Clean up various docs for Pry::REPL

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Fitzgerald 2012-12-28 19:06:02 -08:00
parent 04dbded0c2
commit 7df023b890
2 changed files with 50 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1 +1,3 @@
--markup markdown --private
--markup markdown

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@ -3,21 +3,22 @@ require 'forwardable'
class Pry
class REPL
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@pry, :input, :output
# @return [Pry] The instance of {Pry} that the user is controlling.
attr_accessor :pry
def_delegators :pry, :input, :output
# Start a new Pry::REPL wrapping a pry created with the given options.
# @option options (see Pry#initialize)
# Instantiate a new {Pry} instance with the given options, then start a
# {REPL} instance wrapping it.
# @option options See {Pry#initialize}
def self.start(options)
# Create a new REPL.
# @param [Pry] pry The instance of pry in which to eval code.
# @option options [Object] :target The target to REPL on.
# Create an instance of {REPL} wrapping the given {Pry}.
# @param [Pry] pry The instance of {Pry} that this {REPL} will control.
# @param [Hash] options Options for this {REPL} instance.
# @option options [Object] :target The initial target of the session.
def initialize(pry, options = {})
@pry = pry
@indent =
@ -27,10 +28,11 @@ class Pry
# Start the read-eval-print-loop.
# @return [Object] anything returned by the user from within Pry
# @raise [Exception] anything raise-up'd by the user from within Pry
# Start the read-eval-print loop.
# @return [Object?] If the session throws `:breakout`, return the value
# thrown with it.
# @raise [Exception] If the session throws `:raise_up`, raise the exception
# thrown with it.
def start
@ -40,23 +42,27 @@ class Pry
# Set up the repl session
# Set up the repl session.
# @return [void]
def prologue
pry.exec_hook :before_session, pry.output, pry.current_binding, pry
# Clear the line before starting Pry. This fixes the issue discussed here:
# Clear the line before starting Pry. This fixes issue #566.
if Pry.config.correct_indent
Kernel.print Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.windows_ansi? ? "\e[0F" : "\e[0G"
# The actual read-eval-print-loop.
# The actual read-eval-print loop.
# This object is responsible for reading and looping, and it delegates
# to Pry for the evaling and printing.
# The {REPL} instance is responsible for reading and looping, whereas the
# {Pry} instance is responsible for evaluating user input and printing
# return values and command output.
# @return [Object] anything returned by the user from Pry
# @raise [Exception] anything raise-up'd by the user from Pry
# @return [Object?] If the session throws `:breakout`, return the value
# thrown with it.
# @raise [Exception] If the session throws `:raise_up`, raise the exception
# thrown with it.
def repl
loop do
case val = read
@ -73,17 +79,17 @@ class Pry
# Clean-up after the repl session.
# Clean up after the repl session.
# @return [void]
def epilogue
pry.exec_hook :after_session, pry.output, pry.current_binding, pry
# Read a line of input from the user, special handling for:
# @return [nil] on <ctrl+d>
# @return [:control_c] on <ctrl+c>
# @return [:no_more_input] on EOF from Pry.input
# @return [String] The line from the user
# Read a line of input from the user.
# @return [String] The line entered by the user.
# @return [nil] On `<Ctrl-D>`.
# @return [:control_c] On `<Ctrl+C>`.
# @return [:no_more_input] On EOF.
def read
@indent.reset if pry.eval_string.empty?
@ -122,19 +128,20 @@ class Pry
# Manage switching of input objects on encountering EOFErrors
# @return [:no_more_input] if no more input can be read.
# @return [String?]
# Manage switching of input objects on encountering `EOFError`s.
# @return [Object] Whatever the given block returns.
# @return [:no_more_input] Indicates that no more input can be read.
def handle_read_errors
should_retry = true
exception_count = 0
rescue EOFError
pry.input = Pry.config.input
if !should_retry
output.puts "Error: Pry ran out of things to read from! Attempting to break out of REPL."
output.puts "Error: Pry ran out of things to read from! " \
"Attempting to break out of REPL."
return :no_more_input
should_retry = false
@ -143,9 +150,9 @@ class Pry
rescue Interrupt
# If we get a random error when trying to read a line we don't want to automatically
# retry, as the user will see a lot of error messages scroll past and be unable to do
# anything about it.
# If we get a random error when trying to read a line we don't want to
# automatically retry, as the user will see a lot of error messages
# scroll past and be unable to do anything about it.
rescue RescuableException => e
puts "Error: #{e.message}"
output.puts e.backtrace
@ -154,7 +161,8 @@ class Pry
puts "FATAL: Pry failed to get user input using `#{input}`."
puts "To fix this you may be able to pass input and output file descriptors to pry directly. e.g."
puts "To fix this you may be able to pass input and output file " \
"descriptors to pry directly. e.g."
puts " Pry.config.input = STDIN"
puts " Pry.config.output = STDOUT"
puts " binding.pry"
@ -162,9 +170,9 @@ class Pry
# Returns the next line of input to be used by the pry instance.
# Returns the next line of input to be sent to the {Pry} instance.
# @param [String] current_prompt The prompt to use for input.
# @return [String?] The next line of input, nil on <ctrl+d>
# @return [String?] The next line of input, or `nil` on <Ctrl-D>.
def read_line(current_prompt)
handle_read_errors do
if defined? Coolline and input.is_a? Coolline