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Flutter is a mobile app SDK for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android, from a single codebase.
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- Articles
- Videos
- Components
- Navigation
- Template
- Plugins
- Frameworks
- Open Source Apps
- Utilities
- Books
- Bonus
Begin with
- Google IO 2018 [1K👏] - Building beautiful, flexible user interfaces.
- Zero to One [2.8K👏] - Flutter basics by Mikkel Ravn.
- From Install to ListView [680👏] - Full series of 4 articles by Chema Rubio.
- Animated Chat - Building beautiful UIs by Google Code Labs.
- Firebase Chat - Firebase integration by Google Code Labs.
- Planets-Flutter: from design to app - Detailed planets design tutorial.
- Zero to One Animation [806👏] - Focus on animation by Mikkel Ravn.
- Google Cloud Functions - App powered by Google Cloud Functions by Romin Irani.
- Firebase [392👍] - Firebase live coding.
- Securing Apps [285👏] - By Mehmet Fidanboylu.
- Build your plugins [369👏] - How to make a custom plug-in by Karthik Ponnam.
- Build Flavor [574👏] - Define build configurations and switch them by Salvatore Giordano.
Websites / Blogs
- SZAŁKO-BLOG - Step by step advanced design by Marcin Szalek.
- Sergi & Replace - Basic to advanced articles and tutorials Sergi Martínez.
- Flutter by Example - Tutorials based on Redux, Firebase, Custom Animations, and UI.
- Flutter Institute - Very original content and tutorials by Brian Armstrong.
- Iirokrankka.com - Articles and tutorials about Flutter, Dart and anything related by Iiro Krankka.
- Norbert - In depth articles, features and app creation by Norbert515.
- Welcome to Flutter - English and French blog dedicated to providing practical solutions to most asked questions about Flutter by Didier Boelens.
- Rendering Pipeline [164👍] - Engine architecture by Adam Barth.
- Render Objects [1.1K👏] - What are Widgets, RenderObjects and Elements? by Norbert515.
- Streams and RxDart - Skillmatters presentation by Brian Egan.
- Gesture System [356👏] - Flutter Deep Dive: Gestures by Nash.
- Schemas - Widget, State, Context and InheritedWidget explanations by Didier Boelens.
- Tensor Programming [67🎬] - Very rich content by Tensor Programming.
- Fluttery - High-production value and in-depth challenges.
- Brandon Donnelson [55🎬] - Videos on layout, database and tips by Brandon Donnelson.
- Mtechviral [97🎬] - [Hindi/English] Mtechviral Series By Pawan Kumar.
- Udacity - Build Native Mobile Apps by Google.
- VoidRealms [43🎬] - Video tutorials, from basic to advanced.
- Coding With Flutter [15🎬] - Flutter video tutorials and live-coding examples by Andrea Bizzotto.
- Official Gallery - Demo for the material design widgets provided by Flutter Team.
- Posse Gallery [166★] - Advanced demonstration by Posse.
- Flutter Examples [1143★] - Simple basic isolated apps for devs by Nishant Srivastava.
- 3D Object [32★] - Renders a wavefront .obj on to a canvas by Hemanth Raj.
- Contact Picker [16★] - Picking contact from the address book by Michael Goderbauer.
- Parallax [188★] - ViewPager by Iiro Krankka.
- StaggeredGridView [213★] - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by Romain Rastel.
- Sticky Header [89★] - Sliver based sticky headers by Romain Rastel.
- Radial Menu [110★] - Animated Radial Menu by Victor Choueiri.
- Tinder Cards [108★] - Tinder like cards swipe effect by Ivascu Adrian.
- Sticky Headers [133★] - Configurable sticky headers by Simon Lightfoot.
- Login Animation [230★] - Smooth animation from login to home by Ruchika Gupta.
- List Drag&Drop [92★] - Reorder list elements using Drag & Drop by Norbert515.
- Side Header List [81★] - Listview with sticky headers by Rene Floor.
- Shimmer [139★] - Shimmer effect while content is loading by HungHD.
- Flip Panel [67★] - Flip panel with built-in animation by HungHD.
- Facebook Reactions [38★] - Facebook reactions widget by Duy Tran.
- Flushbar [57★] - Highly configurable Snackbar by Andre Haueisen.
- Calendar Widget [25★] - Calendar widget by David Bennett.
- Calendar Carousel Widget - Calendar carousel by dooboolab
Material Design
- Material Color Picker [33★] - Based on the Google Docs color picker by Lung Razvan.
- Unicorn Speed Dial [54★] - Floating Action Button with Speed Dial by Tiago Martins.
- Slidable [214★] - Slidable list item with left and right slide actions by Romain Rastel.
- RangeSlider [39★] - 2-thumb configurable RangeSlider by Didier Boelens.
- Image Picker - Images Selection by Collin Jackson.
- Zoomable Image [65★] - By Perlatus.
- Carousel Slider [82★] - Carousel slider widget, support infinite scroll and custom child widget by serenader.
- Parallax Image [73★] - Image parallax by Anatoly Pulyaevskiy.
- Photo View [116★] - Scalable image view with loading placeholder by Renan C. Araújo.
- SVG [146★] - SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library by Dan Field.
- Image Cropper [125★] - Crop your images support ratio, rotation, zoom by HungHD.
- Cached Network Image [150★] - Show images from the internet and keep them in the cache directory by.
- Google Map View [296★] - Displaying google map plugin by AppTree Software.
- GeoCoder [24★] - Forward and reverse geocoding by Aloïs Deniel.
- Map [239★] - Solution based on Leaflet and customizable by AppTree Software.
- Mapbox GL [130★] - Interactive, customizable vector maps by Mapbox.
- Circular Chart [119★] - Animated radial and pie charts by Victor Choueiri.
- Charts [84★] - LineChart and VerticalBarChart Library by Milan Zimmermann.
- Sparkline [72★] - Sparkline by Victor Choueiri.
- Charts [278★] - By Google Charts Team.
- Flutter Plot [11★] - Pretty plots by R. C. Howell.
- Candlesticks [54★] - OHLC and Trade Volume Charts by Trent Piercy.
- FCharts [163★] - Beautiful, responsive, animated charts by Keenan Thompson.
- Fluro [463★] - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by Posse.
- PageView Indicator [18★] - Build page indicators for the PageView by Leo Cavalcante.
- Quick Actions - Interact with the application's home screen quick actions.
- Swiper [35★] - Horizontal, Vertical, Partial swipe with indicator by Xueliang Ren.
- Local Auth - Touch ID, lock code, fingerprint auth on iOS and Android.
- Login [152★] - FaceID, TouchID, and Fingerprint Reader by Rody Davis.
- Google Sign-In - Google OAuth.
- Firebase Auth - Firebase OAuth.
- Facebook Login [98★] - Authenticate with native Android & iOS Facebook login SDKs by Iiro Krankka.
- OAuth [67★] - Buffer, Strava, Unsplash, Github OAuth by Joe Birch.
- Instagram - Instagram auth by Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne.
- Firebase Phone Auth [150👏] - Phone number auth via SMS by Gildásio Filho.
- SimpleAuth [35★] - Azure Active Directory, Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Github, Google, Instagram, Linked In, Microsoft Live Connect, Github, OAuth, Basic Auth by James Clancey.
Text & Rich Content
- Markdown [99★] - Markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html.
- Rich Text Editor [55★] - Text editor with style by Lung Razvan.
- Masked Text [25★] - Masked text with custom and monetary formatting by Ben-hur Santos Ott.
- Zefyr [194★] - Soft and gentle rich text editing by Memspace.
- Usage [39★] - Google Analytics wrapper for command-line, web, and Flutter apps.
- Firebase Analytics - Connect to Firebase Analytics API.
- Segment.com Analytics [3★] - Make your Segment.com analytics a breeze! by Faisal Abid.
Build automation
- Travis CI for Flutter [30★] - Continuous integration by Yegor Jbanov.
- Test on Travis [302👏] - Widget testing framework by Yegor Jbanov.
- Building Apks/Ipas on Travis [201👏] - Automated build for Android and IOS by Yegor Jbanov.
- BitRise [57👏] - Create Bitrise Step in Go by Karol Wrótniak.
- Flutterial [65★] - Flutter Material Theme explorer by Erick Ghaumez.
- Frosted Glass - Render effect by Collin Jackson.
- Pigment [40★] - Simple but useful package for use colors in flutter.
- Audio Plugin [138★] - Beta by Erick Ghaumez.
- Audio Recorder [47★] - Record audio and store it locally by Jordan Alcaraz.
- Stereo [30★] - Playing music on iOS and Android by 2Find.
- Flutter Sound [17★] - Flutter audio recorder and player at one hand by dooboolab.
- WebRTC [190★] - WebRTC plugin for iOS/Android by CloudWebRtc.
- Chewie [129★] - Provides low-level access to video playback by Brian Egan.
- Speech Recognition [57★] - Speech to text by Erick Ghaumez.
- OK Google - Integrate google assistant by Marcin Szalek.
- Firebase Storage - Firebase as data storage.
- Secure Storage [53★] - Keychain and Keystore storage by German Saprykin.
- Admob - GoogleAdmob supports interstitial ads in both iOS and Android by Brett Nesbitt.
- Firebase AdMob - Ad integration using Firebase.
- Billing [56★] - Enable billing on iOS and Android by Volodymyr Lykhonis.
- Payments [15★] - In App Purchases & Subscriptions by Delightful Goods.
- Inapp Purchase [81★] - Features set of 'in app purchase' derived from react-native-iap by dooboolab.
- Movie Details [140★] - Movie details page by Iiro Krankka.
- Mates [203★] - How to load profiles from the randomuser.me API and a nice profile details page by Iiro Krankka.
- Weather [64★] - Weather app to learn how to use Canvas and Animation by Alessandro Aime.
- TodoMVC [1080★] - TODO application ready to go with different flavors : Vanilla, Redux, built_redux by Brian Egan.
- Restaurant Menu [279★] - Restaurant menu by Braulio Cassule.
- UI Challenges [384★] - Profile, Travel, Food App by Tomi Alagbe.
- Cupertino Settings [37★] - iOS Settings by Matthias Rupp.
- Music Player [73★] - music player component by Tobe O.
- Dashboard [220★] - Dashboard and Shop Items by Ivascu Adrian.
- Todo [150★] - Todo template from Dribble by Marc L.
- Card Swipe Animation [96★] - Swipe cards template by Ruchika Gupta.
- UI Kit [1113★] - Collection of useful UIs in a UIKit by Pawan Kumar.
- Book [62★] - Bookshelf by Ardiansyah Putra.
- The Gorgeous Login [201★] - Design and smooth login template by Hugo Extrat.
- Pub Plugins - Plugins filter in Dart Pub Repository.
- Plugins - Official Flutter Team Plugins.
- Sqflite [409★] - SQLite flutter plugin by Alexandre Roux.
- WebView [296★] - Render web content by Hadrien Lejard.
- Location [119★] - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by Lyokone.
- Battery - Access various information about the battery.
- Proximity Sensor Plugin - A plugin to access the proximity sensor of your device by Manoj NB.
- Geolocation [102★] - Fully featured geolocation plugin: current location, location updates, geocode, places and more by Loup.
- Local Notifications [146★] - Plugin for displaying local notifications by Michael Bui.
- App Rating [32★] - Requesting and Writing Reviews for the App Store and Google Play by Rody Davis.
- Get Version [23★] - Version Name, Version Code, App ID and Platform with OS Version by Rody Davis.
- Downloader [61★] - Create and manage download tasks by HungHD.
- Place Dialog [18★] - Places picker dialog returning the places to the app by David Bennett.
- Device Calendar - Plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device by Built to Roam.
- Android Job Scheduler
[17★] - Directly manage android system schedules by Georg Grab.
- Badger [35★] - Update app badge on the launcher by Edouard Marquez.
- UDID [18★] - Persistent UDID across app reinstalls by Leon Kukuk.
- AppAvailability [4★] - List, launch and check installed apps by Lorenzo Pichilli.
- InAppBrowser [19★] - Open an in-app browser window (porting of cordova inappbrowser) by Lorenzo Pichilli.
- Google Mobile Vision [102★] - Google Mobile Vision by Eduardo Folly.
- Dialogflow [20★] - Plugin to easily integrate with dialogflow by Victor Rances.
- Intercom [10★] - Add Intercom integration to your app by Maido Kaara.
- MLKit [85★] - Firebase Machine Learning Kit by Naoya Yoshizawa.
- OneSignal [55★] - Push notification service by OneSignal.
- QR Code Reader [54★] - QR Code reader plugin by Matheus Villela.
- Fast QR Reader View [21★] - Live multicode reader by Facundo Medica.
Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- Ble [68★] - Bluetooth by Polidea.
- Blue [235★] - Bluetooth by Paul DeMarco.
- NFC [17★] - Connect IsoDep iso 14443-4 cards for android by Göksel Uyulmaz.
- Beacons [12★] - Flutter beacons plugin by Loup.
Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Built redux [52★] - Automatic subscribing to your redux stores. Based on the built pattern by David Marne.
- Redux.dart [169★] - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by John Ryan and Brian Egan.
- Redux [343★] - Built to work with redux.dart, utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Widgets.
- Dartea [24★] - Model View Update inspired by TEA from ELM by Shilyagov P.
- Inject [242★] - Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter by Google.
- Flutter_flux [204★] - Implementation of the Flux framework by Google.
- graphql_flutter [242★] - Implementation of the GraphQL spec by Zino App B.V..
- Sequence Animation [67★] - Composite staggered animations by Norbert Kozsir.
- SpinKit [303★] - Animated loading indicators by Jeremiah Ogbomo.
- Villains [75★] - Page transition animations by Norbert Kozsir.
Game Engine
- Flame [316★] - Minimalist game engine by Luan Nico.
- SpriteWidget [315★] - Toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games by Viktor Lidholt.
- Cache Manager [50★] - Generic cache manager by Rene Floor.
Open Source Apps
- FriendlyChat [151★] - Offline/Firebase chat by a team of Googlers.
- Meme Chat [276★] - Chat app on Flutter, using Firebase, Google Sign In, and device camera integration by a team of Googlers.
- Flitter [115★] - Glitter app by Hadrien Lejard and Kevin Segaud. It uses Redux and Jaguar.
- Lime [173★] - Lime social network by Sebastian Sellmair.
- Planets [236★] - Planet exploration that demonstrate rich UI by Sergi Martínez.
- NewsBuzz [227★] - Firebase backed news reader using News API by Ankur Kedia.
- DroidKaigi2018-flutter [311★] - Unofficial conference app for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo by konifar.
- Music Player [306★] - Full featured music player by Pawan Kumar.
- InKino [1075★] - Complete movie app that uses flutter_redux for state management, has nice transition animations, and a comprehensive set of widget & unit tests, by Iiro Krankka.
- WhatTodo [164★] - Todoist like UI by Burhanuddin Rashid.
- FlutterGram [203★] - Complete Instagram based on Firestore & Google Functions by MDanics.
- BookSearch [161★] - Digital BookShelf for your reading progress by Norbert515.
- Cinematic [255★] - UI for Movie DB Public API by Aaron Oertel.
- Beer-Me-Up [132★] - Beer tracking nicely designed by Benoit Letondor.
- Trace [91★] - Modern and powerful crypto portfolio & market explorer by Trent Piercy.
- Taskist [44★] - Taskist is a ToDo List app for Task Management by Hugo EXTRAT.
- Tourism [10★] - Tourism app based on redux w/ animations & i18n by blueMix.
- Flip [48★] - Reversi game by Andrew Brogdon.
- 2048 [7★] - 2048 game by Anuran Barman.
- Desktop Embedding [1111★] - Desktop implementations of the Flutter embedding API by Google.
- Mutisya 2 - Online Flutter Studio by Paul Mutisya.
- Launcher Icons - Generate your launcher icons easily by Mark O'Sullivan and Franz Silva.
- Redux Starter/Code Generator [74★] - Starter project and code generator with Redux support by Hillel Coren.
- FlutterIcon [38★] - Icon set generator by Mike Hoolehan.
- Gitter - Exchange channel.
- r/FlutterDev Subreddit - Reddit community by u/JaapVermeulen.
- Dev Discord - Discord server to discuss and get help by Pritykin.
- Flutter in Action - Complete Flutter and Dart resource, currently in 'Early Access'. (42% off with code 'slwindmill').
- It's All Widgets! - Open list of published apps by Hillel Coren, Thomas Burkhart, Simon Lightfoot and Scott Stoll.
- The One [137👍]
To the extent possible under law, Robert Felker has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.