
18 KiB



  • Support to Rails 4.
  • Removed deprecated methods.
  • SimpleForm no longer sets the size attribute automatically and the default_input_size setting is now deprecated.



  • support for Rails eager loading. Closes #478.
  • generate required attribute for date_time input. (@nashby) Closes #730.
  • grouped_collection_select now accepts proc/lambda as label and value method. (@svendahlstrand) Closes #623.
  • Add Zurb Foundation 3 integration. (@balexand)
  • Generates additional wrapper class based on object + attribute name. (@lucasmazza) Closes #576.
  • Allow input_field to work with :defaults options. (@smidwap)

bug fix

  • Do not lookup for hints if it was explicitly given false. After #405 we added hint classes for the wrappers, but this has forced the loading of the hint text doing I18n lookups, even though it was explicitly given false. This checks for the option in #has_hint?, avoiding the lookup in such cases. This issues has been caught with #627, thanks to (@shwoodard).
  • Fix default I18n lookup for association input. (@nashby) Closes #679.
  • Fix escaping issue in label_input component (@allomov)


bug fix

  • Remove invalid files from the gem package. Closes #673



  • Allow to specify custom wrappers for input types. (@nashby) Closes #636
  • Use separate config file to do bootstrap specific configuration. (@nashby)

bug fix

  • Allow to specify checked and uncked values for boolean input (@nashby). Closes #643
  • Allow to add additional classes only for wrapper. (@nashby). Closes #629
  • Boolean hidden field now respects :name attribute when nested. (@amiel). Closes #619
  • Prevent generation of class="". (@pkmiec)
  • Fix namespace html propagation to single wrapper of label and input
  • Association creates blank select if :collection is nil. (@nashby). Closes #595
  • Fix readonly attribute check. (@retoo)
  • Fix error when collection_check_boxes used with form_for instead of simple_form_for. (@RohanM)
  • Ensure ActionView::Base.field_error_proc is preserved when exceptions occur within with_simple_form_field_error_proc. (@jim)
  • Handle array of strings in :checked option. (@nashby)



  • Add :inline_label option to nested booleans to display text inline with checkbox. If the value is true it uses the default label text. (@ehoch)
  • Add html support for hints. (@findrails)

bug fix

  • Fix min_max component to not output maximum value. (@julian7). Closes #483
  • Remove leading and trailing whitespace from label_text. Closes #492
  • Fix checked radio button issue when value is false. (@georgehemmings).
  • Propagate defaults options to nested forms. Closes #553. (@nashby)
  • Fix limit and maxlength with decimal points. (@shwoodard)
  • Fix issue when html are duplicated. Closes #488. (@ebonical)


bug fix

  • Sanitaze html attributes to label method. (@nashby). Closes #472
  • Make collection_check_boxes and collection_radio_buttons work with local variables. Closes #474
  • Use html5 component by default in the bootstrap generator. (@isc). Closes #471



  • Add button_class configuration to change the class of buttons. (@sryche)
  • Add disabled class to a disabled input.
  • Generate configuration file with browser_validations disabled.
  • Add option and configuration to specify the collection wrapper class. (@mfila)
  • Add proc support to collection option. (@jeffkreeftmeijer)
  • simple_form_for allows default options for its inputs defaults: {}.
  • Add readonly as option of input method. (@Untainted123)
  • simple_fields_for for inherits wrapper option form the form builder. (@nashby)
  • Use action prefix in the form css class. Closes #360. This is not backward compatible with the previous versions of SimpleForm. For more informations see this comment. (@nashby)
  • Add a readonly component that does automatically readonly lookup from object
  • Add support for proc or lambda as option for format validator (@nashby)
  • Handle validates_length_of :is option in maxlength (@nashby)
  • Add field_with_hint css class to the wrapper when the input has a hint, similar to field_with_errors (@nashby)
  • Add :grouped_select input type, mapping to Rails grouped_collection_select helper (@semaperepelitsa)
  • Add automatic translation of options for collection inputs given a collection of symbols (@klobuczek)
  • Add :boolean_style config to change how check boxes and radios will be displayed. Options are :inline = input + label (default) and :nested = label > input.
  • Add possibility to give a block to collection_radio and collection_check_boxes, yielding a custom builder to generate custom label and input structure. It is used internally with the :nested option for :boolean_style, and is useful to allow some more customization if required.
  • Do not generate hidden check box field when using nested boolean style, as it is considered invalid markup in HTML5. This will work by default in Rails > 3.2.1 (not released at this time), and is backported inside SimpleForm builder extensions. More info in #215
  • Add item_wrapper_class configuration option for collection radio buttons / check boxes inputs.
  • Change default generator templates to use .form-inputs and .form-actions classes in wrapper divs. (the latter is the default in bootstrap, so this makes it easier to integrate).
  • Field error now accepts HTML tags (@edison)
  • Add generate_additional_classes_for config option to selectively disable extra css classes for components - wrapper, label and input. (krzyzak)


  • Deprecate part of the old configuration API in favor of the wrapper API which allows you to customize your inputs in a more flexible way. See this guide to know how upgrade.
  • Deprecate the translate configuration in favor of translate_labels
  • Deprecate the html5 configuration in favor of a new html5 component
  • Deprecate :radio input type in favor of :radio_buttons
  • Deprecate collection_radio form helper in favor of collection_radio_buttons (the label class has changed as well)
  • Remove error_notification_id configuration

bug fix

  • Fix i18n lookup with attributes with same name of models. Closes #149 and #364. (@nashby and @MarceloCajueiro)
  • Do not generate for attribute for the collection label when it is a checkbox or radio. Closes #344. (@nashby and @mfila)
  • Select can have required option when the :include_blank option is passed. Closes #340. (@nashby)
  • :checked option should override the existing associations on collection_check_boxes. Closes #341. (@nashby)
  • Move default attribute translations out of root - use "defaults" key instead Closes #384. (@fringd)
  • Fix label to datetime inputs to point to first select. (@georgehemmings)
  • Fix usage of f.button :button with Rails 3.2. Closes #449.


bug fix

  • Remove the internal usage of deprecated :components



  • :components options is now deprecated

bug fix

  • Fallback to default label when block is provided. (@pivotal-casebook)
  • Do not override default selection through attribute value in collection select when label/value methods are lambdas.



  • Simplified generator by using directory action. (@rupert654)
  • Support for maxlength on string inputs inferred from validation. (@srbartlett)
  • Change form css class handling to only add the dom class when one is not given to the form call. (@patrick99e99)
  • Support for required attributes when action validations are present. (@csegura)
  • Do not generate size attribute for numeric input. (@csegura)
  • Support for maxlength on text area inputs inferred from validation.
  • Support for pattern on text field inferred from validation when :pattern is true.
  • Break Text, Password and File into their own inputs.
  • Support easy enabling and disabling of components for specific inputs.
  • Add HTML5 range input.

bug fix

  • Fix bug when simple_fields_for is used with a hash like models and Rails 3.1.
  • Fix bug that does not remove the :item_wrapper_tag or the :collection_wrapper_tag on collection inputs when nil or false value is passed to these options. (@dw2)
  • Fix bug that disable the entire select and wrapper when disabled option is a string or array.
  • Fix bug when using label/value methods as procs together with disabled/selected options as procs for select inputs.



  • Rails 3.1 support.



  • ignore required attribute when conditional validations are present.

bug fix

  • Do not use required='required' when browser validations are turned off.
  • Sanitize HMTL attributes in error and hint helpers when options are present.
  • Improve i18n lookup by ignoring explicit child index given to form builder. (tests by @rywall)
  • Fixes the form specific validation option if specified on the form itself. (@medihack)



  • Add label class configuration option. (@reu)
  • Improve i18n lookup (labels/hints/placeholders) for nested models.
  • Use the given custom builder with simple_fields_for. (@giniedp)
  • Add slim form generator. (@fagiani)
  • Add form_class configuration option. (@fagiani)
  • Default step of any for number input with non integer attributes. (@fedesoria)
  • Add option to disable HTML5 browser validations on all forms. (@coryschires)
  • Add option to disable all HTML5 extensions. (@wolframarnold)
  • Add input_field helper to form builder. (@jeroenhouben)
  • Allow inputs to be discovered on demand by placing them at app/inputs (a la formtastic).
  • Add full_error on that shows the error with the attribute name.

bug fix

  • Fix for file attributes automatic detection, to work with virtual attributes.
  • Fix for numeric fields validation options using symbols and procs.
  • Fix password attributes to add size and maxlength options the same way as string. (@fedesoria)
  • Fix bug with custom form builders and new mappings being added to the superclass builder. (@rdvdijk)
  • Fix HTML validation issue with collection_check_boxes.



  • Add :autofocus HTML5 attribute support. (@jpzwarte)
  • Add possibility to specify custom builder and inherit mappings. (@rejeep)
  • Make custom mappings work with all attributes types. (@rafaelfranca)
  • Add support for procs/lambdas in text/value methods for collection_select.


  • removed the deprecated :remote_form_for

bug fix

  • Only add the required HTML 5 attribute for valid inputs, disable in selects (not allowed).
  • Fix error when using hints without an attribute. (@butsjoh and @rafaelfranca)
  • Fix messy html output for hint, error and label components. (@butsjoh and @rafaelfranca)
  • Allow direct setting of for attribute on label. (@Bertg)



  • Allow collection input to accept a collection of symbols.
  • Add default css class to button.
  • Allow forms for objects that do not respond to the errors method.
  • collection_check_boxes and collection_radio now wrap the input in the label.
  • Automatic add min/max values for numeric attributes based on validations and step for integers - HTML5. (@dasch)
  • Add :placeholder option for string inputs, allowing customization through I18n - HTML5. (@jonathan)
  • Add :search and :tel input types, with :tel mapping automatically from attributes matching "phone" - HTML5.
  • Add :required html attribute for required inputs - HTML5.
  • Add optional :components option to input to control component rendering. (@khoan)
  • Add SimpleForm.translate as an easy way to turn off SimpleForm internal translations.
  • Add :disabled option for all inputs. (@fabiob)
  • Add collection wrapper tag and item wrapper tag to wrap elements in collection helpers - radio / check boxes.
  • Add SimpleForm.input_mappings to allow configuring custom mappings for inputs. (@TMaYaD)

bug fix

  • Search for validations on both association and attribute.
  • Use controller.action_name to lookup action only when available, to fix issue with Rspec views tests. (@rafaelfranca)



  • Compatibility with Rails 3 RC.



  • Added haml generator support. (@grimen)
  • Added error_notification message to form builder.
  • Added required by default as configuration option.
  • Added label_input as component, allowing boolean to change its order (input appearing first than label).
  • Added error_method to tidy up how errors are exhibited.
  • Added error class on wrappers. (@jduff)
  • Changed numeric types to have type=number for HTML5.



  • Changed simple_form_install generator to simple_form:install.


  • Added support to presence validation to check if attribute is required or not. (@gcirne)
  • Added input as class to wrapper tag.
  • Added config options for hint and error tags. (@tjogin)



  • removed :conditions, :order, :joins and :include support in f.association.


bug fix

  • Ensure type is set to "text" and not "string".


bug fix

  • Fix some escaping issues.



  • Rails 3 support with generators, templates and HTML 5.


  • First release.