
66 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require "dry/cli"
require "ostruct"
module Hanami
# Hanami CLI
# @since 1.1.0
class CLI
# Register a command to expand Hanami CLI
# @param name [String] the command name
# @param command [NilClass,Hanami::CLI::Command,Hanami::CLI::Commands::Command]
# the optional command
# @param aliases [Array<String>] an optional list of aliases
# @since 1.1.0
# @example Third party gem
# require "hanami/cli/commands"
# module Hanami
# module Webpack
# module CLI
# module Commands
# class Generate < Hanami::CLI::Command
# desc "Generate Webpack configuration"
# def call(*)
# # ...
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Hanami::CLI.register "generate webpack", Hanami::Webpack::CLI::Commands::Generate
# # $ bundle exec hanami generate
# # Commands:
# # hanami generate action APP ACTION # Generate an action for app
# # hanami generate app APP # Generate an app
# # hanami generate mailer MAILER # Generate a mailer
# # hanami generate migration MIGRATION # Generate a migration
# # hanami generate model MODEL # Generate a model
# # hanami generate secret [APP] # Generate session secret
# # hanami generate webpack # Generate Webpack configuration
def self.register(name, command = nil, aliases: [], &blk)
Commands.register(name, command, aliases: aliases, &blk)
# CLI commands registry
# @since 1.1.0
# @api private
module Commands
extend Dry::CLI::Registry
require "hanami/cli/commands/command"
require "hanami/cli/commands/server"