# end
# user = User.new(name: 'L')
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(user: user)
# @example Lazy values (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# bcc ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:users).map(&:email) }
# end
# users = [User.new(name: 'L'), User.new(name: 'MG')]
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(users: users)
def bcc(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@bcc = value
# Sets the subject for mail messages
# It accepts a hardcoded value as a string, or a symbol that represents
# an instance method for more complex logic.
# This value MUST be set, otherwise an exception is raised at the delivery
# time.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding class variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload subject(value)
# Sets the subject
# @param value [String, Symbol] the hardcoded value or method name
# @return [NilClass]
# @overload subject
# Returns the subject
# @return [String, Symbol] the subject
# @since 0.1.0
# @example Hardcoded value (String)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# subject "Welcome"
# end
# @example Lazy value (Proc)
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class WelcomeMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# subject ->(locals) { "Hello #{locals.fetch(:user).name}" }
# end
# user = User.new(name: 'L')
# WelcomeMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(user: user)
def subject(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@subject = value
# Set the template name **IF** it differs from the naming convention.
# For a given mailer named `Signup::Welcome` it will look for
# `signup/welcome.*.*` templates under the root directory.
# If for some reason, we need to specify a different template name, we can
# use this method.
# @param value [String] the template name
# @since 0.1.0
# @api unstable
# @example Custom template name
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# class MyMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# template 'mailer'
# end
def template(value)
@template = value
# @since next
# @api unstable
def template_name
@template || name
# Before callback for email delivery
# @since next
# @api unstable
# @example
# require 'hanami/mailer'
# module Billing
# class InvoiceMailer < Hanami::Mailer
# subject 'Invoice'
# from 'noreply@example.com'
# to ->(locals) { locals.fetch(:user).email }
# before do |mail, locals|
# user = locals.fetch(:user)
# mail.attachments["invoice-#{invoice_code}-#{user.id}.pdf"] = File.read('/path/to/invoice.pdf')
# end
# def invoice_code
# "123"
# end
# end
# end
# invoice = Invoice.new
# user = User.new(name: 'L', email: 'user@example.com')
# InvoiceMailer.new(configuration: configuration).deliver(invoice: invoice, user: user)
def before(&blk)
if block_given?
@before = blk