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#Rackspace CDNV2
This document explains how to get started using CDNV2 with Fog. It assumes you have read the Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud document.
Starting irb console
Start by executing the following command:
Once irb
has launched you need to require the Fog library.
If using Ruby 1.8.x execute:
require 'rubygems'
require 'fog'
If using Ruby 1.9.x execute:
require 'fog'
Create Service
Next, create a connection to Rackspace's CDNV2 API:
Using a US-based account:
service = Fog::Rackspace::CDNV2.new({
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:rackspace_region => :ord, # Defaults to :dfw
Using a UK-based account:
service = Fog::Compute.new({
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:rackspace_auth_url => Fog::Rackspace::UK_AUTH_ENDPOINT,
:rackspace_region => :lon,
To learn more about obtaining cloud credentials refer to the Getting Started with Fog and the Rackspace Open Cloud document.
By default Fog::Rackspace::CDNV2
will authenticate against the US authentication endpoint and connect to the DFW region. You can specify alternative authentication endpoints using the key :rackspace_auth_url
. Please refer to Alternate Authentication Endpoints for a list of alternative Rackspace authentication endpoints.
Alternative regions are specified using the key :rackspace_region
. A list of regions available for Cloud Servers can be found by executing the following:
identity_service = Fog::Identity({
:provider => 'Rackspace', # Rackspace Fog provider
:rackspace_username => RACKSPACE_USER_NAME, # Your Rackspace Username
:rackspace_api_key => RACKSPACE_API, # Your Rackspace API key
:rackspace_auth_url => Fog::Rackspace::UK_AUTH_ENDPOINT # Not specified for US Cloud
identity_service.service_catalog.display_service_regions :cloudServersOpenStack
Optional Connection Parameters
Fog supports passing additional connection parameters to its underlying HTTP library (Excon) using the :connection_options
Key | Description |
:connect_timeout | Connection timeout (default: 60 seconds) |
:read_timeout | Read timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds) |
:write_timeout | Write timeout for connection (default: 60 seconds) |
:proxy | Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections |
:ssl_ca_path | Path to SSL certificate authorities |
:ssl_ca_file | SSL certificate authority file |
:ssl_verify_peer | SSL verify peer (default: true) |
Fog Abstractions
Fog provides both a model and request abstraction. The request abstraction provides the most efficient interface and the model abstraction wraps the request abstraction to provide a convenient ActiveModel
like interface.
Request Layer
The request abstraction maps directly to the CDNV2 API. It provides the most efficient interface to the Rackspace CDNV2
To see a list of requests supported by the service:
This returns:
[:create_service, :delete_assets, :delete_service, :get_flavor, :get_home_document, :get_ping, :get_service, :list_flavors, :list_services, :update_service]
Example Request
To request a list of services:
response = service.list_services
This returns in the following Excon::Response
#<Excon::Response:0x007ff0ea6b4c88 @data={:body=>{"services"=>[{"name"=>"SomethingDifferent.net", "domains"=>[{"domain"=>"google.com", "protocol"=>"http"}], "origins"=>[{"origin"=>"google.com", "port"=>80, "ssl"=>false, "rules"=>[]}], "restrictions"=>[], "caching"=>[], "status"=>"create_in_progress", "flavor_id"=>"cdn", "errors"=>[]
To view the status of the response:
Note: Fog is aware of valid HTTP response statuses for each request type. If an unexpected HTTP response status occurs, Fog will raise an exception.
To view response body:
This will return:
{"services"=>[{"name"=>"SomethingDifferent.net", "domains"=>[{"domain"=>"google.com",...
To learn more about CDNV2 request methods refer to rdoc. To learn more about Excon refer to Excon GitHub repo.
Model Layer
Fog models behave in a manner similar to ActiveModel
. Models will generally respond to create
, save
, persisted?
, destroy
, reload
and attributes
methods. Additionally, fog will automatically create attribute accessors.
Here is a summary of common model methods:
Method | Description |
create |
Accepts hash of attributes and creates object. Note: creation is a non-blocking call and you will be required to wait for a valid state before using resulting object. |
save | Saves object. Note: not all objects support updating object. |
persisted? | Returns true if the object has been persisted. |
destroy |
Destroys object. Note: this is a non-blocking call and object deletion might not be instantaneous. |
reload | Updates object with latest state from service. |
ready? | Returns true if object is in a ready state and able to perform actions. This method will raise an exception if object is in an error state. |
attributes | Returns a hash containing the list of model attributes and values. |
identity |
Returns the identity of the object. Note: This might not always be equal to object.id. |
wait_for | This method periodically reloads model and then yields to specified block until block returns true or a timeout occurs. |
The remainder of this document details the model abstraction.
List Services
To retrieve a list of available services:
This returns a collection of Fog::Rackspace::CDNV2::Service
domains=[{"domain"=>"google.com", "protocol"=>"http"}],
origins=[{"origin"=>"google.com", "port"=>80, "ssl"=>false, "rules"=>[]}],
links=[{"href"=>"", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"...", "rel"=>"flavor"}]
Create Service
Create a service:
s = service.services.new
s.name = "work.com"
s.flavor_id = "cdn"
s.add_domain "google.com"
s.add_origin "google.com"
Update Service
You may add, remove, or update. -- DOCS NEEDED --
s = service.services.first
op: "add",
path: "/domains/0",
value: {
origin: "cdn.somewhere.org",
port: 80,
ssl: false,
rules: [
name: "Something",
request_url: "google.com"
Get Service
To retrieve individual service:
service.services.get "087ffeb0-462d-4f44-b24a-2914fbfb1d42"
This returns an Fog::Rackspace::CDNV2::Service
domains=[{"domain"=>"google.com", "protocol"=>"http"}],
origins=[{"origin"=>"google.com", "port"=>80, "ssl"=>false, "rules"=>[]}],
links=[{"href"=>"", "rel"=>"self"}, {"href"=>"...", "rel"=>"flavor"}]
Delete Service
To delete a service:
Note: The service is not immediately destroyed, but it does occur shortly there after.
Delete Service Assets
To delete a service's assets (or any owned asset via url):
service.destroy_assets(url: "/")
Note: The service's asset is not immediately destroyed, but it does occur shortly there after.
List Flavors
To retrieve a list of available flavors:
This returns a collection of Fog::Rackspace::CDNV2::Flavor
providers=[{"provider"=>"akamai", "links"=>[{"href"=>"http://www.akamai.com", "rel"=>"provider_url"}]}],
links=[{"href"=>"...", "rel"=>"self"}]
Get Flavor
To retrieve individual flavor:
service.flavors.get "cdn"
This returns an Fog::Rackspace::CDNV2::Flavor
providers=[{"provider"=>"akamai", "links"=>[{"href"=>"http://www.akamai.com", "rel"=>"provider_url"}]}],
links=[{"href"=>"...", "rel"=>"self"}]
To ping the CDN:
This returns an boolean based on successful ping.
Get Home Document
To retrieve the home document:
This returns a JSON blob that describes the home document.
Additional Resources
Support and Feedback
Your feedback is appreciated! If you have specific issues with the fog SDK, you should file an issue via Github.
For general feedback and support requests, send an email to: sdk-support@rackspace.com.