Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/tailix/libkernaux.git synced 2025-03-17 17:14:00 -04:00
2022-12-17 16:26:20 +04:00

164 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "config.h"
#include <kernaux/multiboot2.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../fixtures/multiboot2_header_example2.h"
#include "../fixtures/multiboot2_info_example2.h"
#define HEAD_SIZEOF1(type, inst, size) \
do { \
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_HTag_##type) == (size)); \
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_header_example2.tag_##inst) == (size)); \
} while (0)
#define HEAD_SIZEOF2(type, inst, size1, size2) \
do { \
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_HTag_##type) == (size1)); \
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_header_example2.tag_##inst.tag) == (size1)); \
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_header_example2.tag_##inst) == (size1) + (size2)); \
} while (0)
#define INFO_SIZEOF1(type, inst, size) \
do { \
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_ITag_##type) == (size)); \
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_info_example2.tag_##inst) == (size)); \
} while (0)
#define INFO_SIZEOF2(type, inst, size1, size2) \
do { \
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_ITag_##type) == (size1)); \
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_info_example2.tag_##inst.tag) == (size1)); \
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_info_example2.tag_##inst) == (size1) + (size2)); \
} while (0)
// For flag tags that don't include any data
#define HEAD0(name) \
do { \
assert(((uint8_t*)&multiboot2_header_example2.tag_##name) == head); \
head += 8; \
} while (0)
#define HEAD2(name, tag_or_data, align) \
do { \
assert(((uint8_t*)&multiboot2_header_example2.tag_##name) == head); \
head += 8 + (tag_or_data) + (align); \
} while (0)
#define HEAD3(name, tag, data, align) \
do { \
assert(((uint8_t*)&multiboot2_header_example2.tag_##name) == head); \
head += 8 + (tag) + (data) + (align); \
} while (0)
// For flag tags that don't include any data
#define INFO0(name) \
do { \
assert(((uint8_t*)&multiboot2_info_example2.tag_##name) == info); \
info += 8; \
} while (0)
#define INFO2(name, tag_or_data, align) \
do { \
assert(((uint8_t*)&multiboot2_info_example2.tag_##name) == info); \
info += 8 + (tag_or_data) + (align); \
} while (0)
#define INFO3(name, tag, data, align) \
do { \
assert(((uint8_t*)&multiboot2_info_example2.tag_##name) == info); \
info += 8 + (tag) + (data) + (align); \
} while (0)
void test_main()
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_Header) == 16);
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_Info) == 8);
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_header_example2.multiboot2_header) == 16);
assert(sizeof(multiboot2_info_example2.multiboot2_info) == 8);
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_HTagBase) == 8);
assert(sizeof(struct KernAux_Multiboot2_ITagBase) == 8);
HEAD_SIZEOF1(None, none, 8 );
HEAD_SIZEOF2(InfoReq, info_req, 8, 4 * 22 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(Addr, addr, 24 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(EntryAddr, entry_addr, 12 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(Flags, flags, 12 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(Framebuffer, framebuffer, 20 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(ModuleAlign, module_align, 8 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(EFIBootServices, efi_boot_services, 8 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(EFII386EntryAddr, efi_i386_entry_addr, 12 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(EFIAmd64EntryAddr, efi_amd64_entry_addr, 12 );
HEAD_SIZEOF1(RelocatableHeader, relocatable_header, 24 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(None, none, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(BootCmdLine, boot_cmd_line, 8, 15 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(BootLoaderName, boot_loader_name, 8, 22 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(Module, module1, 16, 17 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(Module, module2, 16, 17 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(BasicMemoryInfo, basic_memory_info, 16 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(BIOSBootDevice, bios_boot_device, 20 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(MemoryMap, memory_map, 16, 160 - 16);
INFO_SIZEOF1(VBEInfo, vbe_info, 784 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(FramebufferInfo, framebuffer_info, 32, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(ELFSymbols, elf_symbols, 20, 420 - 20);
INFO_SIZEOF1(APMTable, apm_table, 28 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(EFI32bitSystemTablePtr, efi_32bit_system_table_ptr, 12 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(EFI64bitSystemTablePtr, efi_64bit_system_table_ptr, 16 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(SMBIOSTables, smbios_tables, 16, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(ACPIOldRSDP, acpi_old_rsdp, 8, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(ACPINewRSDP, acpi_new_rsdp, 8, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(NetworkingInfo, networking_info, 8, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF2(EFIMemoryMap, efi_memory_map, 16, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(EFIBootServicesNotTerminated, efi_boot_services_not_terminated, 8 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(EFI32bitImageHandlePtr, efi_32bit_image_handle_ptr, 12 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(EFI64bitImageHandlePtr, efi_64bit_image_handle_ptr, 16 );
INFO_SIZEOF1(ImageLoadBasePhysAddr, image_load_base_phys_addr, 12 );
const uint8_t *head = ((const uint8_t*)&multiboot2_header_example2) + 16;
const uint8_t *info = ((const uint8_t*)&multiboot2_info_example2) + 8;
// (name, tag, data, align);
HEAD2(info_req, /**/ 4 * 22, 0 );
HEAD2(addr, 16, /**/ 0 );
HEAD2(entry_addr, 4, /**/ 4 );
HEAD2(flags, 4, /**/ 4 );
HEAD2(framebuffer, 12, /**/ 4 );
HEAD0(module_align /**/ /**/ /**/ );
HEAD0(efi_boot_services /**/ /**/ /**/ );
HEAD2(efi_i386_entry_addr, 4, /**/ 4 );
HEAD2(efi_amd64_entry_addr, 4, /**/ 4 );
HEAD2(relocatable_header, 16, /**/ 0 );
HEAD0(none /**/ /**/ /**/ );
// (name, tag, data, align);
INFO2(boot_cmd_line, /**/ 15, 1 );
INFO2(boot_loader_name, /**/ 22, 2 );
INFO3(module1, 8, 17, 7 );
INFO3(module2, 8, 17, 7 );
INFO2(basic_memory_info, 8, /**/ 0 );
INFO2(bios_boot_device, 12, /**/ 4 );
INFO3(memory_map, 8, 160 - 16, 0 );
INFO2(vbe_info, 776, /**/ 0 );
INFO3(framebuffer_info, 23, 8, 1 );
INFO3(elf_symbols, 8, 420 - 16, 4 );
INFO2(apm_table, 20, /**/ 4 );
INFO2(efi_32bit_system_table_ptr, 4, /**/ 4 );
INFO2(efi_64bit_system_table_ptr, 8, /**/ 0 );
INFO3(smbios_tables, 8, 8, 0 );
INFO2(acpi_old_rsdp, /**/ 8, 0 );
INFO2(acpi_new_rsdp, /**/ 8, 0 );
INFO2(networking_info, /**/ 8, 0 );
INFO3(efi_memory_map, 8, 8, 0 );
INFO0(efi_boot_services_not_terminated /**/ /**/ /**/ );
INFO2(efi_32bit_image_handle_ptr, 4, /**/ 4 );
INFO2(efi_64bit_image_handle_ptr, 8, /**/ 0 );
INFO2(image_load_base_phys_addr, 4, /**/ 4 );
INFO0(none /**/ /**/ /**/ );