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Flutter is a mobile app SDK for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android, from a single codebase.
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- Articles
- Videos
- Components
- Navigation
- Template
- Plugins
- Frameworks
- Open Source Apps
- Utilities
- Books
- Bonus
Begin with
- Google IO 2018 - Building beautiful, flexible user interfaces
- Zero to One - Flutter basics by Mikkel Ravn
- From Install to ListView - Full series of 4 articles by Chema Rubio
- Animated Chat - Building beautiful UIs by Google Code Labs
- Firebase Chat - Firebase integration by Google Code Labs
- Planets-Flutter: from design to app - Detailed planets design tutorial
- Zero to One Animation - Focus on animation by Mikkel Ravn
- Google Cloud Functions - App powered by Google Cloud Functions by Romin Irani
- Firebase - Firebase live coding
- Securing Apps - By Mehmet Fidanboylu
- Build your plugins - How to make a custom plug-in by Karthik Ponnam
- Build Flavor - Define build configurations and switch them by Salvatore Giordano
Websites / Blogs
- SZAŁKO-BLOG - Step by step advanced design by Marcin Szalek.
- Sergi & Replace - Basic to advanced articles and tutorials Sergi Martínez
- Flutter by Example - Tutorials based on Redux, Firebase, Custom Animations, and UI
- Flutter Institute - Very original content and tutorials by Brian Armstrong
- Iirokrankka.com - Articles and tutorials about Flutter, Dart and anything related by Iiro Krankka.
- Norbert - In depth articles, features and app creation by Norbert515
- Welcome to Flutter - English and French blog dedicated to providing practical solutions to most asked questions about Flutter by Didier Boelens
- Flutter Tips - Articles, tips & tricks in the development by Diego Velásquez
- Rendering Pipeline - Engine architecture by Adam Barth
- Render Objects - What are Widgets, RenderObjects and Elements? by Norbert515
- Streams and RxDart - Skillmatters presentation by Brian Egan
- Gesture System - Flutter Deep Dive: Gestures by Nash
- Schemas - Widget, State, Context and InheritedWidget explanations by Didier Boelens
- Tensor Programming - Very rich content by Tensor Programming
- Fluttery - High-production value and in-depth challenges.
- Brandon Donnelson - Videos on layout, database and tips by Brandon Donnelson
- Mtechviral - [Hindi/English] Mtechviral Series By Pawan Kumar
- Udacity - Build Native Mobile Apps by Google.
- VoidRealms - Video tutorials, from basic to advanced
- Coding With Flutter - Video tutorials and live-coding examples by Andrea Bizzotto.
- Official Gallery - Demo for the material design widgets provided by Flutter Team
- Posse Gallery - Advanced demonstration by Posse
- Flutter Examples - Simple basic isolated apps for devs by Nishant Srivastava
- 3D Object - Renders a wavefront .obj on to a canvas by Hemanth Raj
- Contact Picker - Picking contact from the address book by Michael Goderbauer
- Parallax - ViewPager by Iiro Krankka
- StaggeredGridView - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by Romain Rastel
- Sticky Header - Sliver based sticky headers by Romain Rastel
- Radial Menu - Animated Radial Menu by Victor Choueiri
- Tinder Cards - Tinder like cards swipe effect by Ivascu Adrian
- Sticky Headers - Configurable sticky headers by Simon Lightfoot
- Login Animation - Smooth animation from login to home by Ruchika Gupta
- List Drag&Drop - Reorder list elements using Drag & Drop by Norbert515
- Side Header List - Listview with sticky headers by Rene Floor
- Shimmer - Shimmer effect while content is loading by HungHD
- Flip Panel - Flip panel with built-in animation by HungHD
- Facebook Reactions - Facebook reactions widget by Duy Tran
- Flushbar - Highly configurable Snackbar by Andre Haueisen
- Stepper Touch - Lateral value stepper nicely animated by Raouf Rahiche.
- Calendar Widget - Calendar widget by David Bennett
- Calendar Carousel Widget - Calendar carousel by dooboolab
Material Design
- Material Color Picker - Based on the Google Docs color picker by Lung Razvan
- Unicorn Speed Dial - Floating Action Button with Speed Dial by Tiago Martins
- Slidable - Slidable list item with left and right slide actions by Romain Rastel
- RangeSlider - 2-thumb configurable RangeSlider by Didier Boelens
- Image Picker - Images Selection by Collin Jackson
- Carousel Slider - Carousel slider widget, support infinite scroll and custom child widget by serenader
- Parallax Image - Image parallax by Anatoly Pulyaevskiy
- Photo View - Scalable image view with loading placeholder by Renan C. Araújo
- SVG - SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library by Dan Field
- Image Cropper - Crop your images support ratio, rotation, zoom by HungHD
- Cached Network Image - Show images from the internet and keep them in the cache directory by
- Google Map View - Displaying google map plugin by AppTree Software
- GeoCoder - Forward and reverse geocoding by Aloïs Deniel
- Map - Solution based on Leaflet and customizable by AppTree Software
- Mapbox GL - Interactive, customizable vector maps by Mapbox
- Circular Chart - Animated radial and pie charts by Victor Choueiri
- Charts - LineChart and VerticalBarChart Library by Milan Zimmermann
- Sparkline - Sparkline by Victor Choueiri
- Charts - By Google Charts Team
- Flutter Plot - Pretty plots by R. C. Howell
- Candlesticks - OHLC and Trade Volume Charts by Trent Piercy
- FCharts - Beautiful, responsive, animated charts by Keenan Thompson
- Fluro - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by Posse
- PageView Indicator - Build page indicators for the PageView by Leo Cavalcante
- Swiper - Horizontal, Vertical, Partial swipe with indicator by Xueliang Ren
- Local Auth - Touch ID, lock code, fingerprint auth on iOS and Android
- Login - FaceID, TouchID, and Fingerprint Reader by Rody Davis
- Google Sign-In - Google OAuth
- Firebase Auth - Firebase OAuth
- Facebook Login - Authenticate with native Android & iOS Facebook login SDKs by Iiro Krankka
- OAuth - Buffer, Strava, Unsplash, Github OAuth by Joe Birch
- Instagram - Instagram auth by Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne
- Firebase Phone Auth - Phone number auth via SMS by Gildásio Filho
- SimpleAuth - Azure Active Directory, Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Github, Google, Instagram, Linked In, Microsoft Live Connect, Github, OAuth, Basic Auth by James Clancey
Text & Rich Content
- Markdown - Markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html
- Rich Text Editor - Text editor with style by Lung Razvan
- Masked Text - Masked text with custom and monetary formatting by Ben-hur Santos Ott
- Zefyr - Soft and gentle rich text editing by Memspace
- Usage - Google Analytics wrapper for command-line, web, and Flutter apps
- Firebase Analytics - Connect to Firebase Analytics API
- Segment.com Analytics - Make your Segment.com analytics a breeze! by Faisal Abid
Build automation
- Travis CI for Flutter - Continuous integration by Yegor Jbanov
- Test on Travis - Widget testing framework by Yegor Jbanov
- Building Apks/Ipas on Travis - Automated build for Android and IOS by Yegor Jbanov
- BitRise - Create Bitrise Step in Go by Karol Wrótniak
- Flutterial - Flutter Material Theme explorer by Erick Ghaumez
- Frosted Glass - Render effect by Collin Jackson
- Pigment - Simple but useful package for use colors in flutter
- Audio Plugin - Beta by Erick Ghaumez
- Audio Recorder - Record audio and store it locally by Jordan Alcaraz
- Stereo - Playing music on iOS and Android by 2Find
- Flutter Sound - Flutter audio recorder and player at one hand by dooboolab
- WebRTC - WebRTC plugin for iOS/Android by CloudWebRtc
- Chewie - Provides low-level access to video playback by Brian Egan
- Speech Recognition - Speech to text by Erick Ghaumez
- OK Google - Integrate google assistant by Marcin Szalek
- Firebase Storage - Firebase as data storage
- Secure Storage - Keychain and Keystore storage by German Saprykin
- Admob - GoogleAdmob supports interstitial ads in both iOS and Android by Brett Nesbitt
- Firebase AdMob - Ad integration using Firebase
- Billing - Enable billing on iOS and Android by Volodymyr Lykhonis
- Payments - In App Purchases & Subscriptions by Delightful Goods
- Inapp Purchase - Features set of 'in app purchase' derived from react-native-iap by dooboolab
- Movie Details - Movie details page by Iiro Krankka
- Mates - How to load profiles from the randomuser.me API and a nice profile details page by Iiro Krankka
- Weather - Weather app to learn how to use Canvas and Animation by Alessandro Aime
- TodoMVC - TODO application ready to go with different flavors : Vanilla, Redux, built_redux by Brian Egan
- Restaurant Menu - Restaurant menu by Braulio Cassule
- UI Challenges - Profile, Travel, Food App by Tomi Alagbe
- Cupertino Settings - iOS Settings by Matthias Rupp
- Music Player - music player component by Tobe O
- Dashboard - Dashboard and Shop Items by Ivascu Adrian
- Todo - Todo template from Dribble by Marc L
- Card Swipe Animation - Swipe cards template by Ruchika Gupta
- UI Kit - Collection of useful UIs in a UIKit by Pawan Kumar
- Book - Bookshelf by Ardiansyah Putra
- The Gorgeous Login - Design and smooth login template by Hugo Extrat
- Liquid Pay Payment App - Liquid Pay App Concept by Long Hoang
- Pub Plugins - Plugins filter in Dart Pub Repository.
- Plugins - Official Flutter Team Plugins
- WebView - Render web content by Hadrien Lejard
- Location - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by Lyokone
- Battery - Access various information about the battery.
- Proximity Sensor Plugin - A plugin to access the proximity sensor of your device by Manoj NB
- Geolocation - Fully featured geolocation plugin: current location, location updates, geocode, places and more by Loup
- Local Notifications - Plugin for displaying local notifications by Michael Bui
- Device Calendar - Plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device by Built to Roam
- Android Job Scheduler
- Manage android schedules by Georg Grab
- Get Version - Version Name, Version Code, App ID and Platform with OS Version by Rody Davis
- Badger - Update app badge on the launcher by Edouard Marquez
- UDID - Persistent UDID across app reinstalls by Leon Kukuk
- Downloader - Create and manage download tasks by HungHD
- InAppBrowser - Open an in-app browser window (porting of cordova inappbrowser) by Lorenzo Pichilli
- AppAvailability - List, launch and check installed apps by Lorenzo Pichilli
- Aeyrium Sensor - A plugin which provide easy access to the Pitch and Roll on Android and iOS devices by Diego Velásquez.
- QR Code Reader - QR Code reader plugin by Matheus Villela
- Fast QR Reader View - Live multicode reader by Facundo Medica
Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- Ble - Bluetooth by Polidea
- Blue - Bluetooth by Paul DeMarco
- NFC - Connect IsoDep iso 14443-4 cards for android by Göksel Uyulmaz
- Beacons - Flutter beacons plugin by Loup
- Sqflite - SQLite flutter plugin by Alexandre Roux
- MMKV - WeChat ultra fast & persistent key-value storage by BigBug
- Google Mobile Vision - Google Mobile Vision by Eduardo Folly
- Dialogflow - Plugin to easily integrate with dialogflow by Victor Rances
- Intercom - Add Intercom integration to your app by Maido Kaara
- MLKit - Firebase Machine Learning Kit by Naoya Yoshizawa
- OneSignal - Push notification service by OneSignal
- Place Dialog - Places picker dialog returning the places to the app by David Bennett
- App Rating - Requesting and Writing Reviews for the App Store and Google Play by Rody Davis
Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Built redux - Automatic subscribing to your redux stores. Based on the built pattern by David Marne
- Redux.dart - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by John Ryan and Brian Egan
- Redux - Built to work with redux.dart, utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Widgets
- Dartea - Model View Update inspired by TEA from ELM by Shilyagov P
- Inject - Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter by Google
- Flutter_flux - Implementation of the Flux framework by Google
- Graphql_flutter - Implementation of the GraphQL spec by Zino App B.V.
- Sequence Animation - Composite staggered animations by Norbert Kozsir
- SpinKit - Animated loading indicators by Jeremiah Ogbomo
- Villains - Page transition animations by Norbert Kozsir
- AnimatedTextKit - A collection of cool text animations by Ayush Agarwal
Game Engine
- Flame - Minimalist game engine by Luan Nico
- SpriteWidget - Toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games by Viktor Lidholt
- Cache Manager - Generic cache manager by Rene Floor
Open Source Apps
- FriendlyChat - Offline/Firebase chat by a team of Googlers.
- Meme Chat - Chat app on Flutter, using Firebase, Google Sign In, and device camera integration by a team of Googlers.
- Flitter - Glitter app by Hadrien Lejard and Kevin Segaud. It uses Redux and Jaguar.
- Lime - Lime social network by Sebastian Sellmair
- Planets - Planet exploration that demonstrate rich UI by Sergi Martínez
- NewsBuzz - Firebase backed news reader using News API by Ankur Kedia
- DroidKaigi2018-flutter - Unofficial conference app for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo by konifar
- Music Player - Full featured music player by Pawan Kumar
- InKino - Movie app with flutter_redux, animations and unit tests by Iiro Krankka
- WhatTodo - Todoist like UI by Burhanuddin Rashid
- FlutterGram - Complete Instagram based on Firestore & Google Functions by MDanics
- BookSearch - Digital BookShelf for your reading progress by Norbert515
- Cinematic - UI for Movie DB Public API by Aaron Oertel
- Beer-Me-Up - Beer tracking nicely designed by Benoit Letondor
- Trace - Modern and powerful crypto portfolio & market explorer by Trent Piercy
- Taskist - Taskist is a ToDo List app for Task Management by Hugo EXTRAT
- Tourism - Tourism app based on redux w/ animations & i18n by blueMix
- Flip - Reversi game by Andrew Brogdon
- 2048 - 2048 game by Anuran Barman
- Desktop Embedding - Desktop implementations of the Flutter embedding API by Google
- Mutisya 2 - Online Flutter Studio by Paul Mutisya
- Launcher Icons - Generate your launcher icons easily by Mark O'Sullivan and Franz Silva
- Redux Starter/Code Generator - Starter project and code generator with Redux support by Hillel Coren
- FlutterIcon - Icon set generator by Mike Hoolehan
- Gitter - Exchange channel
- r/FlutterDev Subreddit - Reddit community by u/JaapVermeulen
- Dev Discord - Discord server to discuss and get help by Pritykin
- Flutter Community - Central place for community made packages
- OpenFlutter - Make it easier 让Flutter更简单
- Flutter in Action - Complete Flutter and Dart resource, currently in 'Early Access'. (42% off with code 'slwindmill').
- It's All Widgets! - Open list of published apps by Hillel Coren, Thomas Burkhart, Simon Lightfoot and Scott Stoll
To the extent possible under law, Robert Felker has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.