
950 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-06-30 03:56:12 +00:00
// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! A specialized 2d grid implementation optimized for use in a terminal.
use std::cmp::{min, max, Ordering};
use std::ops::{Deref, Range, Index, IndexMut, RangeTo, RangeFrom, RangeFull, RangeInclusive};
use crate::index::{self, Point, Line, Column, IndexRange};
use crate::selection::Selection;
mod row;
pub use self::row::Row;
mod tests;
mod storage;
use self::storage::Storage;
const MIN_INIT_SIZE: usize = 1_000;
/// Bidirection iterator
pub trait BidirectionalIterator: Iterator {
fn prev(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
/// An item in the grid along with its Line and Column.
pub struct Indexed<T> {
pub inner: T,
pub line: Line,
pub column: Column,
impl<T> Deref for Indexed<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<T: PartialEq> ::std::cmp::PartialEq for Grid<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// Compare struct fields and check result of grid comparison
self.raw.eq(&other.raw) &&
self.cols.eq(&other.cols) &&
self.lines.eq(&other.lines) &&
self.display_offset.eq(&other.display_offset) &&
self.scroll_limit.eq(&other.scroll_limit) &&
self.selection.eq(&other.selection) &&
pub trait GridCell {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
fn is_wrap(&self) -> bool;
fn set_wrap(&mut self, wrap: bool);
/// Represents the terminal display contents
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Grid<T> {
/// Lines in the grid. Each row holds a list of cells corresponding to the
/// columns in that row.
raw: Storage<T>,
/// Number of columns
cols: index::Column,
/// Number of lines.
/// Invariant: lines is equivalent to raw.len()
lines: index::Line,
2018-02-12 05:25:33 +00:00
/// Offset of displayed area
/// If the displayed region isn't at the bottom of the screen, it stays
/// stationary while more text is emitted. The scrolling implementation
/// updates this offset accordingly.
2018-02-12 05:25:33 +00:00
display_offset: usize,
/// An limit on how far back it's possible to scroll
scroll_limit: usize,
/// Selected region
pub selection: Option<Selection>,
max_scroll_limit: usize,
/// Range for URL hover highlights
pub url_highlight: Option<RangeInclusive<index::Linear>>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Scroll {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ViewportPosition {
impl<T: GridCell + Copy + Clone> Grid<T> {
pub fn new(lines: index::Line, cols: index::Column, scrollback: usize, template: T) -> Grid<T> {
let raw = Storage::with_capacity(lines, Row::new(cols, &template));
Grid {
display_offset: 0,
scroll_limit: 0,
selection: None,
max_scroll_limit: scrollback,
url_highlight: None,
pub fn visible_to_buffer(&self, point: Point) -> Point<usize> {
Point {
line: self.visible_line_to_buffer(point.line),
col: point.col
pub fn buffer_line_to_visible(&self, line: usize) -> ViewportPosition {
let offset = line.saturating_sub(self.display_offset);
if line < self.display_offset {
} else if offset >= *self.num_lines() {
} else {
ViewportPosition::Visible(self.lines - offset - 1)
pub fn visible_line_to_buffer(&self, line: Line) -> usize {
self.line_to_offset(line) + self.display_offset
/// Update the size of the scrollback history
pub fn update_history(&mut self, history_size: usize, template: &T)
self.raw.update_history(history_size, Row::new(self.cols, &template));
self.max_scroll_limit = history_size;
self.scroll_limit = min(self.scroll_limit, history_size);
self.display_offset = min(self.display_offset, self.scroll_limit);
pub fn scroll_display(&mut self, scroll: Scroll) {
match scroll {
Scroll::Lines(count) => {
self.display_offset = min(
max((self.display_offset as isize) + count, 0isize) as usize,
Scroll::PageUp => {
self.display_offset = min(
self.display_offset + self.lines.0,
Scroll::PageDown => {
self.display_offset -= min(
Scroll::Top => self.display_offset = self.scroll_limit,
Scroll::Bottom => self.display_offset = 0,
pub fn resize(
&mut self,
lines: index::Line,
cols: index::Column,
cursor_pos: &mut Point,
template: &T,
) {
// Check that there's actually work to do and return early if not
if lines == self.lines && cols == self.cols {
match self.lines.cmp(&lines) {
Ordering::Less => self.grow_lines(lines, template),
Ordering::Greater => self.shrink_lines(lines),
Ordering::Equal => (),
match self.cols.cmp(&cols) {
Ordering::Less => self.grow_cols(cols, cursor_pos, template),
Ordering::Greater => self.shrink_cols(cols, template),
Ordering::Equal => (),
fn increase_scroll_limit(&mut self, count: usize, template: &T)
self.scroll_limit = min(self.scroll_limit + count, self.max_scroll_limit);
// Initialize new lines when the history buffer is smaller than the scroll limit
let history_size = self.raw.len().saturating_sub(*self.lines);
if history_size < self.scroll_limit {
let new = min(
max(self.scroll_limit - history_size, MIN_INIT_SIZE),
self.max_scroll_limit - history_size,
self.raw.initialize(new, Row::new(self.cols, template));
2018-02-17 02:35:54 +00:00
fn decrease_scroll_limit(&mut self, count: usize) {
self.scroll_limit = self.scroll_limit.saturating_sub(count);
/// Add lines to the visible area
/// Alacritty keeps the cursor at the bottom of the terminal as long as there
/// is scrollback available. Once scrollback is exhausted, new lines are
/// simply added to the bottom of the screen.
fn grow_lines(
&mut self,
new_line_count: index::Line,
template: &T,
) {
let lines_added = new_line_count - self.lines;
// Need to "resize" before updating buffer
self.raw.grow_visible_lines(new_line_count, Row::new(self.cols, template));
self.lines = new_line_count;
// Move existing lines up if there is no scrollback to fill new lines
if lines_added.0 > self.scroll_limit {
let scroll_lines = lines_added - self.scroll_limit;
self.scroll_up(&(Line(0)..new_line_count), scroll_lines, template);
self.scroll_limit = self.scroll_limit.saturating_sub(*lines_added);
self.display_offset = self.display_offset.saturating_sub(*lines_added);
fn grow_cols(&mut self, cols: index::Column, cursor_pos: &mut Point, template: &T) {
// Truncate all buffered lines
self.raw.grow_hidden(cols, template);
let max_lines = self.lines.0 + self.max_scroll_limit;
// Iterate backwards with indices for mutation during iteration
let mut i = self.raw.len();
while i > 0 {
i -= 1;
// Grow the current line if there's wrapped content available
while i >= 1
&& self.raw[i].len() < cols.0
&& self.raw[i].last().map(GridCell::is_wrap) == Some(true)
// Remove wrap flag before appending additional cells
if let Some(cell) = self.raw[i].last_mut() {
// Append as many cells from the next line as possible
let len = min(self.raw[i - 1].len(), cols.0 - self.raw[i].len());
let mut cells = self.raw[i - 1].front_split_off(len);
self.raw[i].append(&mut cells);
if self.raw[i - 1].is_empty() {
// Remove following line if all cells have been drained
self.raw.remove(i - 1);
if self.raw.len() < self.lines.0 || self.scroll_limit == 0 {
// Add new line and move lines up if we can't pull from history
self.raw.insert(0, Row::new(cols, template), max_lines);
cursor_pos.line = Line(cursor_pos.line.saturating_sub(1));
} else {
// Make sure viewport doesn't move if line is outside of the visible area
if i < self.display_offset {
self.display_offset = self.display_offset.saturating_sub(1);
// Remove one line from scrollback, since we just moved it to the viewport
self.scroll_limit = self.scroll_limit.saturating_sub(1);
self.display_offset = min(self.display_offset, self.scroll_limit);
i -= 1;
} else if let Some(cell) = self.raw[i].last_mut() {
// Set wrap flag if next line still has cells
// Fill remaining cells
if self.raw[i].len() < cols.0 {
self.raw[i].grow(cols, template);
self.cols = cols;
fn shrink_cols(&mut self, cols: index::Column, template: &T) {
// Truncate all buffered lines
let max_lines = self.lines.0 + self.max_scroll_limit;
// Iterate backwards with indices for mutation during iteration
let mut i = self.raw.len();
while i > 0 {
i -= 1;
if let Some(mut new_row) = self.raw[i].shrink(cols) {
// Set line as wrapped if cells got removed
if let Some(cell) = self.raw[i].last_mut() {
if Some(true) == new_row.last().map(|c| c.is_wrap() && i >= 1)
&& new_row.len() < cols.0
// Make sure previous wrap flag doesn't linger around
if let Some(cell) = new_row.last_mut() {
// Add removed cells to start of next row
self.raw[i - 1].append_front(new_row);
} else {
// Make sure viewport doesn't move if line is outside of the visible area
if i < self.display_offset {
self.display_offset = min(self.display_offset + 1, self.max_scroll_limit);
// Make sure new row is at least as long as new width
let occ = new_row.len();
if occ < cols.0 {
new_row.append(&mut vec![*template; cols.0 - occ]);
let row = Row::from_vec(new_row, occ);
// Add new row with all removed cells
self.raw.insert(i, row, max_lines);
// Increase scrollback history
self.scroll_limit = min(self.scroll_limit + 1, self.max_scroll_limit);
// Since inserted might exceed cols, we need to check the same line again
i += 1;
self.cols = cols;
/// Remove lines from the visible area
/// The behavior in and is to keep the cursor at the
/// bottom of the screen. This is achieved by pushing history "out the top"
/// of the terminal window.
/// Alacritty takes the same approach.
fn shrink_lines(&mut self, target: index::Line) {
let prev = self.lines;
self.selection = None;
self.url_highlight = None;
self.raw.rotate(*prev as isize - *target as isize);
self.lines = target;
/// Convert a Line index (active region) to a buffer offset
/// # Panics
/// This method will panic if `Line` is larger than the grid dimensions
pub fn line_to_offset(&self, line: index::Line) -> usize {
assert!(line < self.num_lines());
*(self.num_lines() - line - 1)
pub fn scroll_down(
&mut self,
region: &Range<index::Line>,
positions: index::Line,
template: &T,
) {
// Whether or not there is a scrolling region active, as long as it
// starts at the top, we can do a full rotation which just involves
// changing the start index.
// To accomodate scroll regions, rows are reordered at the end.
if region.start == Line(0) {
// Rotate the entire line buffer. If there's a scrolling region
// active, the bottom lines are restored in the next step.
if let Some(ref mut selection) = self.selection {
selection.rotate(-(*positions as isize));
self.url_highlight = None;
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// Now, restore any scroll region lines
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let lines = self.lines;
for i in IndexRange(region.end .. lines) {
self.raw.swap_lines(i, i + positions);
// Finally, reset recycled lines
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for i in IndexRange(Line(0)..positions) {
} else {
// Subregion rotation
for line in IndexRange((region.start + positions)..region.end).rev() {
self.raw.swap_lines(line, line - positions);
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for line in IndexRange(region.start .. (region.start + positions)) {
2018-02-11 18:07:33 +00:00
/// scroll_up moves lines at the bottom towards the top
/// This is the performance-sensitive part of scrolling.
pub fn scroll_up(
&mut self,
region: &Range<index::Line>,
positions: index::Line,
template: &T
) {
if region.start == Line(0) {
2018-02-12 05:25:33 +00:00
// Update display offset when not pinned to active area
if self.display_offset != 0 {
Fix scrollback accessing indices out of bounds There have been two instances of the scrollback trying to access indices which were moved out of bounds due to new lines (`yes` command). These have both been fixed. The first instance was during semantic selection, since the logic of limiting the selection start point was moved outside of `compute_index`, it was necessary to add this to semantic selection too. Now semantic selection, line selection and normal selection should all work without crashing when new lines are shoving the selection out of bounds. The other error was with the viewport being outside of the scrollback history. Since the default is to keep the scrollback buffer at its current position when new lines are added, it is possible that the position the scrollback buffer is at is suddenly shoved out of the visible area. To fix this the `display_offset` is now limited to always be an allowed value. If a single line of the viewport is moved out of the history now, the viewport should move down a single line now, so only valid content is displayed, with multiple lines this process is repeated. This fixes #1400. There was another error where the iterator would attempt to iterate before the first line in the history buffer, this was because the bounds of the `prev` iterator weren't setup correctly. The iterator should now properly iterate from the first cell in the terminal until the last one. This also fixes #1406, since these semantic selection errors were partiall related to indexing.
2018-07-02 22:03:04 +00:00
self.display_offset = min(
self.display_offset + *positions,
self.len() - self.num_lines().0,
2018-02-12 05:25:33 +00:00
self.increase_scroll_limit(*positions, template);
// Rotate the entire line buffer. If there's a scrolling region
// active, the bottom lines are restored in the next step.
self.raw.rotate(-(*positions as isize));
if let Some(ref mut selection) = self.selection {
selection.rotate(*positions as isize);
self.url_highlight = None;
// // This next loop swaps "fixed" lines outside of a scroll region
// // back into place after the rotation. The work is done in buffer-
// // space rather than terminal-space to avoid redundant
// // transformations.
let fixed_lines = *self.num_lines() - *region.end;
for i in 0..fixed_lines {
self.raw.swap(i, i + *positions);
// Finally, reset recycled lines
// Recycled lines are just above the end of the scrolling region.
for i in 0..*positions {
self.raw[i + fixed_lines].reset(&template);
} else {
// Subregion rotation
for line in IndexRange(region.start..(region.end - positions)) {
self.raw.swap_lines(line, line + positions);
// Clear reused lines
2018-02-11 18:07:33 +00:00
for line in IndexRange((region.end - positions) .. region.end) {
// Completely reset the grid state
pub fn reset(&mut self, template: &T) {
// Explicitly purge all lines from history
let shrinkage = self.raw.len() - self.lines.0;
// Reset all visible lines
for row in 0..self.raw.len() {
self.display_offset = 0;
self.selection = None;
self.url_highlight = None;
impl<T> Grid<T> {
pub fn num_lines(&self) -> index::Line {
pub fn display_iter(&self) -> DisplayIter<'_, T> {
pub fn num_cols(&self) -> index::Column {
pub fn clear_history(&mut self) {
self.scroll_limit = 0;
pub fn scroll_limit(&self) -> usize {
/// Total number of lines in the buffer, this includes scrollback + visible lines
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn history_size(&self) -> usize {
/// This is used only for initializing after loading ref-tests
pub fn initialize_all(&mut self, template: &T)
T: Copy
let history_size = self.raw.len().saturating_sub(*self.lines);
self.raw.initialize(self.max_scroll_limit - history_size, Row::new(self.cols, template));
/// This is used only for truncating before saving ref-tests
pub fn truncate(&mut self) {
pub fn iter_from(&self, point: Point<usize>) -> GridIterator<'_, T> {
GridIterator {
grid: self,
cur: point,
pub fn contains(&self, point: &Point) -> bool {
self.lines > point.line && self.cols > point.col
pub fn display_offset(&self) -> usize {
pub struct GridIterator<'a, T> {
/// Immutable grid reference
grid: &'a Grid<T>,
/// Current position of the iterator within the grid.
pub cur: Point<usize>,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for GridIterator<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let last_col = self.grid.num_cols() - Column(1);
match self.cur {
Point { line, col } if line == 0 && col == last_col => None,
Point { col, .. } if
(col == last_col) => {
self.cur.line -= 1;
self.cur.col = Column(0);
_ => {
self.cur.col += Column(1);
impl<'a, T> BidirectionalIterator for GridIterator<'a, T> {
fn prev(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let num_cols = self.grid.num_cols();
match self.cur {
Point { line, col: Column(0) } if line == self.grid.len() - 1 => None,
Point { col: Column(0), .. } => {
self.cur.line += 1;
self.cur.col = num_cols - Column(1);
_ => {
self.cur.col -= Column(1);
/// Index active region by line
impl<T> Index<index::Line> for Grid<T> {
type Output = Row<T>;
fn index(&self, index: index::Line) -> &Row<T> {
/// Index with buffer offset
impl<T> Index<usize> for Grid<T> {
type Output = Row<T>;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Row<T> {
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impl<T> IndexMut<index::Line> for Grid<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: index::Line) -> &mut Row<T> {
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&mut self.raw[index]
impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for Grid<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Row<T> {
&mut self.raw[index]
impl<'point, T> Index<&'point Point> for Grid<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index<'a>(&'a self, point: &Point) -> &'a T {
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impl<'point, T> IndexMut<&'point Point> for Grid<T> {
fn index_mut<'a, 'b>(&'a mut self, point: &'b Point) -> &'a mut T {
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&mut self[point.line][point.col]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// A subset of lines in the grid
/// May be constructed using Grid::region(..)
pub struct Region<'a, T> {
start: Line,
end: Line,
raw: &'a Storage<T>,
/// A mutable subset of lines in the grid
/// May be constructed using Grid::region_mut(..)
pub struct RegionMut<'a, T> {
start: Line,
end: Line,
raw: &'a mut Storage<T>,
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impl<'a, T> RegionMut<'a, T> {
/// Call the provided function for every item in this region
pub fn each<F: Fn(&mut T)>(self, func: F) {
for row in self {
for item in row {
pub trait IndexRegion<I, T> {
/// Get an immutable region of Self
fn region(&self, _: I) -> Region<'_, T>;
/// Get a mutable region of Self
fn region_mut(&mut self, _: I) -> RegionMut<'_, T>;
impl<T> IndexRegion<Range<Line>, T> for Grid<T> {
fn region(&self, index: Range<Line>) -> Region<'_, T> {
assert!(index.start < self.num_lines());
assert!(index.end <= self.num_lines());
assert!(index.start <= index.end);
Region {
start: index.start,
end: index.end,
raw: &self.raw
fn region_mut(&mut self, index: Range<Line>) -> RegionMut<'_, T> {
assert!(index.start < self.num_lines());
assert!(index.end <= self.num_lines());
assert!(index.start <= index.end);
RegionMut {
start: index.start,
end: index.end,
raw: &mut self.raw
impl<T> IndexRegion<RangeTo<Line>, T> for Grid<T> {
fn region(&self, index: RangeTo<Line>) -> Region<'_, T> {
assert!(index.end <= self.num_lines());
Region {
start: Line(0),
end: index.end,
raw: &self.raw
fn region_mut(&mut self, index: RangeTo<Line>) -> RegionMut<'_, T> {
assert!(index.end <= self.num_lines());
RegionMut {
start: Line(0),
end: index.end,
raw: &mut self.raw
impl<T> IndexRegion<RangeFrom<Line>, T> for Grid<T> {
fn region(&self, index: RangeFrom<Line>) -> Region<'_, T> {
assert!(index.start < self.num_lines());
Region {
start: index.start,
end: self.num_lines(),
raw: &self.raw
fn region_mut(&mut self, index: RangeFrom<Line>) -> RegionMut<'_, T> {
assert!(index.start < self.num_lines());
RegionMut {
start: index.start,
end: self.num_lines(),
raw: &mut self.raw
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impl<T> IndexRegion<RangeFull, T> for Grid<T> {
fn region(&self, _: RangeFull) -> Region<'_, T> {
2017-10-13 03:12:29 +00:00
Region {
start: Line(0),
end: self.num_lines(),
raw: &self.raw
fn region_mut(&mut self, _: RangeFull) -> RegionMut<'_, T> {
2017-10-13 03:12:29 +00:00
RegionMut {
start: Line(0),
end: self.num_lines(),
raw: &mut self.raw
pub struct RegionIter<'a, T> {
end: Line,
cur: Line,
raw: &'a Storage<T>,
pub struct RegionIterMut<'a, T> {
end: Line,
cur: Line,
raw: &'a mut Storage<T>,
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for Region<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a Row<T>;
type IntoIter = RegionIter<'a, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
RegionIter {
end: self.end,
cur: self.start,
raw: self.raw
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for RegionMut<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a mut Row<T>;
type IntoIter = RegionIterMut<'a, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
RegionIterMut {
end: self.end,
cur: self.start,
raw: self.raw
impl<'a, T> Iterator for RegionIter<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a Row<T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.cur < self.end {
let index = self.cur;
self.cur += 1;
} else {
impl<'a, T> Iterator for RegionIterMut<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a mut Row<T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.cur < self.end {
let index = self.cur;
self.cur += 1;
unsafe {
Some(&mut *(&mut self.raw[index] as *mut _))
} else {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Iterates over the visible area accounting for buffer transform
pub struct DisplayIter<'a, T> {
grid: &'a Grid<T>,
offset: usize,
limit: usize,
col: Column,
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line: Line,
impl<'a, T: 'a> DisplayIter<'a, T> {
pub fn new(grid: &'a Grid<T>) -> DisplayIter<'a, T> {
let offset = grid.display_offset + *grid.num_lines() - 1;
let limit = grid.display_offset;
let col = Column(0);
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let line = Line(0);
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DisplayIter { grid, offset, col, limit, line }
pub fn offset(&self) -> usize {
pub fn column(&self) -> Column {
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pub fn line(&self) -> Line {
impl<'a, T: Copy + 'a> Iterator for DisplayIter<'a, T> {
type Item = Indexed<T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// Return None if we've reached the end.
if self.offset == self.limit && self.grid.num_cols() == self.col {
return None;
// Get the next item.
let item = Some(Indexed {
inner: self.grid.raw[self.offset][self.col],
2018-02-16 03:34:09 +00:00
line: self.line,
column: self.col
// Update line/col to point to next item
self.col += 1;
if self.col == self.grid.num_cols() && self.offset != self.limit {
self.offset -= 1;
self.col = Column(0);
self.line = Line(*self.grid.lines - 1 - (self.offset - self.limit));