
1729 lines
49 KiB

require 'hanami/utils/kernel'
require 'hanami/utils/deprecation'
require 'hanami/environment'
require 'hanami/config/framework_configuration'
require 'hanami/config/load_paths'
require 'hanami/config/routes'
require 'hanami/config/mapping'
require 'hanami/config/sessions'
require 'hanami/config/configure'
require 'hanami/config/security'
require 'hanami/config/cookies'
module Hanami
# Configuration for a Hanami application
# @since 0.1.0
class Configuration
# @since 0.2.0
# @api private
# @see Hanami::Configuration#ssl?
SSL_SCHEME = 'https'.freeze
# Initialize a new configuration instance
# @return [Hanami::Configuration]
# @since 0.1.0
# @api private
def initialize
@blk = Proc.new{}
@env = Environment.new
@configurations = Hash.new { |k, v| k[v] = [] }
# Set a block yield when the configuration will be loaded or
# set a path for the specific environment.
# @param environment [Symbol,nil] the configuration environment name
# @param blk [Proc] the configuration block
# @return [self]
# @since 0.1.0
# @api private
def configure(environment = nil, path = nil, &blk)
if environment && path
@configurations[environment.to_s] << Config::Configure.new(root, path, &blk)
elsif environment
@configurations[environment.to_s] << blk
@blk = blk
# Load the configuration
# @param namespace [String,nil] the application namespace
# @return [self]
# @since 0.1.0
# @api private
def load!(namespace = nil)
@namespace = namespace
# Returns the security policy
# @return [Hanami::Config::Security]
# @since 0.3.0
# @see Hanami::Config::Security
# @example Getting values
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# security.x_frame_options "ALLOW ALL"
# security.content_security_policy "script-src 'self' https://apis.example.com"
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.security.x_frame_options # => "ALLOW ALL"
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.security.content_security_policy # => "script-src 'self' https://apis.example.com"
# @example Setting values
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# security.x_frame_options "ALLOW ALL"
# security.content_security_policy "script-src 'self' https://apis.example.com"
# end
# end
# end
def security
@security ||= Config::Security.new
# Force ssl redirection if http scheme is set
# @return [Boolean]
# @since 0.4.0
# @see Hanami::Routing::ForceSsl
def force_ssl(value = nil)
if value
@force_ssl = value
@force_ssl || false
# The root of the application
# By default it returns the current directory, for this reason, **all the
# commands must be executed from the top level directory of the project**.
# If for some reason, that constraint above cannot be satisfied, please
# configure the root directory, so that commands can be executed from
# everywhere.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload root(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [String,Pathname,#to_pathname] The root directory of the app
# @overload root
# Gets the value
# @return [Pathname]
# @raise [Errno::ENOENT] if the path cannot be found
# @since 0.1.0
# @see http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.2/Dir.html#method-c-pwd
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.root # => #<Pathname:/path/to/root>
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# root '/path/to/another/root'
# end
# end
# end
def root(value = nil)
if value
@root = value
Utils::Kernel.Pathname(@root || Dir.pwd).realpath
# The application namespace
# By default it returns the Ruby namespace of the application. For instance
# for an application `Bookshelf::Application`, it returns `Bookshelf`.
# This value isn't set at the init time, but when the configuration is
# loaded with `#load!`.
# Hanami applications are namespaced: all the controllers and views live
# under the application module, without polluting the global namespace.
# However, if for some reason, you want top level classes, set this value
# to `Object` (which is the top level namespace for Ruby).
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload namespace(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [Class,Module] A valid Ruby namespace
# @overload namespace
# Gets the value
# @return [Class,Module] a Ruby namespace
# @since 0.1.0
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.namespace # => Bookshelf
# # It will lookup namespaced controllers under Bookshelf
# # eg. Bookshelf::Controllers::Dashboard
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# namespace Object
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.namespace # => Object
# # It will lookup top level controllers under Object
# # eg. DashboardController
def namespace(value = nil)
if value
@namespace = value
# A Hanami::Layout for this application
# By default it's `nil`.
# It accepts a Symbol as layout name. When the application is loaded, it
# will lookup for the corresponding class.
# All the views will use this layout, unless otherwise specified.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload layout(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [Symbol] the layout name
# @overload layout
# Gets the value
# @return [Symbol,nil] the layout name
# @since 0.1.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-view/Hanami/Layout
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-view/Hanami/View/Configuration:layout
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.layout # => nil
# # All the views will render without a layout
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# layout :application
# end
# end
# module Views
# module Dashboard
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::Views
# end
# class JsonIndex < Index
# layout nil
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.namespace layout => :application
# # All the views will use Bookshelf::Views::ApplicationLayout, unless
# # they set a different value.
# Bookshelf::Views::Dashboard::Index.layout
# # => Bookshelf::Views::ApplicationLayout
# Bookshelf::Views::Dashboard::JsonIndex.layout
# # => Hanami::View::Rendering::NullLayout
def layout(value = nil)
if value
@layout = value
# Templates root.
# The application will recursively look for templates under this path.
# By default it's equal to the application `root`.
# Otherwise, you can specify a different relative path under `root`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload templates(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [String] the relative path to the templates root.
# @overload templates
# Gets the value
# @return [Pathname] templates root
# @since 0.1.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#root
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-view/Hanami/View/Configuration:root
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.templates
# # => #<Pathname:/root/path>
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# templates 'app/templates'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.templates
# # => #<Pathname:/root/path/app/templates>
def templates(value = nil)
if value
@templates = value
root.join @templates.to_s
# The application will serve the static assets under these directories.
# By default it's equal to the `public/` directory under the application
# `root`.
# Otherwise, you can add differents relatives paths under `root`.
# @overload assets
# Gets the value
# @return [Hanami::Config::Assets] assets root
# @since 0.1.0
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.assets
# # => #<Pathname:/root/path/public>
# @example Adding new assets paths
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# assets do
# sources << [
# 'vendor/assets'
# ]
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.assets
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Assets @root=#<Pathname:/root/path/assets>, @paths=["public"]>
def assets(&blk)
if @assets
@assets ||= Config::FrameworkConfiguration.new(&blk)
# Configure cookies
# Enable cookies (disabled by default).
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload cookies(options)
# Sets the given value with their options.
# @param options [Hash, TrueClass, FalseClass]
# @overload cookies
# Gets the value.
# @return [Hanami::Config::Cookies]
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.cookies
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Cookies:0x0000000329f880 @options={}, @default_options={:httponly=>true, :secure=>false}>
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# cookies domain: 'hanamirb.org'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.cookies
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Cookies:0x0000000329f880 @options={:domain=>'hanamirb.org'}, @default_options={:domain=>'hanamirb.org', :httponly=>true, :secure=>false}>
def cookies(options = nil)
if options.nil?
@cookies ||= Config::Cookies.new(self, options)
@cookies = Config::Cookies.new(self, options)
# Configure sessions
# Enable sessions (disabled by default).
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# Given Class as adapter it will be used as sessions middleware.
# Given String as adapter it will be resolved as class name and used as
# sessions middleware.
# Given Symbol as adapter it is assumed it's name of the class under
# Rack::Session namespace that will be used as sessions middleware
# (e.g. :cookie for Rack::Session::Cookie).
# By default options include domain inferred from host configuration, and
# secure flag inferred from scheme configuration.
# @overload sessions(adapter, options)
# Sets the given value.
# @param adapter [Class, String, Symbol] Rack middleware for sessions management
# @param options [Hash] options to pass to sessions middleware
# @overload sessions(false)
# Disables sessions
# @overload sessions
# Gets the value.
# @return [Hanami::Config::Sessions] sessions configuration
# @since 0.2.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#host
# @see Hanami::Configuration#scheme
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.sessions
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Sessions:0x00000001ca0c28 @enabled=false>
# @example Setting the value with symbol
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# sessions :cookie, secret: 'abc123'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.sessions
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Sessions:0x00000001589458 @enabled=true, @adapter=:cookie, @options={:domain=>"localhost", :secure=>false}>
# @example Disabling previusly enabled sessions
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# sessions :cookie
# sessions false
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.sessions
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Sessions:0x00000002460d78 @enabled=false>
def sessions(adapter = nil, options = {})
if adapter.nil?
@sessions ||= Config::Sessions.new
@sessions = Config::Sessions.new(adapter, options, self)
# Application load paths
# The application will recursively load all the Ruby files under these paths.
# By default it's empty in order to allow developers to decide their own
# app structure.
# @return [Hanami::Config::LoadPaths] a set of load paths
# @since 0.1.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#root
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.load_paths
# # => #<Hanami::Config::LoadPaths:0x007ff4fa212310 @paths=[]>
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# load_paths << [
# 'app/controllers',
# 'app/views
# ]
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.assets
# # => #<Hanami::Config::LoadPaths:0x007fe3a20b18e0 @paths=[["app/controllers", "app/views"]]>
def load_paths
@load_paths ||= Config::LoadPaths.new
# Application routes.
# Specify a set of routes for the application, by passing a block, or a
# relative path where to find the file that describes them.
# By default it's `nil`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload routes(blk)
# Specify a set of routes in the given block
# @param blk [Proc] the routes definitions
# @overload routes(path)
# Specify a relative path where to find the routes file
# @param path [String] the relative path
# @overload routes
# Gets the value
# @return [Hanami::Config::Routes] the set of routes
# @since 0.1.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-router/Hanami/Router
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.routes
# # => nil
# @example Setting the value, by passing a block
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# resources :books
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.routes
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Routes:0x007ff50a991388 @blk=#<Proc:0x007ff50a991338@(irb):4>, @path=#<Pathname:.>>
# @example Setting the value, by passing a relative path
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# routes 'config/routes'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.routes
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Routes:0x007ff50a991388 @blk=nil, @path=#<Pathname:config/routes.rb>>
def routes(path = nil, &blk)
if path or block_given?
@routes = Config::Routes.new(root, path, &blk)
# Body parsing configuration.
# Specify a set of parsers for specific mime types that your application will use. This method will
# return the application's parsers which you can use to add existing and new custom parsers for your
# application to use.
# By default it's an empty `Array`
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload body_parsers(parsers)
# Specify a set of body parsers.
# @param parsers [Array] the body parser definitions
# @overload body_parsers
# Gets the value
# @return [Array] the set of parsers
# @since 0.2.0
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.body_parsers
# # => []
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# body_parsers :json, XmlParser.new
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.body_parsers
# # => [:json, XmlParser.new]
# @example Setting a new value after one is set.
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# body_parsers :json
# body_parsers XmlParser.new
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.body_parsers
# # => [XmlParser.new]
def body_parsers(*parsers)
if parsers.empty?
@body_parsers ||= []
@body_parsers = parsers
# Application middleware.
# Specify middleware that your application will use. This method will return
# the application's underlying Middleware stack which you can use to add new
# middleware for your application to use. By default, the middleware stack
# will contain only `Rack::Static` and `Rack::MethodOverride`. However, if
# `assets false` was specified # in the configuration block, the default
# `Rack::Static` will be removed.
# @since 0.2.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/rack/Rack/Static
# @see Hanami::Middleware#use
# @example
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# middleware.use Rack::MethodOverride, nil, 'max-age=0, private, must-revalidate'
# middleware.use Rack::ETag
# end
# end
# end
def middleware
@middleware ||= Hanami::Middleware.new(self)
# Application collection mapping.
# Specify a set of collections for the application, by passing a block, or a
# relative path where to find the file that describes them.
# By default it's `nil`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload mapping(blk)
# Specify a set of mapping in the given block
# @param blk [Proc] the mapping definitions
# @overload mapping(path)
# Specify a relative path where to find the mapping file
# @param path [String] the relative path
# @overload mapping
# Gets the value
# @return [Hanami::Config::Mapping] the set of mappings
# @since 0.2.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-model/Hanami/Mapper
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.mapping
# # => nil
# @example Setting the value, by passing a block
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# mapping do
# collection :users do
# entity User
# attribute :id, Integer
# attribute :name, String
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.mapping
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Mapping:0x007ff50a991388 @blk=#<Proc:0x007ff123991338@(irb):4>, @path=#<Pathname:.>>
# @example Setting the value, by passing a relative path
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# mapping 'config/mapping'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.mapping
# # => #<Hanami::Config::Routes:0x007ff50a991388 @blk=nil, @path=#<Pathname:config/mapping.rb>>
def mapping(path = nil, &blk)
if path or block_given?
@mapping = Config::Mapping.new(root, path, &blk)
# Adapter configuration.
# The application will instantiate adapter instance based on this configuration.
# The given options must have key pairs :type and :uri
# If it isn't, at the runtime the framework will raise a
# `ArgumentError`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload adapter(options)
# Sets the given type and uri
# @param options [Hash] a set of options for adapter
# @overload adapter
# Gets the value
# @return [Hash] adapter options
# @since 0.2.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#adapter
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-model/Hanami/Model/Configuration:adapter
# @example
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# adapter type: :sql, uri: 'sqlite3://uri'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.adapter
# # => {type: :sql, uri: 'sqlite3://uri'}
def adapter(options = {})
if !options.empty?
@adapter = options
# Set a format as default fallback for all the requests without a strict
# requirement for the mime type.
# The given format must be coercible to a symbol, and be a valid mime type
# alias. If it isn't, at the runtime the framework will raise a
# `Hanami::Controller::UnknownFormatError`.
# By default this value is `:html`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload default_request_format(format)
# Sets the given value
# @param format [#to_sym] the symbol format
# @raise [TypeError] if it cannot be coerced to a symbol
# @overload default_request_format
# Gets the value
# @return [Symbol]
# @since 0.5.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-controller/Hanami/Controller/Configuration#default_request_format
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.default_request_format # => :html
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# default_request_format :json
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.default_request_format # => :json
def default_request_format(format = nil)
if format
@default_request_format = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(format)
@default_request_format || :html
# Set a format to be used for all responses regardless of the request type.
# The given format must be coercible to a symbol, and be a valid mime type
# alias. If it isn't, at the runtime the framework will raise a
# `Hanami::Controller::UnknownFormatError`.
# By default this value is `:html`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload default_response_format(format)
# Sets the given value
# @param format [#to_sym] the symbol format
# @raise [TypeError] if it cannot be coerced to a symbol
# @overload default_response_format
# Gets the value
# @return [Symbol,nil]
# @since 0.5.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-controller/Hanami/Controller/Configuration#default_response_format
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.default_response_format # => :html
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# default_response_format :json
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.default_response_format # => :json
def default_response_format(format = nil)
if format
@default_response_format = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(format)
# Set a format as default fallback for all the requests without a strict
# requirement for the mime type.
# @since 0.1.0
# @deprecated Use {#default_request_format} instead.
def default_format(format = nil)
Hanami::Utils::Deprecation.new('default_format is deprecated, please use default_request_format')
# The URI scheme for this application.
# This is used by the router helpers to generate absolute URLs.
# By default this value is `"http"`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload scheme(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [String] the URI scheme
# @overload scheme
# Gets the value
# @return [String]
# @since 0.1.0
# @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.scheme # => "http"
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# scheme 'https'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.scheme # => "https"
def scheme(value = nil)
if value
@scheme = value
@scheme ||= 'http'
# Check if the application uses SSL
# @return [FalseClass,TrueClass] the result of the check
# @since 0.2.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#scheme
def ssl?
scheme == SSL_SCHEME
# The URI host for this application.
# This is used by the router helpers to generate absolute URLs.
# By default this value is `"localhost"`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload host(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [String] the URI host
# @overload scheme
# Gets the value
# @return [String]
# @since 0.1.0
# @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.host # => "localhost"
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# host 'bookshelf.org'
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.host # => "bookshelf.org"
def host(value = nil)
if value
@host = value
@host ||= @env.host
# The URI port for this application.
# This is used by the router helpers to generate absolute URLs.
# By default this value is `2300`.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload port(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [#to_int] the URI port
# @raise [TypeError] if the given value cannot be coerced to Integer
# @overload scheme
# Gets the value
# @return [String]
# @since 0.1.0
# @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.port # => 2300
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# port 8080
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.port # => 8080
def port(value = nil)
if value
@port = Integer(value)
@port || @env.port
# Defines a relative pattern to find controllers.
# Hanami supports multiple architectures (aka application structures), this
# setting helps to understand the namespace where to find applications'
# controllers and actions.
# By default this equals to <tt>"Controllers::%{controller}::%{action}"</tt>
# That means controllers must be structured like this:
# <tt>Bookshelf::Controllers::Dashboard::Index</tt>, where <tt>Bookshelf</tt>
# is the application module, <tt>Controllers</tt> is the first value
# specified in the pattern, <tt>Dashboard</tt> the controller and
# <tt>Index</tt> the action.
# This pattern MUST always contain <tt>"%{controller}"</tt> and <tt>%{action}</tt>.
# This pattern SHOULD be used accordingly to <tt>#view_pattern</tt> value.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload controller_pattern(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [String] the controller pattern
# @overload controller_pattern
# Gets the value
# @return [String]
# @since 0.1.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#view_pattern
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# end
# end
# end
# module Controllers::Dashboard
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::Action
# def call(params)
# # ...
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.controller_pattern
# # => "Controllers::%{controller}::%{action}"
# # All the controllers MUST live under Bookshelf::Controllers
# # GET '/' # => Bookshelf::Controllers::Dashboard::Index
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# controller_pattern "%{controller}Controller::%{action}"
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# end
# end
# end
# module DashboardController
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::Action
# def call(params)
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.controller_pattern
# # => "%{controller}Controller::%{action}"
# # All the controllers are directly under the Bookshelf module
# # GET '/' # => Bookshelf::DashboardController::Index
# @example Setting the value for a top level name structure
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# namespace Object
# controller_pattern "%{controller}Controller::%{action}"
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# end
# end
# end
# end
# module DashboardController
# class Index
# incude Bookshelf::Action
# def call(params)
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.controller_pattern
# # => "%{controller}Controller::%{action}"
# # All the controllers are at the top level namespace
# # GET '/' # => DashboardController::Index
def controller_pattern(value = nil)
if value
@controller_pattern = value
@controller_pattern ||= 'Controllers::%{controller}::%{action}'
# Defines a relative pattern to find views:.
# Hanami supports multiple architectures (aka application structures), this
# setting helps to understand the namespace where to find applications'
# views:.
# By default this equals to <tt>"Views::%{controller}::%{action}"</tt>
# That means views must be structured like this:
# <tt>Bookshelf::Views::Dashboard::Index</tt>, where <tt>Bookshelf</tt> is
# the application module, <tt>Views</tt> is the first value specified in the
# pattern, <tt>Dashboard</tt> a module corresponding to the controller name
# and <tt>Index</tt> the view, corresponding to the action name.
# This pattern MUST always contain <tt>"%{controller}"</tt> and <tt>%{action}</tt>.
# This pattern SHOULD be used accordingly to <tt>#controller_pattern</tt> value.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload view_pattern(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [String] the view pattern
# @overload controller_pattern
# Gets the value
# @return [String]
# @since 0.1.0
# @see Hanami::Configuration#controller_pattern
# @example Getting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# end
# end
# end
# module Views
# module Dashboard
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::View
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.view_pattern
# # => "Views::%{controller}::%{action}"
# # All the views MUST live under Bookshelf::Views
# # GET '/' # => Bookshelf::Views::Dashboard::Index
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# view_pattern "%{controller}::%{action}"
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# end
# end
# end
# module Dashboard
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::View
# end
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.view_pattern
# # => "%{controller}::%{action}"
# # All the views are directly under the Bookshelf module
# # GET '/' # => Bookshelf::Dashboard::Index
# @example Setting the value for a top level name structure
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# namespace Object
# view_pattern "%{controller}::%{action}"
# routes do
# get '/', to: 'dashboard#index'
# end
# end
# end
# end
# module Dashboard
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::View
# end
# end
# Bookshelf::Application.configuration.view_pattern
# # => "%{controller}::%{action}"
# # All the views: are at the top level namespace
# # GET '/' # => Dashboard::Index
def view_pattern(value = nil)
if value
@view_pattern = value
@view_pattern ||= 'Views::%{controller}::%{action}'
# Decide if handle exceptions with an HTTP status or let them uncaught
# If this value is set to `true`, the configured exceptions will return
# the specified HTTP status, the rest of them with `500`.
# If this value is set to `false`, the exceptions won't be caught.
# This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
# an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
# called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
# @overload handle_exceptions(value)
# Sets the given value
# @param value [TrueClass, FalseClass] true or false, default to true
# @overload handle_exceptions
# Gets the value
# @return [TrueClass, FalseClass]
# @since 0.2.0
# @see http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-controller/Hanami/Controller/Configuration:handle_exceptions
# @see http://httpstatus.es/500
# @example Enabled (default)
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# routes do
# get '/error', to: 'error#index'
# end
# end
# load!
# end
# module Controllers::Error
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::Action
# def call(params)
# raise ArgumentError
# end
# end
# end
# end
# # GET '/error' # => 500 - Internal Server Error
# @example Disabled
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# handle_exceptions false
# routes do
# get '/error', to: 'error#index'
# end
# end
# load!
# end
# module Controllers::Error
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::Action
# def call(params)
# raise ArgumentError
# end
# end
# end
# end
# # GET '/error' # => raises ArgumentError
def handle_exceptions(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@handle_exceptions = value
# It lazily collects all the low level settings for Hanami::Model's
# configuration and applies them when the application is loaded.
# NOTE: This forwards all the configurations to Hanami::Model, without
# checking them. Before to use this feature, please have a look at the
# current Hanami::Model version installed.
# NOTE: This may override some configurations of your application.
# @return [Hanami::Config::FrameworkConfiguration] the configuration
# @since 0.2.0
# @see http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-model/Hanami/Model/Configuration
# @example Define a setting
# require 'hanami'
# require 'hanami/model'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# model.adapter type: :memory, uri: 'memory://localhost/database'
# end
# end
# end
# @example Override a setting
# require 'hanami'
# require 'hanami/model'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# adapter type: :sql, uri: 'postgres://localhost/database'
# model.adapter type: :memory, uri: 'memory://localhost/database'
# end
# end
# end
# # The memory adapter will override the SQL one
def model
@model ||= Config::FrameworkConfiguration.new
# It lazily collects all the low level settings for Hanami::Controller's
# configuration and applies them when the application is loaded.
# NOTE: This forwards all the configurations to Hanami::Controller, without
# checking them. Before to use this feature, please have a look at the
# current Hanami::Controller version installed.
# NOTE: This may override some configurations of your application.
# @return [Hanami::Config::FrameworkConfiguration] the configuration
# @since 0.2.0
# @see http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-controller/Hanami/Controller/Configuration
# @example Define a setting
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# controller.default_request_format :json
# end
# end
# end
# @example Override a setting
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# handle_exceptions false
# controller.handle_exceptions true
# end
# end
# end
# # Exceptions will be handled
def controller
@controller ||= Config::FrameworkConfiguration.new
# It lazily collects all the low level settings for Hanami::View's
# configuration and applies them when the application is loaded.
# NOTE: This forwards all the configurations to Hanami::View, without
# checking them. Before to use this feature, please have a look at the
# current Hanami::View version installed.
# NOTE: This may override some configurations of your application.
# @return [Hanami::Config::FrameworkConfiguration] the configuration
# @since 0.2.0
# @see http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/hanami-view/Hanami/View/Configuration
# @example Define a setting
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# view.layout :application
# end
# end
# end
# @example Override a setting
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# layout :application
# view.layout :backend
# end
# end
# end
# # It will use `:backend` layout
def view
@view ||= Config::FrameworkConfiguration.new
# Defines a logger instance to the configuration
# This logger instance will be used to set the logger available on application module
# If no logger instance is defined, a Hanami::Logger will be set by default
# @return [Logger, NilClass] logger instance
# @since 0.5.0
# @example Define a logger
# require 'hanami'
# module Bookshelf
# class Application < Hanami::Application
# configure do
# logger Logger.new(STDOUT)
# end
# load!
# end
# module Controllers::Error
# class Index
# include Bookshelf::Action
# def call(params)
# Bookshelf::Logger.info "Logging to STDOUT"
# end
# end
# end
# end
def logger(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@logger = value
# This options is used as a bridge between container and router application.
# @return [String, NilClass] path prefix for routes
# @since 0.4.0
# @api private
def path_prefix(value = nil)
if value.nil?
@path_prefix = value
# @since 0.2.0
# @api private
def evaluate_configurations!
configurations.each { |c| instance_eval(&c) }
# @since 0.2.0
# @api private
def configurations
[ @blk ] + @configurations[@env.environment]