# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'kernaux/version' # Native extensions require_relative 'kernaux/default' ## # Binding to [libkernaux](https://github.com/tailix/libkernaux) - auxiliary # library for kernel development. # module KernAux # Default callback for assertions. # @see .assert_cb DEFAULT_ASSERT_CB = @assert_cb = lambda { |file, line, msg| raise AssertError, "#{file}:#{line}:#{msg}" } # Buffer size for {.sprintf1}. # @todo Make it dynamic. SPRINTF1_BUFFER_SIZE = 10_000 # @!scope class ## # @!attribute [rw] assert_cb # Panic callback. # # @see .panic # @see .assert_do ## ## # Raise assertion with implicit file and line, retrieved from `caller`, and # explicit message. # # @param msg [String] any message # @return [nil] # # @raise [AssertError] if {.assert_cb} have not been changed # # @see .assert_do Explicit file and line. # def self.panic(msg) file, line = caller(1..1).first.split(':')[0..1] assert_do file, Integer(line), msg end ## # @!method assert_do(file, line, msg) # Raise assertion with explicit file, line and message. # # @param file [String] file name, usually from `__FILE__` # @param line [Integer] line number, usually from `__LINE__` # @param msg [String] any message # @return [nil] # # @raise [AssertError] if {.assert_cb} have not been changed # # @see .panic Implicit file and line # @!parse [ruby] if singleton_class.method_defined? :snprintf1 ## # Typical `printf`. # # @param args [Array>] # @return [String] formatted output # # @example # KernAux.sprintf 'foo', ['%*s', 5, 'bar'], 'car', ['%d', 123] # #=> "foo barcar123" # def self.sprintf(*args) args.map do |arg| if arg.is_a? Array sprintf1(*arg) else arg end end.join.freeze end ## # `printf` for single formatting parameter. # # @param format [String] formatting string # @return [String] formatted output # # @see .sprintf Multiple formatting parameters # # @example # KernAux.sprintf1 '%%' #=> "%" # KernAux.sprintf1 '%s', 'foo' #=> "foo" # KernAux.sprintf1 '%5s', 'foo' #=> " foo" # KernAux.sprintf1 '%*s', 5, 'foo' #=> " foo" # def self.sprintf1(format, *args) snprintf1(SPRINTF1_BUFFER_SIZE, format, *args).first end ## # @!method snprintf1(buffer_size, format, ...) # `printf` for single formatting parameter with manual buffer size. # # @param buffer_size [Integer] buffer size (including terminating null # character) # @param format [String] formatting string # @return [String] formatted output # # @see .sprintf1 Automatic buffer size ## end ## # @!method cmdline(str) # Parse command line. # # @param str [String] command line string # @return [Array] command line arguments # # @raise [CmdlineError] syntax is invalid # @!parse [ruby] ## # @!method utoa(number, base) # Convert `uint64_t` to a string in multiple numeral systems. # # Base can be a positive or negative integer between 2 and 36, or a symbol # which is an alias to a valid integer value. Positive integers and lowercase # symbols mean lowercase output when base is greater than 10. Negative # integers and uppercase symbols mean uppercase output when base is greater # than 10. Aliases are: `:b`, `:B` - 2; `:o`, `:O` - 8; `:d`, `:D` - 10; `:h`, # `:x` - 16 (lowercase); `:H`, `:X` - -10 (uppercase). # # @param number [Integer] a number between 0 and `UINT64_MAX` # @param base [Integer, Symbol] base of a numeral system # @return [String] # # @raise [RangeError] number is out of range # @raise [InvalidNtoaBaseError] base is invalid # # @see .itoa Convert signed integers ## ## # @!method itoa(number, base) # Convert `int64_t` to a string in multiple numeral systems. # # Base can be a positive or negative integer between 2 and 36, or a symbol # which is an alias to a valid integer value. Positive integers and lowercase # symbols mean lowercase output when base is greater than 10. Negative # integers and uppercase symbols mean uppercase output when base is greater # than 10. Aliases are: `:b`, `:B` - 2; `:o`, `:O` - 8; `:d`, `:D` - 10; `:h`, # `:x` - 16 (lowercase); `:H`, `:X` - -10 (uppercase). # # @param number [Integer] a number between `INT64_MIN` and `INT64_MAX` # @param base [Integer, Symbol] base of a numeral system # @return [String] # # @raise [RangeError] number is out of range # @raise [InvalidNtoaBaseError] base is invalid # # @see .utoa Convert unsigned integers ## ## # @!method utoa10(number) # Convert `uint64_t` to a decimal string. # # @param number [Integer] a number between 0 and `UINT64_MAX` # @return [String] # # @raise [RangeError] number is out of range ## ## # @!method itoa10(number) # Convert `int64_t` to a decimal string. # # @param number [Integer] a number between `INT64_MIN` and `INT64_MAX` # @return [String] # # @raise [RangeError] number is out of range ## ## # @!method utoa16(number) # Convert `uint64_t` to a hexadecimal string. # # @param number [Integer] a number between 0 and `UINT64_MAX` # @return [String] # # @raise [RangeError] number is out of range ## ## # @!method itoa16(number) # Convert `int64_t` to a hexadecimal string. # # @param number [Integer] a number between `INT64_MIN` and `INT64_MAX` # @return [String] # # @raise [RangeError] number is out of range ## ## # Our base class for runtime errors. # class Error < RuntimeError; end ## # Raised when assertion has failed or panic has been called. # # @see .panic # @see .assert_do # class AssertError < Error; end ## # Raised when command line parsing goes wrong. # # @see .cmdline # class CmdlineError < Error; end ## # Raised when integer base is invalid. # # @see .utoa # @see .itoa # class InvalidNtoaBaseError < Error; end end