Add more instructions to RELEASING_RAILS

This commit is contained in:
John Hawthorn 2022-09-09 13:34:27 -07:00
parent c4416b562a
commit 500d6319ff
1 changed files with 52 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ branch.
## Day of release
If making multiple releases. Publish them in order from oldest to newest, to
ensure that the "greatest" version also shows up in NPM and GitHub Releases as
### Put the new version in the RAILS_VERSION file.
Include an RC number if appropriate, e.g. `6.0.0.rc1`.
@ -59,6 +63,21 @@ browser.
This will stop you from looking silly when you push an RC to and
then realize it is broken.
### Check credentials for RubyGems, npm, and GitHub
For npm run `npm whoami` to check that you are logged in (`npm login` if not).
For RubyGems run `gem login`. If there's no output you are logged in.
For GitHub run `gh auth status` to check that you are logged in (run `gh login` if not).
npm and RubyGems require MFA. The release task will attempt to use a yubikey if
available, which as we have release several packages at once is strongly
recommended. Check that `ykman oath accounts list` has an entry for both
`` and ``, if not refer to
for setup instructions.
### Release to RubyGems and npm.
IMPORTANT: Several gems have JavaScript components that are released as npm
@ -79,6 +98,17 @@ Run `rake release`. This will populate the gemspecs and npm package.json with
the current RAILS_VERSION, commit the changes, tag it, and push the gems to
### Make GitHub Releases from pushed tags
We use GitHub Releases to publish the combined release summary for all gems. We
can use a rake task and [GitHub cli]( to do this
(releases can also be created or edited on the web).
bundle exec rake changelog:release_summary > ../
gh release create v6.1.7 -R rails/rails -F ../
### Send Rails release announcements
Write a release announcement that includes the version, changes, and links to
@ -105,10 +135,29 @@ break existing applications.
### Post the announcement to the Rails blog.
If you used Markdown format for your email, you can just paste it into the
The blog at is built from
Create a file named like
`_posts/$(date +'%F')-Rails-<versions>-have-been-released.markdown`
Add YAML frontmatter
layout: post
title: 'Rails <VERSIONS> have been released!'
categories: releases
author: <your handle>
published: true
date: <YYYY-MM-DD or `date +%F`>
Use the markdown generated by `rake announce` earlier as a base for the post.
Add some context for users as to the purpose of this release (bugfix/security).
If this is a part of the latest release series, update `_data/version.yml` so
that the homepage points to the latest version.
### Post the announcement to the Rails Twitter account.