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2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# Examples from the Poignant Guide.
# ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'].each { |food| print food.capitalize }
['toast', 'wine', 'cheese'].each (food) -> print food.capitalize()
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# class LotteryTicket
# def picks; @picks; end
# def picks=(var); @picks = var; end
# def purchased; @purchased; end
# def purchased=(var); @purchased = var; end
# end
LotteryTicket =
get_picks: -> @picks
set_picks: (@picks) ->
get_purchased: -> @purchase
set_purchased: (@purchased) ->
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
2010-01-24 20:04:28 -05:00
# class << LotteryDraw
# def play
# result = LotteryTicket.new_random
# winners = {}
# @@tickets.each do |buyer, ticket_list|
# ticket_list.each do |ticket|
# score = ticket.score( result )
# next if score.zero?
# winners[buyer] ||= []
# winners[buyer] << [ ticket, score ]
# end
# end
# @@tickets.clear
# winners
# end
# end
LotteryDraw =
play: ->
result = LotteryTicket.new_random()
winners = {}
this.tickets.each (buyer, ticket_list) ->
ticket_list.each (ticket) ->
score = ticket.score result
2010-01-24 20:04:28 -05:00
return if score is 0
winners[buyer] = or []
winners[buyer].push [ticket, score]
this.tickets = {}
2010-01-24 20:04:28 -05:00
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# module WishScanner
# def scan_for_a_wish
# wish = self.read.detect do |thought|
# thought.index( 'wish: ' ) == 0
# end
# wish.gsub( 'wish: ', '' )
# end
# end
WishScanner =
scan_for_a_wish: ->
wish = this.read().detect (thought) -> thought.index('wish: ') is 0
wish.replace 'wish: ', ''
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# class Creature
# # This method applies a hit taken during a fight.
# def hit( damage )
# p_up = rand( charisma )
# if p_up % 9 == 7
# @life += p_up / 4
# puts "[#{ self.class } magick powers up #{ p_up }!]"
# end
# @life -= damage
# puts "[#{ self.class } has died.]" if @life <= 0
# end
# # This method takes one turn in a fight.
# def fight( enemy, weapon )
# if life <= 0
# puts "[#{ self.class } is too dead to fight!]"
# return
# end
# # Attack the opponent
# your_hit = rand( strength + weapon )
# puts "[You hit with #{ your_hit } points of damage!]"
# enemy.hit( your_hit )
# # Retaliation
# p enemy
# if enemy.life > 0
# enemy_hit = rand( enemy.strength + enemy.weapon )
# puts "[Your enemy hit with #{ enemy_hit } points of damage!]"
# self.hit( enemy_hit )
# end
# end
# end
Creature =
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# This method applies a hit taken during a fight.
hit: (damage) ->
p_up = Math.rand this.charisma
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
if p_up % 9 is 7
this.life += p_up / 4
puts "[" + this.name + " magick powers up " + p_up + "!]"
this.life -= damage
if this.life <= 0 then puts "[" + this.name + " has died.]"
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# This method takes one turn in a fight.
fight: (enemy, weapon) ->
if this.life <= 0 then return puts "[" + this.name + "is too dead to fight!]"
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# Attack the opponent.
your_hit = Math.rand this.strength + weapon
puts "[You hit with " + your_hit + "points of damage!]"
enemy.hit your_hit
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
# Retaliation.
puts enemy
2009-12-14 10:00:31 -05:00
if enemy.life > 0
enemy_hit = Math.rand enemy.strength + enemy.weapon
puts "[Your enemy hit with " + enemy_hit + "points of damage!]"
this.hit enemy_hit
2009-12-18 09:55:31 -05:00
# # Get evil idea and swap in code words
# print "Enter your new idea: "
# idea = gets
# code_words.each do |real, code|
# idea.gsub!( real, code )
# end
# # Save the jibberish to a new file
# print "File encoded. Please enter a name for this idea: "
# idea_name = gets.strip
# File::open( "idea-" + idea_name + ".txt", "w" ) do |f|
# f << idea
# end
# Get evil idea and swap in code words
print "Enter your new idea: "
idea = gets()
code_words.each (real, code) -> idea.replace(real, code)
2009-12-18 09:55:31 -05:00
# Save the jibberish to a new file
print "File encoded. Please enter a name for this idea: "
idea_name = gets().strip()
File.open "idea-" + idea_name + '.txt', 'w', (file) -> file.write idea
2009-12-18 09:55:31 -05:00
# def wipe_mutterings_from( sentence )
# unless sentence.respond_to? :include?
# raise ArgumentError,
# "cannot wipe mutterings from a #{ sentence.class }"
# end
# while sentence.include? '('
# open = sentence.index( '(' )
# close = sentence.index( ')', open )
# sentence[open..close] = '' if close
# end
# end
wipe_mutterings_from = (sentence) ->
throw new Error "cannot wipe mutterings" unless sentence.indexOf
2009-12-18 09:55:31 -05:00
while sentence.indexOf('(') >= 0
open = sentence.indexOf('(') - 1
close = sentence.indexOf(')') + 1
sentence = sentence[0..open] + sentence[close..sentence.length]