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2010-12-31 03:48:31 +00:00
# Object Literals
# ---------------
# TODO: refactor object literal tests
trailingComma = {k1: "v1", k2: 4, k3: (-> true),}
ok trailingComma.k3() and (trailingComma.k2 is 4) and (trailingComma.k1 is "v1")
ok {a: (num) -> num is 10 }.a 10
moe = {
name: 'Moe'
greet: (salutation) ->
salutation + " " + @name
hello: ->
@['greet'] "Hello"
10: 'number'
ok moe.hello() is "Hello Moe"
ok moe[10] is 'number'
moe.hello = ->
this['greet'] "Hello"
ok moe.hello() is 'Hello Moe'
obj = {
is: -> yes,
'not': -> no,
ok obj.is()
ok not obj.not()
### Top-level object literal... ###
obj: 1
### ...doesn't break things. ###
# Object literals should be able to include keywords.
obj = {class: 'höt'}
obj.function = 'dog'
ok obj.class + obj.function is 'hötdog'
# Implicit objects as part of chained calls.
pluck = (x) -> x.a
eq 100, pluck pluck pluck a: a: a: 100
test "YAML-style object literals", ->
obj =
a: 1
b: 2
eq 1, obj.a
eq 2, obj.b
config =
server: 'localhost'
timeout: 10
server: 'dreamboat'
timeout: 1000
ok config.development.server is 'localhost'
ok config.production.server is 'dreamboat'
ok config.development.timeout is 10
ok config.production.timeout is 1000
obj =
a: 1,
b: 2,
ok obj.a is 1
ok obj.b is 2
# Implicit objects nesting.
obj =
value: yes
fn: ->
ok obj.options.value is yes
ok obj.fn() is null
# Implicit objects with wacky indentation:
obj =
'reverse': (obj) ->
Array.prototype.reverse.call obj
abc: ->
@reverse @reverse ['a', 'b', 'c'].reverse()
one: [1, 2,
a: 'b'
3, 4]
green: 'blue'
indigo: 'violet'
misdent: [[],
ok obj.abc().join(' ') is 'a b c'
ok obj.one.length is 5
ok obj.one[4] is 4
ok obj.one[2].a is 'b'
ok (key for key of obj.red).length is 2
ok obj.red.orange.yellow.green is 'blue'
ok obj.red.indigo is 'violet'
ok obj.misdent.toString() is ',,,'
#542: Objects leading expression statement should be parenthesized.
{f: -> ok yes }.f() + 1
# String-keyed objects shouldn't suppress newlines.
one =
'>!': 3
six: -> 10
ok not one.six
# Shorthand objects with property references.
obj =
### comment one ###
### comment two ###
one: 1
two: 2
object: -> {@one, @two}
list: -> [@one, @two]
result = obj.object()
eq result.one, 1
eq result.two, 2
eq result.two, obj.list()[1]
third = (a, b, c) -> c
obj =
one: 'one'
two: third 'one', 'two', 'three'
ok obj.one is 'one'
ok obj.two is 'three'
test "", ->
generateGetter = (prop) -> (obj) -> obj[prop]
getA = generateGetter 'a'
getArgs = -> arguments
a = b = 30
result = getA
a: 10
ok result is 10
result = getA
"a": 20
ok result is 20
result = getA a,
ok result is undefined
# TODO: this looks like a failing test case; verify
#result = getA
# b:1
# a
#ok result is 30
result = getA
ok result.b is 2
# TODO: should this test be changed? this is unexpected (and not the displayed) behaviour
#result = getArgs
# a:1
# b
# c:1
#ok result.length is 3
#ok result[2].c is 1
test "some weird indentation in YAML-style object literals", ->
two = (a, b) -> b
obj = then two 1,
1: 1
b: ->
fn c,
d: e
f: 1
eq 1, obj[1]