
941 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright (c) Yuxuan Shui <yshuiv7@gmail.com>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <xcb/render.h> // for xcb_render_fixed_t, XXX
#include "backend/backend.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "win.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wunused-parameter"
* Print usage text.
static void usage(const char *argv0, int ret) {
static const char *usage_text =
"picom (" COMPTON_VERSION ")\n"
"Please report bugs to https://github.com/yshui/picom\n\n"
"usage: %s [options]\n"
"-r radius\n"
" The blur radius for shadows. (default 12)\n"
"-o opacity\n"
" The translucency for shadows. (default .75)\n"
"-l left-offset\n"
" The left offset for shadows. (default -15)\n"
"-t top-offset\n"
" The top offset for shadows. (default -15)\n"
"-I fade-in-step\n"
" Opacity change between steps while fading in. (default 0.028)\n"
"-O fade-out-step\n"
" Opacity change between steps while fading out. (default 0.03)\n"
"-D fade-delta-time\n"
" The time between steps in a fade in milliseconds. (default 10)\n"
"-m opacity\n"
" The opacity for menus. (default 1.0)\n"
" Enabled client-side shadows on windows.\n"
" Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows.\n"
" Zero the part of the shadow's mask behind the window.\n"
" Fade windows in/out when opening/closing and when opacity\n"
" changes, unless --no-fading-openclose is used.\n"
" Equals to -f. Deprecated.\n"
"-i opacity\n"
" Opacity of inactive windows. (0.1 - 1.0)\n"
"-e opacity\n"
" Opacity of window titlebars and borders. (0.1 - 1.0)\n"
" Don't draw shadows on DND windows\n"
" Daemonize process.\n"
" Show all X errors (for debugging).\n"
"--config path\n"
" Look for configuration file at the path. Use /dev/null to avoid\n"
" loading configuration file."
"--write-pid-path path\n"
" Write process ID to a file.\n"
"--shadow-red value\n"
" Red color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0).\n"
"--shadow-green value\n"
" Green color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0).\n"
"--shadow-blue value\n"
" Blue color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0).\n"
" Inactive opacity set by -i overrides value of _NET_WM_OPACITY.\n"
"--inactive-dim value\n"
" Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)\n"
"--active-opacity opacity\n"
" Default opacity for active windows. (0.0 - 1.0)\n"
" Try to detect WM windows and mark them as active.\n"
"--shadow-exclude condition\n"
" Exclude conditions for shadows.\n"
"--fade-exclude condition\n"
" Exclude conditions for fading.\n"
" Mark windows that have no WM frame as active.\n"
" Do not fade on window open/close.\n"
" Do not fade destroyed ARGB windows with WM frame. Workaround of bugs\n"
" in Openbox, Fluxbox, etc.\n"
" Do not paint shadows on shaped windows. (Deprecated, use\n"
" --shadow-exclude \'bounding_shaped\' or\n"
" --shadow-exclude \'bounding_shaped && !rounded_corners\' instead.)\n"
" Try to detect windows with rounded corners and don't consider\n"
" them shaped windows. Affects --shadow-ignore-shaped,\n"
" --unredir-if-possible, and possibly others. You need to turn this\n"
" on manually if you want to match against rounded_corners in\n"
" conditions.\n"
" Detect _NET_WM_OPACITY on client windows, useful for window\n"
" managers not passing _NET_WM_OPACITY of client windows to frame\n"
" windows.\n"
"--refresh-rate val\n"
" Specify refresh rate of the screen. If not specified or 0, we\n"
" will try detecting this with X RandR extension.\n"
" Enable VSync\n"
" Painting on X Composite overlay window.\n"
" Limit repaint to at most once every 1 / refresh_rate second.\n"
" Use _NET_WM_ACTIVE_WINDOW on the root window to determine which\n"
" window is focused instead of using FocusIn/Out events.\n"
" Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is\n"
" detected, to maximize performance for full-screen windows.\n"
"--unredir-if-possible-delay ms\n"
" Delay before unredirecting the window, in milliseconds.\n"
" Defaults to 0.\n"
"--unredir-if-possible-exclude condition\n"
" Conditions of windows that shouldn't be considered full-screen\n"
" for unredirecting screen.\n"
"--focus-exclude condition\n"
" Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be\n"
" considered focused.\n"
" Use fixed inactive dim value.\n"
2019-11-07 00:19:20 +00:00
" Dims windows which average brightness is above this threshold.\n"
" Requires --no-use-damage.\n"
" Default: 1.0 or no dimming.\n"
" Use WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to group windows, and consider windows in\n"
" the same group focused at the same time.\n"
" Use WM_CLIENT_LEADER to group windows, and consider windows in\n"
" the same group focused at the same time. WM_TRANSIENT_FOR has\n"
" higher priority if --detect-transient is enabled, too.\n"
" The algorithm used for background bluring. Available choices are:\n"
" 'none' to disable, 'gaussian', 'box' or 'kernel' for custom\n"
" convolution blur with --blur-kern.\n"
" Note: 'gaussian' and 'box' require --experimental-backends.\n"
" The radius of the blur kernel for 'box' and 'gaussian' blur method.\n"
" The standard deviation for the 'gaussian' blur method.\n"
" Blur background of semi-transparent / ARGB windows. Bad in\n"
" performance. The switch name may change without prior\n"
" notifications.\n"
" Blur background of windows when the window frame is not opaque.\n"
" Implies --blur-background. Bad in performance. The switch name\n"
" may change.\n"
" Use fixed blur strength instead of adjusting according to window\n"
" opacity.\n"
"--blur-kern matrix\n"
" Specify the blur convolution kernel, with the following format:\n"
" The element in the center must not be included, it will be forever\n"
" 1.0 or changing based on opacity, depending on whether you have\n"
" --blur-background-fixed.\n"
" A 7x7 Gaussian blur kernel looks like:\n"
" --blur-kern "
" Up to 4 blur kernels may be specified, separated with semicolon, for\n"
" multi-pass blur.\n"
" May also be one the predefined kernels: 3x3box (default), 5x5box,\n"
" 7x7box, 3x3gaussian, 5x5gaussian, 7x7gaussian, 9x9gaussian,\n"
" 11x11gaussian.\n"
"--blur-background-exclude condition\n"
" Exclude conditions for background blur.\n"
"--resize-damage integer\n"
" Resize damaged region by a specific number of pixels. A positive\n"
" value enlarges it while a negative one shrinks it. Useful for\n"
" fixing the line corruption issues of blur. May or may not\n"
" work with --glx-no-stencil. Shrinking doesn't function correctly.\n"
"--invert-color-include condition\n"
" Specify a list of conditions of windows that should be painted with\n"
" inverted color. Resource-hogging, and is not well tested.\n"
"--opacity-rule opacity:condition\n"
" Specify a list of opacity rules, in the format \"PERCENT:PATTERN\",\n"
" like \'50:name *= \"Firefox\"'. picom-trans is recommended over\n"
2020-01-02 18:11:54 +00:00
" this. Note we do not distinguish 100%% and unset, and we don't make\n"
" any guarantee about possible conflicts with other programs that set\n"
" _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY on frame or client windows.\n"
"--shadow-exclude-reg geometry\n"
" Specify a X geometry that describes the region in which shadow\n"
" should not be painted in, such as a dock window region.\n"
" Use --shadow-exclude-reg \'x10+0-0\', for example, if the 10 pixels\n"
" on the bottom of the screen should not have shadows painted on.\n"
" Crop shadow of a window fully on a particular Xinerama screen to the\n"
" screen.\n"
"--backend backend\n"
" Choose backend. Possible choices are xrender, glx, and\n"
" xr_glx_hybrid."
" GLX backend: Avoid using stencil buffer. Might cause issues\n"
2020-01-02 18:11:54 +00:00
" when rendering transparent content. My tests show a 15%% performance\n"
" boost.\n"
" GLX backend: Avoid rebinding pixmap on window damage. Probably\n"
" could improve performance on rapid window content changes, but is\n"
" known to break things on some drivers (LLVMpipe, xf86-video-intel,\n"
" etc.).\n"
" Disable the use of damage information. This cause the whole screen to\n"
" be redrawn everytime, instead of the part of the screen that has\n"
" actually changed. Potentially degrades the performance, but might fix\n"
" some artifacts.\n"
" Additionally use X Sync fence to sync clients' draw calls. Needed\n"
" on nvidia-drivers with GLX backend for some users.\n"
" Force all windows to be painted with blending. Useful if you have a\n"
" --glx-fshader-win that could turn opaque pixels transparent.\n"
" Enable remote control via D-Bus. See the D-BUS API section in the\n"
" man page for more details."
"--benchmark cycles\n"
" Benchmark mode. Repeatedly paint until reaching the specified cycles.\n"
"--benchmark-wid window-id\n"
" Specify window ID to repaint in benchmark mode. If omitted or is 0,\n"
" the whole screen is repainted.\n"
" Highlight the updated area of the screen. For debugging the xrender\n"
" backend only.\n"
" Render into a separate window, and don't take over the screen. Useful\n"
" when you want to attach a debugger to picom\n"
" Do not use EWMH to detect fullscreen windows. Reverts to checking\n"
" if a window is fullscreen based only on its size and coordinates.\n"
" Make transparent windows clip other windows like non-transparent windows\n"
" do, instead of blending on top of them\n";
FILE *f = (ret ? stderr : stdout);
fprintf(f, usage_text, argv0);
static const char *shortopts = "D:I:O:d:r:o:m:l:t:i:e:hscnfFCaSzGb";
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"config", required_argument, NULL, 256},
{"shadow-radius", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"shadow-opacity", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{"shadow-offset-x", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"shadow-offset-y", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"fade-in-step", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
{"fade-out-step", required_argument, NULL, 'O'},
{"fade-delta", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
{"menu-opacity", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"shadow", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"no-dock-shadow", no_argument, NULL, 'C'},
{"clear-shadow", no_argument, NULL, 'z'},
{"fading", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"inactive-opacity", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"frame-opacity", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"daemon", no_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"no-dnd-shadow", no_argument, NULL, 'G'},
{"shadow-red", required_argument, NULL, 257},
{"shadow-green", required_argument, NULL, 258},
{"shadow-blue", required_argument, NULL, 259},
{"inactive-opacity-override", no_argument, NULL, 260},
{"inactive-dim", required_argument, NULL, 261},
{"mark-wmwin-focused", no_argument, NULL, 262},
{"shadow-exclude", required_argument, NULL, 263},
{"mark-ovredir-focused", no_argument, NULL, 264},
{"no-fading-openclose", no_argument, NULL, 265},
{"shadow-ignore-shaped", no_argument, NULL, 266},
{"detect-rounded-corners", no_argument, NULL, 267},
{"detect-client-opacity", no_argument, NULL, 268},
{"refresh-rate", required_argument, NULL, 269},
{"vsync", optional_argument, NULL, 270},
{"alpha-step", required_argument, NULL, 271},
{"dbe", no_argument, NULL, 272},
{"paint-on-overlay", no_argument, NULL, 273},
{"sw-opti", no_argument, NULL, 274},
{"vsync-aggressive", no_argument, NULL, 275},
{"use-ewmh-active-win", no_argument, NULL, 276},
{"respect-prop-shadow", no_argument, NULL, 277},
{"unredir-if-possible", no_argument, NULL, 278},
{"focus-exclude", required_argument, NULL, 279},
{"inactive-dim-fixed", no_argument, NULL, 280},
{"detect-transient", no_argument, NULL, 281},
{"detect-client-leader", no_argument, NULL, 282},
{"blur-background", no_argument, NULL, 283},
{"blur-background-frame", no_argument, NULL, 284},
{"blur-background-fixed", no_argument, NULL, 285},
{"dbus", no_argument, NULL, 286},
{"logpath", required_argument, NULL, 287},
{"invert-color-include", required_argument, NULL, 288},
{"opengl", no_argument, NULL, 289},
{"backend", required_argument, NULL, 290},
{"glx-no-stencil", no_argument, NULL, 291},
{"benchmark", required_argument, NULL, 293},
{"benchmark-wid", required_argument, NULL, 294},
{"blur-background-exclude", required_argument, NULL, 296},
{"active-opacity", required_argument, NULL, 297},
{"glx-no-rebind-pixmap", no_argument, NULL, 298},
{"glx-swap-method", required_argument, NULL, 299},
{"fade-exclude", required_argument, NULL, 300},
{"blur-kern", required_argument, NULL, 301},
{"resize-damage", required_argument, NULL, 302},
{"glx-use-gpushader4", no_argument, NULL, 303},
{"opacity-rule", required_argument, NULL, 304},
{"shadow-exclude-reg", required_argument, NULL, 305},
{"paint-exclude", required_argument, NULL, 306},
{"xinerama-shadow-crop", no_argument, NULL, 307},
{"unredir-if-possible-exclude", required_argument, NULL, 308},
{"unredir-if-possible-delay", required_argument, NULL, 309},
{"write-pid-path", required_argument, NULL, 310},
{"vsync-use-glfinish", no_argument, NULL, 311},
{"xrender-sync", no_argument, NULL, 312},
{"xrender-sync-fence", no_argument, NULL, 313},
{"show-all-xerrors", no_argument, NULL, 314},
{"no-fading-destroyed-argb", no_argument, NULL, 315},
{"force-win-blend", no_argument, NULL, 316},
{"glx-fshader-win", required_argument, NULL, 317},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 318},
{"no-x-selection", no_argument, NULL, 319},
{"no-name-pixmap", no_argument, NULL, 320},
{"log-level", required_argument, NULL, 321},
{"log-file", required_argument, NULL, 322},
{"use-damage", no_argument, NULL, 323},
{"no-use-damage", no_argument, NULL, 324},
{"no-vsync", no_argument, NULL, 325},
2019-11-07 00:19:20 +00:00
{"max-brightness", required_argument, NULL, 326},
{"transparent-clipping", no_argument, NULL, 327},
{"blur-method", required_argument, NULL, 328},
{"blur-size", required_argument, NULL, 329},
{"blur-deviation", required_argument, NULL, 330},
{"experimental-backends", no_argument, NULL, 733},
{"monitor-repaint", no_argument, NULL, 800},
{"diagnostics", no_argument, NULL, 801},
{"debug-mode", no_argument, NULL, 802},
{"no-ewmh-fullscreen", no_argument, NULL, 803},
// Must terminate with a NULL entry
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0},
/// Get config options that are needed to parse the rest of the options
/// Return true if we should quit
bool get_early_config(int argc, char *const *argv, char **config_file, bool *all_xerrors,
bool *fork, int *exit_code) {
int o = 0, longopt_idx = -1;
// Pre-parse the commandline arguments to check for --config and invalid
// switches
// Must reset optind to 0 here in case we reread the commandline
// arguments
optind = 1;
*config_file = NULL;
*exit_code = 0;
while (-1 != (o = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, &longopt_idx))) {
if (o == 256) {
*config_file = strdup(optarg);
} else if (o == 'h') {
usage(argv[0], 0);
return true;
} else if (o == 'b') {
*fork = true;
} else if (o == 'd') {
log_error("-d is removed, please use the DISPLAY "
"environment variable");
goto err;
} else if (o == 314) {
*all_xerrors = true;
} else if (o == 318) {
printf("%s\n", COMPTON_VERSION);
return true;
} else if (o == 'S') {
log_error("-S is no longer available");
goto err;
} else if (o == 320) {
log_error("--no-name-pixmap is no longer available");
goto err;
} else if (o == '?' || o == ':') {
usage(argv[0], 1);
goto err;
// Check for abundant positional arguments
if (optind < argc) {
// log is not initialized here yet
fprintf(stderr, "picom doesn't accept positional arguments.\n");
goto err;
return false;
*exit_code = 1;
return true;
* Process arguments and configuration files.
bool get_cfg(options_t *opt, int argc, char *const *argv, bool shadow_enable,
bool fading_enable, bool conv_kern_hasneg, win_option_mask_t *winopt_mask) {
int o = 0, longopt_idx = -1;
char *lc_numeric_old = strdup(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL));
// Enforce LC_NUMERIC locale "C" here to make sure dots are recognized
// instead of commas in atof().
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
// Parse commandline arguments. Range checking will be done later.
const char *deprecation_message attr_unused =
"has been removed. If you encounter problems "
"without this feature, please feel free to "
"open a bug report.";
optind = 1;
while (-1 != (o = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, &longopt_idx))) {
switch (o) {
#define P_CASEBOOL(idx, option) \
case idx: \
opt->option = true; \
#define P_CASELONG(idx, option) \
case idx: \
if (!parse_long(optarg, &opt->option)) { \
exit(1); \
} \
#define P_CASEINT(idx, option) \
case idx: \
if (!parse_int(optarg, &opt->option)) { \
exit(1); \
} \
// clang-format off
// Short options
case 318:
case 'h':
// These options should cause us to exit early,
// so assert(false) here
case 'd':
case 'b':
case 'S':
case 314:
case 320:
// These options are handled by get_early_config()
P_CASEINT('D', fade_delta);
case 'I': opt->fade_in_step = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); break;
case 'O': opt->fade_out_step = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); break;
case 'c': shadow_enable = true; break;
case 'C':
winopt_mask[WINTYPE_DOCK].shadow = true;
opt->wintype_option[WINTYPE_DOCK].shadow = false;
case 'G':
winopt_mask[WINTYPE_DND].shadow = true;
opt->wintype_option[WINTYPE_DND].shadow = false;
case 'm':;
double tmp;
tmp = normalize_d(atof(optarg));
winopt_mask[WINTYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU].opacity = true;
winopt_mask[WINTYPE_POPUP_MENU].opacity = true;
opt->wintype_option[WINTYPE_POPUP_MENU].opacity = tmp;
opt->wintype_option[WINTYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU].opacity = tmp;
case 'f':
case 'F':
fading_enable = true;
P_CASEINT('r', shadow_radius);
case 'o':
opt->shadow_opacity = atof(optarg);
P_CASEINT('l', shadow_offset_x);
P_CASEINT('t', shadow_offset_y);
case 'i':
opt->inactive_opacity = normalize_d(atof(optarg));
case 'e': opt->frame_opacity = atof(optarg); break;
case 'z':
log_warn("clear-shadow is removed, shadows are automatically "
"cleared now. If you want to prevent shadow from been "
"cleared under certain types of windows, you can use "
"the \"full-shadow\" per window type option.");
case 'n':
case 'a':
case 's':
log_error("-n, -a, and -s have been removed.");
// Long options
case 256:
// --config
case 257:
// --shadow-red
opt->shadow_red = atof(optarg);
case 258:
// --shadow-green
opt->shadow_green = atof(optarg);
case 259:
// --shadow-blue
opt->shadow_blue = atof(optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(260, inactive_opacity_override);
case 261:
// --inactive-dim
opt->inactive_dim = atof(optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(262, mark_wmwin_focused);
case 263:
// --shadow-exclude
condlst_add(&opt->shadow_blacklist, optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(264, mark_ovredir_focused);
P_CASEBOOL(265, no_fading_openclose);
P_CASEBOOL(266, shadow_ignore_shaped);
P_CASEBOOL(267, detect_rounded_corners);
P_CASEBOOL(268, detect_client_opacity);
P_CASEINT(269, refresh_rate);
case 270:
if (optarg) {
opt->vsync = parse_vsync(optarg);
log_warn("--vsync doesn't take argument anymore. \"%s\" "
"is interpreted as \"%s\" for compatibility, but "
"this will stop working soon",
optarg, opt->vsync ? "true" : "false");
} else {
opt->vsync = true;
case 271:
// --alpha-step
log_error("--alpha-step has been removed, we now tries to "
"make use of all alpha values");
return false;
case 272: log_warn("use of --dbe is deprecated"); break;
case 273:
log_error("--paint-on-overlay has been removed, the feature is enabled "
"whenever possible");
return false;
P_CASEBOOL(274, sw_opti);
case 275:
// --vsync-aggressive
log_warn("--vsync-aggressive has been deprecated, please remove it"
" from the command line options");
P_CASEBOOL(276, use_ewmh_active_win);
case 277:
// --respect-prop-shadow
log_warn("--respect-prop-shadow option has been deprecated, its "
"functionality will always be enabled. Please remove it "
"from the command line options");
P_CASEBOOL(278, unredir_if_possible);
case 279:
// --focus-exclude
condlst_add(&opt->focus_blacklist, optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(280, inactive_dim_fixed);
P_CASEBOOL(281, detect_transient);
P_CASEBOOL(282, detect_client_leader);
case 283:
// --blur_background
opt->blur_method = BLUR_METHOD_KERNEL;
P_CASEBOOL(284, blur_background_frame);
P_CASEBOOL(285, blur_background_fixed);
P_CASEBOOL(286, dbus);
case 287:
log_warn("Please use --log-file instead of --logpath");
// fallthrough
case 322:
// --logpath, --log-file
opt->logpath = strdup(optarg);
case 288:
// --invert-color-include
condlst_add(&opt->invert_color_list, optarg);
case 289:
// --opengl
opt->backend = BKEND_GLX;
case 290:
// --backend
opt->backend = parse_backend(optarg);
if (opt->backend >= NUM_BKEND)
P_CASEBOOL(291, glx_no_stencil);
P_CASEINT(293, benchmark);
case 294:
// --benchmark-wid
opt->benchmark_wid = (xcb_window_t)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
case 296:
// --blur-background-exclude
condlst_add(&opt->blur_background_blacklist, optarg);
case 297:
// --active-opacity
opt->active_opacity = normalize_d(atof(optarg));
P_CASEBOOL(298, glx_no_rebind_pixmap);
case 299: {
// --glx-swap-method
char *endptr;
long tmpval = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
bool should_remove = true;
if (*endptr || !(*optarg)) {
// optarg is not a number, or an empty string
tmpval = -1;
if (strcmp(optarg, "undefined") != 0 && tmpval != 0) {
// If not undefined, we will use damage and buffer-age to
// limit the rendering area.
opt->use_damage = true;
should_remove = false;
log_warn("--glx-swap-method has been deprecated, your setting "
"\"%s\" should be %s.",
!should_remove ? "replaced by `--use-damage`" :
case 300:
// --fade-exclude
condlst_add(&opt->fade_blacklist, optarg);
case 301:
// --blur-kern
opt->blur_kerns = parse_blur_kern_lst(optarg, &conv_kern_hasneg,
if (!opt->blur_kerns) {
P_CASEINT(302, resize_damage);
case 303:
// --glx-use-gpushader4
log_warn("--glx-use-gpushader4 is deprecated since v6."
" Please remove it from command line options.");
case 304:
// --opacity-rule
if (!parse_rule_opacity(&opt->opacity_rules, optarg))
case 305:
// --shadow-exclude-reg
opt->shadow_exclude_reg_str = strdup(optarg);
log_warn("--shadow-exclude-reg is deprecated. You are likely "
"better off using --shadow-exclude anyway");
case 306:
// --paint-exclude
condlst_add(&opt->paint_blacklist, optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(307, xinerama_shadow_crop);
case 308:
// --unredir-if-possible-exclude
condlst_add(&opt->unredir_if_possible_blacklist, optarg);
P_CASELONG(309, unredir_if_possible_delay);
case 310:
// --write-pid-path
opt->write_pid_path = strdup(optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(311, vsync_use_glfinish);
case 312:
// --xrender-sync
log_warn("Please use --xrender-sync-fence instead of --xrender-sync");
opt->xrender_sync_fence = true;
P_CASEBOOL(313, xrender_sync_fence);
P_CASEBOOL(315, no_fading_destroyed_argb);
P_CASEBOOL(316, force_win_blend);
case 317:
opt->glx_fshader_win_str = strdup(optarg);
case 321: {
enum log_level tmp_level = string_to_log_level(optarg);
if (tmp_level == LOG_LEVEL_INVALID) {
log_warn("Invalid log level, defaults to WARN");
} else {
P_CASEBOOL(319, no_x_selection);
P_CASEBOOL(323, use_damage);
case 324:
opt->use_damage = false;
case 325:
opt->vsync = false;
2019-11-07 00:19:20 +00:00
case 326:
opt->max_brightness = atof(optarg);
P_CASEBOOL(327, transparent_clipping);
case 328: {
// --blur-method
enum blur_method method = parse_blur_method(optarg);
if (method >= BLUR_METHOD_INVALID) {
log_warn("Invalid blur method %s, ignoring.", optarg);
} else {
opt->blur_method = method;
case 329:
// --blur-size
opt->blur_radius = atoi(optarg);
case 330:
// --blur-deviation
opt->blur_deviation = atof(optarg);
2019-11-07 00:19:20 +00:00
P_CASEBOOL(733, experimental_backends);
P_CASEBOOL(800, monitor_repaint);
case 801: opt->print_diagnostics = true; break;
P_CASEBOOL(802, debug_mode);
P_CASEBOOL(803, no_ewmh_fullscreen);
default: usage(argv[0], 1); break;
// clang-format on
// Restore LC_NUMERIC
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, lc_numeric_old);
if (opt->monitor_repaint && opt->backend != BKEND_XRENDER &&
!opt->experimental_backends) {
log_warn("--monitor-repaint has no effect when backend is not xrender");
if (opt->experimental_backends && !backend_list[opt->backend]) {
log_error("Backend \"%s\" is not available as part of the experimental "
return false;
if (opt->debug_mode && !opt->experimental_backends) {
log_error("Debug mode only works with the experimental backends.");
return false;
if (opt->transparent_clipping && !opt->experimental_backends) {
log_error("Transparent clipping only works with the experimental "
return false;
// Range checking and option assignments
opt->fade_delta = max2(opt->fade_delta, 1);
opt->shadow_radius = max2(opt->shadow_radius, 0);
opt->shadow_red = normalize_d(opt->shadow_red);
opt->shadow_green = normalize_d(opt->shadow_green);
opt->shadow_blue = normalize_d(opt->shadow_blue);
opt->inactive_dim = normalize_d(opt->inactive_dim);
opt->frame_opacity = normalize_d(opt->frame_opacity);
opt->shadow_opacity = normalize_d(opt->shadow_opacity);
opt->refresh_rate = normalize_i_range(opt->refresh_rate, 0, 300);
2019-11-07 00:19:20 +00:00
opt->max_brightness = normalize_d(opt->max_brightness);
if (opt->max_brightness < 1.0) {
if (opt->use_damage) {
log_warn("--max-brightness requires --no-use-damage. Falling "
"back to 1.0");
opt->max_brightness = 1.0;
if (!opt->experimental_backends || opt->backend != BKEND_GLX) {
log_warn("--max-brightness requires the experimental glx "
"backend. Falling back to 1.0");
opt->max_brightness = 1.0;
2019-11-07 00:19:20 +00:00
// Apply default wintype options that are dependent on global options
set_default_winopts(opt, winopt_mask, shadow_enable, fading_enable);
// --blur-background-frame implies --blur-background
if (opt->blur_background_frame && opt->blur_method == BLUR_METHOD_NONE) {
opt->blur_method = BLUR_METHOD_KERNEL;
// Other variables determined by options
// Determine whether we track window grouping
if (opt->detect_transient || opt->detect_client_leader) {
opt->track_leader = true;
// Fill default blur kernel
if (opt->blur_method == BLUR_METHOD_KERNEL &&
(!opt->blur_kerns || !opt->blur_kerns[0])) {
opt->blur_kerns = parse_blur_kern_lst("3x3box", &conv_kern_hasneg,
if (opt->resize_damage < 0) {
log_warn("Negative --resize-damage will not work correctly.");
if (opt->backend == BKEND_XRENDER && conv_kern_hasneg) {
log_warn("A convolution kernel with negative values may not work "
"properly under X Render backend.");
return true;
// vim: set noet sw=8 ts=8 :