
70 lines
1.8 KiB

# -*- ruby -*-
require 'pg'
SAMPLE_WRITE_DATA = 'some sample data'
SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME = 'lowrite.txt'
conn = PG.connect( :dbname => 'test', :host => 'localhost', :port => 5432 )
puts "dbname: " + conn.db + "\thost: " + + "\tuser: " + conn.user
# Start a transaction, as all large object functions require one.
puts "Beginning transaction"
conn.exec( 'BEGIN' )
# Test importing from a file
puts "Import test:"
puts " importing %s" % [ __FILE__ ]
oid = conn.lo_import( __FILE__ )
puts " imported as large object %d" % [ oid ]
# Read back 50 bytes of the imported data
puts "Read test:"
fd = conn.lo_open( oid, PG::INV_READ|PG::INV_WRITE )
conn.lo_lseek( fd, 0, PG::SEEK_SET )
buf = conn.lo_read( fd, 50 )
puts " read: %p" % [ buf ]
puts " read was ok!" if buf =~ /require 'pg'/
# Append some test data onto the end of the object
puts "Write test:"
conn.lo_lseek( fd, 0, PG::SEEK_END )
totalbytes = 0
until buf.empty?
bytes = conn.lo_write( fd, buf )
buf.slice!( 0, bytes )
totalbytes += bytes
puts " appended %d bytes" % [ totalbytes ]
# Now export it
puts "Export test:"
File.unlink( SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME ) if File.exist?( SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME )
conn.lo_export( oid, SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME )
puts " success!" if File.exist?( SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME )
puts " exported as %s (%d bytes)" % [ SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME, File.size(SAMPLE_EXPORT_NAME) ]
conn.exec( 'COMMIT' )
puts "End of transaction."
puts 'Testing read and delete from a new transaction:'
puts ' starting a new transaction'
conn.exec( 'BEGIN' )
fd = conn.lo_open( oid, PG::INV_READ )
puts ' reopened okay.'
conn.lo_lseek( fd, 50, PG::SEEK_END )
buf = conn.lo_read( fd, 50 )
puts ' read okay.' if buf == SAMPLE_WRITE_DATA
puts 'Closing and unlinking:'
conn.lo_close( fd )
puts ' closed.'
conn.lo_unlink( oid )
puts ' unlinked.'
conn.exec( 'COMMIT' )
puts 'Done.'