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= Hashie
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
Hashie is a growing collection of tools that extend Hashes and make
them more useful.
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
== Installation
Hashie is a gem and is available on Gemcutter. If you don't have Gemcutter,
install it:
gem install gemcutter
gem tumble
Then you can install Hashie:
gem install hashie
== Mash
Mash is an extended Hash that gives simple pseudo-object functionality
that can be built from hashes and easily extended. It is designed to
be used in RESTful API libraries to provide easy object-like access
to JSON and XML parsed hashes.
=== Example:
mash = Hashie::Mash.new
mash.name? # => false
mash.name # => nil
mash.name = "My Mash"
mash.name # => "My Mash"
mash.name? # => true
mash.inspect # => <Hashie::Mash name="My Mash">
mash = Mash.new
# use bang methods for multi-level assignment
mash.author!.name = "Michael Bleigh"
mash.author # => <Hashie::Mash name="Michael Bleigh">
== Dash
Dash is an extended Hash that has a discrete set of defined properties
and only those properties may be set on the hash. Additionally, you
can set defaults for each property.
=== Example:
class Person < Hashie::Dash
property :name
property :email
property :occupation, :default => 'Rubyist'
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
p = Person.new
p.name # => nil
p.email = 'abc@def.com'
p.occupation # => 'Rubyist'
p.email # => 'abc@def.com'
p[:awesome] # => NoMethodError
p[:occupation] # => 'Rubyist'
2009-11-12 15:06:13 +00:00
p = Person.new(:name => "Bob")
p.name # => 'Bob'
p.occupation # => 'Rubyist'
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
* Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
== Authors
* Michael Bleigh
2009-09-03 01:32:57 +00:00
== Copyright
2009-11-12 14:08:55 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2009 Intridea, Inc (http://intridea.com/). See LICENSE for details.