#include #include void example_main() { { const char *format = "s"; struct KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec spec = KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_create(); format = KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse(&spec, format); if (spec.set_width) { // Actually this line won't be executed. KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_set_width(&spec, 0); } if (spec.set_precision) { // Actually this line won't be executed. KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_set_precision(&spec, 0); } assert(spec.flags == 0); assert(spec.width == 0); assert(spec.precision == 0); assert(spec.type == KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_TYPE_STR); assert(spec.base == 0); } { const char *format = "012.34f"; struct KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec spec = KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_create(); // Parsing of each part may be done separately. KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse_flags(&spec, &format); KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse_width(&spec, &format); KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse_precision(&spec, &format); KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse_length(&spec, &format); KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse_type(&spec, &format); if (spec.set_width) { // Actually this line won't be executed. KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_set_width(&spec, 0); } if (spec.set_precision) { // Actually this line won't be executed. KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_set_precision(&spec, 0); } assert( spec.flags == ( KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_FLAGS_ZEROPAD | KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_FLAGS_PRECISION ) ); assert(spec.width == 12); assert(spec.precision == 34); assert(spec.type == KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_TYPE_FLOAT); assert(spec.base == 0); } { const char *const format = " *.*ld"; struct KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec spec = KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_create(); // Returning value may be ignored. KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_parse(&spec, format); if (spec.set_width) { KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_set_width(&spec, 12); } if (spec.set_precision) { KernAux_PrintfFmt_Spec_set_precision(&spec, 34); } assert( spec.flags == ( KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_FLAGS_SPACE | KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_FLAGS_LONG | KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_FLAGS_PRECISION ) ); assert(spec.width == 12); assert(spec.precision == 34); assert(spec.type == KERNAUX_PRINTF_FMT_TYPE_INT); assert(spec.base == 10); } }