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Prepare PostgreSQL user so PeerTube can delete/create the test databases:

$ sudo -u postgres createuser you_username --createdb --superuser

Prepare databases:

$ npm run clean:server:test

Build PeerTube:

$ npm run build

Server tests


Run docker containers needed by some test files:

$ sudo docker run -p 9444:9000 chocobozzz/s3-ninja
$ sudo docker run -p 10389:10389 chocobozzz/docker-test-openldap


To run all test suites:

$ npm run test # See scripts/test.sh to run a particular suite

Most of tests can be runned using:

TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=true npm run mocha -- --timeout 30000 --exit -r ts-node/register -r tsconfig-paths/register --bail server/tests/api/videos/video-transcoder.ts

server/tests/api/activitypub tests will need different options:

TS_NODE_FILES=true mocha -- --timeout 30000 --exit -r ts-node/register -r tsconfig-paths/register --bail server/tests/api/activitypub/security.ts


Some env variables can be defined to disable/enable some tests:

  • DISABLE_HTTP_IMPORT_TESTS=true: disable import tests (because of youtube that could rate limit your IP)
  • ENABLE_OBJECT_STORAGE_TESTS=true: enable object storage tests (needs chocobozzz/s3-ninja container first)

Debug server logs

While testing, you might want to display a server's logs to understand why they failed:

NODE_APP_INSTANCE=1 NODE_ENV=test npm run parse-log -- --level debug | less +GF

Client E2E tests

Local tests

To run tests on local web browsers (comment web browsers you don't have in client/e2e/wdio.local.conf.ts):

$ npm run e2e:local

Browserstack tests

To run tests on browser stack:

$ BROWSERSTACK_USER=your_user BROWSERSTACK_KEY=your_key npm run e2e:browserstack

Add E2E tests

To add E2E tests and quickly run tests using a local Chrome, first create a test instance:

$ npm run clean:server:test && NODE_APP_INSTANCE=1 NODE_ENV=test npm start

Then, just run your suite using:

$ cd client/e2e
$ ../node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.local-test.conf.ts # you can also add --mochaOpts.grep to only run tests you want