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//! The display subsystem including window management, font rasterization, and
//! GPU drawing.
use std::cmp::min;
use std::f64;
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
use std::fmt::{self, Formatter};
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::time::Instant;
use glutin::dpi::{PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize};
use glutin::event::ModifiersState;
use glutin::event_loop::EventLoop;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
use glutin::platform::unix::EventLoopWindowTargetExtUnix;
use glutin::window::CursorIcon;
use log::{debug, info};
use parking_lot::MutexGuard;
use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar;
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
use wayland_client::{Display as WaylandDisplay, EventQueue};
2020-07-18 01:27:41 +00:00
use crossfont::{self, Rasterize, Rasterizer};
use alacritty_terminal::event::{EventListener, OnResize};
use alacritty_terminal::index::{Column, Direction, Point};
use alacritty_terminal::selection::Selection;
use alacritty_terminal::term::{SizeInfo, Term, TermMode};
use alacritty_terminal::term::{MIN_COLS, MIN_SCREEN_LINES};
use crate::config::font::Font;
use crate::config::window::Dimensions;
use crate::config::window::StartupMode;
use crate::config::Config;
use crate::event::{Mouse, SearchState};
use crate::message_bar::{MessageBuffer, MessageType};
use crate::meter::Meter;
use crate::renderer::rects::{RenderLines, RenderRect};
use crate::renderer::{self, GlyphCache, QuadRenderer};
use crate::url::{Url, Urls};
use crate::window::{self, Window};
const FORWARD_SEARCH_LABEL: &str = "Search: ";
const BACKWARD_SEARCH_LABEL: &str = "Backward Search: ";
pub enum Error {
/// Error with window management.
/// Error dealing with fonts.
2020-07-18 01:27:41 +00:00
/// Error in renderer.
/// Error during buffer swap.
impl std::error::Error for Error {
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Error::Window(err) => err.source(),
Error::Font(err) => err.source(),
Error::Render(err) => err.source(),
Error::ContextError(err) => err.source(),
impl fmt::Display for Error {
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::Window(err) => err.fmt(f),
Error::Font(err) => err.fmt(f),
Error::Render(err) => err.fmt(f),
Error::ContextError(err) => err.fmt(f),
impl From<window::Error> for Error {
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
fn from(val: window::Error) -> Self {
2020-07-18 01:27:41 +00:00
impl From<crossfont::Error> for Error {
fn from(val: crossfont::Error) -> Self {
impl From<renderer::Error> for Error {
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
fn from(val: renderer::Error) -> Self {
impl From<glutin::ContextError> for Error {
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
fn from(val: glutin::ContextError) -> Self {
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DisplayUpdate {
pub dirty: bool,
dimensions: Option<PhysicalSize<u32>>,
cursor_dirty: bool,
font: Option<Font>,
impl DisplayUpdate {
pub fn dimensions(&self) -> Option<PhysicalSize<u32>> {
pub fn font(&self) -> Option<&Font> {
pub fn cursor_dirty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_dimensions(&mut self, dimensions: PhysicalSize<u32>) {
self.dimensions = Some(dimensions);
self.dirty = true;
pub fn set_font(&mut self, font: Font) {
self.font = Some(font);
self.dirty = true;
pub fn set_cursor_dirty(&mut self) {
self.cursor_dirty = true;
self.dirty = true;
/// The display wraps a window, font rasterizer, and GPU renderer.
pub struct Display {
pub size_info: SizeInfo,
pub window: Window,
pub urls: Urls,
/// Currently highlighted URL.
pub highlighted_url: Option<Url>,
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
pub wayland_event_queue: Option<EventQueue>,
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
pub is_x11: bool,
/// UI cursor visibility for blinking.
pub cursor_hidden: bool,
renderer: QuadRenderer,
glyph_cache: GlyphCache,
meter: Meter,
impl Display {
pub fn new<E>(config: &Config, event_loop: &EventLoop<E>) -> Result<Display, Error> {
// Guess DPR based on first monitor.
let estimated_dpr =
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
event_loop.available_monitors().next().map(|m| m.scale_factor()).unwrap_or(1.);
// Guess the target window dimensions.
let metrics = GlyphCache::static_metrics(config.ui_config.font.clone(), estimated_dpr)?;
let (cell_width, cell_height) = compute_cell_size(config, &metrics);
// Guess the target window size if the user has specified the number of lines/columns.
let dimensions = config.ui_config.window.dimensions();
let estimated_size =|dimensions| {
window_size(config, dimensions, cell_width, cell_height, estimated_dpr)
debug!("Estimated DPR: {}", estimated_dpr);
debug!("Estimated window size: {:?}", estimated_size);
debug!("Estimated cell size: {} x {}", cell_width, cell_height);
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
let mut wayland_event_queue = None;
// Initialize Wayland event queue, to handle Wayland callbacks.
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
if let Some(display) = event_loop.wayland_display() {
let display = unsafe { WaylandDisplay::from_external_display(display as _) };
wayland_event_queue = Some(display.create_event_queue());
// Spawn the Alacritty window.
let mut window = Window::new(
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
info!("Device pixel ratio: {}", window.dpr);
// Create renderer.
let mut renderer = QuadRenderer::new()?;
let (glyph_cache, cell_width, cell_height) =
Self::new_glyph_cache(window.dpr, &mut renderer, config)?;
if let Some(dimensions) = dimensions {
if (estimated_dpr - window.dpr).abs() < f64::EPSILON {
info!("Estimated DPR correctly, skipping resize");
} else {
// Resize the window again if the DPR was not estimated correctly.
let size = window_size(config, dimensions, cell_width, cell_height, window.dpr);
let padding = config.ui_config.window.padding(window.dpr);
let viewport_size = window.inner_size();
// Create new size with at least one column and row.
let size_info = SizeInfo::new(
viewport_size.width as f32,
viewport_size.height as f32,
config.ui_config.window.dynamic_padding && dimensions.is_none(),
info!("Cell size: {} x {}", cell_width, cell_height);
info!("Padding: {} x {}", size_info.padding_x(), size_info.padding_y());
info!("Width: {}, Height: {}", size_info.width(), size_info.height());
// Update OpenGL projection.
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Clear screen.
let background_color = config.colors.primary.background;
renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |api| {
// Set subpixel anti-aliasing.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
#[cfg(all(feature = "x11", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
let is_x11 = event_loop.is_x11();
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "x11", target_os = "macos", windows)))]
let is_x11 = false;
// On Wayland we can safely ignore this call, since the window isn't visible until you
// actually draw something into it and commit those changes.
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
if is_x11 {
renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |api| {
// Set window position.
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// TODO: replace `set_position` with `with_position` once available.
// Upstream issue:
if let Some(position) = config.ui_config.window.position {
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
window.set_outer_position(PhysicalPosition::from((position.x, position.y)));
match config.ui_config.window.startup_mode {
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
StartupMode::SimpleFullscreen => window.set_simple_fullscreen(true),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
StartupMode::Maximized if is_x11 => window.set_maximized(true),
_ => (),
2020-01-03 00:17:22 +00:00
Ok(Self {
meter: Meter::new(),
urls: Urls::new(),
highlighted_url: None,
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
cursor_hidden: false,
fn new_glyph_cache(
dpr: f64,
renderer: &mut QuadRenderer,
config: &Config,
) -> Result<(GlyphCache, f32, f32), Error> {
let font = config.ui_config.font.clone();
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
let rasterizer = Rasterizer::new(dpr as f32, config.ui_config.font.use_thin_strokes)?;
// Initialize glyph cache.
let glyph_cache = {
info!("Initializing glyph cache...");
let init_start = Instant::now();
let cache =
renderer.with_loader(|mut api| GlyphCache::new(rasterizer, &font, &mut api))?;
let stop = init_start.elapsed();
let stop_f = stop.as_secs() as f64 + f64::from(stop.subsec_nanos()) / 1_000_000_000f64;
info!("... finished initializing glyph cache in {}s", stop_f);
// Need font metrics to resize the window properly. This suggests to me the
// font metrics should be computed before creating the window in the first
// place so that a resize is not needed.
let (cw, ch) = compute_cell_size(config, &glyph_cache.font_metrics());
Ok((glyph_cache, cw, ch))
/// Update font size and cell dimensions.
/// This will return a tuple of the cell width and height.
fn update_glyph_cache(&mut self, config: &Config, font: &Font) -> (f32, f32) {
let cache = &mut self.glyph_cache;
let dpr = self.window.dpr;
self.renderer.with_loader(|mut api| {
let _ = cache.update_font_size(font, dpr, &mut api);
// Compute new cell sizes.
compute_cell_size(config, &self.glyph_cache.font_metrics())
/// Clear glyph cache.
fn clear_glyph_cache(&mut self) {
let cache = &mut self.glyph_cache;
self.renderer.with_loader(|mut api| {
cache.clear_glyph_cache(&mut api);
/// Process update events.
pub fn handle_update<T>(
&mut self,
terminal: &mut Term<T>,
pty_resize_handle: &mut dyn OnResize,
message_buffer: &MessageBuffer,
search_active: bool,
config: &Config,
update_pending: DisplayUpdate,
) where
T: EventListener,
let (mut cell_width, mut cell_height) =
(self.size_info.cell_width(), self.size_info.cell_height());
// Update font size and cell dimensions.
if let Some(font) = update_pending.font() {
let cell_dimensions = self.update_glyph_cache(config, font);
cell_width = cell_dimensions.0;
cell_height = cell_dimensions.1;
info!("Cell size: {} x {}", cell_width, cell_height);
} else if update_pending.cursor_dirty() {
let (mut width, mut height) = (self.size_info.width(), self.size_info.height());
if let Some(dimensions) = update_pending.dimensions() {
width = dimensions.width as f32;
height = dimensions.height as f32;
let padding = config.ui_config.window.padding(self.window.dpr);
self.size_info = SizeInfo::new(
// Update number of column/lines in the viewport.
let message_bar_lines =
message_buffer.message().map(|m| m.text(&self.size_info).len()).unwrap_or(0);
let search_lines = if search_active { 1 } else { 0 };
self.size_info.reserve_lines(message_bar_lines + search_lines);
// Resize PTY.
// Resize terminal.
// Resize renderer.
let physical =
PhysicalSize::new(self.size_info.width() as u32, self.size_info.height() as u32);
info!("Padding: {} x {}", self.size_info.padding_x(), self.size_info.padding_y());
info!("Width: {}, Height: {}", self.size_info.width(), self.size_info.height());
/// Draw the screen.
/// A reference to Term whose state is being drawn must be provided.
/// This call may block if vsync is enabled.
pub fn draw<T>(
&mut self,
terminal: MutexGuard<'_, Term<T>>,
message_buffer: &MessageBuffer,
config: &Config,
mouse: &Mouse,
mods: ModifiersState,
search_state: &SearchState,
) {
// Convert search match from viewport to absolute indexing.
let search_active = search_state.regex().is_some();
let viewport_match = search_state
.and_then(|focused_match| terminal.grid().clamp_buffer_range_to_visible(focused_match));
let cursor_hidden = self.cursor_hidden || search_state.regex().is_some();
let grid_cells = terminal.renderable_cells(config, !cursor_hidden).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let visual_bell_intensity = terminal.visual_bell.intensity();
let background_color = terminal.background_color();
let cursor_point = terminal.grid().cursor.point;
let metrics = self.glyph_cache.font_metrics();
let glyph_cache = &mut self.glyph_cache;
let size_info = self.size_info;
let selection = !terminal.selection.as_ref().map(Selection::is_empty).unwrap_or(true);
let mouse_mode = terminal.mode().intersects(TermMode::MOUSE_MODE)
&& !terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI);
let vi_mode_cursor = if terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
} else {
// Drop terminal as early as possible to free lock.
self.renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |api| {
let mut lines = RenderLines::new();
let mut urls = Urls::new();
// Draw grid.
let _sampler = self.meter.sampler();
self.renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |mut api| {
// Iterate over all non-empty cells in the grid.
for mut cell in grid_cells {
// Invert the active match in vi-less search.
let cell_point = Point::new(cell.line, cell.column);
if cell.is_match
&& viewport_match
.map_or(false, |viewport_match| viewport_match.contains(&cell_point))
let colors =;
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
let match_fg = colors.foreground.color(cell.fg,; = colors.background.color(cell.fg,;
cell.fg = match_fg;
cell.bg_alpha = 1.0;
// Update URL underlines.
urls.update(size_info.cols(), &cell);
// Update underline/strikeout.
// Draw the cell.
api.render_cell(cell, glyph_cache);
let mut rects = lines.rects(&metrics, &size_info);
// Update visible URLs.
self.urls = urls;
if let Some(url) = self.urls.highlighted(config, mouse, mods, mouse_mode, selection) {
rects.append(&mut url.rects(&metrics, &size_info));
self.highlighted_url = Some(url);
} else if self.highlighted_url.is_some() {
self.highlighted_url = None;
if mouse_mode {
} else {
// Highlight URLs at the vi mode cursor position.
if let Some(vi_mode_cursor) = vi_mode_cursor {
if let Some(url) = self.urls.find_at(vi_mode_cursor.point) {
rects.append(&mut url.rects(&metrics, &size_info));
// Push visual bell after url/underline/strikeout rects.
if visual_bell_intensity != 0. {
let visual_bell_rect = RenderRect::new(
visual_bell_intensity as f32,
if let Some(message) = message_buffer.message() {
let search_offset = if search_active { 1 } else { 0 };
let text = message.text(&size_info);
// Create a new rectangle for the background.
let start_line = size_info.screen_lines() + search_offset;
let y = size_info.cell_height().mul_add(start_line.0 as f32, size_info.padding_y());
let color = match message.ty() {
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
MessageType::Error =>,
MessageType::Warning => config.colors.normal.yellow,
let message_bar_rect =
RenderRect::new(0., y, size_info.width(), size_info.height() - y, color, 1.);
// Push message_bar in the end, so it'll be above all other content.
// Draw rectangles.
self.renderer.draw_rects(&size_info, rects);
// Relay messages to the user.
let fg = config.colors.primary.background;
for (i, message_text) in text.iter().enumerate() {
self.renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |mut api| {
api.render_string(glyph_cache, start_line + i, &message_text, fg, None);
} else {
// Draw rectangles.
self.renderer.draw_rects(&size_info, rects);
self.draw_render_timer(config, &size_info);
// Handle search and IME positioning.
let ime_position = match search_state.regex() {
Some(regex) => {
let search_label = match search_state.direction() {
Direction::Right => FORWARD_SEARCH_LABEL,
let search_text = Self::format_search(&size_info, regex, search_label);
// Render the search bar.
self.draw_search(config, &size_info, &search_text);
// Compute IME position.
Point::new(size_info.screen_lines() + 1, Column(search_text.chars().count() - 1))
None => cursor_point,
// Update IME position.
self.window.update_ime_position(ime_position, &self.size_info);
// Frame event should be requested before swaping buffers, since it requires surface
// `commit`, which is done by swap buffers under the hood.
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
// Clear window shadows to prevent shadow artifacts on macOS.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
if config.ui_config.background_opacity() < 1.0 {
#[cfg(all(feature = "x11", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
if self.is_x11 {
// On X11 `swap_buffers` does not block for vsync. However the next OpenGl command
// will block to synchronize (this is `glClear` in Alacritty), which causes a
// permanent one frame delay.
self.renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |api| {
/// Format search regex to account for the cursor and fullwidth characters.
2020-07-18 01:27:41 +00:00
fn format_search(size_info: &SizeInfo, search_regex: &str, search_label: &str) -> String {
// Add spacers for wide chars.
let mut formatted_regex = String::with_capacity(search_regex.len());
for c in search_regex.chars() {
if c.width() == Some(2) {
formatted_regex.push(' ');
// Add cursor to show whitespace.
// Truncate beginning of the search regex if it exceeds the viewport width.
let num_cols = size_info.cols().0;
let label_len = search_label.chars().count();
let regex_len = formatted_regex.chars().count();
let truncate_len = min((regex_len + label_len).saturating_sub(num_cols), regex_len);
let index = formatted_regex.char_indices().nth(truncate_len).map(|(i, _c)| i).unwrap_or(0);
let truncated_regex = &formatted_regex[index..];
// Add search label to the beginning of the search regex.
let mut bar_text = format!("{}{}", search_label, truncated_regex);
// Make sure the label alone doesn't exceed the viewport width.
/// Draw current search regex.
fn draw_search(&mut self, config: &Config, size_info: &SizeInfo, text: &str) {
let glyph_cache = &mut self.glyph_cache;
let num_cols = size_info.cols().0;
// Assure text length is at least num_cols.
let text = format!("{:<1$}", text, num_cols);
let fg = config.colors.search_bar_foreground();
let bg = config.colors.search_bar_background();
self.renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |mut api| {
api.render_string(glyph_cache, size_info.screen_lines(), &text, fg, Some(bg));
/// Draw render timer.
fn draw_render_timer(&mut self, config: &Config, size_info: &SizeInfo) {
if !config.ui_config.debug.render_timer {
let glyph_cache = &mut self.glyph_cache;
let timing = format!("{:.3} usec", self.meter.average());
let fg = config.colors.primary.background;
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
let bg =;
self.renderer.with_api(&config.ui_config, config.cursor, &size_info, |mut api| {
api.render_string(glyph_cache, size_info.screen_lines() - 2, &timing[..], fg, Some(bg));
/// Requst a new frame for a window on Wayland.
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
fn request_frame(&self, window: &Window) {
let surface = match window.wayland_surface() {
Some(surface) => surface,
None => return,
let should_draw = self.window.should_draw.clone();
// Mark that window was drawn., Ordering::Relaxed);
// Request a new frame.
surface.frame().quick_assign(move |_, _, _| {, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// Calculate the cell dimensions based on font metrics.
/// This will return a tuple of the cell width and height.
2020-07-18 01:27:41 +00:00
fn compute_cell_size(config: &Config, metrics: &crossfont::Metrics) -> (f32, f32) {
let offset_x = f64::from(config.ui_config.font.offset.x);
let offset_y = f64::from(config.ui_config.font.offset.y);
(metrics.average_advance + offset_x).floor().max(1.) as f32,
(metrics.line_height + offset_y).floor().max(1.) as f32,
/// Calculate the size of the window given padding, terminal dimensions and cell size.
fn window_size(
config: &Config,
dimensions: Dimensions,
cell_width: f32,
cell_height: f32,
dpr: f64,
) -> PhysicalSize<u32> {
let padding = config.ui_config.window.padding(dpr);
let grid_width = cell_width * dimensions.columns.0.max(MIN_COLS) as f32;
let grid_height = cell_height * dimensions.lines.0.max(MIN_SCREEN_LINES) as f32;
let width = (padding.0).mul_add(2., grid_width).floor();
let height = (padding.1).mul_add(2., grid_height).floor();
PhysicalSize::new(width as u32, height as u32)