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Server code documentation

The server is a web server developed with NodeJS/Express.



The server main file is server.js. The server modules description are in the package.json at the project root. All other server files are in the server directory:

server.js -> app initilization, main routes configuration (static routes...)
config    -> server YAML configurations (for tests, production...)
scripts   -> Scripts files for npm run
|__ controllers  -> API routes/controllers files
|__ helpers      -> functions used by different part of the project (logger, utils...)
|__ initializers -> functions used at the server startup (installer, database, constants...)
|__ lib          -> library function (WebTorrent, OAuth2, friends logic...)
|__ middlewares  -> middlewares for controllers (requests validators, requests pagination...)
|__ models       -> Mongoose models for each MongoDB collection (videos, users, pods...)
|__ tests        -> API tests and real world simulations (to test the decentralized feature...)


Uses JavaScript Standard Style.


  • Install the dependencies
  • Run npm install at the root directory to install all the dependencies
  • Run MongoDB
  • Run npm run dev to compile the client and automatically run the server. If the client files are already compiled you can simply run NODE_ENV=test node server

The NODE_ENV=test is set to speed up communications between pods (see constants.js).

npm run help gives you all available commands.

If you want to test the decentralization feature, you can easily run 3 pods by running npm run play. The pods password are test1, test2 and test3.


The server is composed by:

  • a REST API (throught Express framework)
  • a WebTorrent Tracker

A video is seeded by the server throught the WebSeed protocol (HTTP).

Architecture scheme

When a user uploads a video, the rest API create the torrent file and then adds it to its Mongo database.

If a user wants to watch the video, the tracker will indicate all other users that are watching the video + the HTTP url for the WebSeed.


The server entrypoint is server.js. You can begin to look at this file. Then you can try to understand the controllers: they are the entrypoint of each API request.