#include "../config.h" #include "config.h" %macro INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE 2 [GLOBAL interrupt_%2] interrupt_%2: cli push dword 0 push dword %2 jmp %1_wrapper %endmacro %macro INTERRUPT_ERRCODE 2 [GLOBAL interrupt_%2] interrupt_%2: cli push dword %2 jmp %1_wrapper %endmacro %macro INTERRUPT_COMMON 1 [EXTERN %1_handler] %1_wrapper: pushad mov ax, ds ; Lower 16-bits of eax = ds. push dword eax ; save the data segment descriptor mov ax, GDT_KERNEL_DS_SELECTOR mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax call %1_handler pop dword eax ; reload the original data segment descriptor mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax popad add esp, 8 ; Cleans up the pushed error code and pushed ISR number sti iret ; pops 5 things at once: CS, EIP, EFLAGS, SS, and ESP %endmacro INTERRUPT_COMMON exception INTERRUPT_COMMON hwint INTERRUPT_COMMON syscall ; Protected mode exteptions INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 0 ; #DE - Divide Error Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 1 ; #DB - Debug Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 2 ; NMI - Non-maskable interrupt INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 3 ; #BP - Breakpoint Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 4 ; #OF - Overflow Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 5 ; #BR - BOUND Range Exceeded Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 6 ; #UD - Invalid Opcode Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 7 ; #NM - Device Not Available Exception INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 8 ; #DF - Double Fault Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 9 ; Reserved - Coprocessor Segment Overrun INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 10 ; #TS - Invalid TSS Exception INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 11 ; #NP - Segment Not Present INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 12 ; #SS - Stack Fault Exception INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 13 ; #GP - General Protection Exception INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 14 ; #PF - Page-Fault Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 15 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 16 ; #MF - x87 FPU Floating-Point Error INTERRUPT_ERRCODE exception, 17 ; #AC - Alignment Check Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 18 ; #MC - Machine-Check Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 19 ; #XF - SIMD Floating-Point Exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 20 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 21 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 22 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 23 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 24 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 25 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 26 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 27 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 28 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 29 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 30 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE exception, 31 ; Reserved ; Hardware IRQs INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 32 ; Programmable Interval Timer INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 33 ; Keyboard INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 34 ; Slave PIC INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 35 ; COM 2/4 INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 36 ; COM 1/3 INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 37 ; LPT 2 INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 38 ; Floppy Drive Controller INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 39 ; LPT 1 INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 40 ; Real Time Clock INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 41 ; Master PIC INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 42 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 43 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 44 ; Reserved INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 45 ; Coprocessor exception INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 46 ; Hard Drive Controller INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE hwint, 47 ; Reserved ; Syscalls INTERRUPT_NOERRCODE syscall, INT_SYSCALL