2010-12-29 00:48:54 -05:00
# Assignment
# ----------
2010-12-29 14:06:57 -05:00
# * Assignment
# * Compound Assignment
# * Destructuring Assignment
# * Context Property (@) Assignment
# * Existential Assignment (?=)
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
# * Assignment to variables similar to generated variables
2010-12-29 14:06:57 -05:00
2010-12-29 00:48:54 -05:00
test "context property assignment (using @)", ->
nonce = {}
addMethod = ->
@method = -> nonce
eq nonce, addMethod.call({}).method()
test "unassignable values", ->
nonce = {}
for nonref in ['', '""', '0', 'f()'].concat CoffeeScript.RESERVED
eq nonce, (try CoffeeScript.compile "#{nonref} = v" catch e then nonce)
2011-03-11 21:41:12 -05:00
# Compound Assignment
2010-12-29 00:48:54 -05:00
2011-01-03 04:17:00 -05:00
test "boolean operators", ->
nonce = {}
a = 0
a or= nonce
eq nonce, a
b = 1
b or= nonce
eq 1, b
c = 0
c and= nonce
eq 0, c
d = 1
d and= nonce
eq nonce, d
# ensure that RHS is treated as a group
e = f = false
e and= f or true
eq false, e
test "compound assignment as a sub expression", ->
[a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3]
eq 6, (a + b += c)
eq 1, a
eq 5, b
eq 3, c
# *note: this test could still use refactoring*
test "compound assignment should be careful about caching variables", ->
count = 0
list = []
list[++count] or= 1
eq 1, list[1]
eq 1, count
list[++count] ?= 2
eq 2, list[2]
eq 2, count
list[count++] and= 6
eq 6, list[2]
eq 3, count
base = ->
base().four or= 4
eq 4, base.four
eq 4, count
base().five ?= 5
eq 5, base.five
eq 5, count
2013-10-20 16:59:01 -04:00
eq 5, base().five ?= 6
eq 6, count
2011-01-03 04:17:00 -05:00
test "compound assignment with implicit objects", ->
obj = undefined
obj ?=
one: 1
eq 1, obj.one
obj and=
two: 2
eq undefined, obj.one
eq 2, obj.two
2010-12-29 00:48:54 -05:00
test "compound assignment (math operators)", ->
num = 10
num -= 5
eq 5, num
num *= 10
eq 50, num
num /= 10
eq 5, num
num %= 3
eq 2, num
test "more compound assignment", ->
a = {}
val = undefined
val ||= a
val ||= true
eq a, val
b = {}
val &&= true
eq val, true
val &&= b
eq b, val
c = {}
val = null
val ?= c
val ?= true
eq c, val
2011-03-11 21:41:12 -05:00
# Destructuring Assignment
2010-12-29 00:48:54 -05:00
2011-01-03 04:17:00 -05:00
test "empty destructuring assignment", ->
{} = [] = undefined
test "chained destructuring assignments", ->
[a] = {0: b} = {'0': c} = [nonce={}]
eq nonce, a
eq nonce, b
eq nonce, c
test "variable swapping to verify caching of RHS values when appropriate", ->
a = nonceA = {}
b = nonceB = {}
c = nonceC = {}
[a, b, c] = [b, c, a]
eq nonceB, a
eq nonceC, b
eq nonceA, c
[a, b, c] = [b, c, a]
eq nonceC, a
eq nonceA, b
eq nonceB, c
fn = ->
[a, b, c] = [b, c, a]
arrayEq [nonceA,nonceB,nonceC], fn()
eq nonceA, a
eq nonceB, b
eq nonceC, c
test "#713", ->
nonces = [nonceA={},nonceB={}]
eq nonces, [a, b] = [c, d] = nonces
eq nonceA, a
eq nonceA, c
eq nonceB, b
eq nonceB, d
test "destructuring assignment with splats", ->
a = {}; b = {}; c = {}; d = {}; e = {}
[x,y...,z] = [a,b,c,d,e]
eq a, x
arrayEq [b,c,d], y
eq e, z
test "deep destructuring assignment with splats", ->
a={}; b={}; c={}; d={}; e={}; f={}; g={}; h={}; i={}
[u, [v, w..., x], y..., z] = [a, [b, c, d, e], f, g, h, i]
eq a, u
eq b, v
arrayEq [c,d], w
eq e, x
arrayEq [f,g,h], y
eq i, z
test "destructuring assignment with objects", ->
a={}; b={}; c={}
obj = {a,b,c}
{a:x, b:y, c:z} = obj
eq a, x
eq b, y
eq c, z
test "deep destructuring assignment with objects", ->
a={}; b={}; c={}; d={}
obj = {
b: {
'c': {
d: [
{e: c, f: d}
{a: w, 'b': {c: d: [x, {'f': z, e: y}]}} = obj
eq a, w
eq b, x
eq c, y
eq d, z
test "destructuring assignment with objects and splats", ->
a={}; b={}; c={}; d={}
obj = a: b: [a, b, c, d]
{a: b: [y, z...]} = obj
eq a, y
arrayEq [b,c,d], z
test "destructuring assignment against an expression", ->
a={}; b={}
[y, z] = if true then [a, b] else [b, a]
eq a, y
eq b, z
2011-03-27 15:22:09 -04:00
test "bracket insertion when necessary", ->
[a] = [0] ? [1]
eq a, 0
2011-01-03 04:17:00 -05:00
# for implicit destructuring assignment in comprehensions, see the comprehension tests
test "destructuring assignment with context (@) properties", ->
a={}; b={}; c={}; d={}; e={}
obj =
fn: () ->
local = [a, {b, c}, d, e]
[@a, {b: @b, c: @c}, @d, @e] = local
eq undefined, obj[key] for key in ['a','b','c','d','e']
eq a, obj.a
eq b, obj.b
eq c, obj.c
eq d, obj.d
eq e, obj.e
2011-01-10 23:09:21 -05:00
test "#1024", ->
eq 2 * [] = 3 + 5, 16
2011-08-11 01:11:33 -04:00
test "#1005: invalid identifiers allowed on LHS of destructuring assignment", ->
disallowed = ['eval', 'arguments'].concat CoffeeScript.RESERVED
2011-08-11 02:17:48 -04:00
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "[#{disallowed.join ', '}] = x"), null, 'all disallowed'
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "[#{disallowed.join '..., '}...] = x"), null, 'all disallowed as splats'
t = tSplat = null
2011-08-11 01:11:33 -04:00
for v in disallowed when v isnt 'class' # `class` by itself is an expression
2011-08-11 02:17:48 -04:00
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile t), null, t = "[#{v}] = x"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile tSplat), null, tSplat = "[#{v}...] = x"
2011-08-11 01:11:33 -04:00
doesNotThrow ->
for v in disallowed
CoffeeScript.compile "[a.#{v}] = x"
CoffeeScript.compile "[a.#{v}...] = x"
CoffeeScript.compile "[@#{v}] = x"
CoffeeScript.compile "[@#{v}...] = x"
2012-01-18 23:12:50 -05:00
test "#2055: destructuring assignment with `new`", ->
{length} = new Array
eq 0, length
2014-01-24 11:00:34 -05:00
test "#156: destructuring with expansion", ->
array = [1..5]
[first, ..., last] = array
eq 1, first
eq 5, last
[..., lastButOne, last] = array
eq 4, lastButOne
eq 5, last
[first, second, ..., last] = array
eq 2, second
[..., last] = 'strings as well -> x'
eq 'x', last
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "[1, ..., 3]"), null, "prohibit expansion outside of assignment"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "[..., a, b...] = c"), null, "prohibit expansion and a splat"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "[...] = c"), null, "prohibit lone expansion"
2011-01-03 04:17:00 -05:00
2011-03-11 21:41:12 -05:00
# Existential Assignment
2011-01-03 04:17:00 -05:00
test "existential assignment", ->
nonce = {}
a = false
a ?= nonce
eq false, a
b = undefined
b ?= nonce
eq nonce, b
c = null
c ?= nonce
eq nonce, c
2011-09-21 23:01:05 -04:00
test "#1627: prohibit conditional assignment of undefined variables", ->
2011-10-03 21:57:33 -04:00
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x ?= 10"), null, "prohibit (x ?= 10)"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x ||= 10"), null, "prohibit (x ||= 10)"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x or= 10"), null, "prohibit (x or= 10)"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "do -> x ?= 10"), null, "prohibit (do -> x ?= 10)"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "do -> x ||= 10"), null, "prohibit (do -> x ||= 10)"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "do -> x or= 10"), null, "prohibit (do -> x or= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; x ?= 10"), "allow (x = null; x ?= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; x ||= 10"), "allow (x = null; x ||= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; x or= 10"), "allow (x = null; x or= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; do -> x ?= 10"), "allow (x = null; do -> x ?= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; do -> x ||= 10"), "allow (x = null; do -> x ||= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; do -> x or= 10"), "allow (x = null; do -> x or= 10)"
2013-02-01 06:07:19 -05:00
2011-10-03 21:57:33 -04:00
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "-> -> -> x ?= 10"), null, "prohibit (-> -> -> x ?= 10)"
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile "x = null; -> -> -> x ?= 10"), "allow (x = null; -> -> -> x ?= 10)"
2013-02-01 06:07:19 -05:00
2012-04-10 17:07:38 -04:00
test "more existential assignment", ->
global.temp ?= 0
eq global.temp, 0
global.temp or= 100
eq global.temp, 100
delete global.temp
2011-05-11 00:08:24 -04:00
2011-05-11 09:11:41 -04:00
test "#1348, #1216: existential assignment compilation", ->
2011-05-11 00:08:24 -04:00
nonce = {}
a = nonce
b = (a ?= 0)
eq nonce, b
2011-05-11 09:11:41 -04:00
#the first ?= compiles into a statement; the second ?= compiles to a ternary expression
eq a ?= b ?= 1, nonce
2013-02-01 06:07:19 -05:00
2011-05-11 09:11:41 -04:00
if a then a ?= 2 else a = 3
eq a, nonce
2011-08-30 11:12:39 -04:00
test "#1591, #1101: splatted expressions in destructuring assignment must be assignable", ->
nonce = {}
for nonref in ['', '""', '0', 'f()', '(->)'].concat CoffeeScript.RESERVED
eq nonce, (try CoffeeScript.compile "[#{nonref}...] = v" catch e then nonce)
2011-09-01 14:47:30 -04:00
2011-12-24 07:04:34 -05:00
test "#1643: splatted accesses in destructuring assignments should not be declared as variables", ->
2011-09-01 14:47:30 -04:00
nonce = {}
2011-09-09 18:59:35 -04:00
accesses = ['o.a', 'o["a"]', '(o.a)', '(o.a).a', '@o.a', 'C::a', 'C::', 'f().a', 'o?.a', 'o?.a.b', 'f?().a']
2011-09-01 14:47:30 -04:00
for access in accesses
2011-09-09 18:59:35 -04:00
for i,j in [1,2,3] #position can matter
2011-12-24 07:04:34 -05:00
code =
2011-09-09 21:30:00 -04:00
2011-12-24 07:04:34 -05:00
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}; nonce3 = {};
2011-09-09 21:30:00 -04:00
@o = o = new (class C then a:{}); f = -> o
[#{new Array(i).join('x,')}#{access}...] = [#{new Array(i).join('0,')}nonce, nonce2, nonce3]
unless #{access}[0] is nonce and #{access}[1] is nonce2 and #{access}[2] is nonce3 then throw new Error('[...]')
2011-09-09 18:59:35 -04:00
eq nonce, unless (try CoffeeScript.run code, bare: true catch e then true) then nonce
# subpatterns like `[[a]...]` and `[{a}...]`
subpatterns = ['[sub, sub2, sub3]', '{0: sub, 1: sub2, 2: sub3}']
for subpattern in subpatterns
for i,j in [1,2,3]
code =
2011-09-09 21:30:00 -04:00
2011-12-24 07:04:34 -05:00
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}; nonce3 = {};
2011-09-09 21:30:00 -04:00
[#{new Array(i).join('x,')}#{subpattern}...] = [#{new Array(i).join('0,')}nonce, nonce2, nonce3]
unless sub is nonce and sub2 is nonce2 and sub3 is nonce3 then throw new Error('[sub...]')
2011-09-09 18:59:35 -04:00
eq nonce, unless (try CoffeeScript.run code, bare: true catch e then true) then nonce
2011-12-14 18:31:20 -05:00
test "#1838: Regression with variable assignment", ->
name =
2011-12-24 07:04:34 -05:00
eq name, 'dave'
2012-03-23 13:20:15 -04:00
test '#2211: splats in destructured parameters', ->
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a...]) ->'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a...],b) ->'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a...],[b...]) ->'
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a...,[a...]]) ->'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a...,[b...]]) ->'
2012-05-02 18:03:32 -04:00
test '#2213: invocations within destructured parameters', ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a()])->'
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a:b()])->'
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '([a:b.c()])->'
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '({a()})->'
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '({a:b()})->'
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '({a:b.c()})->'
2012-11-27 20:11:01 -05:00
test '#2532: compound assignment with terminator', ->
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile """
a = "hello"
a +=
2013-02-01 06:07:19 -05:00
test "#2613: parens on LHS of destructuring", ->
a = {}
[(a).b] = [1, 2, 3]
eq a.b, 1
2013-10-20 16:59:01 -04:00
test "#2181: conditional assignment as a subexpression", ->
a = false
false && a or= true
eq false, a
eq false, not a or= true
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
test "#1500: Assignment to variables similar to generated variables", ->
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
len = 0
x = ((results = null; n) for n in [1, 2, 3])
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
arrayEq [1, 2, 3], x
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
eq 0, len
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
for x in [1, 2, 3]
f = ->
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
i = 0
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
eq 'undefined', typeof i
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
ref = 2
x = ref * 2 ? 1
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
eq x, 4
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
eq 'undefined', typeof ref1
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
x = {}
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
base = -> x
name = -1
base()[-name] ?= 2
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
eq x[1], 2
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
eq base(), x
eq name, -1
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
f = (@a, a) -> [@a, a]
arrayEq [1, 2], f.call scope = {}, 1, 2
Fix #1500, #1574, #3318: Name generated vars uniquely
Any variables generated by CoffeeScript are now made sure to be named to
something not present in the source code being compiled. This way you can no
longer interfere with them, either on purpose or by mistake. (#1500, #1574)
For example, `({a}, _arg) ->` now compiles correctly. (#1574)
As opposed to the somewhat complex implementations discussed in #1500, this
commit takes a very simple approach by saving all used variables names using a
single pass over the token stream. Any generated variables are then made sure
not to exist in that list.
`(@a) -> a` used to be equivalent to `(@a) -> @a`, but now throws a runtime
`ReferenceError` instead (unless `a` exists in an upper scope of course). (#3318)
`(@a) ->` used to compile to `(function(a) { this.a = a; })`. Now it compiles to
`(function(_at_a) { this.a = _at_a; })`. (But you cannot access `_at_a` either,
of course.)
Because of the above, `(@a, a) ->` is now valid; `@a` and `a` are not duplicate
Duplicate this-parameters with a reserved word, such as `(@case, @case) ->`,
used to compile but now throws, just like regular duplicate parameters.
2015-01-10 17:04:30 -05:00
eq 1, scope.a
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile '(@slice...) ->'
2015-01-11 06:12:40 -05:00
test "Assignment to variables similar to helper functions", ->
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
f = (slice...) -> slice
2015-01-11 06:12:40 -05:00
arrayEq [1, 2, 3], f 1, 2, 3
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
eq 'undefined', typeof slice1
2015-01-11 06:12:40 -05:00
class A
class B extends A
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
extend = 3
hasProp = 4
2015-01-11 06:12:40 -05:00
value: 5
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
method: (bind, bind1) => [bind, bind1, extend, hasProp, @value]
2015-01-11 06:12:40 -05:00
{method} = new B
arrayEq [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], method 1, 2
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
modulo = -1 %% 3
eq 2, modulo
2015-01-11 06:12:40 -05:00
2015-01-30 14:33:03 -05:00
indexOf = [1, 2, 3]
ok 2 in indexOf