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2015-01-12 15:48:04 -04:00

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# ROFI 1 rofi
rofi - A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
**rofi** [ -width *pct_scr* ] [ -lines *lines* ] [ -columns *columns* ] [ -font *pangofont* ] [ -fg
*color* ] [ -bg *color* ] [ -bgalt *color* ] [ -hlfg *color* ] [ -hlbg *color* ] [ -key *combo* ] [
-dkey *comdo* ] [ -rkey *comdo* ] [ -terminal *terminal* ] [ -location *position* ] [ -hmode ] [
-fixed-num-lines ] [ -padding *padding* ] [ -opacity *opacity%* ] [ -display *display* ] [ -bc
*color* ] [ -bw *width* ] [ -dmenu [ -p *prompt* ] ] [ -ssh-client *client* ] [ -ssh-command
*command* ] [ -now ] [ -rnow ] [ -snow ] [ -version ] [ -help] [ -dump-xresources ] [
-disable-history ] [ -levenshtein-sort ] [ -case-sensitive ] [ -show *mode* ] [ -switcher *mode1,
mode2* ] [ -e *message*] [ -sep *separator* ] [ -eh *element height* ] [ -l *selected line* ] [
-run-list-command *cmd* ]
**rofi** is an X11 popup window switcher. A list is displayed center-screen showing open window titles, WM_CLASS, and desktop number.
The user may filter the list by typing, navigate with Up/Down or Tab keys, and select a window with Return (Enter). Escape cancels.
## License
**rofi** can be used in two ways, single-shot; executes once and directly exits when done or as
daemon listening to specific key-combinations.
The default key combinations are:
* `F12`
Show all windows on all desktops.
* `mod1-F2`
Show run-dialog.
* `mod1-F3`
Show run-dialog.
Change the key combination to display all windows (default: F12).
rofi -key F12
rofi -key control+shift+s
rofi -key mod1+Tab
Change the key combination to display the run dialog (default: mod1-F2).
rofi -rkey F11
rofi -rkey control+shift+d
rofi -rkey mod1+grave (grave=backtick)
Change the key combination to display the ssh dialog (default: Alt-F3).
rofi -skey F10
rofi -skey control+shift+s
rofi -skey mod1+grave (grave=backtick)
Run rofi in all-windows mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys.
Run rofi in run-dialog mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys.
Run rofi in ssh mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys.
Run rofi in dmenu mode. Allowing it to be used for user interaction in scripts.
Pressing `shift-enter` will open the selected entries and move to the next entry.
`-show` *mode*
Open rofi in a certain mode.
For example to show the run-dialog:
rofi -show run
This function deprecates -rnow,-snow and -now
`-switchers` *mode1,mode1*
Give a comma separated list of modes to enable, in what order.
For example to only show the run and ssh dialog (in that order):
rofi -switchers "run,ssh" -show run
Custom modes can be added using the internal 'script' mode. Each mode has two parameters:
So to have a mode 'Workspaces' using the `i3_switch_workspace.sh` script type:
rofi -switchers "window,run,ssh,Workspaces:i3_switch_workspaces.sh" -show Workspaces
Start in case sensitive mode.
### Theming
Set the background text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu (default: #222222).
rofi -bg "#222222"
Set the background text color for alternating rows (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu
(default: #222222).
rofi -bgalt "#222222"
Set the border color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu (default: #000000).
rofi -bc black
Set the border width in pixels (default: 1).
rofi -bw 1
Set the foreground text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu (default: #cccccc).
rofi -fg "#cccccc"
Pango font name for use by the menu (default: mono 14).
rofi -font monospace\ 14
Set the background text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the highlighted item in the
menu (default: #005577).
rofi -fg "#005577"
Set the foreground text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the highlighted item in the
menu (default: #ffffff).
rofi -fg "#ffffff"
Set the window opacity (0-100).
rofi -opacity "75"
### Layout
Maximum number of lines the menu may show before scrolling (default: 25).
rofi -lines 25
The number of columns the menu may show before scrolling (default: 25).
rofi -columns 2
`-width` [value]
Set the width of the menu as a percentage of the screen width (default: 60).
rofi -width 60
If value is larger then 100, the size is set in pixels. e.g. to span a full hd monitor:
rofi -width 1980
If the value is negative, it tries to estimates a character width. To show 30 characters on a row:
rofi -width -30
Character width is a rough estimation, and might not be correct, but should work for most monospaced fonts.
Specify where the window should be located. The numbers map to the following location on the
1 2 3
8 0 4
7 6 5
Switch to horizontal mode (ala dmenu). The number of elements is the number of `lines` times the
number of `columns`.
Keep a fixed number of visible lines (See the `-lines` option.)
Define the inner margin of the window. Default is 5 pixels.
To make rofi look like dmenu:
rofi -hmode -padding 0
Go into side-bar mode, it will show list of modi at the bottom.
To show sidebar use:
rofi -rnow -sidebar-mode -lines 0
### Pattern setting
Specify what terminal to start (default x-terminal-emulator)
rofi -terminal xterm
`-ssh-client` *client*
Override the used ssh client. Default is `ssh`.
### SSH settings
`-ssh-set-title` *true|false*
SSH dialogs tries to set 'ssh hostname' of the spawned terminal.
Not all terminals support this.
Default value is true.
*This command has been deprecated for the ssh-command string*
`-ssh-command` *cmd*
Set the command to execute when starting a ssh session.
### Run settings
`-run-command` *cmd*
Set the command to execute when running an application.
`-run-shell-command` *cmd*
Set the command to execute when running an application in a shell.
`-run-list-command` *cmd*
If set, use an external tool to generate list of executable commands. Uses 'run-command'
### History and Sorting
Disable history
When searching sort the result based on levenshtein distance.
Note that levenshtein sort is disabled in dmenu mode.
### Dmenu specific
`-sep` *separator*
Separator for dmenu. For example to show list a to e with '|' as separator:
echo "a|b|c|d|e" | rofi -sep '|' -dmenu
`-p` *prompt*
Specify the prompt to show in dmenu mode. E.g. select monkey a,b,c,d or e.
echo "a|b|c|d|e" | rofi -sep '|' -dmenu -p "monkey:"
`-eh` *element height*
The height of a field in lines. e.g.
echo -e "a\n3|b\n4|c\n5" | rofi -sep '|' -eh 2 -dmenu
`-l` *selected line*
Select a certain line.
### Message dialog
`-e` *message*
Popup a message dialog (used internally for showing errors) with *message*.
Message can be multi-line.
### Debug
Dump the current active configuration in xresources format to the command-line.
## Pattern
To launch commands (e.g. when using the ssh dialog) the user can enter the used commandline,
the following keys can be used that will be replaced at runtime:
* `{host}`: The host to connect to.
* `{terminal}`: The configured terminal (See -terminal-emulator)
* `{ssh-client}`: The configured ssh client (See -ssh-client)
* `{cmd}`: The command to execute.
## Dmenu replacemnt
If `argv[0]` (calling command) is dmenu, **rofi** will start in dmenu mode.
This way it can be used as a drop-in replacement for dmenu. just copy or symlink **rofi** to dmenu in `$PATH`.
ln -s /usr/bin/dmenu /usr/bin/rofi
## Signals
If in daemon mode, reload the configuration from Xresources. (arguments still override).
## Keybindings
Rofi supports the following keybindings:
* `Ctrl-v, Insert`: Paste clipboard
* `Ctrl-Shift-v, Shift-Insert`: Paste primary selection
* `Ctrl-u`: Clear the line
* `Ctrl-a`: Beginning of line
* `Ctrl-e`: End of line
* `Ctrl-f, Right`: Forward one character
* `Ctrl-b, Left`: Back one character
* `Ctrl-d, Delete`: Delete character
* `Ctrl-h, Backspace`: Backspace (delete previous character)
* `Ctrl-j,Ctrl-m,Enter`: Accept entry
* `Ctrl-n,Down`: Select next entry
* `Ctrl-p,Up`: Select previous entry
* `Page Up`: Go to the previous page
* `Page Down`: Go to the next page
* `Ctrl-Page Up`: Go to the previous column
* `Ctrl-Page Down`: Go to the next column
* `Ctrl-Enter`: Use entered text as command (in ssh/run dialog)
* `?`: Switch to the next modi. The list can be customized with the `-switchers` argument.
* `ctrl-/`: Switch to the previous modi. The list can be customized with the `-switchers` argument.
* `Ctrl-space`: Set selected item as input text.
* `Shift-Del`: Delete entry from history.
* `grave`: Toggle case sensitivity.
## FAQ
`Text in window switcher is not nicely lined out`
Try using a mono-space font.
`Rofi is completely black.`
Check quotes used on the commandline: e.g. used “ instead of ".
**rofi** website can be found at [here](https://davedavenport.github.io/rofi/)
**rofi** bugtracker can be found [here](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/issues)
Qball Cow <qball@gmpclient.org>
Original code based on work by: Sean Pringle <sean.pringle@gmail.com>