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Matt Brictson 2016-08-26 16:55:24 -07:00
commit b956d1f16c
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title: "Capistrano Version 3 Release Announcement"
date: 2013-06-01
After what seems like years of work, the Capistrano team (that's Tom and I)
are pleased to announce the first *major* release of Capistrano in almost 5
The reasons behind the length of time between the last architectural overhaul
and this one are numerous, but it can be summarised to say that Capistrano is a
widely used tool, and when working around software deployment it's really a
question of downtime. If we had changed something significant in Capistrano we
could have taken a lot of sites offline, and made a lot of people very
unhappy. Until this point we haven't felt that the time has been ripe where
the benefits of a slightly rocky upgrade path are worth the risks of downtime.
It also hasn't helped historically that we've only just gotten to grips with
Ruby 1.9, and that Bundler's near ubiquity means that now it's trivial to lock
a Gem at a specific version. With other tools in the Ruby ecosystem it's
become easier for us to make significant changes to a tool upon which many
hundreds of thousands of people rely.
### Design Goals
We had a few goals for this release, in no particular order they were:
* **Get away from our own DSL solution.** Great DSL alternatives (Rake, Sake, Thor,
etc) are already widely used.
* **Better modularisation.** to enable people outside the Rails community to
benefit from Capistrano's *best-practice* workflow, and to enable people in
the Rails community to pick and choose support for components they use
(Database Migrations, Asset Pipeline, etc)
* **Easier Debugging.** A lot of problems with Capistrano come from weirdness
surrounding environmental issues around PTY vs non-TTY environments, login
and non-login shells not to mention *environment managers* such as rvm,
rbenv and nvm.
* **Speed.** We know that in a lot of environments speed of deployment is a
huge factor, since Rails introduced the *Asset Pipeline* it's not uncommon
for a deploy that formerly took 5 seconds now takes 5 minutes. This really
is mostly out of our control, but with improved support for parallelism,
rolling restarts we feel confident that things will be quicker and easier to
keep running quickly now.
* **Applicability.** We've always maintained that Capistrano is a terrible
tool for system provisioning, and that more often than not servers are
better being setup with Chef, Puppet or similar, whilst we still agree with
that, the new features in Capistrano really lend themselves to integrating
with these kinds of tools.
### What's missing?
Before we get too carried away it's worth shortlisting the things that don't
exist in version three, ***yet***.
* **SSH Gateway Support** SSH Gateway support hasn't been implemented in
version three yet, I hope that this will be done soon. As I have no direct
need for it, I haven't the means to test it with a view to implementing it,
* **Mecurial, Subversion, and CVS Support** These have been removed as we've
been able to implement the Git SCM in an incredibly neat way that isn't
compatible with the others. We wanted to break the cycle of always sticking
with the lowest common denominator, so we are **actively** looking for
people who are interested in contributing, or sharing expertise on the
*best-practice* way of speedily deploying from your respective choice of
source control.
* **`HOSTFILTER` ,`ROLEFILTER` and friends** These have gone away because we
always felt they were endemic of a bad design decision about using
Environmental Variables. These will be coming back as flags passed to `cap`
on the CLI, and options that can be set on the `Capistrano::Application` Ruby
* **Shell** The shell has been removed temporarily pending a neater
implementation, we've got something that we are playing with internally, but
it needs better `readline` support, and some more controls around what to do
when things go badly on some servers, but not others.
* **Cold Deploy** The `cap deploy:cold` is a really old legacy component,
orignally from the days of the `script/spinner` where deploying cold
(starting workers that weren't running), and deploying a *warm* system were
different (restarting existing worker pools, which wasn't fun!) By and large
these things have gone away, and it's time `deploy:cold` went away. It's
safe in every case we could find to call setup, and seed and other Rake
tasks without things blowing up, and that should be the approach we take.
Tasks on the server should be idempotent, and if something is called twice,
let it be.
### What's new?
Each section here really deserves it's own sub-heading as some of the new
features are awesome.
#### Rake Integration
We have moved away from our own DSL implemenation to implement Capistrano as a
*Rake* application.
Rake has always supported being sub-classed, so to speak as a
*sub-application*; it is however poorly documented. By subclassing
`Rake::Application` one can specify what the *Rakefile* should look like, where
to search for it, and how to load other *Rakefiles*.
The *Rake* DSL is widely used, well known and very powerful. As Rake is
essentially a dependency resolution system, it offers a lot of nice ways to,
for example build a tarball as a dependency of uploading it and deploying it.
This has allowed us to do away with the *copy* strategy all together, as it
can now be implemented from scratch in fewer than ten lines of code.
The guiding principle is dependency resolution, and interoperability with
other tools, for example:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
task :notify do
this_release_tag = sh("git describe --abbrev=0 --tags")
last_ten_commits = sh("git log #{this_release_tag}~10..#{this_release_tag}")
Mail.deliver do
to ""
subject "Releasing #{this_release_tag} Now!"
body last_ten_commits
namespace :deploy
task default: :notify
{% endhighlight %}
The last three lines rely on Rake's additive task declaration, by redefining the
`deploy:default` task by adding another dependency. Rake will automatically
resolve this dependency at Runtime, mailing the recent changelog to your team,
assuming everything is setup correctly.
#### Built-In Stage Support
In former versions of Capistrano *stage* support was an after thought,
provided through the `capistrano-ext` Gem, and laterally merged into the main
codebase, people insisted in still using the `capistrano-ext` version
In Capistrano 3.0.x there's stage support built-in, at installation time, two
stages will be created by default, *staging* and *production*; it's easy to
add more, just add a file to `config/deploy/______.rb` which follows the
conventions established in the examples we created for you.
To create different stages at installation time, simply set the `STAGES`
environmental variable to a comma separated list of stages:
{% highlight bash %}
$ cap install STAGES=staging,production,ci,qa
{% endhighlight %}
#### Parallelism
In former versions of Capistrano there was a *parallel* option to run
different tasks differently on groups of servers, it looked something like
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 2.0.x
task :restart do
parallel do |session|
session.when "in?(:app)", "/u/apps/social/script/restart-mongrel"
session.when "in?(:web)", "/u/apps/social/script/restart-apache"
session.else "echo nothing to do"
{% endhighlight %}
This always felt a little unclean, and indeed it's a hack that was originally
implemeted to facilitate rolling deployments at a large German firm by a
couple of freelancers who were consulting with them. (Hint, one of those guys
went on to found Travis-CI!)
The equivalent code in under Capistrano v3 would look like this:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
task :restart do
on :all, in: :parallel do |host|
if host.roles.include?(:app)
execute "/u/apps/social/script/restart-mongrel"
elsif host.roles.include?(:web)
execute "/u/apps/social/script/restart-web"
info sprintf("Nothing to do for %s with roles %s", host,
{% endhighlight %}
The second block of code, that representing the new Rake derived DSL and
demonstrating how to use the parallel execution mode is a little longer, but I
think it's clearer, more idiomatic Ruby code which relies less on an intimate
knowledge of how the Capistrano DSL happens to work. It also hints at the
built-in logging subsystem, keep reading to learn more.
Other modes for parallelism include:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
on :all, in: :groups, limit: 3, wait: 5 do
# Take all servers, in groups of three which execute in parallel
# wait five seconds between groups of servers.
# This is perfect for rolling restarts
on :all, in: :sequence, wait: 15 do
# This takes all servers, in sequence and waits 15 seconds between
# each server, this might be perfect if you are afraid about
# overloading a shared resource, or want to defer the asset compilation
# over your cluster owing to worries about load
on :all, in: :parallel do
# This will simply try and execute the commands contained within
# the block in parallel on all servers. This might be perfect for kicking
# off something like a Git checkout or similar.
{% endhighlight %}
The internal tasks, for standard deploy recipes make use of all of these as is
appropriate for the normal case, no need to be afraid of scary slow deploys
#### Streaming IO
This IO streaming model means that results from commands, the commands
themselves and any other arbitrary output are sent as objects to a class with
an `IO`ish interface, the class knows what to do with these things. There's a
*progress* formatter which prints dots for each command that is called, as
well as a *pretty* formatter which prints the full command, it's output on
standard out and standard error, as well as the final return status. It would
be trivial to implement HTML formatters, or formatters that reported to your
IRC room, or to email. I look forward to seeing more of these cropping up in
the community.
#### Host Definition Access
If you didn't skim over the *Parallism* section above, you might have noticed we
did something clever that wasn't possible in Capistrano v2; we accessed the
`host` inside the execution block.
For a lot of reasons in Capistrano v2 is wasn't possible to do this, the block
was essentially evaluated once and called verbatim on each host. This lead to
disappointing missing features such as not being able to pull the host list
out of Capistrano and examine the roles to do something like controlling Chef
solo, or similar.
In Capistrano v3 the `host` object is the same object that is created when a
server is defined, and is internally used, for example to pass to an ERB
template for rendering a last-deploy message that is dumped onto each server
after a successful deployment. The last deploy log includes everything
Capistrano knew about that server during the deployment.
> Users of Capistrano v2 may be familiar with the perenial `cap deploy:cleanup`
problem which came to light when servers differed in their old releases list,
imagine a scenario with two servers, one has been your bread-and-butter since
you launched, it has hundreds of old releases from all your wonderful deploys
over the months or years. The second server has been in the cluster for about
a month, it didn't quite slot-in cleanly, so the list of old releases looks a
bit weird, you deleted a few by hand, and anyway there might only be ten-or-so
releases there.
> Now imagine that you call `cap deploy:cleanup`, old `capture()`
implementations silently only ran on the first server that matched the
properties defined, so server one returned a list of ~95 old timestamped
release directories. Next Capistrano v2 would call `rm -rf
release1..release95` on **both** servers, causing server two to error out, and
leaving an undefined state on server one, as Capistrano would simply hang up
both connections.
This cleanup routine can now be better implemented as follows (which is
actually more or less the actual implementation in the the new Gem):
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
desc "Cleanup all old releases (keeps #{fetch(:releases_to_keep_on_cleanup)}
old releases"
task :cleanup do
keep_releases = fetch(:releases_to_keep_on_cleanup)
releases = capture(:ls, fetch(:releases_directory))
releases_to_delete = releases.sort_by { |r| r.to_i }.slice(1..-(keep_releases + 1))
releases_to_delete.each do |r|
execute :rm, fetch(:releases_directory).join(r)
{% endhighlight %}
Some handy things to note here are that both server one and server two in our
contrived example will both evaluate that independently, and when both servers
are finished removing old releases the `task :cleanup` block will have
Also in Capistrano v3 most path variables are [`Pathname`] objects, so they natively
respond to things like `#basename`, `#expand_path`, `#join` and similar.
**Warning:** `#expand_path` probably won't do what you expect, it will execute
on your *workstation* machine, and not on the remote host, so it's possible
that it will return an error in the case of paths which exist remotely but not
#### Host Properties
As the `host` object is now available to the task blocks, it made sense to make
it possible to store arbitrarty values against them.
Enter ``. This is a simple
which can be used to store any additional properties which are important for
your application.
An example of it's usage might be:
{% highlight ruby %}
h = '' ||= %i{wep app}
{% endhighlight %}
#### More Expressive Command Language
In Capistrano v2, it wasn't uncommon to find commands such as:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 2.0.x
task :precompile, :roles => lambda { assets_role }, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run <<-CMD.compact
cd -- #{latest_release} &&
RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env.to_s.shellescape} #{asset_env} #{rake} assets:precompile
{% endhighlight %}
In Capistrano v3 this looks more like this:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
task :precompile do
on :sprockets_asset_host, reject: lambda { |h| } do
within fetch(:latest_release_directory) do
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do
execute :rake, 'assets:precompile'
{% endhighlight %}
Again, with other examples this format is a little longer, but much more
expressive, and all the nightmare of shell escaping is handled interally for
you, environmental variables are capitalised and applied at the correct point
(i.e between the `cd` and `rake` calls in this case).
Other options here include `as :a_user` and
#### Better *magic* Variable Support
In Capistrano v2 there were certain bits of magic where if calling a variable
and `NoMethodError` would have been raised (for example the
`latest_release_directory` variable). This variable never existed on the
global namespace, as a fall-back the list of `set()` variables would be
This magic led to times when people were not recognising that magic variables
were even being used. The magic variable system of Capistrano v2 did also
include a way to `fetch(:some_variable, 'with a default value')` incase the
variable might not be set already, but it wasn't widely used, and more often
than not people just used things like `latest_release_directory` never knowing
that behind the scenes an exception was raised, then rescued, and that
`:latest_release_directory` in the variable map was actually a continuation
that was evaluated the first time it was used, and the value then cached until
the end of the script.
The system has now 100% less magic. If you set a variable using `set()`, it
can be fetched with `fetch()`, if the value you set into the variable responds
to `#call` then it will be executed in the current context whenever it is
used, the values will not be cached, unless your continuation does some
explicit caching. *Again, we are favoring clarity over micro optimisation*.
#### SSHKit
Many of the new features in Capistrano which relate to logging, formatting,
SSH, connection management and pooling, parallelism, batch execution and more
are from a library that fell out of the Capistrano v3 development process.
[*SSHKit*]( is a lower level toolkit, a level higher than *Net::SSH* still,
but lacking the roles, environments, rollbacks and other higher level features
from Capistrano.
SSHkit is ideal for use if you need to just connect to a machine and run some
arbitrary command, for example:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Rakefile (even without Capistrano loaded)
require 'sshkit'
desc "Check the uptime of"
task :uptime do |h|
execute :uptime
{% endhighlight %}
There is much more than can be done with SSHKit, and we have quite an
extensive [list of
examples]( For
the most part with Capistrano v3, anything that happens inside of an `on()`
block is happening in SSHkit, and the documentation from that library is the
place to go to find more information.
#### Command Mapping
This is another feature from SSHKit, designed to remove a little ambiguity
from preceedings, there is a so-called command map for commands.
When executing something like:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 2.0.x
execute "git clone ........ ......."
{% endhighlight %}
The command is passed through to the remote server *completely unchanged*.
This includes the options which might be set, such as user, directory, and
environmental variables. **This is by design.** This feature is designed to
allow people to write non-trivial commands in
[heredocs]( when the need arises,
for example:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
execute <<-EOBLOCK
# All of this block is interpreted as Bash script
if ! [ -e /tmp/somefile ]
then touch /tmp/somefile
chmod 0644 /tmp/somefile
{% endhighlight %}
**Caveat:** The SSHKit multiline command sanitizing logic will remove line feeds and add an `;` after each line to separate the commands. So make sure you are not putting a newline between `then` and the following command.
The idiomatic way to write that command in Capistrano v3 is to use the
separated variadaric method to specify the command:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
execute :git, :clone, "........", "......."
{% endhighlight %}
... or for the larger example
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
file = '/tmp/somefile'
unless test("-e #{file}")
execute :touch, file
{% endhighlight %}
In this way the *command map* is consulted, the command map maps all unknown
commands (which in this case is `git`, the rest of the line are *arguments* to
`git` ) are mapped to `/usr/bin/env ...`. Meaning that this command would be
expanded to `/usr/bin/env git clone ...... ......` which is what happens when
`git` is called without a full path, the `env` program is consulted (perhaps
indirectly) to determine which `git` to run.
Commands such as `rake` and `rails` are often better prefixed by `bundle
exec`, and in this case could be mapped to:
{% highlight ruby %}
SSHKit.config.command_map[:rake] = "bundle exec rake"
SSHKit.config.command_map[:rails] = "bundle exec rails"
{% endhighlight %}
There can also be a `lambda` or `Proc` applied in place of the mapping like so:
{% highlight ruby %}
SSHKit.config.command_map = do |hash, key|
if %i{rails rake bundle clockwork heroku}.include?(key.to_sym)
hash[key] = "/usr/bin/env bundle exec #{key}"
hash[key] = "/usr/bin/env #{key}"
{% endhighlight %}
Between these two options there should be quite powerful options to map
commands in your environment without having to override internal tasks from
Capistrano just because a path is different, or a binary has a different name.
This can also be *slightly* abused in environments where *shim* executables
are used, for example `rbenv` *wrappers*:
{% highlight ruby %}
SSHKit.config.command_map = do |hash, key|
if %i{rails rake bundle clockwork heroku}.include?(key.to_sym)
hash[key] = "/usr/bin/env myproject_bundle exec myproject_#{key}"
hash[key] = "/usr/bin/env #{key}"
{% endhighlight %}
The above assumes that you have done something like `rbenv wrapper default
myproject` which creates wrapper binaries which correctly set up the Ruby
environment without requiring an interactive login shell.
#### Testing
The old test suite for Capistrano was purely unit tests, and didn't cover a
wide variety of problem cases, specifically nothing in the `deploy.rb` (that is
the actual *deployment* code) was tested at all; because of having our own DSL
implementation, and other slightly odd design points, it was painful to test
the actual *recipes*.
Testing has been a focus of Capistrano v3. The *integration* test suite uses
Vagrant to boot a machine, configures certain scenarios using portable shell
script, and then executes commands against them, deploying common
configurations to typical Linux systems. This is slow to execute, but offers
stronger guarantees that nothing is broken that we've ever been able to give
Capistrano v3 also offers a possibility to swap out backend implementations.
This is interesting because for the purpose of testing your *own* recipes you
can use a *printer* backend, and verify that the output matched what you
expected, or use a stubbed backend upon which you can verify that calls were
made, or not made as expected.
#### Arbitrary Logging
Capistrano exposes the methods `debug()`, `info()`, `warn()`, `error()` and
`fatal()` inside of `on()` blocks which can be used to log using the existing
logging infrastructure and streaming IO formatters:
{% highlight ruby %}
# Capistrano 3.0.x
on hosts do |host|
f = '/some/file'
if test("[ -d #{f} ]")
execute :touch, f
info "#{f} already exists on #{host}!"
{% endhighlight %}
### Upgrading
The best place to go here is the [upgrading documentation](/documentation/upgrading/) to get deeper
into the specifics.
The simple version is to say that there is *no **direct** upgrade path*,
versions two and three are incompatible.
This is partly by design, the old DSL was imprecise in places that would have
made doing the right thing in most cases tricky, we opted to invest in more
features and better reliability than investing in keeping a backwards
compatible API.
There are a number of *gotchas* listed below, but the main points are the new
names of the built-in roles, as well as that by default Capistrano v3 is
platform agnostic, if you need Rails support, for migrations, asset pipeline
and such like, then it's required to `require` the support files.
### Gotchas
#### Rake DSL Is Additive
In Capistrano v2 if you re-define a task then it replaces the original
implemetation, this has been used by people to replace internal tasks
piecemeal with their own implementations
#### `sudo` Behaviour

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* Dreamweaver theme
* @author Sean Coker
* @url
* @version 1.0
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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* GitHub theme
* @author Craig Campbell
* @version 1.0.4
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* okaidia theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
* Loosely based on Monokai textmate theme by
* @author ocodia
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
* Based on dabblet (
* @author Lea Verou
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docs/css/social_foundicons.css Executable file
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docs/css/syntax.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: Console
layout: default
**Note:** Here be dragons. The console is very immature, but it's much more
cleanly architected than previous incarnations and it'll only get better from
here on in.
Execute arbitrary remote commands, to use this simply add
`require 'capistrano/console'` which will add the necessary tasks to your
$ bundle exec cap staging console
Then, after setting up the server connections, this is how that might look:
$ bundle exec cap production console
capistrano console - enter command to execute on production
production> uptime
INFO [94db8027] Running /usr/bin/env uptime on
DEBUG [94db8027] Command: /usr/bin/env uptime
DEBUG [94db8027] 17:11:17 up 50 days, 22:31, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.05
INFO [94db8027] Finished in 0.435 seconds command successful.
production> who
INFO [9ce34809] Running /usr/bin/env who on
DEBUG [9ce34809] Command: /usr/bin/env who
DEBUG [9ce34809] leehambley pts/0 2013-06-13 17:11 (
INFO [9ce34809] Finished in 0.420 seconds command successful.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
title: Filtering
layout: default
Filtering is the term given to reducing the entire set of servers declared in a stage file
to a smaller set. There are three types of filters used in Capistrano (Host, Role and
Property) and they take effect in two quite different ways because of the two distinct
uses to which the declarations of servers, roles and properties are put in tasks:
* To determine _configurations_: typically by using the `roles()`, `release_roles()` and
`primary()` methods. Typically these are used outside the scope of the `on()` method.
* To _interact_ with remote hosts using the `on()` method
An illustration of this would be to create a `/etc/krb5.conf` file containing the list of
available KDC's by using the list of servers returned by `roles(:kdc)` and then uploading
it to all client machines using `on(roles(:all)) do upload!(file) end`
A problem with this arises when _filters_ are used. Filters are designed to limit the
actual set of hosts that are used to a subset of those in the overall stage, but how
should that apply in the above case?
If the filter applies to both the _interaction_ and _configuration_ aspects, any configuration
files deployed will not be the same as those on the hosts excluded by the filters. This is
almost certainly not what is wanted, the filters should apply only to the _interactions_
ensuring that any configuration files deployed will be identical across the stage.
So we define two different categories of filter, the interaction ones which are called _On-Filters_
and the configuration ones which are _Property-Filters_
### On-Filtering
On-filters apply only to the `on()` method that invokes SSH. There are two types:
* [Host Filters](/documentation/advanced-features/host-filtering/), and
* [Role Filters](/documentation/advanced-features/role-filtering/)
In both the above cases, when filters are specified using comma separated lists, the final
filter is the _union_ of all of the components. However when multiple filters are declared
the result is the _intersection_.
This means that you can filter by both role and host but you will get the _intersection_
of the servers. For example, lets say you filtered by the role `app`, then by
the hostnames `server1` and `server2`. Capistrano would first filter the
available servers to only those with the role `app`, then filter them
to look for servers with the hostname `server1` or `server2`. If only `server2`
had the role `app` (`server1` has some other role), then in this situation your
task would only run on `server2`.
### Property-Filtering
Property-filters select servers based on the value of their properties alone and
are specified by options passed to the `roles()` method (and implicitly in methods
like `release_roles()` and `primary()`)
An example of that is the 'no_release' property and it's use in the `release_roles()` method.
See the [documentation](/documentation/advanced-features/property-filtering/) for

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
title: Host filtering
layout: default
You may encounter situations where you only want to deploy to a subset of
the servers defined in your configuration. For example, a single server or
set of servers may be misbehaving, and you want to re-deploy to just these
servers without deploying to every server.
You can use the *host filter* to restrict Capistrano tasks to only servers
that match a given set of hostnames.
If the filter matches no servers, no actions will be taken.
If you specify a filter, it will match servers that have the listed hostnames,
and it will run *all* the roles for each server. In other words, it only affects
the servers the task runs on, not what tasks are run on a server.
### Specifying a host filter
There are three ways to specify the host filter.
#### Environment variable
Capistrano will read the host filter from the environment variable `HOSTS`
if it is set. You can set it inline:
HOSTS=server1,server2 cap production deploy
Specify multiple hosts by separating them with a comma.
#### In configuration
You can set the host filter inside your deploy configuration. For example,
you can set the following inside `config/deploy.rb`:
set :filter, :hosts => %w{server1 server2}
Note that you specify the filter as an array rather than as a comma-separated
list of servers when using this method.
Note that the keyname `:host` is also supported.
#### On the command line
In a similar way to using the environment variable, you can set the role
filter by specifying it as a command line argument to `cap`:
cap --hosts=server1,server2 production deploy
Like the environment variable method, specify multiple servers by separating
them with a comma.
### Using Regular Expressions
If the host name in a filter doesn't match the set of valid characters for a DNS name
(Given by the regular expression `/^[-A-Za-z0-9.]+$/`) then it's assumed to be a regular
expression in standard Ruby syntax.
For example, if you had three servers named localrubyserver1, localrubyserver2, and amazonrubyserver1, but only wanted to deploy to localrubyserver*, you call Capistrano with a regex:
cap --hosts=^localrubyserver production deploy

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: Ignoring
layout: default
Files commited to version control (i.e. not in .gitignore) can still be ignored when deploying. To ignore these files or directories, simply add them to .gitattributes:
config/deploy/deploy.rb export-ignore
config/deploy/ export-ignore
These files will be kept in version control but not deployed to the server.
*Note:* This feature is probably unnecessary unless the root of your repository is also your web server's docroot. For example, in a Rails application, the docroot is the `public/` folder. Since all of the Capistrano configuration lives above or beside this folder, it cannot be served and is not a security risk. If the docroot is indeed at the base of the repository, consider changing that by moving the code at the repository base to a subdirectory such as public_html instead of using this feature. Note that this feature is very specific to Git and will not work on other SCMs.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
title: Overriding Capistrano tasks
layout: default
When re-defining a task in Capistrano v2, the original task was replaced. The
Rake DSL on which Capistrano v3 is built is additive however, which means that
given the following definitions
task :foo do
puts "foo"
task :foo do
puts "bar"
Will print both `foo` and `bar`.
But it is also possible to completely clear a task and then re-defining it
from scratch. A `Rake::Task` provides the `clear` method for this, which
internally performs three separate actions:
- `clear_prerequisites`
- `clear_actions`
- `clear_comments`
Clearing the prerequisites (i.e. any dependencies that may have been defined
for a task) is probably not what you want, though. Let's say, for example,
that you want to re-define the `deploy:revert_release` task, which is defined
as follows:
task :revert_release => :rollback_release_path do
# ...
Calling `clear` on this task and then re-defining it results in
`rollback_release_path` never being called, thus breaking rollback behavior.
Under most circumstances, you will simply want to use `clear_actions`, which
removes the specified task's behaviour, but does not alter it's dependencies
or comments:
task :init do
puts "init"
task :foo => :init do
puts "foo"
task :foo do
puts "bar"
Running the `foo` task will print

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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
title: Properties
layout: default
Server objects in Capistrano essentially consist of a name and a hash: The name is the DNS
name (or IP address) and the hash contains the 'Properties' of the server. These
properties are of two sorts: ones required by Capistrano (_Capistrano Properties_) and
ones available for use by the Application (_Custom Properties_). These share the same
namespace (there is only one underlying hash!) so the names of custom properties are
### Capistrano Properties
The Capistrano properties are those used to SSH into the server and those that support the
basic _role_ functionality. These are:
* `:user` - the name of the SSH user for the server
* `:password` - for the SSH user
* `:port` - the port number of the SSH daemon on the server
* `:roles` - an array of rolenames
* `:ssh_options` - a hash of SSH parameters (see below)
* `:primary` - a boolean that indicates whether the server should be considered primary or
The `:user`, `:port` and `:password` may be specified as follows:
* As part of the hostname in the form 'user@host:port' without a password,
* In the properties `:user`, `:password` and `:port`, and
* In the property `:ssh_options` (with the same keys)
#### Precedence
The SSH related properties are set with the following precedence, beginning with the
* Property declarations on the server or role. The last property declaration overrides all
the previous server or role declarations
* Values specified in the hostname string
* Values in the server or role `:ssh_options` property
* The stage global variable `:ssh_options`
* The SSHKit backend `ssh_options`
* The settings in your local `~/.ssh/config` file
Note however that defaults taken from these places will _not_ be reflected back into the
server properties, so `host.user` will be nil if a lower precedence default is being used.
### Custom Properties
When using Capistrano as a general purpose deployment framework (above and beyond it's
traditional use for Rails deployments) it becomes important to be able to store additional
parameters. You can think of Capistrano as an _MVC_ framework for deployments, where the
stage file (representing all the relationships between application components) is the
_Model_, the tasks (enabling model changes to be actioned) are the _Controllers_, and the
actual physical embodiments (typically configuration files on running servers) are the
### Property Access from within Tasks
The properties on Capistrano server are accessible programmatically from a Capistrano
task. _Capistrano_ properties are available through methods on the host object itself and
_Custom_ properties via methods on the `properties` attribute of the host.
These methods have the expected names: `user`, `port` and so on. An exception is the
`ssh_config` which is available via the `netssh_options` method.
The following feature is new in Capistrano 3.3.6 and above.
Within the scope of an `on()` block, the host that is yielded is a *copy* of the underlying
host, which allows you to temporarily override any of the properties by calling the setter
method. An example is:
on roles(:all) do |host|
host.user = 'root'
host.password = 'supersecret'
execute :yum, 'makecache'
This temporarily sets the SSH user to 'root' (with an appropriate password) without
affecting the SSH user defined for the server in the configuration.
### Property setting in Complex Configurations
As configurations involve more servers it helps to be able to define a set of
properties at the role level, and have those be overridden by a later definition at the
server level. This keeps your configuration as DRY as possible. A typical requirement is
defining a set of Redis servers which all have the same port parameter and are all slaves
except for one which is the master.
To allow this properties can be set at both the _Server_ and _Role_ level. The guiding
principle is that the properties are _merged_ and that __the last definition wins__.
In practice we finesse this slightly depending on the type of the properties value:
* _scalar_ values will be overridden
* _hash_ values will have their keys merged with duplicate keys taking on
the value of the last one.
* _array_ values will have subsequent entries appended to the array
#### Example of Server and Role Properties
The above Redis requirement can be met using the following declarations in the stage file:
role :redis, %w{ }, redis: { port: 6379, master: false },
server '', redis: { port: 6380, master: true }
#### Conventions for Role Properties
This is complicated by the fact that a single machine may serve multiple roles, and in
fact a single machine may need to do the same role twice! An example of this might be in a
development situation where you want a single machine to be the database server, a primary
Redis server and a slave Redis server.
To solve this problem we adopt a convention for the use of server properties:
* Server properties for a given role should be stored with the keyname equal to the role.
The contents of the property can be a scalar, array or hash.
* Multiple occurrences of a role on the same server should have the contents be an array,
in which the successive elements denote each instance.
The following example shows a configuration with multiple Redis and Sentinel roles on the
same server:
server 'dev.local', roles: %w{db web redis sentinel worker}, primary: true,
redis: [ { name: 'resque', port: 6379, db: 0, downtime: 10, master: true },
{ name: 'resque', port: 6380, db: 0, downtime: 10 } ],
sentinel: [ { port: 26379 }, { port: 26380 }, { port: 26381 } ]
These properties can be accessed in the ordinary way, but to assist in obtaining them you
can use the `role_properties()` function (see below).
## Setting Properties
Properties can be set at both the role and server levels.
### Role Properties
The declaration of a role takes an array of server names and a trailing hash of
properties. By convention the first server in a role declaration is taken to be the
primary, but the `:primary` property will not actually be set in such a case.
### Server Properties
The declaration of a server takes the name of a server and a trailing hash of properties.
One of those properties must be `:role` and have a value which is an array of role names.
### Accessing Properties
#### The `roles()` Method
The `roles()` method takes one or more role names (or an array of roles) followed by an
optional [Property Filter](/documentation/advanced-features/property-filtering)) and
returns an array of `Capistrano::Configuration::Server` objects that belong to those
roles. These have the following useful attributes:
* `hostname` - a String
* `properties.keys` - the names of the available properties
* `properties` - a hash-like object that stores the properties.
It uses Ruby's 'method_missing' to provide a method for each valid key.
* `roles` - a Set of role names as symbols
The servers retrieved by this method are NOT filtered by any host or role filters.
#### The `role_properties()` Method
This takes a list of roles (followed by an optional [Property
Filter](/documentation/advanced-features/property-filtering)) and returns an array of
hashes containing the properties with the keys `:hostname` and `:role` added:
task :props do
rps = role_properties(:redis, :sentinel)
rps.each do |props|
puts props.inspect
# Produces...
{:name=>"resque", :port=>6379, :db=>0, :downtime=>10, :master=>true, :role=>:redis, :hostname=>"dev.local"}
{:name=>"resque", :port=>6380, :db=>0, :downtime=>10, :role=>:redis, :hostname=>"dev.local"}
{:port=>26379, :role=>:sentinel, :hostname=>"dev.local"}
{:port=>26380, :role=>:sentinel, :hostname=>"dev.local"}
{:port=>26381, :role=>:sentinel, :hostname=>"dev.local"}
Alternatively you can supply a block and it will yield the hostname, role and properties:
task :props_block do
role_properties(:sentinel) do |hostname, role, props|
puts "Host: #{hostname}, Role: #{role}, #{props.inspect}"
# Produces...
Host: dev.local, Role: sentinel, {:port=>26379}
Host: dev.local, Role: sentinel, {:port=>26380}
Host: dev.local, Role: sentinel, {:port=>26381}
Note that unlike `on()` this function doesn't cause any remote execution to occur, it is purely for
configuration purposes.

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
title: Property Filtering
layout: default
Options may be passed to the `roles()` method (and implicitly in methods like
`release_roles()` and `primary()`) that affect the set of servers returned. These options
take the form of a Hash passed as the last parameter. Each of the key/value pairs in the
hash are evaluated in the sequence they are declared and if all are true for a specific
server then the server will be returned. The keys must always be symbols which have the
following meaning:
* `:filter`, or `:select`: The value is either a property keyname or a lambda which is
called with the server as parameter. The value must return true for the server to be
* `:exclude`: As above but the value must return false for the server to be included.
* Any other symbol is taken as a server property name whose value must equal the given value.
A lambda will not be called if one is supplied!
### Examples
server '', roles: %w{web}, active: true
server '', roles: %w{web}
server '', roles: %w{app web}, active: true
server '', roles: %w{app}, primary: true
server '', roles: %w{db}, no_release: true, active:true
task :demo do
puts "All active release roles: 1,3"
release_roles(:all, filter: :active).each do |r|
puts "#{r.hostname}"
puts "All active roles: 1,3,5"
roles(:all, active: true).each do |r|
puts "#{r.hostname}"
puts "All web and db roles with selected names: 2,3"
roles(:web, :db, select: ->(s){ s.hostname =~ /[234]/}).each do |r|
puts "#{r.hostname}"
puts "All with no active property: 2,4"
roles(:all, active: nil).each do |r|
puts "#{r.hostname}"
puts "All except active: 2,4"
roles(:all, exclude: :active).each do |r|
puts "#{r.hostname}"
puts "All primary: 4"
roles(:all, select: :primary).each do |r|
puts "#{r.hostname}"

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: PTYs
layout: default
There is a configuration option which asks the backend driver to ask the
remote host to assign the connection a *pty*. A *pty* is a pseudo-terminal,
which in effect means *tell the backend that this is an __interactive__
session*. This is normally a bad idea.
Most of the differences are best explained by [this
from the author of *rbenv*.
**When Capistrano makes a connection it is a *non-login*, *non-interactive*
shell. This was not an accident!**
It's often used as a band aid to cure issues related to RVM and rbenv not
loading login and shell initialisation scripts. In these scenarios RVM and
rbenv are the tools at fault, or at least they are being used incorrectly.
Whilst, especially in the case of language runtimes (Ruby, Node, Python and
friends in particular) there is a temptation to run multiple versions in
parallel on a single server and to switch between them using environmental
variables, this is an anti-pattern, and symptomatic of bad design (e.g. you're
testing a second version of Ruby in production because your company lacks the
infrastructure to test this in a staging environment).

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Remote file task
layout: default
**Warning: `remote_file` is deprecated and will be removed in Capistrano 3.7.0**
The `remote_file` task is allowing the existence of a remote file to be set as a prerequisite. These tasks can in turn depend on local files if required. In this implementation, the fact that we're dealing with a file in the shared path is assumed.
As an example, this task can be used to ensure that files to be linked exist
before running the check:linked_files task:
namespace :deploy do
namespace :check do
task :linked_files => 'config/newrelic.yml'
remote_file 'config/newrelic.yml' => '/tmp/newrelic.yml', roles: :app
file '/tmp/newrelic.yml' do |t|
sh "curl -o #{}"

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
title: Role filtering
layout: default
You may have situations where you only want to deploy to servers matching
a single role. For example, you may have changed some aspect of how the web
role works, but don't want to trigger a deployment to your database servers.
You can use the *role filter* to restrict Capistrano tasks to only servers
match a given role or roles.
If the filter matches no servers, no actions will be taken.
If you specify a filter, it will match any servers that have that role, but
it will _only_ run the tasks for that role, not for any other roles that
server may have. For example, if you filtered for servers with the `web` role,
and a server had both the `web` and `db` role, only the `web` role would
be executed on it.
### Specifying a role filter
There are three ways to specify the role filter.
#### Environment variable
Capistrano will read the role filter from the environment variable `ROLES`
if it is set. You can set it inline:
ROLES=app,web cap production deploy
Specify multiple roles by separating them with a comma.
#### In configuration
You can set the role filter inside your deploy configuration. For example,
you can set the following inside `config/deploy.rb`:
set :filter, :roles => %w{app web}
Note that you specify the filter as an array rather than as a comma-separated
list of roles when using this method.
Note that the keyname `:role` is also supported.
#### On the command line
In a similar way to using the environment variable, you can set the role
filter by specifying it as a command line argument to `cap`:
cap --roles=app,web production deploy
Like the environment variable method, specify multiple roles by separating them
with a comma.
### Using Regular Expressions
Since role names are Ruby symbols they can legitimately contain any characters. However to
allow multiple of them to be specified on one line we use the comma as a separator.
To use a regular expression for a role filter begin and end the string with '/'. Because
of the above these regular expressions may not contain a comma.

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: Remote commands with SSH Kit
layout: default
Capistrano executes commands on remote servers using [**SSHKit**](
An example setting a working directory, user and environment variable:
on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 5 do
within "/opt/sites/" do
# commands in this block execute in the
# directory: /opt/sites/
as :deploy do
# commands in this block execute as the "deploy" user.
with rails_env: :production do
# commands in this block execute with the environment
# variable RAILS_ENV=production
rake "assets:precompile"
runner "S3::Sync.notify"
For more examples, see the file in the [**SSHKit**]( project:

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
layout: default
title: Validation of variables
To validate a variable, each time before it is set, define a validation:
validate :some_key do |key, value|
if value.length < 5
raise Capistrano::ValidationError, "Length of #{key} is too short!"
Multiple validations can be assigned to a single key. Validations will be executed in the order of registration.

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
title: How can I access stage configuration variables?
layout: default
Configuration variables are access with the fetch method, like so:
local = fetch(:configuration_variable, _default_value_)
This works fine when accessing configuration variables defined within the same file. For example accessing a previously set configuration variable defined in deploy.rb or accessing a set configuration variable in a stage file.
The deploy.rb configuration is executed first and then the stage file(s) from config/deploy/*.rb are executed next. This means that the configuration variables set in deploy.rb are available to the stage files, but configuration variables created in a stage file are not available in deploy.rb. To access them they must be lazily loaded in deploy.rb. This works because all configuration variables (from both deploy.rb and the current stage file) have been defined by the time the tasks run and access the variables.
For example, let's create a configuration variable in the production and staging files and access the current one from deploy.rb.
set :app_domain, ""
set :app_domain, ""
These variables are not available in deploy.rb using `fetch(:nginx_port)` or `fetch(:app_domain)` because they are not defined when deploy.rb is executed. They can, however, be lazily loaded using a lambda in deploy.rb like this:
set :nginx_server_name, ->{ fetch(:app_domain) }
set :puma_bind, ->{ "unix:/tmp/#{fetch(:app_domain)}.sock" }
Now the `:nginx_server_name` and `:puma_bind` variables will be lazily assigned the values set in which ever stage file was used to deploy.
If you need to create nested hashes, you might find `do/end` syntax more readable:
set :database_yml, -> do
production: {
host: 'localhost'

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: How can I check for existing remote file?
layout: default
The `test` method is best used for file checking with bash conditionals
if test("[ -f /tmp/foo ]")
# do stuff

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: How can I get Capistrano to prompt for a password?
layout: default
Password authentication can be done via `ask` in your deploy environment file (e.g.: config/environments/production.rb)
# Capistrano > 3.2.0 supports echo: false
ask(:password, nil, echo: false)
server '', user: 'ssh_user_name', port: 22, password: fetch(:password), roles: %w{web app db}

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: How can I set Capistrano configuration paths?
layout: default
Capistrano `config` and `tasks` paths can be explicitly defined, like so:
# default deploy_config_path is 'config/deploy.rb'
set :deploy_config_path, 'cap/deploy.rb'
# default stage_config_path is 'config/deploy'
set :stage_config_path, 'cap/stages'
# previous variables MUST be set before 'capistrano/setup'
require 'capistrano/setup'
# default tasks path is `lib/capistrano/tasks/*.rake`
# (note that you can also change the file extensions)
Dir.glob('cap/tasks/*.rb').each { |r| import r }
Here is the corresponding capistrano configuration structure:
├── Capfile
└── cap
├── stages
│ ├── production.rb
│ └── staging.rb
├── tasks
│ └── custom_tasks.rb
└── deploy.rb
<div class="alert-box alert">
Be aware that you will have to provide an absolute path, if you want your "deploy_config_path" to be "capistrano/deploy.rb".
See <a href="">this issue</a> for more explanations and how to get an absolute path in Ruby.

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
title: Why does something work in my SSH session, but not in Capistrano?
layout: default
This is possibly one of the most complicated support questions that can be
asked, the only real answer is ***it depends***.
It's really a question of which *kind* of shell Capistrano is using, it's a
matrix of possibilities concerning `login`, `non-login`, `interactive`, or
**By default Capistrano always assigns a `non-login`, `non-interactive` shell.**
## Shell Modes
Unix shells can be started in one of three modes, an unnamed *basic* mode,
which almost never happens, as a `login` shell, or as an `interactive` shell.
Depending which mode a shell starts in (and which shell you are using) this
will affect which startup (more commonly known as *dot*-files) files, if any
are loaded, [here's](#which_startup_files_loaded) more or less the matrix of what is loaded when.
## What about the Capistrano option to assign a `pty`?
This option has been hugely misleadingly used, if you ask SSH to provide a
`pty` you are effectively telling SSH that *"I'll connect this session to a
user terminal"*, thus programs on the receiving end expect that they can prompt
for input, and provide coloured output, etc. In short they think they're
talking to you over an interactive session, because by assigning a `pty`, Bash
has been started in `non-login`, `interactive` mode.
Read more about this:
* [In the "Bash Startup Files" section of the Bash
* [At Sam Stephenson's excellent *Unix shell initialization* wiki
* [Interactive and non-interactive shells and scripts
## How does what Capistrano does differ from an SSH session
By default Capistrano prefers to start a *non-login, non-interactive
shell*, to try and isolate the environment and make sure that things work as
expected, regardless of any changes that might happen on the server side.
In contrast when you log into a machine with your terminal, into a regular
Bash session, the `--login` option to Bash is implied granting you a `login`
shell, and because you are in a terminal, ssh asks the ssh server to provide a
pty so that you may start an interactive session. Thus you get an `interactive
login` shell, the exact opposite of what we need for Capistrano!
## How can I check?
I actually had to look this up, most of the time it's common sense, but
[stackoverflow to the rescue](, let's
figure this out!
First, we'll try a *real* SSH session, logging in via our terminal, and seeing
what happens:
me@localhost $ ssh me@remote
me@remote $ [[ $- == *i* ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo 'Not interactive'
me@remote $ shopt -q login_shell && echo 'Login shell' || echo 'Not login shell'
Login shell
Contrast that with what happens when we hand the command to run to the SSH
command line without logging in first...
me@localhost $ ssh me@remote "[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo 'Not interactive'"
me@localhost $ ssh me@remote "shopt -q login_shell && echo 'Login shell' || echo 'Not login shell'"
Not login shell
Here we can see that Bash is still starting in **interactive** mode when we're
just running a single command, that's because the terminal we are using is
interactive, and SSH inherits that and passes that on to the remote server.
When we try the same with Capistrano we'll see yet another set of results; we
can have a very simple, Capfile, we don't even need to load the default
recipes to test this:
# Capistrano 3
task :query_interactive do
on 'me@remote' do
info capture("[[ $- == *i* ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo 'Not interactive'")
task :query_login do
on 'me@remote' do
info capture("shopt -q login_shell && echo 'Login shell' || echo 'Not login shell'")
Gives us the following:
me@localhost $ cap query_login
INFO Not login shell
me@localhost $ cap query_interactive
INFO Not interactive
## <a id="which_startup_files_loaded"></a>Which shell startup files do get loaded?
Best explained with this diagram, yes it's that complicated:
<figure class="panel">
<img src="/images/BashStartupFiles1.png" title="Bash Startup Files" alt="Bash Startup Files" />
<p>Source: <a href=""></a></p>

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@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
title: Authentication & Authorisation
layout: default
**Note:** In the documentation we simply recommend creating a single
deployment user, and sharing it between team members. If you know why this is
a bad idea (or why this may be against regulations in your jurisdiction in
some cases), we assume that you know well enough how to use groups, umasking
and setgid bits to make this work reliably for unique logins across team
To create this deploy user we'll assume something like the following has been
root@remote $ adduser deploy
root@remote $ passwd -l deploy
The first line creates a completely standard user, it has a home directory,
which we'll need in a moment, and has a shell, so it may log in. This needs to
be done **on every server in your environment**.
The second line *locks* the user, it changes the user's password to an
untypable string, guaranteeing that the user has no password which can be used
to log in.
### Authentication
There are two places that we need automated, promptless authentication:
1. **From our workstation/notebook/etc to our servers.** We do this with **SSH
keys**, passphrase protected, ideally, using a **key agent**.
2. **From our servers to the repository host**. We do this so that our servers
can check out our application code from Github, or similar and install it
to the servers. This is usually done using **SSH agent forwarding**, HTTP
authentication, or with deploy keys.
#### 1.1 SSH keys from workstation to servers
An SSH key is a mechanism that allows a *public* half one key to be placed on
a server, when we want to authenticate with that server, our SSH client uses
the **private** part of that key to negotiate with the server, if the keys are
correct, we are allowed to login.
**Note:** If you are on Windows, you can use Git for Windows to generate ssh keys. To do this, follow this steps:
1. Install [Git for Windows](
2. Open "Git Bash" and follow next instructions always inside Git Bash prompt.
3. Activate ssh-agent: ```$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ```
**Note:** If you want to use [Putty tool]( to connect to remote server (from Windows) with ssh keys, then you need to generate ppk file, through puttygen tool.
**Hint:** If you have more than one developer in your team, they should all add their
public key to the `deploy` user's `authorized_keys` file, that way if someone
quits or gets fired, you can remove their key from that file, and the rest of
you can keep on shipping!
Then we need to create the key.
me@localhost $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ''
You'll be prompted for a passphrase, that's fine. Type one and keep it safe.
This passphrase ensures that if your computer is stolen, people still need a
passphrase to access your keys, in order to access your servers.
To avoid having to type this passphrase every time you need to use a key, most
operating systems have a concept of a *key agent*. This *key agent* stores SSH
keys securely between uses, typically the first time a key is needed in a
given time period, the SSH agent will load the key, prompt you for your
passphrase and then the key agent will remember the key for a certain amount
of time (on OSX it tends to be indefinite, on linux this can vary from 15
minutes upwards.)
We can see which keys are loaded in the SSH agent by running `ssh-add -l`
me@localhost $ ssh-add -l
2048 af:ce:7e:c5:93:18:39:ff:54:20:7a:2d:ec:05:7c:a5 /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
If you don't see any keys listed, you can simply run `ssh-add`:
me@localhost $ ssh-add
Identity added: /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa (/Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa)
Typically, ssh-add will ask you for the passphrase when you add a key.
**Note:** Although it's not mandatory to use an SSH agent (one could simply
use an unpassphrased key, and rely on SSH to find the key and exchange it).
Using an SSH agent makes things more secure, because we can use a passphrased
key without being prompts every time it is used. It **also** allows us to use
this same key to access the repository *via* the server without creating an
additional identity.
At this point with the key loaded into the agent, we need to put the
**public** part of the key into a file on each remote server called
`/home/users/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys`, to get the contents of that file,
we can ask our local key agent for the public parts of the keys it has loaded:
me@localhost $ ssh-add -L
ssh-rsa jccXJ/JRfGxnkh/8iL........dbfCH/9cDiKa0Dw8XGAo01mU/w== /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa
This will be a lot longer when you run it, I snipped the output because it
looked bad.
This line, as one line, needs to make it to the remote server and be added *to
it's own line* of the `deploy` user's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. This file
then needs to be changed to permission mode `0600` (owner read/write, group
none, other none), in the `~/.ssh` directory which needs the permissions
`0700` (owner read/write/execute, group none, other none).
If you are on linux there often exists a command
[`ssh-copy-id`]( which streamlines this
process, otherwise the workflow is something like:
me@localhost $ ssh root@remote
root@remote $ su - deploy
deploy@remote $ cd ~
deploy@remote $ mkdir .ssh
deploy@remote $ echo "ssh-rsa jccXJ/JRfGxnkh/8iL........dbfCH/9cDiKa0Dw8XGAo01mU/w== /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa" >> .ssh/authorized_keys
deploy@remote $ chmod 700 .ssh
deploy@remote $ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
**Remember:** This needs to be done on every server you want to use, you can
use the same key for each one, but only one key per developer is recommended.
*Private* keys are named as such for a reason!
If we did all that correctly, we should now be able to do something like this:
me@localhost $ ssh 'hostname; uptime'
19:23:32 up 62 days, 44 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
That should happen without having to enter a passphrase for your SSH key, or
prompting you for an SSH password (which the deploy user doesn't have anyway).
Verify that this works for all of your servers, and put your private key
somewhere safe. If you're working with multiple team members, it often pays to
collect everyone's public keys, indeed if your team is already using SSH keys
to access Github, you can reach any user's SSH keys at the following URL:
* ``
This can make getting user's keys onto servers much easier, as you can simply
`curl`/`wget` each user's key into the authorized keys file on the server
directly from Github.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>TIL <a
href="">@github</a> exposes the ssh public keys for
users. <a href=""></a> Handy for
adding devs to servers/repos.</p>&mdash; Postmodern (@postmodern_mod3) <a
10, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//"
If your server isn't accessible directly and you need to use the SSH
ProxyCommand option, you should do
require 'net/ssh/proxy/command'
set :ssh_options, proxy:'ssh -W %h:%p')
# OR
server 'internal-hostname',
ssh_options: {
proxy:'ssh -W %h:%p'),
#### 1.2 From our servers to the repository host
With access from workstations to the servers settled, there is another hop to
contend with, which is letting the deploy user get access to the code
repository automatically. The options in order of preference:
##### 1.2.1 SSH Agent Forwarding
As we've already set up an SSH agent, we can use the *agent forwarding*
feature of SSH to make this key agent available to further *hops*. In short,
we can use **our own ssh key** to authenticate ourselves from the server to
Here's how we can check if that works, first get the URL of the repository:
me@localhost $ git config remote.origin.url
Here we're listing our private (for testing purposes) fork of the
rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan repository forked from the Rails Examples and
Tutorials project.
We can try to access the repository via our server by doing the following:
# List SSH keys that are loaded into the agent
me@localhost $ ssh-add -l
# Make sure they key is loaded if 'ssh-add -l' didn't show anything
me@localhost $ ssh-add
me@localhost $ ssh -A 'git ls-remote'
We first check that the agent has the keys loaded. If not we simply load it
and enter the passphrase when prompted.
Finally we use `ls-remote` from Git to list the remote objects, this is the
exact same check that Capistrano does internally before attempting to deploy.
The `-A` option may, or may not be required on your system, it's worth trying
it both ways just to know how your system treats agent forwarding by default.
If you get the error "host key verification failed." log in into your server
and run as the deploy user the command `ssh` to add
to the list of known hosts.
From the SSH documentation:
-A Enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection. This can also be
specified on a per-host basis in a configuration file.
Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution. Users with the ability to
bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the agent's UNIX-domain
socket) can access the local agent through the forwarded connection. An
attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent, however they can perform
operations on the keys that enable them to authenticate using the identities
loaded into the agent.
In layman's terms, you shouldn't use SSH agent forwarding to machines where you
don't trust the administrators, as they can can override the permissions on
the system and use your keys as if they were you. That said, if you can't
trust your server administrators, perhaps they shouldn't have access to your
##### 1.2.2 HTTP Authentication
In the case of HTTP authentication **be sure to use HTTPS**, otherwise your
password will be sent in cleartext over the network, depending what your hosts
network infrastructure looks like that might be *very* bad news.
Typically when we try and list our remote objects, using the https method from
Github, we'll be prompted for a username and password:
##### With a regular username/password
me@localhost $ git ls-remote
Username for '': myownusername
Password for '':
This challenge response prompt doesn't work well for automating things, so
there are two ways to get around this depending on your server's host
operating system, the first is to use a `netrc` file, we won't talk about that
because the netrc is a global file that doesn't lend itself well to security.
The other mechanism, and the reason that its **very** important to always use
HTTPS not plain ol' HTTP is to embed the username and password in the URL,
note this won't work well if your password has special characters:
me@localhost $ git ls-remote
The bigger problem with passwords, whether inlined into the URL, or entered
into a `netrc` file, is that the password gives access to **your entire Github
Account** not just to one single repository.
##### With an OAuth Personal API Token
This mechanism still gives access to **every repository** you can access, but
at Github, they recently rolled out a feature called [Personal API
Tokens]( which allow you to
do something like this:
me@localhost $ git ls-remote
Where `XXXX` is a personal API token, as such:
![Github Personal API Token Page](/images/github-personal-api-token-page.png)
##### 1.2.3 Deploy Keys
Deploy keys, a feature of Github, and some other platforms allow you to
generate a **second** set of SSH keys for the connection between Github and
the servers themselves.
Slightly perversely in this case the public key is uploaded to the repository
host, and the private key must be copied to each server that you want to
deploy to.
Github has a quite excellent guide on this, much of which (unsurprisingly)
overlaps with the SSH key instructions above.
* [Github Help: Managing Deploy Keys](
### Authorisation
The second part of this topic is that our deploy user needs to be authorised
to work in the deployment directory, on the server. That means we need to be
able to work, ideally without `sudo` (none of the default Capistrano recipes
expect `sudo` to be available), or for your custom recipes, you will need to
have configured *passwordless* `sudo`. Configuring `sudo` to give some users
access to some commands under some circumstances is beyond the scope of this
documentation, but sufficed to say something like:
deploy ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/mysqld, /etc/init.d/apache2
This example would give the user named `deploy` access to call `sudo
/etc/init.d/mysql _________` and the same for the `apache2` control script.
**Granting passwordless sudo should not be done lightly.** It can be dangerous.
For example if an unprivileged user can *edit* the script that they can run
as root, they can easily edit it to do anything they want that is evil. Use
this carefully, and ideally architect your systems so that non-privileged
users can restart services, or that services restart *themselves* when they
notice a change.
To configure this hierarchy, ignoring for the moment the passwordless `sudo`
access that you may or may not need depending how well your servers are setup:
me@localhost $ ssh root@remote
# Capistrano will use /var/www/....... where ... is the value set in
# :application, you can override this by setting the ':deploy_to' variable
root@remote $ deploy_to=/var/www/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan-demo
root@remote $ mkdir -p ${deploy_to}
root@remote $ chown deploy:deploy ${deploy_to}
root@remote $ umask 0002
root@remote $ chmod g+s ${deploy_to}
root@remote $ mkdir ${deploy_to}/{releases,shared}
root@remote $ chown deploy ${deploy_to}/{releases,shared}
**Note:** The `chmod g+s` is a really handy, and little known Unix feature, it
means that at the operating system level, without having to pay much attention
to the permissions at runtime, all files an directories created inside the
`${deploy_to}` directory will inherit the group ownership, that means in this
case even though we are root, the files will be created being owned by `root`
with the group `deploy`, the `umask 0002` ensures that the files created
*during this session* are created with the permissions *owner read/write,
group: read/write, other: none*. This means that we'll be able to read these
files from Apache, or our web server by running the web server in the `deploy`
group namespace.
root@remote # stat -c "%A (%a) %n" ${deploy_to}/
drwx--S--- (2700) /var/www/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan-demo
root@remote # stat -c "%A (%a) %n" ${deploy_to}/*
drwxrwsr-x (2775) /var/www/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan-demo/releases
drwxrwsr-x (2775) /var/www/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan-demo/shared

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
title: Before / After Hooks
layout: default
Where calling on the same task name, executed in order of inclusion
# call an existing task
before :starting, :ensure_user
after :finishing, :notify
# or define in block
before :starting, :ensure_user do
after :finishing, :notify do
If it makes sense for your use case (often, that means *generating a file*)
the Rake prerequisite mechanism can be used:
desc "Create Important File"
file 'important.txt' do |t|
sh "touch #{}"
desc "Upload Important File"
task :upload => 'important.txt' do |t|
on roles(:all) do
upload!(t.prerequisites.first, '/tmp')
The final way to call out to other tasks is to simply `invoke()` them:
namespace :example do
task :one do
on roles(:all) { info "One" }
task :two do
invoke "example:one"
on roles(:all) { info "Two" }
This method is widely used.

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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
title: Cold Start
layout: default
At this point we should have a deploy user on all the servers we intend to
deploy to, that user should have permission to write to wherever we plan on
deploying to, by default that'll be something like `/var/www/my-application`.
We've set up the directory with decent permissions so that we can deploy
without breaking things, and that everyone on our team can deploy, too.
Let's run through what we've done so far, and how to check it's all working,
in the last step of this part of the guide we'll create the production-only
shared files.
Again, this guide assumes Ruby on Rails, but most of everything we're doing so
far is applicable in slightly modified forms to other frameworks and
### 1. Checking the directory structure on the remote machine:
me@localhost $ ssh deploy@remote 'ls -lR /var/www/my-application'
total 8
drwxrwsr-x 2 deploy deploy 4096 Jun 24 20:55 releases
drwxrwsr-x 2 deploy deploy 4096 Jun 24 20:55 shared
total 0
total 0
This checks in one simple command that the ssh keys you setup are working (you
might yet be prompted for the password), and the permissions on the directory
can be seen.
### 2. Writing our first *cap task* to formalize this into a check!
Now that we know how to check for permissions, and repository access, we'll
quickly introduce ourselves to a quick Cap task to check these things on all
the machines for us:
desc "Check that we can access everything"
task :check_write_permissions do
on roles(:all) do |host|
if test("[ -w #{fetch(:deploy_to)} ]")
info "#{fetch(:deploy_to)} is writable on #{host}"
error "#{fetch(:deploy_to)} is not writable on #{host}"
Running this should give you a pretty decent overview, one line of output for
each server. It's also your first introduction to the API of Capistrano for
writing your own tasks, namely `desc()`, `task()`, `on()`, `roles()`,
`test()`, `info()`, and `error()`.
The first two methods, `desc()` and `task()` are actually from Rake, the
library that forms the foundation of the Capistrano task system, the other
methods are part of our sub-project
[**SSHKit**]( We'll dive into those more
later, but add those lines to a file in `./lib/capistrano/tasks`, call it
something like `access_check.rake`, and run `cap -T` from the top directory and
we'll be able to see the task listed:
me@localhost $ bundle exec cap -T
# ... lots of other tasks ...
cap check_write_permissions # Check that we can access everything
# ... lots of other tasks ...
Then we simply call it:
me@localhost $ bundle exec cap staging check_write_permissions
DEBUG [82c92144] Running /usr/bin/env [ -w /var/www/my-application ] on
DEBUG [82c92144] Command: [ -w /var/www/my-application ]
DEBUG [82c92144] Finished in 0.456 seconds command successful.
INFO /var/www/my-application is writable on
If we've done something wrong, that won't happen and we'll know that we need
to jump on the mailing list to get help, into IRC or ask a friend.
Depending how you have set your Git authentication credentials up, checking
Git can be a bit complicated, so we've shipped a task in the core library that
can check your git access, Git isn't particularly scriptable, so one has to
wrap Git in a shell script that makes it behave.
Capistrano does just this, so to check if the Git access is working, we can
simply call:
me@localhost $ cap staging git:check
This task is defined in the default Git SCM-strategy and looks a lot like what
we wrote above to check the file permissions, however the Git check recipe is
a bit more complicated, having to potentially deal with three different
authentication schemes, which need to be worked around differently. This task
expresses a *dependency* on the `git:git-wrapper` task which is resolved first
for us by Capistrano. (This is one of the pieces we inherit from Rake)
If this fails we'll see:
me@localhost $ cap staging git:check
cap staging git:check
DEBUG Uploading /tmp/ 0%
INFO Uploading /tmp/ 100%
INFO [118bd3e4] Running /usr/bin/env chmod +x /tmp/ on
DEBUG [118bd3e4] Command: /usr/bin/env chmod +x /tmp/
INFO [118bd3e4] Finished in 0.049 seconds command successful.
INFO [a996463f] Running /usr/bin/env git ls-remote on harrow
DEBUG [a996463f] Command: ( GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/echo GIT_SSH=/tmp/ /usr/bin/env git ls-remote )
DEBUG [a996463f] Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
DEBUG [a996463f] Permission denied (publickey).
DEBUG [a996463f] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
cap aborted!
git stdout: Nothing written
git stderr: Nothing written
Tasks: TOP => git:check
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
This'll typically come out looking more beautiful depending on your terminal
colour support, you may well see something like this:
![Capistrano Git Check Colour Example](/images/git-check-example-screenshot.png)
To run through that shortly, what did we do:
1. We asked Capistrano to run the command `git:check`.
2. Capistrano recognised that in order to fulfil this request, it had to first
execute the task `git:wrapper`, a *prerequisite*.
3. Capistrano executed the `git:wrapper` task, and uploaded the
`/tmp/` file, and made it executable.
This script is actually processed as a template.
4. With the git wrapper in place, we can safely script against Git without it
prompting us for input, so we ask git to `ls-remote` on the repository we
defined. As this exited with an [unclean
status](, Capistrano aborted, and
printed out the error messages for us to try and figure out what broke.
In this case, we'll be using SSH agent forwarding, we can check if that's
working by writing a tiny Cap task, or simply using SSH to do it for us, the
choice is yours:
# lib/capistrano/tasks/agent_forwarding.rake
desc "Check if agent forwarding is working"
task :forwarding do
on roles(:all) do |h|
if test("env | grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK")
info "Agent forwarding is up to #{h}"
error "Agent forwarding is NOT up to #{h}"
That gave the output:
cap staging forwarding
DEBUG [f1269276] Running /usr/bin/env env | grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK on
DEBUG [f1269276] Command: env | grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK
DEBUG [f1269276] SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-nQUEmyQ2nS/agent.2546
DEBUG [f1269276] Finished in 0.453 seconds command successful.
INFO Agent forwarding is up to
If you don't feel like writing a Capistrano task, one could simply do:
me@localhost $ ssh -A 'env | grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK'
If we see the `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` output, that's a pretty good indication that SSH
agent forwarding is enabled, and if on your local machine `ssh-add -l` shows
you an SSH key, then we're good to go. **Make sure that you're using the
`git@...` repository URL**
cap staging git:check
DEBUG Uploading /tmp/ 0%
INFO Uploading /tmp/ 100%
INFO [21382716] Running /usr/bin/env chmod +x /tmp/ on
DEBUG [21382716] Command: /usr/bin/env chmod +x /tmp/
INFO [21382716] Finished in 0.047 seconds command successful.
INFO [f40edfbb] Running /usr/bin/env git ls-remote on
DEBUG [f40edfbb] Command: ( GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/echo GIT_SSH=/tmp/ /usr/bin/env git ls-remote )
DEBUG [f40edfbb] 3419812c9f146d9a84b44bcc2c3caef94da54758 HEAD
DEBUG [f40edfbb] 3419812c9f146d9a84b44bcc2c3caef94da54758 refs/heads/master
INFO [f40edfbb] Finished in 3.319 seconds command successful.
![Capistrano Git Check Colour Example](/images/successful-git-check-example-screenshot.png)
*Note:* If you get an error like `scp: /tmp/ Permission denied`, you may need to set the `:tmp_dir` param.

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
title: Configuration
layout: default
## Location
Configuration variables can be either global or specific to your stage.
* global
* `config/deploy.rb`
* stage specific
* `config/deploy/<stage_name>.rb`
## Access
Each variable can be set to a specific value:
set :application, 'MyLittleApplication'
# use a lambda to delay evaluation
set :special_thing, -> { "SomeThing_#{fetch :other_config}" }
A value can be retrieved from the configuration at any time:
fetch :application
# => "MyLittleApplication"
fetch(:special_thing, 'some_default_value')
# will return the value if set, or the second argument as default value
**New in Capistrano 3.5:** for a variable that holds an Array, easily add values to it using `append`. This comes in especially handy for `:linked_dirs` and `:linked_files` (see Variables reference below).
append :linked_dirs, ".bundle", "tmp"
The inverse is also available: `remove` will strive to drop an entry from an array. This comes in handy if you have a shared configuration which sets an array but a specific config doesn't need one of the elements.
remove :linked_dirs, ".bundle", "tmp"
## Variables
The following variables are settable:
* `:application`
* The name of the application.
* `:deploy_to`
* **default:** `-> { "/var/www/#{fetch(:application)}" }`
* The path on the remote server where the application should be deployed.
* If application contains whitespace or such this path might be invalid. See Structure for the exact directories used.
* `:scm`
* **default:** `:git`
* The Source Control Management used.
* Currently :git, :hg and :svn are supported. Plugins might add additional ones.
* `:repo_url`
* URL to the repository.
* Must be a valid URL for the used SCM.
* Example: `set :repo_url, ''` for a git repo located in /home/git/me
* Hint #1: to access a repo on a machine using a non-standard ssh port: `set :repo_url, 'ssh://'`
* Hint #2: when using :svn and branches, declare the repo_url like this: `set :repo_url, -> { "svn://myhost/myrepo/#{fetch(:branch)}" }`
* `:branch`
* **default:** `'master'`
* The branch name to be deployed from SCM.
* `:svn_username`
* When using :svn, provides the username for authentication.
* `:svn_password`
* When using :svn, provides the password for authentication.
* `:svn_revision`
* **New in version 3.5**
* When using :svn, set the specific revision number you want to deploy.
* `:repo_path`
* **default:** `-> { "#{fetch(:deploy_to)}/repo" }`
* The path on the remote server where the repository should be placed.
* This does not normally need to be set
* `:repo_tree`
* **default:** None. The whole repository is normally deployed.
* The subtree of the repository to deploy.
* Currently only implemented for Git and Hg.
* `:linked_files`
* **default:** `[]`
* Listed files will be symlinked into each release directory during deployment.
* Can be used for persistent configuration files like `database.yml`. See Structure for the exact directories.
* `:linked_dirs`
* **default:** `[]`
* Listed directories will be symlinked into the release directory during deployment.
* Can be used for persistent directories like uploads or other data. See Structure for the exact directories.
* `:default_env`
* **default:** `{}`
* Default shell environment used during command execution.
* Can be used to set or manipulate specific environment variables (e.g. `$PATH` and such).
* `:keep_releases`
* **default:** `5`
* The last `n` releases are kept for possible rollbacks.
* The cleanup task detects outdated release folders and removes them if needed.
* `:tmp_dir`
* **default:** `'/tmp'`
* Temporary directory used during deployments to store data.
* If you have a shared web host, this setting may need to be set (e.g. /home/user/tmp/capistrano).
* `:local_user`
* **default:** `-> { Etc.getlogin }`
* Username of the local machine used to update the revision log.
* `:pty`
* **default:** `false`
* Used in SSHKit.
* `:log_level`
* **default:** `:debug`
* Used in SSHKit.
* `:format`
* **default:** `:pretty`
* Used in SSHKit.
Capistrano plugins can provide their own configuration variables. Please refer
to the plugin documentation for the specifics. Plugins are allowed to add or
manipulate default values as well as already user-defined values after the
plugin is loaded.

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
title: Flow
layout: default
Capistrano v3 provides a default **deploy flow** and a **rollback flow**:
### Deploy flow
When you run `cap production deploy`, it invokes the following tasks in
deploy:starting - start a deployment, make sure everything is ready
deploy:started - started hook (for custom tasks)
deploy:updating - update server(s) with a new release
deploy:updated - updated hook
deploy:publishing - publish the new release
deploy:published - published hook
deploy:finishing - finish the deployment, clean up everything
deploy:finished - finished hook
Notice there are several hook tasks e.g. `:started`, `:updated` for
you to hook up custom tasks into the flow using `after()` and `before()`.
### Rollback flow
When you run `cap production deploy:rollback`, it invokes the following
tasks in sequence:
deploy:reverting - revert server(s) to previous release
deploy:reverted - reverted hook
deploy:finishing_rollback - finish the rollback, clean up everything
As you can see, rollback flow shares many tasks with deploy flow. But note
that, rollback flow runs its own `:finishing_rollback` task because its
cleanup process is usually different from deploy flow.
### Flow examples
Assume you require the following files in `Capfile`,
# Capfile
require 'capistrano/setup'
require 'capistrano/deploy'
require 'capistrano/bundler'
require 'capistrano/rails/assets'
require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'
When you run `cap production deploy`, it runs these tasks:
For `cap production deploy:rollback`, it runs these tasks:

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
title: Installation
layout: default
Capistrano is bundled as a Ruby Gem. **It requires Ruby 2.0 or newer.**
Capistrano can be installed as a standalone Gem, or bundled into your
<div class="alert">
It is recommended to fix the version number when using Capistrano, and is
therefore recommended to use an appropriate bundler.
### General Usage
The following command will install the latest released capistrano `v3` revision:
$ gem install capistrano
Or grab the bleeding edge head from:
$ git clone
$ cd capistrano
$ gem build *.gemspec
$ gem install *.gem
### Usage in a Rails project
Add the following lines to the Gemfile:
group :development do
gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.1'
The `capistrano-rails` gem includes extras specifically designed for Ruby on
Rails, specifically:
* Asset Pipeline Support
* Database Migration Support
The documentation for these components can be found in
[READMEs][capistrano-rails-database-migrations-readme]. However for the most
part, to get the best, and most sensible results, simply `require` in
Capfile, after the `require 'capistrano/deploy'` line:
require 'capistrano/rails'
##### SSH
Capistrano deploys using SSH. Thus, you must be able to SSH (ideally with keys
and ssh-agent) from the deployment system to the destination system for
Capistrano to work.
You can test this using a ssh client, e.g. `ssh myuser@destinationserver`. If
you cannot connect at all, you may need to set up the SSH server or resolve
firewall/network issues. Look for a tutorial (here are suggestions for
[Ubuntu]( and
If a password is requested when you log in, you may need to set up SSH keys.
GitHub has a [good tutorial](
on creating these (follow steps 1 through 3). You will need to add your public
key to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on the destination server as the deployment user
(append on a new line).
More information on SSH and login is available via the
[Authentication and Authorisation](
section of the guide.
If you are still struggling to get login working, try the
[Capistrano SSH Doctor](
##### Help! I was using Capistrano `v2.x` and I didn't want to upgrade!
If you are using Capistrano `v2.x.x` and have also installed Capistrano `v3`
by mistake, then you can lock your Gem version for Capistrano at something
gem 'capistrano', '~> 2.15' # Or whatever patch release you are using
This is the [pessimistic operator][rubygems-pessimistic-operator] which
installs the closest matching version, at the time of writing this would
install `2.15.4`, and any other point-release in the `2.15.x` family without
the risk of accidentally upgrading to `v3`.

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: Local Tasks
layout: default
Local tasks can be run by replacing `on` with `run_locally`:
desc 'Notify service of deployment'
task :notify do
run_locally do
with rails_env: :development do
rake 'service:notify'
Of course, you can always just use standard ruby syntax to run things locally:
desc 'Notify service of deployment'
task :notify do
%x('RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake "service:notify"')
Alternatively you could use the rake syntax:
desc "Notify service of deployment"
task :notify do
sh 'RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake "service:notify"'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
title: Preparing Your Application
layout: default
<div class="alert-box radius">
This will focus on preparing a Rails application, but most ideas expressed
here have parallels in Python, or PHP applications
### 1. Commit your application to some externally available source control hosting provider.
If you are not doing so already, you should host your code somewhere with a
provider such as GitHub, BitBucket, Codeplane, or
Capistrano currently supports Git, Mercurial, and SVN out of the box.
There might be 3<sup>rd</sup> party plugins adding support for various other systems.
### 2. Move secrets out of the repository.
<div class="alert-box alert">
If you've accidentally committed state secrets to the repository, you might
want to take
<a href="">special steps</a>
to erase them from the repository history for all time.
Ideally one should remove `config/database.yml` to something like
`config/database.yml.example`. You and your team should copy the example file
into place on their development machines, under Capistrano. This leaves the
`database.yml` filename unused so that we can symlink the production database
configuration into place at deploy time.
The original `database.yml` should be added to the `.gitignore` (or your SCM's
parallel concept of ignored files)
$ cp config/database.yml{,.example}
$ echo config/database.yml >> .gitignore
This should be done for any other secret files, we'll create the production
version of the file when we deploy, and symlink it into place.
### 3. Initialize Capistrano in your application.
$ cd my-project
$ cap install
This will create a bunch of files, the important ones are:
├── Capfile
├── config
│   ├── deploy
│   │   ├── production.rb
│   │   └── staging.rb
│   └── deploy.rb
└── lib
└── capistrano
└── tasks
Your new Capfile will automatically include any tasks from any `*.rake` files
in `lib/capistrano/tasks`.
### 4. Configure your server addresses in the generated files.
We'll just work with the staging environment here, so you can pretend that
`config/deploy/production.rb` doesn't exist, for the most part that's your
Capistrano breaks down common tasks into a notion of *roles*, that is, taking
a typical Rails application that we have roughly speaking three roles, `web`,
`app`, and `db`.
The three roles can be confusing, as the boundary of web and app servers is a bit blurry if, for example,
using [Passenger]( with Apache, which in effect embeds your app server in the
web server (embeds Passenger in the Apache process itself). Confusingly,
Passenger can also be used in modes where this isn't true, so we'll ignore
that for the time being. If you know the difference (i.e you are using
nginx as your web server, and puma/unicorn, or similar for your app server,
that should be fine), then we can assume that they're the same, which is pretty
The example file generated will look something like this:
set :stage, :staging
# Simple Role Syntax
# ==================
# Supports bulk-adding hosts to roles, the primary
# server in each group is considered to be the first
# unless any hosts have the primary property set.
role :app, %w{}
role :web, %w{}
role :db, %w{}
# Extended Server Syntax
# ======================
# This can be used to drop a more detailed server
# definition into the server list. The second argument
# is something that quacks like a hash and can be used
# to set extended properties on the server.
server '', roles: %w{web app}, my_property: :my_value
# set :rails_env, :staging
Servers can be defined in two ways, implicitly using the simple `role` syntax and
explicitly using the extended `server` syntax. Both result in one or more servers for
each role being defined. The `app` and `db` roles are just placeholders, if you are using
the `capistrano/rails-*` addons (more on that later) then they have a meaning, but if you
are deploying something simpler, feel free to delete them if they're meaningless to you.
Both types can specify optional _properties_ to be associated with a server or role. These
properties include Capistrano-required ones such as the SSH options (username, port, keys
etc.) and also arbitrary custom properties. They are there in case people want to build the
server list more comprehensively from something like the *EC2* command line tools, and
want to use the extended properties for something that makes sense in their environment.
The following shows defining two servers: one where we set the
username, and another where we set the port. These host strings are parsed and expanded
out in to the equivalent of the server line after the comment:
# using simple syntax
role :web, %w{}
# using extended syntax (which is equivalent)
server '', roles: [:web], user: 'hello'
server '', roles: [:web], port: 1234
<div class="alert-box radius"> You can define a server or role using both syntaxes and the
properties will be merged. See the Properties Documentation for details
<div class="alert-box alert"> If you define servers with either the simple or the extended
syntax and explicitly specify a user or a port number, the last definition will win. This
is identical behaviour to scalar custom properties. In older versions of Capistrano,
<b>multiple</b> servers were created and the merging was ill-defined. </div>
### 5. Set the shared information in `deploy.rb`.
The `deploy.rb` is a place where the configuration common to each environment
can be specified, normally the *repository URL* and the *user as whom to
deploy* are specified here.
The generated sample file starts with the following, and is followed by a few
self-documenting, commented-out configuration options, feel free to play with
them a little:
set :application, 'my_app_name'
set :repo_url, ''
ask :branch, proc { `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp }
Here we'd set the name of the application, ideally in a way that's safe for
filenames on your target operating system.
Second we set the repository URL, and this *MUST* be somewhere that the server we
are deploying to can reach.
Here's how this might look in a typical example: note that we'll cover
authentication in the next chapter, but for now we'll assume this repository is
open source, taking an example application from the [Rails Examples and
Tutorials]( site. There we'll find maintained a
handful of typical Rails apps with typical dependencies.
The Rails application they host, which uses Devise (for authentication) and
Cancan (for authorisation) along side Twitter Bootstrap for assets has been
forked to the Capistrano repository, but you can find the (unchanged) original
set :application, 'rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan-demo'
set :repo_url, ''
set :branch, 'master'
I've simplified the `:branch` variable to simply be a `set` variable, and not a
question prompt, as this repository only has a master branch.
## Roundup
**At this point Capistrano knows where to find our servers, and where to find
our code.**
We've not covered how we authorise our servers to check out our code (there
are three pretty good ways of doing that with Git), nor have we determined how
to authorise Capistrano on our servers yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
title: Rollbacks
layout: default
In the majority of failed deployment situations, it probably makes more sense to revert the bad code and redeploy, rather than running deploy:rollback. Capistrano provides basic rollback support, but as each application and system handles rollbacks differently, it is up to the individual to test and validate that rollback behaves correctly for their use case. For example, capistrano-rails will run special tasks on rollback to fix the assets, but does nothing special with database migrations.
Correctly rolling back a release is a complex process that depends on the specifics of your application and the Capistrano plugins you've assembled. *Be proactive and test your rollback procedure before trying it for the first time in a time of crisis.*
When a deployment is run, Capistrano executes one task at a time on all servers and waits for that task to be done before moving on to the next one. If a task fails on a server, Capistrano exits without waiting for further tasks. In a multiple server situation, when a task fails on one server by exiting with a non-0 exit code, Capistrano closes the SSH connections to any still in-progress servers and their tasks exit.
If the error occurs during a deployment task which is prior to the final cutover, for example during creation of symlinks, the process will simply stop and the previously deployed application will continue to run. However if the failing deployment task is after `deploy:symlink:release`, during which the `current` symlink is moved to the newly deployed code, this may result in an inconsistent state which may be solved by executing `cap [stage] deploy:rollback`. Rollback can also be a solution for issues with failed deployments due to buggy code or other reasons.
Per, the standard deployment and rollback processes are nearly identical. The difference is that in a deploy, the `deploy:updating` and `deploy:updated` tasks are executed, while in a rollback, the `deploy:reverting` and `deploy:reverted` (a hook task) tasks are run. Also, instead of `deploy:finishing`, `deploy:finishing_rollback` is run, as cleanup can sometimes be different.
### `deploy:reverting`
This starts by setting the release_path to the last known good release path. It does this by obtaining a list of folders in the releases folder and if there are at least two, sets the second to last release as the release_path. It also sets the `rollback_timestamp` to this same release which it uses for the log entry.
Once this has been set, the remaining standard deployment tasks flip the symlink accordingly.
### `deploy:finishing_rollback`
To finish the rollback, Capistrano creates a tarball of the failed release in the deploy path, and then deletes the release folder.
### `deploy:failed`
In a situation where `cap [stage] deploy` fails, the `deploy:failed` hook is invoked. You can add custom rollback tasks to this hook:
after 'deploy:failed', :send_for_help do
This is different from a specifically invoked rollback, and is application specific. *For reasons stated above, it can be dangerous to use this hook without careful testing.*
### `deploy:rollback ROLLBACK_RELEASE=release`
Rollback to a specific release using the `ROLLBACK_RELEASE` environment variable.
e.g. `cap staging deploy:rollback ROLLBACK_RELEASE=20160614133327`

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: Structure
layout: default
Capistrano uses a strictly defined directory hierarchy on each remote server to organise the source code and other deployment-related data. The root path of this structure can be defined with the configuration variable `:deploy_to`.
Assuming your `config/deploy.rb` contains this:
set :deploy_to, '/var/www/my_app_name'
Then inspecting the directories inside `/var/www/my_app_name` looks like this:
├── current -> /var/www/my_app_name/releases/20150120114500/
├── releases
│   ├── 20150080072500
│   ├── 20150090083000
│   ├── 20150100093500
│   ├── 20150110104000
│   └── 20150120114500
├── repo
│ └── <VCS related data>
├── revisions.log
└── shared
└── <linked_files and linked_dirs>
* `current` is a symlink pointing to the latest release. This symlink is
updated at the end of a successful deployment. If the deployment fails in any
step the `current` symlink still points to the old release.
* `releases` holds all deployments in a timestamped folder. These folders are
the target of the `current` symlink.
* `repo` holds the version control system configured. In case of a git
repository the content will be a raw git repository (e.g. objects, refs,
* `revisions.log` is used to log every deploy or rollback. Each entry is
timestamped and the executing user (username from local machine) is listed.
Depending on your VCS data like branchnames or revision numbers are listed as
* `shared` contains the `linked_files` and `linked_dirs` which are symlinked
into each release. This data persists across deployments and releases. It
should be used for things like database configuration files and static and
persistent user storage handed over from one release to the next.
The application is completely contained within the path of `:deploy_to`. If
you plan on deploying multiple applications to the same server, simply choose
a different `:deploy_to` path.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
title: Tasks
layout: default
server '', roles: [:web, :app]
server '', roles: [:db, :workers]
desc "Report Uptimes"
task :uptime do
on roles(:all) do |host|
execute :any_command, "with args", :here, "and here"
info "Host #{host} (#{host.roles.to_a.join(', ')}):\t#{capture(:uptime)}"
**tl;dr**: `execute(:bundle, :install)` and `execute('bundle install')` don't behave identically!
`execute()` has a subtle behaviour. When calling `within './directory' { execute(:bundle, :install) }` for example, the first argument to `execute()` is a *Stringish* with ***no whitespace***. This allows the command to pass through the [SSHKit::CommandMap]( which enables a number of powerful features.
When the first argument to `execute()` contains whitespace, for example `within './directory' { execute('bundle install') }` (or when using a heredoc), neither Capistrano, nor SSHKit can reliably predict how it should be shell escaped, and thus cannot perform any context, or command mapping, that means that the `within(){}` (as well as `with()`, `as()`, etc) have no effect. There have been a few attempts to resolve this, but we don't consider it a bug although we acknowledge that it might be a little counter intuitive.

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
title: User Input
layout: default
User input can be required in a task or during configuration:
# used in a configuration
set :database_name, ask('Enter the database name:')
# used in a task
desc "Ask about breakfast"
task :breakfast do
ask(:breakfast, "pancakes")
on roles(:all) do |h|
execute "echo \"$(whoami) wants #{fetch(:breakfast)} for breakfast!\""
When using `ask` to get user input, you can pass `echo: false` to prevent the
input from being displayed. This option should be used to ask the user for
passwords and other sensitive data during a deploy run.
set :database_password, ask('Enter the database password:', 'default', echo: false)
If you only pass in a symbol this will be printed as text for the user and the
input will be saved to this variable:
ask(:database_encoding, 'UTF-8')
# => contains the user input (or the default)
# once the above line got executed
You can use `ask` to set a server- or role-specific configuration variable.
set :password, ask('Server password', nil)
server '', user: 'ssh_user_name', port: 22, password: fetch(:password), roles: %w{web app db}

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
title: What is Harrow?
layout: default
### Harrow is a web-based platform for continuous integration and deployment built by the Capistrano team.
There are many continuous integration tools in the world already, Harrow is
ours. It is designed to "feel" familiar to Capistrano users.
![Harrow, web-based Capistrano](/images/capistrano-logo-harrow-logo-c-primary-darker-w640.png)
Although Harrow is designed to work well for Capistrano-style use-cases, it is
by no means limited to only being used for Capistrano, or even for deployment.
Some of the features which make Harrow ideal for automating tools such as
* A discrete concept of scripts and environments, allowing reuse of scripts in
different settings using different configurations
* A pure JSON-HAL API allowing integrations and tools
* Powerful triggers and notifications allowing the construction of pipelines
starting with git changes
Harrow, much like Capistrano can also be used to:
* To automate common tasks in software teams
* To drive infrastructure provisioning tools such as *chef-solo*, *Ansible* or similar
Again, like Capistrano, Harrow is also *very* scriptable, and can be integrated
with any other software to form part of a larger tool.
#### How To Use Harrow
1. Sign up for a Harrow [account](
2. Connect your Git repository using our setup wizard
3. Choose "Capistrano" as the project template
#### What does it cost, and how does that affect Capistrano
Harrow has very reasonable [pricing]( As a
comparison with other continuous integration tools, some of our customers have
cut their monthly outgoing by a factor of 5 or more.
For individual users, it's free to use forever. To work with collaborators in
your projects, paid plans start at just $29/mo.
Capistrano is unaffected by Harrow. Capistrano will remain liberally licensed
(currently MIT) and will include discrete hooks offering Harrow to users
without being intrusive.

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
title: What is Capistrano?
layout: default
### Capistrano is a remote server automation tool.
It supports the scripting and execution of arbitrary tasks, and includes a set of sane-default deployment workflows.
Capistrano can be used to:
* Reliably deploy web application to any number of machines simultaneously,
in sequence or as a rolling set
* To automate audits of any number of machines (checking login logs,
enumerating uptimes, and/or applying security patches)
* To script arbitrary workflows over SSH
* To automate common tasks in software teams.
* To drive infrastructure provisioning tools such as *chef-solo*, *Ansible* or similar.
Capistrano is also *very* scriptable, and can be integrated with any other
Ruby software to form part of a larger tool.
#### What does it look like?
![Capistrano 3.5 / Airbrussh formatter screenshot](/images/airbrussh-screenshot.png)
#### What else is in the box?
There's lots of cool stuff in the Capistrano toy box:
* Interchangeable output formatters (progress, pretty, html, etc)
* Easy to add support for other source control management software.
* A rudimentary multi-console for running Capistrano interactively.
* Host and Role filters for partial deploys, or partial-cluster maintenance.
* Recipes for the Rails asset pipelines, and database migrations.
* Support for complex environments.
* A sane, expressive API:
desc "Show off the API"
task :ditty do
on roles(:all) do |host|
# Capture output from the remote host, and re-use it
# we can reflect on the `host` object passed to the block
# and use the `info` logger method to benefit from the
# output formatter that is selected.
uptime = capture('uptime')
if host.roles.include?(:web)
info "Your webserver #{host} has uptime: #{uptime}"
on roles(:app) do
# We can set environmental variables for the duration of a block
# and move the process into a directoy, executing arbitrary tasks
# such as letting Rails do some heavy lifting.
with({:rails_env => :production}) do
within('/var/www/my/rails/app') do
execute :rails, :runner, 'MyModel.something'
on roles(:db) do
# We can even switch users, provided we have support on the remote
# server for switching to that user without being prompted for a
# passphrase.
as 'postgres' do
widgets = capture "echo 'SELECT * FROM widgets;' | psql my_database"
if widgets.to_i < 50
warn "There are fewer than 50 widgets in the database on #{host}!"
on roles(:all) do
# We can even use `test` the way the Unix gods intended
if test("[ -d /some/directory ]")
info "Phew, it's ok, the directory exists!"

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
title: 3rd Party Plugins
layout: default
Here are some Capistrano plugins you might find useful.
This list is neither complete nor audited in any way.
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano-plugins/capistrano-postgresql"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano-plugins/capistrano-unicorn-nginx"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano-plugins/capistrano-rbenv-install"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano-plugins/capistrano-safe-deploy-to"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano-plugins/capistrano-ssh-doctor"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="scottsuch/capistrano-graphite"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="dei79/capistrano-rails-collection"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="qhwa/capistrano-hostmenu"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="mattbrictson/airbrussh"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano-plugins/capistrano-faster-assets"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="ydkn/capistrano-rails-console"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="seuros/capistrano-sidekiq"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="sgruhier/capistrano-db-tasks"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="mydrive/capistrano-deploytags"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="a2ikm/capistrano-pending"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="seuros/capistrano-puma"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="sambauers/capistrano-committed"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="aidistan/capistrano-pm2"></div>

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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
title: "Upgrading from v2.x.x"
layout: default
Update your Gemfile: `gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.0', require: false, group: :development`
If you deploy Rails, you wil also need `capistrano-rails` and `capistrano-bundler` gems (Rails and Bundler integrations were moved out from Capistrano 3).
group :development do
gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.1', require: false
gem 'capistrano-bundler', '~> 1.1', require: false
You can add idiomatic support for your preferred ruby version manager: rvm, rbenv, chruby.
group :development do
gem 'capistrano-rvm', '~> 0.1', require: false
gem 'capistrano-rbenv', '~> 2.0', require: false
gem 'capistrano-chruby', github: 'capistrano/chruby', require: false
We recommend to capify the project from scratch and move definitions from old to new configs then.
mkdir old_cap
mv Capfile old_cap
mv config/deploy.rb old_cap
mv config/deploy/ old_cap # --> only for multistage setups
It's time to capify:
cap install
Capistrano 3 is multistage by default, so you will have `config/deploy/production.rb` and `config/deploy/staging.rb` right after capifying.
If you need only one stage, remove these files and declare stage (for example `production`) and servers in `config/deploy.rb`.
Update `config/deploy/production.rb` and `config/deploy/staging.rb` to have relevant data there. You may also want to add more stages from old configs (`old_cap/deploy/`).
If you had a gateway server set doing `set :gateway, ""` you should upgrade to
require 'net/ssh/proxy/command'
set :ssh_options, proxy:'ssh -W %h:%p')
Or the per-server `ssh_options` equivalent.
Now you need to refactor your old `deploy.rb` (also `Capfile`, but in most of cases developers didn't change it in Capistrano 2.x). Move parameters (like `set :deploy_to, "/home/deploy/#{application}"` or `set :keep_releases, 4`) to `config/deploy.rb` and tasks to `Capfile`.
*Important: `repository` option was renamed to `repo_url`; `default_environment` option was renamed to `default_env`.*
Notice that some parameters are not necessary anymore: `use_sudo`, `normalize_asset_timestamps`.
If you didn't use `deploy_to` before and deployed to `/u/apps/your_app_name`, you need one more change. Now default deploy path is `/var/www/app_name` and your config will be broken after upgrade. Just declare custom `deploy_to` option:
set :deploy_to, "/u/apps/#{fetch(:application)}"
But in advance, `/u/apps` is not the best place to store apps and we advice you to change it later.
Keep editing Capfile and uncomment addons you need, such as rbenv/rvm, bundler or rails.
require 'capistrano/rails'
require 'capistrano/bundler'
require 'capistrano/rbenv'
Yay! Try to deploy with your new config set. If you discover any missing info in this upgrade guide, you're welcome to contribute to it.
# General recommendations
#### Use DSL instead of writing ENV variables
Instead of:
run <<-CMD.compact
cd -- #{latest_release} &&
RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env.to_s.shellescape} #{asset_env} #{rake} assets:precompile
It's better to use:
on roles :all do
within fetch(:latest_release_directory) do
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do
execute :rake, 'assets:precompile'
Note: 'within' blocks are required to be wrapped in an 'on' block for the dsl to recognize it
You may only have one 'with' block per call. If you need more than one env set, use the syntax in the 'with' block arg like this (pass it a map):
on roles :all do
within fetch(:latest_release_directory) do
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env), rails_relative_url_root: '/home' do
execute :rake, 'assets:precompile', env: {rails_env: fetch(:rails_env), rails_relative_url_root: ''}
# Notable differences between 2.x and 3
#### Cleanup
Capistrano 3 now runs the `deploy:cleanup` task as part of the standard deploy workflow and keeps 5 releases by default. Previously this was left for you to add manually, if required. To change the number of releases kept set the `keep_releases` configuration variable:
set :keep_releases, 10

docs/favicon.ico Normal file

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docs/index.markdown Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
layout: default
title: A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby.
### A Simple Task
role :demo, %w{}
task :uptime do
on roles(:demo), in: :parallel do |host|
uptime = capture(:uptime)
puts "#{host.hostname} reports: #{uptime}"
Capistrano extends the *Rake* DSL with methods specific to running commands
`on()` servers.
### For Any Language
Capistrano is written in Ruby, but it can easily be used to deploy any
If your language or framework has special deployment requirements, Capistrano can easily be
extended to support them.
### Source Code
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano/capistrano"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano/"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano/documentation"></div>
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="capistrano/"></div>

docs/js/foundation.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

docs/js/foundation/foundation.alerts.js vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.alerts = {
name : 'alerts',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
speed: 300, // fade out speed
callback: function (){}
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
if (!this.settings.init) {; }
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
$(this.scope).on('click.fndtn.alerts', '[data-alert] a.close', function (e) {
$(this).closest("[data-alert]").fadeOut(self.speed, function () {
this.settings.init = true;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.clearing = {
name : 'clearing',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
templates : {
viewing : '<a href="#" class="clearing-close">&times;</a>' +
'<div class="visible-img" style="display: none"><img src="//:0">' +
'<p class="clearing-caption"></p><a href="#" class="clearing-main-prev"><span></span></a>' +
'<a href="#" class="clearing-main-next"><span></span></a></div>'
// comma delimited list of selectors that, on click, will close clearing,
// add 'div.clearing-blackout, div.visible-img' to close on background click
close_selectors : '.clearing-close',
// event initializers and locks
init : false,
locked : false
init : function (scope, method, options) {
var self = this;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'set_data get_data remove_data throttle data_options');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
options = $.extend(true, this.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
$(this.scope).find('ul[data-clearing]').each(function () {
var $el = $(this),
options = options || {},
lis = $el.find('li'),
settings = self.get_data($el);
if (!settings && lis.length > 0) {
options.$parent = $el.parent();
self.set_data($el, $.extend({}, self.settings, options, self.data_options($el)));
if (!self.settings.init) {;
return this.settings.init;
} else {
// fire method
return this[method].call(this, options);
// event binding and initial setup
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', 'ul[data-clearing] li',
function (e, current, target) {
var current = current || $(this),
target = target || current,
next ='li'),
settings = self.get_data(current.parent()),
image = $(;
if (!settings) self.init();
// if clearing is open and the current image is
// clicked, go to the next image in sequence
if (target.hasClass('visible') &&
current[0] === target[0] &&
next.length > 0 && self.is_open(current)) {
target = next;
image = target.find('img');
// set current and target to the clicked li if not otherwise defined., current, target);
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', '.clearing-main-next',
function (e) { this.nav(e, 'next') }.bind(this))
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', '.clearing-main-prev',
function (e) { this.nav(e, 'prev') }.bind(this))
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', this.settings.close_selectors,
function (e) { Foundation.libs.clearing.close(e, this) })
function (e) { this.keydown(e) }.bind(this));
function () { this.resize() }.bind(this));
this.settings.init = true;
return this;
swipe_events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('touchstart.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
var data = {
start_page_x: e.touches[0].pageX,
start_page_y: e.touches[0].pageY,
start_time: (new Date()).getTime(),
delta_x: 0,
is_scrolling: undefined
$(this).data('swipe-transition', data);
.on('touchmove.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
// Ignore pinch/zoom events
if(e.touches.length > 1 || e.scale && e.scale !== 1) return;
var data = $(this).data('swipe-transition');
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
data = {};
data.delta_x = e.touches[0].pageX - data.start_page_x;
if ( typeof data.is_scrolling === 'undefined') {
data.is_scrolling = !!( data.is_scrolling || Math.abs(data.delta_x) < Math.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - data.start_page_y) );
if (!data.is_scrolling && ! {
var direction = (data.delta_x < 0) ? 'next' : 'prev'; = true;
self.nav(e, direction);
.on('touchend.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) {
$(this).data('swipe-transition', {});
assemble : function ($li) {
var $el = $li.parent();
$el.after('<div id="foundationClearingHolder"></div>');
var holder = $('#foundationClearingHolder'),
settings = this.get_data($el),
grid = $el.detach(),
data = {
grid: '<div class="carousel">' + this.outerHTML(grid[0]) + '</div>',
viewing: settings.templates.viewing
wrapper = '<div class="clearing-assembled"><div>' + data.viewing +
data.grid + '</div></div>';
return holder.after(wrapper).remove();
// event callbacks
open : function ($image, current, target) {
var root = target.closest('.clearing-assembled'),
container = root.find('div').first(),
visible_image = container.find('.visible-img'),
image = visible_image.find('img').not($image);
if (!this.locked()) {
// set the image to the selected thumbnail
.attr('src', this.load($image))
.css('visibility', 'hidden');
this.loaded(image, function () {
image.css('visibility', 'visible');
// toggle the gallery
.caption(visible_image.find('.clearing-caption'), $image)
.shift(current, target, function () {
close : function (e, el) {
var root = (function (target) {
if (/blackout/.test(target.selector)) {
return target;
} else {
return target.closest('.clearing-blackout');
}($(el))), container, visible_image;
if (el === && root) {
container = root.find('div').first();
visible_image = container.find('.visible-img');
this.settings.prev_index = 0;
.attr('style', '').closest('.clearing-blackout')
return false;
is_open : function (current) {
return current.parent().attr('style').length > 0;
keydown : function (e) {
var clearing = $('.clearing-blackout').find('ul[data-clearing]');
if (e.which === 39) this.go(clearing, 'next');
if (e.which === 37) this.go(clearing, 'prev');
if (e.which === 27) $('a.clearing-close').trigger('click');
nav : function (e, direction) {
var clearing = $('.clearing-blackout').find('ul[data-clearing]');
this.go(clearing, direction);
resize : function () {
var image = $('.clearing-blackout .visible-img').find('img');
if (image.length) {;
// visual adjustments
fix_height : function (target) {
var lis = target.parent().children(),
self = this;
lis.each(function () {
var li = $(this),
image = li.find('img');
if (li.height() > self.outerHeight(image)) {
.width(lis.length * 100 + '%');
return this;
update_paddles : function (target) {
var visible_image = target
if ( > 0) {
} else {
if (target.prev().length > 0) {
} else {
center : function (target) {
if (!this.rtl) {
marginLeft : -(this.outerWidth(target) / 2),
marginTop : -(this.outerHeight(target) / 2)
} else {
marginRight : -(this.outerWidth(target) / 2),
marginTop : -(this.outerHeight(target) / 2)
return this;
// image loading and preloading
load : function ($image) {
if ($image[0].nodeName === "A") {
var href = $image.attr('href');
} else {
var href = $image.parent().attr('href');
if (href) return href;
return $image.attr('src');
preload : function ($image) {
loaded : function (image, callback) {
// based on jquery.imageready.js
// @weblinc, @jsantell, (c) 2012
function loaded () {
function bindLoad () {'load', loaded);
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var src = this.attr( 'src' ),
param = src.match( /\?/ ) ? '&' : '?';
param += 'random=' + (new Date()).getTime();
this.attr('src', src + param);
if (!image.attr('src')) {
if (image[0].complete || image[0].readyState === 4) {
} else {;
img : function (img) {
if (img.length) {
var new_img = new Image(),
new_a = img.find('a');
if (new_a.length) {
new_img.src = new_a.attr('href');
} else {
new_img.src = img.find('img').attr('src');
return this;
// image caption
caption : function (container, $image) {
var caption = $'caption');
if (caption) {
} else {
return this;
// directional methods
go : function ($ul, direction) {
var current = $ul.find('.visible'),
target = current[direction]();
if (target.length) {
.trigger('click', [current, target]);
shift : function (current, target, callback) {
var clearing = target.parent(),
old_index = this.settings.prev_index || target.index(),
direction = this.direction(clearing, current, target),
left = parseInt(clearing.css('left'), 10),
width = this.outerWidth(target),
// we use jQuery animate instead of CSS transitions because we
// need a callback to unlock the next animation
if (target.index() !== old_index && !/skip/.test(direction)){
if (/left/.test(direction)) {
clearing.animate({left : left + width}, 300, this.unlock());
} else if (/right/.test(direction)) {
clearing.animate({left : left - width}, 300, this.unlock());
} else if (/skip/.test(direction)) {
// the target image is not adjacent to the current image, so
// do we scroll right or not
skip_shift = target.index() - this.settings.up_count;
if (skip_shift > 0) {
clearing.animate({left : -(skip_shift * width)}, 300, this.unlock());
} else {
clearing.animate({left : 0}, 300, this.unlock());
direction : function ($el, current, target) {
var lis = $el.find('li'),
li_width = this.outerWidth(lis) + (this.outerWidth(lis) / 4),
up_count = Math.floor(this.outerWidth($('.clearing-container')) / li_width) - 1,
target_index = lis.index(target),
this.settings.up_count = up_count;
if (this.adjacent(this.settings.prev_index, target_index)) {
if ((target_index > up_count)
&& target_index > this.settings.prev_index) {
response = 'right';
} else if ((target_index > up_count - 1)
&& target_index <= this.settings.prev_index) {
response = 'left';
} else {
response = false;
} else {
response = 'skip';
this.settings.prev_index = target_index;
return response;
adjacent : function (current_index, target_index) {
for (var i = target_index + 1; i >= target_index - 1; i--) {
if (i === current_index) return true;
return false;
// lock management
lock : function () {
this.settings.locked = true;
unlock : function () {
this.settings.locked = false;
locked : function () {
return this.settings.locked;
// plugin management/browser quirks
outerHTML : function (el) {
// support FireFox < 11
return el.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(el);
off : function () {
this.remove_data(); // empty settings cache
this.settings.init = false;
reflow : function () {
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.cookie.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3
* Copyright 2011, Klaus Hartl
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Modified to work with Zepto.js by ZURB
(function ($, document, undefined) {
var pluses = /\+/g;
function raw(s) {
return s;
function decoded(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' '));
var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
// write
if (value !== undefined) {
options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options);
if (value === null) {
options.expires = -1;
if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);
value = config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value);
return (document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), '=', config.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', ? '; secure' : ''
// read
var decode = config.raw ? raw : decoded;
var cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) {
var parts = cookies[i].split('=');
if (decode(parts.shift()) === key) {
var cookie = decode(parts.join('='));
return config.json ? JSON.parse(cookie) : cookie;
return null;
config.defaults = {};
$.removeCookie = function (key, options) {
if ($.cookie(key) !== null) {
$.cookie(key, null, options);
return true;
return false;
})(Foundation.zj, document);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.dropdown = {
name : 'dropdown',
version : '4.2.0',
settings : {
activeClass: 'open',
is_hover: false,
opened: function(){},
closed: function(){}
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle scrollLeft data_options');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
if (!this.settings.init) {;
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown]', function (e) {
var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($(this)));
if (!settings.is_hover) self.toggle($(this));
.on('mouseenter', '[data-dropdown]', function (e) {
var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($(this)));
if (settings.is_hover) self.toggle($(this));
.on('mouseleave', '[data-dropdown-content]', function (e) {
var target = $('[data-dropdown="' + $(this).attr('id') + '"]'),
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(target));
if (settings.is_hover), $(this));
.on('opened.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown-content]', this.settings.opened)
.on('closed.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown-content]', this.settings.closed);
$('body').on('click.fndtn.dropdown', function (e) {
var parent = $('[data-dropdown-content]');
if ($('dropdown')) {
if (parent.length > 0 && ($('[data-dropdown-content]') || $.contains(parent.first()[0], {
}, $('[data-dropdown-content]'));
$(window).on('resize.fndtn.dropdown', self.throttle(function () {;
}, 50)).trigger('resize');
this.settings.init = true;
close: function (dropdown) {
var self = this;
dropdown.each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass(self.settings.activeClass)) {
.css(Foundation.rtl ? 'right':'left', '-99999px')
open: function (dropdown, target) {
.addClass(this.settings.activeClass), target);
toggle : function (target) {
var dropdown = $('#' +'dropdown'));, $('[data-dropdown-content]').not(dropdown));
if (dropdown.hasClass(this.settings.activeClass)) {, dropdown);
} else {, $('[data-dropdown-content]')), dropdown, target);
resize : function () {
var dropdown = $('[data-dropdown-content].open'),
target = $("[data-dropdown='" + dropdown.attr('id') + "']");
if (dropdown.length && target.length) {
this.css(dropdown, target);
css : function (dropdown, target) {
var offset_parent = dropdown.offsetParent();
// temporary workaround until 4.2
if (offset_parent.length > 0 && /body/i.test(dropdown.offsetParent()[0].nodeName)) {
var position = target.offset(); -= dropdown.offsetParent().offset().top;
position.left -= dropdown.offsetParent().offset().left;
} else {
var position = target.position();
if (this.small()) {
position : 'absolute',
width: '95%',
left: '2.5%',
'max-width': 'none',
top: + this.outerHeight(target)
} else {
if (!Foundation.rtl && $(window).width() > this.outerWidth(dropdown) + target.offset().left) {
var left = position.left;
if (dropdown.hasClass('right')) {
} else {
if (!dropdown.hasClass('right')) {
var left = position.left - (this.outerWidth(dropdown) - this.outerWidth(target));
dropdown.attr('style', '').css({
position : 'absolute',
top: + this.outerHeight(target),
left: left
return dropdown;
small : function () {
return $(window).width() < 768 || $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9');
off: function () {
$('html, body').off('.fndtn.dropdown');
this.settings.init = false;
reflow : function () {}
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.forms.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.forms = {
name: 'forms',
version: '4.2.2',
cache: {},
settings: {
disable_class: 'no-custom',
last_combo : null
init: function (scope, method, options) {
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
if (!this.settings.init) {;
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
assemble: function () {
$('form.custom input[type="radio"]', $(this.scope))
.not('.' + this.settings.disable_class)
$('form.custom input[type="checkbox"]', $(this.scope))
.not('.' + this.settings.disable_class)
$('form.custom select', $(this.scope))
.not('.' + this.settings.disable_class)
events: function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom span.custom.checkbox', function (e) {
.on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom', function (e) {
.on('change.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom select', function (e, force_refresh) {
if (!$(this).not('[data-customforms="disabled"])')) return;
self.refresh_custom_select($(this), force_refresh);
.on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom label', function (e) {
if ($('label')) {
var $associatedElement = $('#' + self.escape($(this).attr('for'))).not('[data-customforms="disabled"]'),
if ($associatedElement.length !== 0) {
if ($associatedElement.attr('type') === 'checkbox') {
$customCheckbox = $(this).find('span.custom.checkbox');
//the checkbox might be outside after the label or inside of another element
if ($customCheckbox.length === 0) {
$customCheckbox = $associatedElement.add(this).siblings('span.custom.checkbox').first();
} else if ($associatedElement.attr('type') === 'radio') {
$customRadio = $(this).find('');
//the radio might be outside after the label or inside of another element
if ($customRadio.length === 0) {
$customRadio = $associatedElement.add(this).siblings('').first();
.on('mousedown.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom div.custom.dropdown', function () {
return false;
.on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom div.custom.dropdown a.current, form.custom div.custom.dropdown a.selector', function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
$dropdown = $this.closest('div.custom.dropdown'),
$select = getFirstPrevSibling($dropdown, 'select');
// make sure other dropdowns close
if (!$dropdown.hasClass('open')) $(self.scope).trigger('click');
if (false === $':disabled')) {
if ($dropdown.hasClass('open')) {
$(self.scope).on('click.fndtn.forms.customdropdown', function () {
} else {
return false;
.on('click.fndtn.forms touchend.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom div.custom.dropdown li', function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
$customDropdown = $this.closest('div.custom.dropdown'),
$select = getFirstPrevSibling($customDropdown, 'select'),
selectedIndex = 0;
if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
var $oldThis = $this.closest('ul')
$this.closest('ul').find('li').each(function (index) {
if ($this[0] === this) {
selectedIndex = index;
$select[0].selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
//store the old value in data
$'prevalue', $oldThis.html());
$(window).on('keydown', function (e) {
var focus = document.activeElement,
self = Foundation.libs.forms,
dropdown = $('');
if (dropdown.length > 0) {
if (e.which === 13) {
if (e.which === 27) {
if (e.which >= 65 && e.which <= 90) {
var next = self.go_to(dropdown, e.which),
current = dropdown.find('li.selected');
if (next) {
self.scrollTo(next.addClass('selected'), 300);
if (e.which === 38) {
var current = dropdown.find('li.selected'),
prev = current.prev(':not(.disabled)');
if (prev.length > 0) {
prev.parent()[0].scrollTop = prev.parent().scrollTop() - self.outerHeight(prev);
} else if (e.which === 40) {
var current = dropdown.find('li.selected'),
next =':not(.disabled)');
if (next.length > 0) {
next.parent()[0].scrollTop = next.parent().scrollTop() + self.outerHeight(next);
this.settings.init = true;
go_to: function (dropdown, character) {
var lis = dropdown.find('li'),
count = lis.length;
if (count > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var first_letter = lis.eq(i).text().charAt(0).toLowerCase();
if (first_letter === String.fromCharCode(character).toLowerCase()) return lis.eq(i);
scrollTo: function (el, duration) {
if (duration < 0) return;
var parent = el.parent();
var li_height = this.outerHeight(el);
var difference = (li_height * (el.index())) - parent.scrollTop();
var perTick = difference / duration * 10;
this.scrollToTimerCache = setTimeout(function () {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(perTick, 10))) {
parent[0].scrollTop = parent.scrollTop() + perTick;
this.scrollTo(el, duration - 10);
}.bind(this), 10);
append_custom_markup: function (idx, sel) {
var $this = $(sel),
type = $this.attr('type'),
$span = $'span.custom.' + type);
if (!$this.parent().hasClass('switch')) {
if ($span.length === 0) {
$span = $('<span class="custom ' + type + '"></span>').insertAfter($this);
$span.toggleClass('checked', $':checked'));
$span.toggleClass('disabled', $':disabled'));
append_custom_select: function (idx, sel) {
var self = Foundation.libs.forms,
$this = $(sel),
$customSelect = $'div.custom.dropdown'),
$customList = $customSelect.find('ul'),
$selectCurrent = $customSelect.find(".current"),
$selector = $customSelect.find(".selector"),
$options = $this.find('option'),
$selectedOption = $options.filter(':selected'),
copyClasses = $this.attr('class') ? $this.attr('class').split(' ') : [],
maxWidth = 0,
liHtml = '',
$currentSelect = false;
if ($customSelect.length === 0) {
var customSelectSize = $this.hasClass('small') ? 'small' : $this.hasClass('medium') ? 'medium' : $this.hasClass('large') ? 'large' : $this.hasClass('expand') ? 'expand' : '';
$customSelect = $('<div class="' + ['custom', 'dropdown', customSelectSize].concat(copyClasses).filter(function (item, idx, arr) {
if (item === '') return false;
return arr.indexOf(item) === idx;
}).join(' ') + '"><a href="#" class="selector"></a><ul /></div>');
$selector = $customSelect.find(".selector");
$customList = $customSelect.find("ul");
liHtml = $ () {
var copyClasses = $(this).attr('class') ? $(this).attr('class') : '';
return "<li class='" + copyClasses + "'>" + $(this).html() + "</li>";
$currentSelect = $customSelect
.prepend('<a href="#" class="current">' + $selectedOption.html() + '</a>')
} else {
liHtml = $ () {
return "<li>" + $(this).html() + "</li>";
} // endif $customSelect.length === 0
self.assign_id($this, $customSelect);
$customSelect.toggleClass('disabled', $':disabled'));
$listItems = $customList.find('li');
// cache list length
self.cache[$'id')] = $listItems.length;
$options.each(function (index) {
if (this.selected) {
if ($currentSelect) {
if ($(this).is(':disabled')) {
// If we're not specifying a predetermined form size.
if (!$'.small, .medium, .large, .expand')) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a work-around for when elements are contained within hidden parents.
// For example, when custom-form elements are inside of a hidden reveal modal.
// We need to display the current custom list element as well as hidden parent elements
// in order to properly calculate the list item element's width property.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Quickly, display all parent elements.
// This should help us calcualate the width of the list item's within the drop down.
var self = Foundation.libs.forms;
maxWidth = (self.outerWidth($listItems) > maxWidth) ? self.outerWidth($listItems) : maxWidth;
} // endif
assign_id: function ($select, $customSelect) {
var id = [+new Date(), Foundation.random_str(5)].join('-');
$select.attr('data-id', id);
$customSelect.attr('data-id', id);
refresh_custom_select: function ($select, force_refresh) {
var self = this;
var maxWidth = 0,
$customSelect = $,
$options = $select.find('option'),
$listItems = $customSelect.find('li');
if ($listItems.length !== this.cache[$'id')] || force_refresh) {
$options.each(function () {
var $li = $('<li>' + $(this).html() + '</li>');
// re-populate
$options.each(function (index) {
if (this.selected) {
if ($(this).is(':disabled')) {
// fix width
$customSelect.find('li').each(function () {
if (self.outerWidth($(this)) > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = self.outerWidth($(this));
$listItems = $customSelect.find('li');
// cache list length
this.cache[$'id')] = $listItems.length;
toggle_checkbox: function ($element) {
var $input = $element.prev(),
input = $input[0];
if (false === $':disabled')) {
input.checked = ((input.checked) ? false : true);
toggle_radio: function ($element) {
var $input = $element.prev(),
$form = $input.closest('form.custom'),
input = $input[0];
if (false === $':disabled')) {
$form.find('input[type="radio"][name="' + this.escape($input.attr('name')) + '"]')
if (!$element.hasClass('checked')) {
input.checked = $element.hasClass('checked');
escape: function (text) {
if (!text) return '';
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
hidden_fix: {
* Sets all hidden parent elements and self to visibile.
* @method adjust
* @param {jQuery Object} $child
// We'll use this to temporarily store style properties.
tmp: [],
// We'll use this to set hidden parent elements.
hidden: null,
adjust: function ($child) {
// Internal reference.
var _self = this;
// Set all hidden parent elements, including this element.
_self.hidden = $child.parents();
_self.hidden = _self.hidden.add($child).filter(":hidden");
// Loop through all hidden elements.
_self.hidden.each(function () {
// Cache the element.
var $elem = $(this);
// Store the style attribute.
// Undefined if element doesn't have a style attribute.
// Set the element's display property to block,
// but ensure it's visibility is hidden.
'visibility': 'hidden',
'display': 'block'
}, // end adjust
* Resets the elements previous state.
* @method reset
reset: function () {
// Internal reference.
var _self = this;
// Loop through our hidden element collection.
_self.hidden.each(function (i) {
// Cache this element.
var $elem = $(this),
_tmp = _self.tmp[i]; // Get the stored 'style' value for this element.
// If the stored value is undefined.
if (_tmp === undefined)
// Remove the style attribute.
// Otherwise, reset the element style attribute.
$elem.attr('style', _tmp);
// Reset the tmp array.
_self.tmp = [];
// Reset the hidden elements variable.
_self.hidden = null;
} // end reset
off: function () {
reflow : function () {}
var getFirstPrevSibling = function($el, selector) {
var $el = $el.prev();
while ($el.length) {
if ($ return $el;
$el = $el.prev();
return $();
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.interchange = {
name : 'interchange',
version : '4.2.2',
cache : {},
settings : {
load_attr : 'interchange',
named_queries : {
'default' : 'only screen and (min-width: 1px)',
small : 'only screen and (min-width: 768px)',
medium : 'only screen and (min-width: 1280px)',
large : 'only screen and (min-width: 1440px)',
landscape : 'only screen and (orientation: landscape)',
portrait : 'only screen and (orientation: portrait)',
retina : 'only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),' +
'only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi),' +
'only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx)'
directives : {
replace : function (el, path) {
if (/IMG/.test(el[0].nodeName)) {
var path_parts = path.split('/'),
path_file = path_parts[path_parts.length - 1],
orig_path = el[0].src;
if (new RegExp(path_file, 'i').test(el[0].src)) return;
el[0].src = path;
return el.trigger('replace', [el[0].src, orig_path]);
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
$(window).on('resize.fndtn.interchange', self.throttle(function () {;
}, 50));
resize : function () {
var cache = this.cache;
for (var uuid in cache) {
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
var passed = this.results(uuid, cache[uuid]);
if (passed) {
.scenario[1]](passed.el, passed.scenario[0]);
results : function (uuid, scenarios) {
var count = scenarios.length,
results_arr = [];
if (count > 0) {
var el = $('[data-uuid="' + uuid + '"]');
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var rule = scenarios[i][2];
if (this.settings.named_queries.hasOwnProperty(rule)) {
var mq = matchMedia(this.settings.named_queries[rule]);
} else {
var mq = matchMedia(scenarios[i][2]);
if (mq.matches) {
return {el: el, scenario: scenarios[i]};
return false;
images : function (force_update) {
if (typeof this.cached_images === 'undefined' || force_update) {
return this.update_images();
return this.cached_images;
update_images : function () {
var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'),
count = images.length,
data_attr = 'data-' + this.settings.load_attr;
this.cached_images = [];
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
this.loaded($(images[i]), (i === 0), function (image, last) {
if (image) {
var str = image.getAttribute(data_attr) || '';
if (str.length > 0) {
if (last) this.enhance();
return 'deferred';
// based on jquery.imageready.js
// @weblinc, @jsantell, (c) 2012
loaded : function (image, last, callback) {
function loaded () {
callback(image[0], last);
function bindLoad () {'load', loaded);
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var src = this.attr( 'src' ),
param = src.match( /\?/ ) ? '&' : '?';
param += 'random=' + (new Date()).getTime();
this.attr('src', src + param);
if (!image.attr('src')) {
if (image[0].complete || image[0].readyState === 4) {
} else {;
enhance : function () {
var count = this.images().length;
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return $(window).trigger('resize');
parse_params : function (path, directive, mq) {
return [this.trim(path), this.convert_directive(directive), this.trim(mq)];
convert_directive : function (directive) {
var trimmed = this.trim(directive);
if (trimmed.length > 0) {
return trimmed;
return 'replace';
_object : function(el) {
var raw_arr = this.parse_data_attr(el),
scenarios = [], count = raw_arr.length;
if (count > 0) {
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var split = raw_arr[i].split(/\((.*?)(\))$/);
if (split.length > 1) {
var cached_split = split[0].split(','),
params = this.parse_params(cached_split[0],
cached_split[1], split[1]);
return, scenarios);
uuid : function (separator) {
var delim = separator || "-";
function S4() {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
return (S4() + S4() + delim + S4() + delim + S4()
+ delim + S4() + delim + S4() + S4() + S4());
store : function (el, scenarios) {
var uuid = this.uuid(),
current_uuid ='uuid');
if (current_uuid) return this.cache[current_uuid];
el.attr('data-uuid', uuid);
return this.cache[uuid] = scenarios;
trim : function(str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
return $.trim(str);
return str;
parse_data_attr : function (el) {
var raw =\[(.*?)\]/),
count = raw.length, output = [];
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (raw[i].replace(/[\W\d]+/, '').length > 4) {
return output;
reflow : function () {
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.joyride.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.joyride = {
name: 'joyride',
version : '4.2.2',
defaults : {
expose : false, // turn on or off the expose feature
modal : false, // Whether to cover page with modal during the tour
tipLocation : 'bottom', // 'top' or 'bottom' in relation to parent
nubPosition : 'auto', // override on a per tooltip bases
scrollSpeed : 300, // Page scrolling speed in milliseconds, 0 = no scroll animation
timer : 0, // 0 = no timer , all other numbers = timer in milliseconds
startTimerOnClick : true, // true or false - true requires clicking the first button start the timer
startOffset : 0, // the index of the tooltip you want to start on (index of the li)
nextButton : true, // true or false to control whether a next button is used
tipAnimation : 'fade', // 'pop' or 'fade' in each tip
pauseAfter : [], // array of indexes where to pause the tour after
exposed : [], // array of expose elements
tipAnimationFadeSpeed: 300, // when tipAnimation = 'fade' this is speed in milliseconds for the transition
cookieMonster : false, // true or false to control whether cookies are used
cookieName : 'joyride', // Name the cookie you'll use
cookieDomain : false, // Will this cookie be attached to a domain, ie. ''
cookieExpires : 365, // set when you would like the cookie to expire.
tipContainer : 'body', // Where will the tip be attached
postRideCallback : function (){}, // A method to call once the tour closes (canceled or complete)
postStepCallback : function (){}, // A method to call after each step
preStepCallback : function (){}, // A method to call before each step
preRideCallback : function (){}, // A method to call before the tour starts (passed index, tip, and cloned exposed element)
postExposeCallback : function (){}, // A method to call after an element has been exposed
template : { // HTML segments for tip layout
link : '<a href="#close" class="joyride-close-tip">&times;</a>',
timer : '<div class="joyride-timer-indicator-wrap"><span class="joyride-timer-indicator"></span></div>',
tip : '<div class="joyride-tip-guide"><span class="joyride-nub"></span></div>',
wrapper : '<div class="joyride-content-wrapper"></div>',
button : '<a href="#" class="small button joyride-next-tip"></a>',
modal : '<div class="joyride-modal-bg"></div>',
expose : '<div class="joyride-expose-wrapper"></div>',
exposeCover: '<div class="joyride-expose-cover"></div>'
exposeAddClass : '' // One or more space-separated class names to be added to exposed element
settings : {},
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle data_options scrollTo scrollLeft delay');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, this.defaults, method);
} else {
$.extend(true, this.settings, this.defaults, options);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
if (!this.settings.init);
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.joyride', '.joyride-next-tip, .joyride-modal-bg', function (e) {
if (this.settings.$ < 1) {
} else if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
} else {
.on('click.joyride', '.joyride-close-tip', function (e) {
$(window).on('resize.fndtn.joyride', self.throttle(function () {
if ($('[data-joyride]').length > 0 && self.settings.$next_tip) {
if ( > 0) {
var $els = $(;
$els.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (self.is_phone()) {
} else {
self.pos_default(false, true);
}, 100));
this.settings.init = true;
start : function () {
var self = this,
$this = $(this.scope).find('[data-joyride]'),
integer_settings = ['timer', 'scrollSpeed', 'startOffset', 'tipAnimationFadeSpeed', 'cookieExpires'],
int_settings_count = integer_settings.length;
if (!this.settings.init) this.init();
// non configureable settings
this.settings.$content_el = $this;
this.settings.$body = $(this.settings.tipContainer);
this.settings.body_offset = $(this.settings.tipContainer).position();
this.settings.$tip_content = this.settings.$content_el.find('> li');
this.settings.paused = false;
this.settings.attempts = 0;
this.settings.tipLocationPatterns = {
top: ['bottom'],
bottom: [], // bottom should not need to be repositioned
left: ['right', 'top', 'bottom'],
right: ['left', 'top', 'bottom']
// can we create cookies?
if (typeof $.cookie !== 'function') {
this.settings.cookieMonster = false;
// generate the tips and insert into dom.
if (!this.settings.cookieMonster || this.settings.cookieMonster && $.cookie(this.settings.cookieName) === null) {
this.settings.$tip_content.each(function (index) {
var $this = $(this);
$.extend(true, self.settings, self.data_options($this));
// Make sure that settings parsed from data_options are integers where necessary
for (var i = int_settings_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
self.settings[integer_settings[i]] = parseInt(self.settings[integer_settings[i]], 10);
self.create({$li : $this, index : index});
// show first tip
if (!this.settings.startTimerOnClick && this.settings.timer > 0) {'init');
} else {'init');
resume : function () {
tip_template : function (opts) {
var $blank, content;
opts.tip_class = opts.tip_class || '';
$blank = $(this.settings.template.tip).addClass(opts.tip_class);
content = $.trim($( +
this.button_text(opts.button_text) + +
$blank.first().attr('data-index', opts.index);
$('.joyride-content-wrapper', $blank).append(content);
return $blank[0];
timer_instance : function (index) {
var txt;
if ((index === 0 && this.settings.startTimerOnClick && this.settings.timer > 0) || this.settings.timer === 0) {
txt = '';
} else {
txt = this.outerHTML($(this.settings.template.timer)[0]);
return txt;
button_text : function (txt) {
if (this.settings.nextButton) {
txt = $.trim(txt) || 'Next';
txt = this.outerHTML($(this.settings.template.button).append(txt)[0]);
} else {
txt = '';
return txt;
create : function (opts) {
var buttonText = opts.$li.attr('data-button') || opts.$li.attr('data-text'),
tipClass = opts.$li.attr('class'),
$tip_content = $(this.tip_template({
tip_class : tipClass,
index : opts.index,
button_text : buttonText,
li : opts.$li
show : function (init) {
var $timer = null;
// are we paused?
if (this.settings.$li === undefined
|| ($.inArray(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.pauseAfter) === -1)) {
// don't go to the next li if the tour was paused
if (this.settings.paused) {
this.settings.paused = false;
} else {
this.settings.attempts = 0;
if (this.settings.$li.length && this.settings.$target.length > 0) {
if (init) { //run when we first start
this.settings.preRideCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip);
if (this.settings.modal) {
this.settings.preStepCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip);
if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) {
this.settings.tipSettings = $.extend(this.settings, this.data_options(this.settings.$li));
this.settings.timer = parseInt(this.settings.timer, 10);
this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocationPattern = this.settings.tipLocationPatterns[this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation];
// scroll if not modal
if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) {
if (this.is_phone()) {
} else {
$timer = this.settings.$next_tip.find('.joyride-timer-indicator');
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.tipAnimation)) {
if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
this.delay(function () {
width: $timer.parent().width()
}, this.settings.timer, 'linear');
}.bind(this), this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed);
} else {
} else if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.tipAnimation)) {
if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
this.delay(function () {
width: $timer.parent().width()
}, this.settings.timer, 'linear');
}.bind(this), this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed);
} else {
this.settings.$current_tip = this.settings.$next_tip;
// skip non-existant targets
} else if (this.settings.$li && this.settings.$target.length < 1) {;
} else {
} else {
this.settings.paused = true;
is_phone : function () {
if (Modernizr) {
return'only screen and (max-width: 767px)') || $('.lt-ie9').length > 0;
return (this.settings.$window.width() < 767);
hide : function () {
if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) {
if (!this.settings.modal) {
set_li : function (init) {
if (init) {
this.settings.$li = this.settings.$tip_content.eq(this.settings.startOffset);
this.settings.$current_tip = this.settings.$next_tip;
} else {
this.settings.$li = this.settings.$;
set_next_tip : function () {
this.settings.$next_tip = $(".joyride-tip-guide[data-index='" + this.settings.$li.index() + "']");
this.settings.$'closed', '');
set_target : function () {
var cl = this.settings.$li.attr('data-class'),
id = this.settings.$li.attr('data-id'),
$sel = function () {
if (id) {
return $(document.getElementById(id));
} else if (cl) {
return $('.' + cl).first();
} else {
return $('body');
this.settings.$target = $sel();
scroll_to : function () {
var window_half, tipOffset;
window_half = $(window).height() / 2;
tipOffset = Math.ceil(this.settings.$target.offset().top - window_half + this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip));
if (tipOffset > 0) {
this.scrollTo($('html, body'), tipOffset, this.settings.scrollSpeed);
paused : function () {
return ($.inArray((this.settings.$li.index() + 1), this.settings.pauseAfter) === -1);
restart : function () {
this.settings.$li = undefined;'init');
pos_default : function (init, resizing) {
var half_fold = Math.ceil($(window).height() / 2),
tip_position = this.settings.$next_tip.offset(),
$nub = this.settings.$next_tip.find('.joyride-nub'),
nub_width = Math.ceil(this.outerWidth($nub) / 2),
nub_height = Math.ceil(this.outerHeight($nub) / 2),
toggle = init || false;
// tip must not be "display: none" to calculate position
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden');
if (typeof resizing === 'undefined') {
resizing = false;
if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) {
if (this.bottom()) {
var leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().left;
if (Foundation.rtl) {
leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().width - this.settings.$next_tip.width() + leftOffset;
top: (this.settings.$target.offset().top + nub_height + this.outerHeight(this.settings.$target)),
left: leftOffset});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'top');
} else if ( {
var leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().left;
if (Foundation.rtl) {
leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().width - this.settings.$next_tip.width() + leftOffset;
top: (this.settings.$target.offset().top - this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip) - nub_height),
left: leftOffset});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'bottom');
} else if (this.right()) {
top: this.settings.$target.offset().top,
left: (this.outerWidth(this.settings.$target) + this.settings.$target.offset().left + nub_width)});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'left');
} else if (this.left()) {
top: this.settings.$target.offset().top,
left: (this.settings.$target.offset().left - this.outerWidth(this.settings.$next_tip) - nub_width)});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'right');
if (!this.visible(this.corners(this.settings.$next_tip)) && this.settings.attempts < this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocationPattern.length) {
this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation = this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocationPattern[this.settings.attempts];
} else if (this.settings.$li.length) {
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'visible');
pos_phone : function (init) {
var tip_height = this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip),
tip_offset = this.settings.$next_tip.offset(),
target_height = this.outerHeight(this.settings.$target),
$nub = $('.joyride-nub', this.settings.$next_tip),
nub_height = Math.ceil(this.outerHeight($nub) / 2),
toggle = init || false;
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden');
if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) {
if ( {
this.settings.$next_tip.offset({top: this.settings.$target.offset().top - tip_height - nub_height});
} else {
this.settings.$next_tip.offset({top: this.settings.$target.offset().top + target_height + nub_height});
} else if (this.settings.$li.length) {
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'visible');
pos_modal : function ($nub) {;
show_modal : function () {
if (!this.settings.$'closed')) {
var joyridemodalbg = $('.joyride-modal-bg');
if (joyridemodalbg.length < 1) {
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.tipAnimation)) {;
} else {
expose : function () {
var expose,
randId = 'expose-'+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof $) {
el = arguments[0];
} else if(this.settings.$target && !/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)){
el = this.settings.$target;
} else {
return false;
if(el.length < 1){
console.error('element not valid', el);
return false;
expose = $(this.settings.template.expose);
top: el.offset().top,
left: el.offset().left,
width: this.outerWidth(el, true),
height: this.outerHeight(el, true)
exposeCover = $(this.settings.template.exposeCover);
origCSS = {
zIndex: el.css('z-index'),
position: el.css('position')
origClasses = el.attr('class') == null ? '' : el.attr('class');
if (origCSS.position == 'static') {
}'expose-css',origCSS);'orig-class', origClasses);
el.attr('class', origClasses + ' ' + this.settings.exposeAddClass);
top: el.offset().top,
left: el.offset().left,
width: this.outerWidth(el, true),
height: this.outerHeight(el, true)
exposeCover.addClass(randId);'expose', randId);
this.settings.postExposeCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip, el);
un_expose : function () {
var exposeId,
expose ,
clearAll = false;
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof $) {
el = arguments[0];
} else if(this.settings.$target && !/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)){
el = this.settings.$target;
} else {
return false;
if(el.length < 1){
if (window.console) {
console.error('element not valid', el);
return false;
exposeId ='expose');
expose = $('.' + exposeId);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
clearAll = arguments[1];
if (clearAll === true) {
} else {
origCSS ='expose-css');
if (origCSS.zIndex == 'auto') {
el.css('z-index', '');
} else {
el.css('z-index', origCSS.zIndex);
if (origCSS.position != el.css('position')) {
if(origCSS.position == 'static') {// this is default, no need to set it.
el.css('position', '');
} else {
el.css('position', origCSS.position);
origClasses ='orig-class');
el.attr('class', origClasses);
add_exposed: function(el){ = || [];
if (el instanceof $ || typeof el === 'object') {[0]);
} else if (typeof el == 'string') {;
remove_exposed: function(el){
var search, count;
if (el instanceof $) {
search = el[0]
} else if (typeof el == 'string'){
search = el;
} = || [];
count =;
for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {
if ([i] == search) {, 1);
center : function () {
var $w = $(window);
top : ((($w.height() - this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip)) / 2) + $w.scrollTop()),
left : ((($w.width() - this.outerWidth(this.settings.$next_tip)) / 2) + this.scrollLeft($w))
return true;
bottom : function () {
return /bottom/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation);
top : function () {
return /top/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation);
right : function () {
return /right/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation);
left : function () {
return /left/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation);
corners : function (el) {
var w = $(window),
window_half = w.height() / 2,
//using this to calculate since scroll may not have finished yet.
tipOffset = Math.ceil(this.settings.$target.offset().top - window_half + this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight()),
right = w.width() + this.scrollLeft(w),
offsetBottom = w.height() + tipOffset,
bottom = w.height() + w.scrollTop(),
top = w.scrollTop();
if (tipOffset < top) {
if (tipOffset < 0) {
top = 0;
} else {
top = tipOffset;
if (offsetBottom > bottom) {
bottom = offsetBottom;
return [
el.offset().top < top,
right < el.offset().left + el.outerWidth(),
bottom < el.offset().top + el.outerHeight(),
this.scrollLeft(w) > el.offset().left
visible : function (hidden_corners) {
var i = hidden_corners.length;
while (i--) {
if (hidden_corners[i]) return false;
return true;
nub_position : function (nub, pos, def) {
if (pos === 'auto') {
} else {
startTimer : function () {
if (this.settings.$li.length) {
this.settings.automate = setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), this.settings.timer);
} else {
end : function () {
if (this.settings.cookieMonster) {
$.cookie(this.settings.cookieName, 'ridden', { expires: this.settings.cookieExpires, domain: this.settings.cookieDomain });
if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) {
this.settings.$'closed', true);
this.settings.postStepCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$current_tip);
this.settings.postRideCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$current_tip);
outerHTML : function (el) {
// support FireFox < 11
return el.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(el);
off : function () {
$('.joyride-close-tip, .joyride-next-tip, .joyride-modal-bg').off('.joyride');
$('.joyride-tip-guide, .joyride-modal-bg').remove();
this.settings = {};
reflow : function () {}
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
* Foundation Responsive Library
* Copyright 2013, ZURB
* Free to use under the MIT license.
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
// Accommodate running jQuery or Zepto in noConflict() mode by
// using an anonymous function to redefine the $ shorthand name.
// See
// and
var libFuncName = null;
if (typeof jQuery === "undefined" &&
typeof Zepto === "undefined" &&
typeof $ === "function") {
libFuncName = $;
} else if (typeof jQuery === "function") {
libFuncName = jQuery;
} else if (typeof Zepto === "function") {
libFuncName = Zepto;
} else {
throw new TypeError();
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media
type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012:
Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas.
Dual MIT/BSD license
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function( doc, undefined ) {
"use strict";
var bool,
docElem = doc.documentElement,
refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild,
// fakeBody required for <FF4 when executed in <head>
fakeBody = doc.createElement( "body" ),
div = doc.createElement( "div" ); = "mq-test-1"; = "position:absolute;top:-100em"; = "none";
return function(q){
div.innerHTML = "&shy;<style media=\"" + q + "\"> #mq-test-1 { width: 42px; }</style>";
docElem.insertBefore( fakeBody, refNode );
bool = div.offsetWidth === 42;
docElem.removeChild( fakeBody );
return {
matches: bool,
media: q
}( document ));
// add dusty browser stuff
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp */) {
"use strict";
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this),
len = t.length >>> 0;
if (typeof fun !== "function") {
var res = [],
thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in t) {
var val = t[i]; // in case fun mutates this
if (fun &&, val, i, t)) {
return res;
if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) {
if (typeof this !== "function") {
// closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable function
throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");
var aArgs =, 1),
fToBind = this,
fNOP = function () {},
fBound = function () {
return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP && oThis
? this
: oThis,
fNOP.prototype = this.prototype;
fBound.prototype = new fNOP();
return fBound;
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement /*, fromIndex */ ) {
"use strict";
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (len === 0) {
return -1;
var n = 0;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
n = Number(arguments[1]);
if (n != n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN
n = 0;
} else if (n != 0 && n != Infinity && n != -Infinity) {
n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
if (n >= len) {
return -1;
var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
for (; k < len; k++) {
if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
return k;
return -1;
// fake stop() for zepto.
$.fn.stop = $.fn.stop || function() {
return this;
window.Foundation = {
name : 'Foundation',
version : '4.2.2',
cache : {},
init : function (scope, libraries, method, options, response, /* internal */ nc) {
var library_arr,
args = [scope, method, options, response],
responses = [],
nc = nc || false;
// disable library error catching,
// used for development only
if (nc) = nc;
// check RTL
this.rtl = /rtl/i.test($('html').attr('dir'));
// set foundation global scope
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
if (libraries && typeof libraries === 'string' && !/reflow/i.test(libraries)) {
if (/off/i.test(libraries)) return;
library_arr = libraries.split(' ');
if (library_arr.length > 0) {
for (var i = library_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
responses.push(this.init_lib(library_arr[i], args));
} else {
if (/reflow/i.test(libraries)) args[1] = 'reflow';
for (var lib in this.libs) {
responses.push(this.init_lib(lib, args));
// if first argument is callback, add to args
if (typeof libraries === 'function') {
return this.response_obj(responses, args);
response_obj : function (response_arr, args) {
for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) {
if (typeof args[i] === 'function') {
return args[i]({
errors: response_arr.filter(function (s) {
if (typeof s === 'string') return s;
return response_arr;
init_lib : function (lib, args) {
return this.trap(function () {
if (this.libs.hasOwnProperty(lib)) {
return this.libs[lib].init.apply(this.libs[lib], args);
else {
return function () {};
}.bind(this), lib);
trap : function (fun, lib) {
if (! {
try {
return fun();
} catch (e) {
return this.error({name: lib, message: 'could not be initialized', more: + ' ' + e.message});
return fun();
patch : function (lib) {
lib.scope = this.scope;
lib.rtl = this.rtl;
inherit : function (scope, methods) {
var methods_arr = methods.split(' ');
for (var i = methods_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.lib_methods.hasOwnProperty(methods_arr[i])) {
this.libs[][methods_arr[i]] = this.lib_methods[methods_arr[i]];
random_str : function (length) {
var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
if (!length) {
length = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
str += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return str;
libs : {},
// methods that can be inherited in libraries
lib_methods : {
set_data : function (node, data) {
// references the name of the library calling this method
var id = [,+new Date(),Foundation.random_str(5)].join('-');
Foundation.cache[id] = data;
node.attr('data-' + + '-id', id);
return data;
get_data : function (node) {
return Foundation.cache[node.attr('data-' + + '-id')];
remove_data : function (node) {
if (node) {
delete Foundation.cache[node.attr('data-' + + '-id')];
node.attr('data-' + + '-id', '');
} else {
$('[data-' + + '-id]').each(function () {
delete Foundation.cache[$(this).attr('data-' + + '-id')];
$(this).attr('data-' + + '-id', '');
throttle : function(fun, delay) {
var timer = null;
return function () {
var context = this, args = arguments;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
fun.apply(context, args);
}, delay);
// parses data-options attribute on nodes and turns
// them into an object
data_options : function (el) {
var opts = {}, ii, p,
opts_arr = (el.attr('data-options') || ':').split(';'),
opts_len = opts_arr.length;
function isNumber (o) {
return ! isNaN (o-0) && o !== null && o !== "" && o !== false && o !== true;
function trim(str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') return $.trim(str);
return str;
// parse options
for (ii = opts_len - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
p = opts_arr[ii].split(':');
if (/true/i.test(p[1])) p[1] = true;
if (/false/i.test(p[1])) p[1] = false;
if (isNumber(p[1])) p[1] = parseInt(p[1], 10);
if (p.length === 2 && p[0].length > 0) {
opts[trim(p[0])] = trim(p[1]);
return opts;
delay : function (fun, delay) {
return setTimeout(fun, delay);
// animated scrolling
scrollTo : function (el, to, duration) {
if (duration < 0) return;
var difference = to - $(window).scrollTop();
var perTick = difference / duration * 10;
this.scrollToTimerCache = setTimeout(function() {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(perTick, 10))) {
window.scrollTo(0, $(window).scrollTop() + perTick);
this.scrollTo(el, to, duration - 10);
}.bind(this), 10);
// not supported in core Zepto
scrollLeft : function (el) {
if (!el.length) return;
return ('scrollLeft' in el[0]) ? el[0].scrollLeft : el[0].pageXOffset;
// test for empty object or array
empty : function (obj) {
if (obj.length && obj.length > 0) return false;
if (obj.length && obj.length === 0) return true;
for (var key in obj) {
if (, key)) return false;
return true;
fix_outer : function (lib) {
lib.outerHeight = function (el, bool) {
if (typeof Zepto === 'function') {
return el.height();
if (typeof bool !== 'undefined') {
return el.outerHeight(bool);
return el.outerHeight();
lib.outerWidth = function (el) {
if (typeof Zepto === 'function') {
return el.width();
if (typeof bool !== 'undefined') {
return el.outerWidth(bool);
return el.outerWidth();
error : function (error) {
return + ' ' + error.message + '; ' + error.more;
// remove all foundation events.
off: function () {
return true;
zj : function () {
if (typeof Zepto !== 'undefined') {
return Zepto;
} else {
return jQuery;
$ = function () {
var args =, 0);
return this.each(function () {
Foundation.init.apply(Foundation, [this].concat(args));
return this;
}(libFuncName, this, this.document));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.magellan = {
name : 'magellan',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
activeClass: 'active'
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
if (!this.settings.init) {
this.fixed_magellan = $("[data-magellan-expedition]");
this.last_destination = $('[data-magellan-destination]').last();;
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
$(this.scope).on('arrival.fndtn.magellan', '[data-magellan-arrival]', function (e) {
var $destination = $(this),
$expedition = $destination.closest('[data-magellan-expedition]'),
activeClass = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-active-class')
|| self.settings.activeClass;
.on('update-position.fndtn.magellan', function(){
var $el = $(this);
// $"magellan-fixed-position","");
// $"magellan-top-offset", "");
.on('resize.fndtn.magellan', function() {
.on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function() {
var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
self.fixed_magellan.each(function() {
var $expedition = $(this);
if (typeof $'magellan-top-offset') === 'undefined') {
$'magellan-top-offset', $expedition.offset().top);
if (typeof $'magellan-fixed-position') === 'undefined') {
$'magellan-fixed-position', false)
var fixed_position = (windowScrollTop + self.settings.threshold) > $"magellan-top-offset");
var attr = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-top-offset');
if ($"magellan-fixed-position") != fixed_position) {
$"magellan-fixed-position", fixed_position);
if (fixed_position) {
$expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:0});
} else {
$expedition.css({position:"", top:""});
if (fixed_position && typeof attr != 'undefined' && attr != false) {
$expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:attr + "px"});
if (this.last_destination.length > 0) {
$(window).on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function (e) {
var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
scrolltopPlusHeight = windowScrollTop + $(window).height(),
lastDestinationTop = Math.ceil(self.last_destination.offset().top);
$('[data-magellan-destination]').each(function () {
var $destination = $(this),
destination_name = $destination.attr('data-magellan-destination'),
topOffset = $destination.offset().top - windowScrollTop;
if (topOffset <= self.settings.threshold) {
$("[data-magellan-arrival='" + destination_name + "']").trigger('arrival');
// In large screens we may hit the bottom of the page and dont reach the top of the last magellan-destination, so lets force it
if (scrolltopPlusHeight >= $(self.scope).height() && lastDestinationTop > windowScrollTop && lastDestinationTop < scrolltopPlusHeight) {
this.settings.init = true;
set_threshold : function () {
if (!this.settings.threshold) {
this.settings.threshold = (this.fixed_magellan.length > 0) ?
this.outerHeight(this.fixed_magellan, true) : 0;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.orbit.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs = Foundation.libs || {};
Foundation.libs.orbit = {
name: 'orbit',
version: '4.2.0',
settings: {
timer_speed: 10000,
pause_on_hover: true,
resume_on_mouseout: false,
animation_speed: 500,
bullets: true,
stack_on_small: true,
navigation_arrows: true,
slide_number: true,
container_class: 'orbit-container',
stack_on_small_class: 'orbit-stack-on-small',
next_class: 'orbit-next',
prev_class: 'orbit-prev',
timer_container_class: 'orbit-timer',
timer_paused_class: 'paused',
timer_progress_class: 'orbit-progress',
slides_container_class: 'orbit-slides-container',
bullets_container_class: 'orbit-bullets',
bullets_active_class: 'active',
slide_number_class: 'orbit-slide-number',
caption_class: 'orbit-caption',
active_slide_class: 'active',
orbit_transition_class: 'orbit-transitioning'
init: function (scope, method, options) {
var self = this;
Foundation.inherit(self, 'data_options');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, self.settings, method);
if ($(scope).is('[data-orbit]')) {
var scoped_self = $.extend(true, {}, self);
scoped_self._init(idx, el);
$('[data-orbit]', scope).each(function(idx, el) {
var scoped_self = $.extend(true, {}, self);
scoped_self._init(idx, el);
_container_html: function() {
var self = this;
return '<div class="' + self.settings.container_class + '"></div>';
_bullets_container_html: function($slides) {
var self = this,
$list = $('<ol class="' + self.settings.bullets_container_class + '"></ol>');
$slides.each(function(idx, slide) {
var $item = $('<li data-orbit-slide-number="' + (idx+1) + '" class=""></li>');
if (idx === 0) {
return $list;
_slide_number_html: function(slide_number, total_slides) {
var self = this,
$container = $('<div class="' + self.settings.slide_number_class + '"></div>');
$container.append('<span>' + slide_number + '</span> of <span>' + total_slides + '</span>');
return $container;
_timer_html: function() {
var self = this;
if (typeof self.settings.timer_speed === 'number' && self.settings.timer_speed > 0) {
return '<div class="' + self.settings.timer_container_class
+ '"><span></span><div class="' + self.settings.timer_progress_class
+ '"></div></div>';
} else {
return '';
_next_html: function() {
var self = this;
return '<a href="#" class="' + self.settings.next_class + '">Next <span></span></a>';
_prev_html: function() {
var self = this;
return '<a href="#" class="' + self.settings.prev_class + '">Prev <span></span></a>';
_init: function (idx, slider) {
var self = this,
$slides_container = $(slider),
$container = $slides_container.wrap(self._container_html()).parent(),
$slides = $slides_container.children();
$.extend(true, self.settings, self.data_options($slides_container));
if (self.settings.navigation_arrows) {
if (self.settings.stack_on_small) {
if (self.settings.slide_number) {
$container.append(self._slide_number_html(1, $slides.length));
if (self.settings.bullets) {
// To better support the "sliding" effect it's easier
// if we just clone the first and last slides
// Make the first "real" slide active
$slides_container.css(Foundation.rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft', '-100%');
_init_events: function ($slides_container) {
var self = this,
$container = $slides_container.parent();
.on('load.fndtn.orbit', function() {
.on('resize.fndtn.orbit', function() {
$(document).on('click.fndtn.orbit', '[data-orbit-link]', function(e) {
var id = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-orbit-link'),
$slide = $slides_container.find('[data-orbit-slide=' + id + ']').first();
if ($slide.length === 1) {
self._reset_timer($slides_container, true);
self._goto($slides_container, $slide.index(), function() {});
$container.siblings('.' + self.settings.bullets_container_class)
.on('click.fndtn.orbit', '[data-orbit-slide-number]', function(e) {
self._reset_timer($slides_container, true);
self._goto($slides_container, $(e.currentTarget).data('orbit-slide-number'),function() {});
.on('mouseenter.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (self.settings.pause_on_hover) {
.on('mouseleave.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (self.settings.resume_on_mouseout) {
.on('orbit:after-slide-change.fndtn.orbit', function(e, orbit) {
var $slide_number = $container.find('.' + self.settings.slide_number_class);
if ($slide_number.length === 1) {
$slide_number.replaceWith(self._slide_number_html(orbit.slide_number, orbit.total_slides));
.on('orbit:next-slide.fndtn.orbit click.fndtn.orbit', '.' + self.settings.next_class.split(" ").join("."), function(e) {
self._reset_timer($slides_container, true);
self._goto($slides_container, 'next', function() {});
.on('orbit:prev-slide.fndtn.orbit click.fndtn.orbit', '.' + self.settings.prev_class.split(" ").join("."), function(e) {
self._reset_timer($slides_container, true);
self._goto($slides_container, 'prev', function() {});
.on('orbit:toggle-play-pause.fndtn.orbit click.fndtn.orbit touchstart.fndtn.orbit', '.' + self.settings.timer_container_class, function(e) {
var $timer = $(e.currentTarget).toggleClass(self.settings.timer_paused_class),
$slides_container = $timer.closest('.' + self.settings.container_class)
.find('.' + self.settings.slides_container_class);
if ($timer.hasClass(self.settings.timer_paused_class)) {
} else {
.on('touchstart.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
var data = {
start_page_x: e.touches[0].pageX,
start_page_y: e.touches[0].pageY,
start_time: (new Date()).getTime(),
delta_x: 0,
is_scrolling: undefined
$'swipe-transition', data);
.on('touchmove.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
// Ignore pinch/zoom events
if(e.touches.length > 1 || e.scale && e.scale !== 1) return;
var data = $'swipe-transition');
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
data = {};
data.delta_x = e.touches[0].pageX - data.start_page_x;
if ( typeof data.is_scrolling === 'undefined') {
data.is_scrolling = !!( data.is_scrolling || Math.abs(data.delta_x) < Math.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - data.start_page_y) );
if (!data.is_scrolling && ! {
var direction = (data.delta_x < 0) ? 'next' : 'prev'; = true;
self._goto($slides_container, direction, function() {});
.on('touchend.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
$'swipe-transition', {});
_init_dimensions: function ($slides_container) {
var $container = $slides_container.parent(),
$slides = $slides_container.children();
$slides_container.css('width', $slides.length * 100 + '%');
$slides.css('width', 100 / $slides.length + '%');
$slides_container.css('width', $slides.length * 100 + '%');
_start_timer: function ($slides_container) {
var self = this,
$container = $slides_container.parent();
var callback = function() {
self._reset_timer($slides_container, false);
self._goto($slides_container, 'next', function() {
var $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class),
$progress = $timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class),
progress_pct = ($progress.width() / $timer.width()),
delay = self.settings.timer_speed - (progress_pct * self.settings.timer_speed);
$progress.animate({'width': '100%'}, delay, 'linear', callback);
_stop_timer: function ($slides_container) {
var self = this,
$container = $slides_container.parent(),
$timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class),
$progress = $timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class),
progress_pct = $progress.width() / $timer.width();
self._rebuild_timer($container, progress_pct * 100 + '%');
// $progress.stop();
$timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class);
_reset_timer: function($slides_container, is_paused) {
var self = this,
$container = $slides_container.parent();
self._rebuild_timer($container, '0%');
if (typeof is_paused === 'boolean' && is_paused) {
var $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class);
_rebuild_timer: function ($container, width_pct) {
// Zepto is unable to stop animations since they
// are css-based. This is a workaround for that
// limitation, which rebuilds the dom element
// thus stopping the animation
var self = this,
$timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class),
$new_timer = $(self._timer_html()),
$new_timer_progress = $new_timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class);
if (typeof Zepto === 'function') {
$new_timer_progress.css('width', width_pct);
} else if (typeof jQuery === 'function') {
var $progress = $timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class);
$progress.css('width', width_pct);
_goto: function($slides_container, index_or_direction, callback) {
var self = this,
$container = $slides_container.parent(),
$slides = $slides_container.children(),
$active_slide = $slides_container.find('.' + self.settings.active_slide_class),
active_index = $active_slide.index(),
margin_position = Foundation.rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft';
if ($container.hasClass(self.settings.orbit_transition_class)) {
return false;
if (index_or_direction === 'prev') {
if (active_index === 0) {
active_index = $slides.length - 1;
else {
else if (index_or_direction === 'next') {
active_index = (active_index+1) % $slides.length;
else if (typeof index_or_direction === 'number') {
active_index = (index_or_direction % $slides.length);
if (active_index === ($slides.length - 1) && index_or_direction === 'next') {
$slides_container.css(margin_position, '0%');
active_index = 1;
else if (active_index === 0 && index_or_direction === 'prev') {
$slides_container.css(margin_position, '-' + ($slides.length - 1) * 100 + '%');
active_index = $slides.length - 2;
// Start transition, make next slide active
// Make next bullet active
var $bullets = $container.siblings('.' + self.settings.bullets_container_class);
if ($bullets.length === 1) {
var new_margin_left = '-' + (active_index * 100) + '%';
// Check to see if animation will occur, otherwise perform
// callbacks manually
if ($slides_container.css(margin_position) === new_margin_left) {
$slides_container.trigger('orbit:after-slide-change', [{slide_number: active_index, total_slides: $slides_container.children().length - 2}]);
} else {
var properties = {};
properties[margin_position] = new_margin_left;
$slides_container.animate(properties, self.settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function() {
$slides_container.trigger('orbit:after-slide-change', [{slide_number: active_index, total_slides: $slides_container.children().length - 2}]);
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
/*! v2.0.7 by @mathias
Modified to work with Zepto.js by ZURB
;(function(window, document, $) {
var isInputSupported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'),
isTextareaSupported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('textarea'),
prototype = $.fn,
valHooks = $.valHooks,
if (isInputSupported && isTextareaSupported) {
placeholder = prototype.placeholder = function() {
return this;
placeholder.input = placeholder.textarea = true;
} else {
placeholder = prototype.placeholder = function() {
var $this = this;
.filter((isInputSupported ? 'textarea' : ':input') + '[placeholder]')
'focus.placeholder': clearPlaceholder,
'blur.placeholder': setPlaceholder
.data('placeholder-enabled', true)
return $this;
placeholder.input = isInputSupported;
placeholder.textarea = isTextareaSupported;
hooks = {
'get': function(element) {
var $element = $(element);
return $'placeholder-enabled') && $element.hasClass('placeholder') ? '' : element.value;
'set': function(element, value) {
var $element = $(element);
if (!$'placeholder-enabled')) {
return element.value = value;
if (value == '') {
element.value = value;
// Issue #56: Setting the placeholder causes problems if the element continues to have focus.
if (element != document.activeElement) {
// We can't use `triggerHandler` here because of dummy text/password inputs :(;
} else if ($element.hasClass('placeholder')) {, true, value) || (element.value = value);
} else {
element.value = value;
// `set` can not return `undefined`; see
return $element;
isInputSupported || (valHooks.input = hooks);
isTextareaSupported || (valHooks.textarea = hooks);
$(function() {
// Look for forms
$(document).delegate('form', 'submit.placeholder', function() {
// Clear the placeholder values so they don't get submitted
var $inputs = $('.placeholder', this).each(clearPlaceholder);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
// Clear placeholder values upon page reload
$(window).bind('beforeunload.placeholder', function() {
$('.placeholder').each(function() {
this.value = '';
function args(elem) {
// Return an object of element attributes
var newAttrs = {},
rinlinejQuery = /^jQuery\d+$/;
$.each(elem.attributes, function(i, attr) {
if (attr.specified && !rinlinejQuery.test( {
newAttrs[] = attr.value;
return newAttrs;
function clearPlaceholder(event, value) {
var input = this,
$input = $(input);
if (input.value == $input.attr('placeholder') && $input.hasClass('placeholder')) {
if ($'placeholder-password')) {
$input = $input.hide().next().show().attr('id', $input.removeAttr('id').data('placeholder-id'));
// If `clearPlaceholder` was called from `$.valHooks.input.set`
if (event === true) {
return $input[0].value = value;
} else {
input.value = '';
input == document.activeElement &&;
function setPlaceholder() {
var $replacement,
input = this,
$input = $(input),
$origInput = $input,
id =;
if (input.value == '') {
if (input.type == 'password') {
if (!$'placeholder-textinput')) {
try {
$replacement = $input.clone().attr({ 'type': 'text' });
} catch(e) {
$replacement = $('<input>').attr($.extend(args(this), { 'type': 'text' }));
'placeholder-password': true,
'placeholder-id': id
.bind('focus.placeholder', clearPlaceholder);
'placeholder-textinput': $replacement,
'placeholder-id': id
$input = $input.removeAttr('id').hide().prev().attr('id', id).show();
// Note: `$input[0] != input` now!
$input[0].value = $input.attr('placeholder');
} else {
}(this, document, Foundation.zj));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.placeholder = {
name : 'placeholder',
version : '4.2.2',
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
window.onload = function () {
$('input, textarea').placeholder();
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.reveal.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.reveal = {
name: 'reveal',
version : '4.2.2',
locked : false,
settings : {
animation: 'fadeAndPop',
animationSpeed: 250,
closeOnBackgroundClick: true,
closeOnEsc: true,
dismissModalClass: 'close-reveal-modal',
bgClass: 'reveal-modal-bg',
open: function(){},
opened: function(){},
close: function(){},
closed: function(){},
bg : $('.reveal-modal-bg'),
css : {
open : {
'opacity': 0,
'visibility': 'visible',
'display' : 'block'
close : {
'opacity': 1,
'visibility': 'hidden',
'display': 'none'
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options delay');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
} else if (typeof options !== 'undefined') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, options);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {;
return this.settings.init;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal-id]', function (e) {
if (!self.locked) {
var element = $(this),
ajax ='reveal-ajax');
self.locked = true;
if (typeof ajax === 'undefined') {, element);
} else {
var url = ajax === true ? element.attr('href') : ajax;, element, {url: url});
.on('click.fndtn.reveal', this.close_targets(), function (e) {
if (!self.locked) {
var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($('')));
if ($([0] === $('.' + settings.bgClass)[0] && !settings.closeOnBackgroundClick) {
self.locked = true;, $(this).closest('.reveal-modal'));
.on('open.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal',
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.opened)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.open_video)
.on('close.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.close)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.closed)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.close_video);
$( 'body' ).bind( 'keyup.reveal', function ( event ) {
var open_modal = $(''),
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(open_modal));
if ( event.which === 27 && settings.closeOnEsc) { // 27 is the keycode for the Escape key'reveal', 'close');
return true;
open : function (target, ajax_settings) {
if (target) {
if (typeof target.selector !== 'undefined') {
var modal = $('#' +'reveal-id'));
} else {
var modal = $(this.scope);
ajax_settings = target;
} else {
var modal = $(this.scope);
if (!modal.hasClass('open')) {
var open_modal = $('');
if (typeof'css-top') === 'undefined') {'css-top', parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10))
.data('offset', this.cache_offset(modal));
if (open_modal.length < 1) {
if (typeof ajax_settings === 'undefined' || !ajax_settings.url) {
this.hide(open_modal, this.settings.css.close);,;
} else {
var self = this,
old_success = typeof ajax_settings.success !== 'undefined' ? ajax_settings.success : null;
$.extend(ajax_settings, {
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if ( $.isFunction(old_success) ) {
old_success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
$(modal).foundation('section', 'reflow');
self.hide(open_modal, self.settings.css.close);,;
close : function (modal) {
var modal = modal && modal.length ? modal : $(this.scope),
open_modals = $('');
if (open_modals.length > 0) {
this.locked = true;
this.hide(open_modals, this.settings.css.close);
close_targets : function () {
var base = '.' + this.settings.dismissModalClass;
if (this.settings.closeOnBackgroundClick) {
return base + ', .' + this.settings.bgClass;
return base;
toggle_bg : function (modal) {
if ($('.reveal-modal-bg').length === 0) { = $('<div />', {'class': this.settings.bgClass})
if (':visible').length > 0) {
} else {;
show : function (el, css) {
// is modal
if (css) {
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { = $(window).scrollTop() -'offset') + 'px';
var end_css = {
top: $(window).scrollTop() +'css-top') + 'px',
opacity: 1
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2);
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
var end_css = {opacity: 1};
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2);
return el.css(css).show().css({opacity: 1}).addClass('open').trigger('opened');
// should we animate the background?
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
return el.fadeIn(this.settings.animationSpeed / 2);
hide : function (el, css) {
// is modal
if (css) {
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
var end_css = {
top: - $(window).scrollTop() -'offset') + 'px',
opacity: 0
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2);
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
var end_css = {opacity: 0};
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2);
return el.hide().css(css).removeClass('open').trigger('closed');
// should we animate the background?
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
return el.fadeOut(this.settings.animationSpeed / 2);
return el.hide();
close_video : function (e) {
var video = $(this).find('.flex-video'),
iframe = video.find('iframe');
if (iframe.length > 0) {
iframe.attr('data-src', iframe[0].src);
iframe.attr('src', 'about:blank');
open_video : function (e) {
var video = $(this).find('.flex-video'),
iframe = video.find('iframe');
if (iframe.length > 0) {
var data_src = iframe.attr('data-src');
if (typeof data_src === 'string') {
iframe[0].src = iframe.attr('data-src');
} else {
var src = iframe[0].src;
iframe[0].src = undefined;
iframe[0].src = src;
cache_offset : function (modal) {
var offset = + parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10);
return offset;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.section.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.section = {
name: 'section',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
deep_linking: false,
small_breakpoint: 768,
one_up: true,
section_selector : '[data-section]',
region_selector : 'section, .section, [data-section-region]',
title_selector : '.title, [data-section-title]',
active_region_selector : ',, .active[data-section-region]',
content_selector : '.content, [data-section-content]',
nav_selector : '[data-section="vertical-nav"], [data-section="horizontal-nav"]',
callback: function (){}
init : function (scope, method, options) {
var self = this;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle data_options position_right offset_right');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, self.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
return true;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.section', '[data-section] .title, [data-section] [data-section-title]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
section = $this.closest(self.settings.region_selector);
if (section.children(self.settings.content_selector).length > 0) {, e, self);
.on('resize.fndtn.section', self.throttle(function () {;
}, 30))
.on('hashchange', function () {
if (!self.settings.toggled){
.on('click.fndtn.section', function (e) {
if ($( < 1) {
.attr('style', '');
toggle_active : function (e, self) {
var $this = $(this),
self = Foundation.libs.section,
region = $this.closest(self.settings.region_selector),
content = $this.siblings(self.settings.content_selector),
parent = region.parent(),
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(parent)),
prev_active_section = parent
self.settings.toggled = true;
if (!settings.deep_linking && content.length > 0) {
if (region.hasClass('active')) {
// this is causing the style flash.
if (self.small(parent)
|| self.is_vertical_nav(parent)
|| self.is_horizontal_nav(parent)
|| self.is_accordion(parent)) {
if (prev_active_section[0] !== region[0]
|| (prev_active_section[0] === region[0] && !settings.one_up)) {
.attr('style', '');
} else {
var prev_active_section = parent
title_height = self.outerHeight(region
if (self.small(parent) || settings.one_up) {
if (self.small(parent)) {
prev_active_section.attr('style', '');
} else {
'visibility: hidden; padding-top: '+title_height+'px;');
if (self.small(parent)) {
region.attr('style', '');
} else {
region.css('padding-top', title_height);
if (prev_active_section.length > 0) {
.attr('style', '');
// Toggle the content display attribute. This is done to
// ensure accurate outerWidth measurements that account for
// the scrollbar.
if (self.is_vertical_tabs(parent)) {
content.css('display', 'block');
if (prev_active_section !== null) {
.css('display', 'none');
setTimeout(function () {
self.settings.toggled = false;
}, 300);
resize : function () {
var self = Foundation.libs.section,
sections = $(self.settings.section_selector);
sections.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
active_section = $this
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($this));
if (active_section.length > 1) {
.attr('style', '');
} else if (active_section.length < 1
&& !self.is_vertical_nav($this)
&& !self.is_horizontal_nav($this)
&& !self.is_accordion($this)) {
var first = $this.children(self.settings.region_selector).first();
if (settings.one_up || !self.small($this)) {
if (self.small($this)) {
first.attr('style', '');
} else {
first.css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(first
if (self.small($this)) {
active_section.attr('style', '');
} else {
active_section.css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(active_section
if ( (self.is_horizontal_nav($this) && !self.small($this))
|| self.is_vertical_tabs($this) && !self.small($this)) {
} else {
self.position_content($this, false);
is_vertical_nav : function (el) {
return /vertical-nav/i.test('section'));
is_horizontal_nav : function (el) {
return /horizontal-nav/i.test('section'));
is_accordion : function (el) {
return /accordion/i.test('section'));
is_horizontal_tabs : function (el) {
return /^tabs$/i.test('section'));
is_vertical_tabs : function (el) {
return /vertical-tabs/i.test('section'));
set_active_from_hash : function () {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1),
sections = $('[data-section]'),
self = this;
sections.each(function () {
var section = $(this),
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(section));
if (hash.length > 0 && settings.deep_linking) {
var regions = section
.attr('style', '')
var hash_regions = () {
var content = $(self.settings.content_selector, this),
content_slug ='slug');
if (new RegExp(content_slug, 'i').test(hash))
return content;
var count = hash_regions.length;
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
position_titles : function (section, off) {
var self = this,
titles = section
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector);
previous_width = 0,
previous_height = 0,
self = this;
if (typeof off === 'boolean') {
titles.attr('style', '');
} else {
titles.each(function () {
if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section)) {
$(this).css('top', previous_height);
previous_height += self.outerHeight($(this));
} else {
if (!self.rtl) {
$(this).css('left', previous_width);
} else {
$(this).css('right', previous_width);
previous_width += self.outerWidth($(this));
position_content : function (section, off) {
var self = this,
regions = section.children(self.settings.region_selector),
titles = regions
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector);
content = regions
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.content_selector);
if (typeof off === 'boolean') {
content.attr('style', '');
section.attr('style', '');
} else {
if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section)
&& !self.small(section)) {
var content_min_height = 0,
content_min_width = Number.MAX_VALUE,
title_width = null;
regions.each(function () {
var region = $(this),
title = region.children(self.settings.title_selector),
content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector),
content_width = 0;
title_width = self.outerWidth(title);
content_width = self.outerWidth(section) - title_width;
if (content_width < content_min_width) {
content_min_width = content_width;
// Increment the minimum height of the content region
// to align with the height of the titles.
content_min_height += self.outerHeight(title);
// Set all of the inactive tabs to 'display: none'
// The CSS sets all of the tabs as 'display: block'
// in order to account for scrollbars when measuring the width
// of the content regions.
if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
content.css('display', 'none');
regions.each(function () {
var content = $(this).children(self.settings.content_selector);
content.css('minHeight', content_min_height);
// Remove 2 pixels to account for the right-shift in the CSS
content.css('maxWidth', content_min_width - 2);
} else {
regions.each(function () {
var region = $(this),
title = region.children(self.settings.title_selector),
content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector);
if (!self.rtl) {
.css({left: title.position().left - 1,
top: self.outerHeight(title) - 2});
} else {
.css({right: self.position_right(title) + 1,
top: self.outerHeight(title) - 2});
// temporary work around for Zepto outerheight calculation issues.
if (typeof Zepto === 'function') {
} else {
section.height(this.outerHeight($(titles[0])) - 2);
position_right : function (el) {
var self = this,
section = el.closest(this.settings.section_selector),
regions = section.children(this.settings.region_selector),
section_width = el.closest(this.settings.section_selector).width(),
offset = regions
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector);
return (section_width - el.position().left - el.width() * (el.index() + 1) - offset);
reflow : function (scope) {
var scope = scope || document;
$(this.settings.section_selector, scope).trigger('resize');
small : function (el) {
var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options(el));
if (this.is_horizontal_tabs(el)) {
return false;
if (el && this.is_accordion(el)) {
return true;
if ($('html').hasClass('lt-ie9')) {
return true;
if ($('html').hasClass('ie8compat')) {
return true;
return $(this.scope).width() < settings.small_breakpoint;
off : function () {
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.tooltips = {
name: 'tooltips',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
selector : '.has-tip',
additionalInheritableClasses : [],
tooltipClass : '.tooltip',
appendTo: 'body',
'disable-for-touch': false,
tipTemplate : function (selector, content) {
return '<span data-selector="' + selector + '" class="'
+ Foundation.libs.tooltips.settings.tooltipClass.substring(1)
+ '">' + content + '<span class="nub"></span></span>';
cache : {},
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options');
var self = this;
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
} else if (typeof options !== 'undefined') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, options);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
if (Modernizr.touch) {
.on('click.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip touchend.fndtn.tooltip',
'[data-tooltip]', function (e) {
var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($(this)));
if (!settings['disable-for-touch']) {
.on('click.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip touchend.fndtn.tooltip',
this.settings.tooltipClass, function (e) {
} else {
.on('mouseenter.fndtn.tooltip mouseleave.fndtn.tooltip',
'[data-tooltip]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
if (/enter|over/i.test(e.type)) {
} else if (e.type === 'mouseout' || e.type === 'mouseleave') {
// $(this.scope).data('fndtn-tooltips', true);
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
showOrCreateTip : function ($target) {
var $tip = this.getTip($target);
if ($tip && $tip.length > 0) {
return this.create($target);
getTip : function ($target) {
var selector = this.selector($target),
tip = null;
if (selector) {
tip = $('span[data-selector="' + selector + '"]' + this.settings.tooltipClass);
return (typeof tip === 'object') ? tip : false;
selector : function ($target) {
var id = $target.attr('id'),
dataSelector = $target.attr('data-tooltip') || $target.attr('data-selector');
if ((id && id.length < 1 || !id) && typeof dataSelector != 'string') {
dataSelector = 'tooltip' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
$target.attr('data-selector', dataSelector);
return (id && id.length > 0) ? id : dataSelector;
create : function ($target) {
var $tip = $(this.settings.tipTemplate(this.selector($target), $('<div></div>').html($target.attr('title')).html())),
classes = this.inheritable_classes($target);
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$tip.append('<span class="tap-to-close">tap to close </span>');
reposition : function (target, tip, classes) {
var width, nub, nubHeight, nubWidth, column, objPos;
tip.css('visibility', 'hidden').show();
width ='width');
nub = tip.children('.nub');
nubHeight = this.outerHeight(nub);
nubWidth = this.outerHeight(nub);
objPos = function (obj, top, right, bottom, left, width) {
return obj.css({
'top' : (top) ? top : 'auto',
'bottom' : (bottom) ? bottom : 'auto',
'left' : (left) ? left : 'auto',
'right' : (right) ? right : 'auto',
'width' : (width) ? width : 'auto'
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + this.outerHeight(target) + 10), 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left, width);
if ($(window).width() < 767) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + this.outerHeight(target) + 10), 'auto', 'auto', 12.5, $(this.scope).width());
objPos(nub, -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left);
} else {
var left = target.offset().left;
if (Foundation.rtl) {
left = target.offset().left + target.offset().width - this.outerWidth(tip);
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + this.outerHeight(target) + 10), 'auto', 'auto', left, width);
if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-top') > -1) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top - this.outerHeight(tip)), 'auto', 'auto', left, width)
} else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-left') > -1) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (this.outerHeight(target) / 2) - nubHeight*2.5), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left - this.outerWidth(tip) - nubHeight), width)
} else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-right') > -1) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (this.outerHeight(target) / 2) - nubHeight*2.5), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left + this.outerWidth(target) + nubHeight), width)
tip.css('visibility', 'visible').hide();
inheritable_classes : function (target) {
var inheritables = ['tip-top', 'tip-left', 'tip-bottom', 'tip-right', 'noradius'].concat(this.settings.additionalInheritableClasses),
classes = target.attr('class'),
filtered = classes ? $.map(classes.split(' '), function (el, i) {
if ($.inArray(el, inheritables) !== -1) {
return el;
}).join(' ') : '';
return $.trim(filtered);
show : function ($target) {
var $tip = this.getTip($target);
this.reposition($target, $tip, $target.attr('class'));
hide : function ($target) {
var $tip = this.getTip($target);
// deprecate reload
reload : function () {
var $self = $(this);
return ($'fndtn-tooltips')) ? $self.foundationTooltips('destroy').foundationTooltips('init') : $self.foundationTooltips('init');
off : function () {
$(this.settings.tooltipClass).each(function (i) {
$('[data-tooltip]').get(i).attr('title', $(this).text());
reflow : function () {}
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));

docs/js/foundation/foundation.topbar.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.topbar = {
name : 'topbar',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
index : 0,
stickyClass : 'sticky',
custom_back_text: true,
back_text: 'Back',
is_hover: true,
scrolltop : true, // jump to top when sticky nav menu toggle is clicked
init : false
init : function (section, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options');
var self = this;
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, method);
} else if (typeof options !== 'undefined') {
$.extend(true, this.settings, options);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
$('.top-bar, [data-topbar]').each(function () {
$.extend(true, self.settings, self.data_options($(this)));
self.settings.$w = $(window);
self.settings.$topbar = $(this);
self.settings.$section = self.settings.$topbar.find('section');
self.settings.$titlebar = self.settings.$topbar.children('ul').first();
self.settings.$'index', 0);
var breakpoint = $("<div class='top-bar-js-breakpoint'/>").insertAfter(self.settings.$topbar);
self.settings.breakPoint = breakpoint.width();
if (self.settings.$topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) {
$('body').css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(self.settings.$topbar));
if (!self.settings.init) {;
return this.settings.init;
} else {
// fire method
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
var offst = this.outerHeight($('.top-bar, [data-topbar]'));
.on('click.fndtn.topbar', '.top-bar .toggle-topbar, [data-topbar] .toggle-topbar', function (e) {
var topbar = $(this).closest('.top-bar, [data-topbar]'),
section = topbar.find('section, .section'),
titlebar = topbar.children('ul').first();
if (self.breakpoint()) {
if (!self.rtl) {
section.css({left: '0%'});
section.find('>.name').css({left: '100%'});
} else {
section.css({right: '0%'});
section.find('>.name').css({right: '100%'});
section.find('li.moved').removeClass('moved');'index', 0);
.css('max-height', '');
if (!topbar.hasClass('expanded')) {
if (topbar.hasClass('fixed')) {
} else if (topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) {
if (self.settings.scrolltop) {
.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.top-bar li', function (e) {
if (!self.settings.is_hover) return;
if (/enter|over/i.test(e.type)) {
} else {
.on('click.fndtn.topbar', '.top-bar li.has-dropdown', function (e) {
if (self.breakpoint()) return;
var li = $(this),
target = $(,
topbar = li.closest('[data-topbar], .top-bar'),
is_hover ='topbar');
if (self.settings.is_hover && !Modernizr.touch) return;
if (target[0].nodeName === 'A' && target.parent().hasClass('has-dropdown')) {
if (li.hasClass('hover')) {
} else {
.on('click.fndtn.topbar', '.top-bar .has-dropdown>a, [data-topbar] .has-dropdown>a', function (e) {
if (self.breakpoint()) {
var $this = $(this),
topbar = $this.closest('.top-bar, [data-topbar]'),
section = topbar.find('section, .section'),
titlebar = topbar.children('ul').first(),
dropdownHeight = $'.dropdown').outerHeight(),
$selectedLi = $this.closest('li');'index','index') + 1);
if (!self.rtl) {
section.css({left: -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({left: 100 *'index') + '%'});
} else {
section.css({right: -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({right: 100 *'index') + '%'});
topbar.css('max-height', self.height($this.siblings('ul')) + self.outerHeight(titlebar, true));
$(window).on('resize.fndtn.topbar', function () {
if (!self.breakpoint()) {
$('.top-bar, [data-topbar]')
.css('max-height', '')
$('body').on('click.fndtn.topbar', function (e) {
var parent = $('[data-topbar], .top-bar');
if (parent.length > 0) {
$('.top-bar li, [data-topbar] li').removeClass('hover');
// Go up a level on Click
$(this.scope).on('click.fndtn', '.top-bar .has-dropdown .back, [data-topbar] .has-dropdown .back', function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
topbar = $this.closest('.top-bar, [data-topbar]'),
titlebar = topbar.children('ul').first(),
section = topbar.find('section, .section'),
$movedLi = $this.closest('li.moved'),
$previousLevelUl = $movedLi.parent();'index','index') - 1);
if (!self.rtl) {
section.css({left: -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({left: 100 *'index') + '%'});
} else {
section.css({right: -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({right: 100 *'index') + '%'});
if ('index') === 0) {
topbar.css('max-height', '');
} else {
topbar.css('max-height', self.height($previousLevelUl) + self.outerHeight(titlebar, true));
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
breakpoint : function () {
return $(document).width() <= this.settings.breakPoint || $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9');
assemble : function () {
var self = this;
// Pull element out of the DOM for manipulation
this.settings.$section.find('.has-dropdown>a').each(function () {
var $link = $(this),
$dropdown = $link.siblings('.dropdown'),
url = $link.attr('href');
if (url && url.length > 1) {
var $titleLi = $('<li class="title back js-generated"><h5><a href="#"></a></h5></li><li><a class="parent-link js-generated" href="' + url + '">' + $link.text() +'</a></li>');
} else {
var $titleLi = $('<li class="title back js-generated"><h5><a href="#"></a></h5></li>');
// Copy link to subnav
if (self.settings.custom_back_text == true) {
$titleLi.find('h5>a').html('&laquo; ' + self.settings.back_text);
} else {
$titleLi.find('h5>a').html('&laquo; ' + $link.html());
// Put element back in the DOM
// check for sticky
height : function (ul) {
var total = 0,
self = this;
ul.find('> li').each(function () { total += self.outerHeight($(this), true); });
return total;
sticky : function () {
var klass = '.' + this.settings.stickyClass;
if ($(klass).length > 0) {
var distance = $(klass).length ? $(klass).offset().top: 0,
$window = $(window);
var offst = this.outerHeight($('.top-bar'));
$window.scroll(function() {
if ($window.scrollTop() >= (distance)) {
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off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
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docs/js/jquery.cookie.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.4.1
* Copyright 2006, 2014 Klaus Hartl
* Released under the MIT license
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD (Register as an anonymous module)
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Browser globals
}(function ($) {
var pluses = /\+/g;
function encode(s) {
return config.raw ? s : encodeURIComponent(s);
function decode(s) {
return config.raw ? s : decodeURIComponent(s);
function stringifyCookieValue(value) {
return encode(config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value));
function parseCookieValue(s) {
if (s.indexOf('"') === 0) {
// This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape...
s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');
try {
// Replace server-side written pluses with spaces.
// If we can't decode the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable.
// If we can't parse the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable.
s = decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' '));
return config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s;
} catch(e) {}
function read(s, converter) {
var value = config.raw ? s : parseCookieValue(s);
return $.isFunction(converter) ? converter(value) : value;
var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
// Write
if (arguments.length > 1 && !$.isFunction(value)) {
options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options);
if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setMilliseconds(t.getMilliseconds() + days * 864e+5);
return (document.cookie = [
encode(key), '=', stringifyCookieValue(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', ? '; secure' : ''
// Read
var result = key ? undefined : {},
// To prevent the for loop in the first place assign an empty array
// in case there are no cookies at all. Also prevents odd result when
// calling $.cookie().
cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : [],
i = 0,
l = cookies.length;
for (; i < l; i++) {
var parts = cookies[i].split('='),
name = decode(parts.shift()),
cookie = parts.join('=');
if (key === name) {
// If second argument (value) is a function it's a converter...
result = read(cookie, value);
// Prevent storing a cookie that we couldn't decode.
if (!key && (cookie = read(cookie)) !== undefined) {
result[name] = cookie;
return result;
config.defaults = {};
$.removeCookie = function (key, options) {
// Must not alter options, thus extending a fresh object...
$.cookie(key, '', $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 }));
return !$.cookie(key);

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
if(!window.Prism) {
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pattern: /(^|[^/])\/(?!\/)(\[.+?]|\\.|[^/\r\n])+\/[gim]{0,3}(?=\s*($|[\r\n,.;})]))/g,
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'boolean': /\b(true|false)\b/g,
'number': /\b-?(0x)?\d*\.?\d+\b/g,
'operator': /[-+]{1,2}|!|=?&lt;|=?&gt;|={1,2}|(&amp;){1,2}|\|?\||\?|\*|\//g,
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'const': /\b[A-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[?!]?\b/g,
'ignore': /&(lt|gt|amp);/gi,
'punctuation': /[{}[\];(),.:]/g

docs/js/prism.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Prism: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting
* MIT license
* @author Lea Verou
*/(function(){var e=/\blang(?:uage)?-(?!\*)(\w+)\b/i,t=self.Prism={util:{type:function(e){return\[object (\w+)\]/)[1]},clone:function(e){var n=t.util.type(e);switch(n){case"Object":var r={};for(var i in e)e.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(r[i]=t.util.clone(e[i]));return r;case"Array":return e.slice()}return e}},languages:{extend:function(e,n){var r=t.util.clone(t.languages[e]);for(var i in n)r[i]=n[i];return r},insertBefore:function(e,n,r,i){i=i||t.languages;var s=i[e],o={};for(var u in s)if(s.hasOwnProperty(u)){if(u==n)for(var a in r)r.hasOwnProperty(a)&&(o[a]=r[a]);o[u]=s[u]}return i[e]=o},DFS:function(e,n){for(var r in e){,r,e[r]);t.util.type(e)==="Object"&&t.languages.DFS(e[r],n)}}},highlightAll:function(e,n){var r=document.querySelectorAll('code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code');for(var i=0,s;s=r[i++];)t.highlightElement(s,e===!0,n)},highlightElement:function(r,i,s){var o,u,a=r;while(a&&!e.test(a.className))a=a.parentNode;if(a){o=(a.className.match(e)||[,""])[1];u=t.languages[o]}if(!u)return;r.className=r.className.replace(e,"").replace(/\s+/g," ")+" language-"+o;a=r.parentNode;/pre/i.test(a.nodeName)&&(a.className=a.className.replace(e,"").replace(/\s+/g," ")+" language-"+o);var f=r.textContent;if(!f)return;f=f.replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/\u00a0/g," ");var l={element:r,language:o,grammar:u,code:f};"before-highlight",l);if(i&&self.Worker){var c=new Worker(t.filename);c.onmessage=function(e){l.highlightedCode=n.stringify(JSON.parse(,o);"before-insert",l);l.element.innerHTML=l.highlightedCode;s&&;"after-highlight",l)};c.postMessage(JSON.stringify({language:l.language,code:l.code}))}else{l.highlightedCode=t.highlight(l.code,l.grammar,l.language);"before-insert",l);l.element.innerHTML=l.highlightedCode;s&&;"after-highlight",l)}},highlight:function(e,r,i){return n.stringify(t.tokenize(e,r),i)},tokenize:function(e,n,r){var i=t.Token,s=[e],;if(o){for(var u in o)n[u]=o[u];delete}e:for(var u in n){if(!n.hasOwnProperty(u)||!n[u])continue;var a=n[u],f=a.inside,l=!!a.lookbehind,c=0;a=a.pattern||a;for(var h=0;h<s.length;h++){var p=s[h];if(s.length>e.length)break e;if(p instanceof i)continue;a.lastIndex=0;var d=a.exec(p);if(d){l&&(c=d[1].length);var v=d.index-1+c,d=d[0].slice(c),m=d.length,g=v+m,y=p.slice(0,v+1),b=p.slice(g+1),w=[h,1];y&&w.push(y);var E=new i(u,f?t.tokenize(d,f):d);w.push(E);b&&w.push(b);Array.prototype.splice.apply(s,w)}}}return s},hooks:{all:{},add:function(e,n){var r=t.hooks.all;r[e]=r[e]||[];r[e].push(n)},run:function(e,n){var r=t.hooks.all[e];if(!r||!r.length)return;for(var i=0,s;s=r[i++];)s(n)}}},n=t.Token=function(e,t){this.type=e;this.content=t};n.stringify=function(e,r,i){if(typeof e=="string")return e;if("[object Array]")return{return n.stringify(t,r,e)}).join("");var s={type:e.type,content:n.stringify(e.content,r,i),tag:"span",classes:["token",e.type],attributes:{},language:r,parent:i};s.type=="comment"&&(s.attributes.spellcheck="true");"wrap",s);var o="";for(var u in s.attributes)o+=u+'="'+(s.attributes[u]||"")+'"';return"<"+s.tag+' class="'+s.classes.join(" ")+'" '+o+">"+s.content+"</"+s.tag+">"};if(!self.document){self.addEventListener("message",function(e){var n=JSON.parse(,r=n.language,i=n.code;self.postMessage(JSON.stringify(t.tokenize(i,t.languages[r])));self.close()},!1);return}var r=document.getElementsByTagName("script");r=r[r.length-1];if(r){t.filename=r.src;document.addEventListener&&!r.hasAttribute("data-manual")&&document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",t.highlightAll)}})();;
Prism.languages.http={"request-line":{pattern:/^(POST|GET|PUT|DELETE|OPTIONS)\b\shttps?:\/\/\S+\sHTTP\/[0-9.]+/g,inside:{property:/^\b(POST|GET|PUT|DELETE|OPTIONS)\b/g,"attr-name":/:\w+/g}},"response-status":{pattern:/^HTTP\/1.[01] [0-9]+.*/g,inside:{property:/[0-9]+[A-Z\s-]+$/g}},keyword:/^[\w-]+:(?=.+)/gm};var httpLanguages={"application/json":Prism.languages.javascript,"application/xml":Prism.languages.markup,"text/xml":Prism.languages.markup,"text/html":Prism.languages.markup};for(var contentType in httpLanguages){if(httpLanguages[contentType]){var options={};options[contentType]={pattern:new RegExp("(content-type:\\s*"+contentType+"[\\w\\W]*?)\\n\\n[\\w\\W]*","gi"),lookbehind:true,inside:{rest:httpLanguages[contentType]}};Prism.languages.insertBefore("http","keyword",options)}};

docs/js/prism.ruby.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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pattern: /(^|[^/])\/(?!\/)(\[.+?]|\\.|[^/\r\n])+\/[gim]{0,3}(?=\s*($|[\r\n,.;})]))/g,
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'inst-var': /[@&]\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[?!]?\b/g,
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docs/js/rainbow-custom.min.js vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
/* Rainbow v1.2 | included languages: c, shell, java, d, coffeescript, generic, scheme, javascript, r, haskell, python, html, smalltalk, csharp, go, php, ruby, lua, css */
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