
182 lines
2.8 KiB

#include "config.h"
#define STAGE2_BASE 0x7e00
#define STAGE2_SIZE (STAGE2_BASE + 8)
.global _start
.section .rodata
size_str: .string "Stage 2 size: "
reading_sector: .string "Reading sector "
parenth: .string " ("
of: .string " of "
to_address: .string ") to address "
.section .text
mov $1, %ax
mov $STAGE2_BASE, %bx
xor %cx, %cx
call print_reading_state
mov $0x02, %ah
mov $1, %al // Sectors count
mov $0x80, %dl // Drive
mov $0, %ch // Cylinder
mov $0, %dh // Head
mov $2, %cl // Cylinder and sector
mov $STAGE2_BASE, %bx // Address
int $0x13
mov $STAGE2_SIZE, %bx
mov (%bx), %ax
call print_stage2_size
// DX - dividend high (always zero)
xor %dx, %dx
// AX - dividend low
mov $STAGE2_SIZE, %bx
mov (%bx), %ax
// BX - divisor (always 512)
mov $512, %bx
// AX - quotient
// DX - remainder
div %bx
test %dx, %dx
jz no_rem
inc %ax
mov %ax, %cx
mov $STAGE2_BASE, %bx
mov $1, %ax
// AX - current sector index
// BX - current address
// CX - total number of sectors
cmp %ax, %cx
je finish
add $512, %bx
inc %ax
push %ax
push %bx
push %cx
call print_reading_state
pop %cx
pop %bx
pop %ax
push %ax
push %bx
push %cx
add $1, %ax
mov %al, %cl // Cylinder and sector
mov $0x02, %ah
mov $1, %al // Sectors count
mov $0x80, %dl // Drive
mov $0, %ch // Cylinder
mov $0, %dh // Head
int $0x13
pop %cx
pop %bx
pop %ax
jmp read_loop
mov $newline, %si
call print_str
call restore_disk_number
ljmp $0, $STAGE2_BASE
// AX - size
push %ax
mov $size_str, %si
call print_str
pop %ax
call print_number
mov $newline, %si
call print_str
// AX - current sector index
// BX - current address
// CX - total number of sectors
push %ax
push %bx
push %cx
mov $reading_sector, %si
call print_str
pop %cx
pop %bx
pop %ax
push %ax
push %bx
push %cx
inc %ax
call print_number
mov $parenth, %si
call print_str
pop %cx
pop %bx
pop %ax
push %ax
push %bx
push %cx
call print_number
mov $of, %si
call print_str
pop %cx
// pop %bx
// pop %ax
// push %ax
// push %bx
push %cx
mov %cx, %ax
call print_number
mov $to_address, %si
call print_str
pop %cx
pop %bx
// pop %ax
// push %ax
push %bx
push %cx
mov %bx, %ax
call print_number
mov $newline, %si
call print_str
pop %cx
pop %bx
pop %ax