from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from os import path from sys import argv from yaml import safe_load def main(test_filepath, template_filepath, cases_filepath): cases = safe_load(open(cases_filepath)) jinja_env = Environment( keep_trailing_newline=True, loader=FileSystemLoader(path.dirname(template_filepath)), ) jinja_template = jinja_env.get_template(path.basename(template_filepath)) result = jinja_template.render( cases=cases, escape_str=escape_str, escape_int=escape_int, len=len, ) with open(test_filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(result) def escape_int(n): return str(n) def escape_str(s): return '"' + s + '"' if __name__ == '__main__': print(argv) template_filepath = argv[1] cases_filepath = argv[2] test_filepath = argv[3] print('test_filepath: %s' % test_filepath) print('template_filepath: %s' % template_filepath) print('cases_filepath: %s' % cases_filepath) if path.exists(test_filepath) and not path.isfile(test_filepath): raise RuntimeError('invalid test file path') if not path.isfile(template_filepath): raise RuntimeError('invalid template file path') if not path.isfile(cases_filepath): raise RuntimeError('invalid cases file path') main(test_filepath, template_filepath, cases_filepath)