
606 lines
22 KiB
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fs = require 'fs'
os = require 'os'
path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore'
{ spawn, exec, execSync } = require 'child_process'
2017-02-13 01:00:05 +00:00
CoffeeScript = require './lib/coffeescript'
helpers = require './lib/coffeescript/helpers'
2010-02-16 06:04:48 +00:00
# ANSI Terminal Colors.
[CS2] Comments (#4572) * Make `addLocationDataFn` more DRY * Style fixes * Provide access to full parser inside our custom function running in parser.js; rename the function to lay the groundwork for adding data aside from location data * Fix style. * Fix style. * Label test comments * Update grammar to remove comment tokens; update DSL to call new helper function that preserves comments through parsing * New implementation of compiling block comments: the lexer pulls them out of the token stream, attaching them as a property to a token; the rewriter moves the attachment around so it lives on a token that is destined to make it through to compilation (and in a good placement); and the nodes render the block comment. All tests but one pass (commented out). * If a comment follows a class declaration, move the comment inside the class body * Style * Improve indentation of multiline comments * Fix indentation for block comments, at least in the cases covered by the one failing test * Don’t reverse the order of unshifted comments * Simplify rewriter’s handling of comments, generalizing the special case * Expand the list of tokens we need to avoid for passing comments through the parser; get some literal tokens to have nodes created for them so that the comments pass through * Improve comments; fix multiline flag * Prepare HereComments for processing line comments * Line comments, first draft: the tests pass, but the line comments aren’t indented and sometimes trail previous lines when they shouldn’t; updated compiler output in following commit * Updated compiler, now with line comments * `process` doesn’t exist in the browser, so we should check for its existence first * Update parser output * Test that proves #4290 is fixed * Indent line comments, first pass * Compiled output with indented line comments * Comments that start a new line shouldn’t trail; don’t skip comments attached to generated tokens; stop looking for indentation once we hit a newline * Revised output * Cleanup * Split “multiline” line comment tokens, shifting them forward or back as appropriate * Fix comments in module specifiers * Abstract attaching comments to a node * Line comments in interpolated strings * Line comments can’t be multiline anymore * Improve handling of blank lines and indentation of following comments that start a new line (i.e. don’t trail) * Make comments compilation more object-oriented * Remove lots of dead code that we don’t need anymore because a comment is never a node, only a fragment * Improve eqJS helper * Fix #4290 definitively, with improved output for arrays with interspersed block comments * Add support for line comments output interspersed within arrays * Fix mistake, don’t lose the variable we’re working on * Remove redundant replacements * Check for indentation only from the start of the string * Indentations in generated JS are always multiples of two spaces (never tabs) so just look for 2+ spaces * Update package versions; run Babel twice, once for each preset, temporarily until a Babili bug is fixed that prevents it from running with the env preset * Don’t rely on `fragment.type`, which can break when the compiler is minified * Updated generated docs and browser compiler * Output block comments after function arguments * Comments appear above scope `var` declarations; better tracking of generated `JS` tokens created only to shepherd comments through to the output * Create new FuncGlyph node, to hold comments we want to output near the function parameters * Block comments between `)` and `->`/`=>` get output between `)` and `{`. * Fix indentation of comments that are the first line inside a bare mode block * Updated output * Full Flow example * Updated browser compiler * Abstract and organize comment fragment generation code; store more properties on the comment fragment objects; make `throw` behave like `return` * Abstract token insertion code * Add missing locationData to STRING_START token, giving it the locationData of the overall StringWithInterpolations token so that comments attached to STRING_START end up on the StringWithInterpolations node * Allow `SUPER` tokens to carry comments * Rescue comments from `Existence` nodes and `If` nodes’ conditions * Rescue comments after `\` line continuation tokens * Updated compiled output * Updated browser compiler * Output block comments in the same `compileFragments` method as line comments, except for inline block comments * Comments before splice * Updated browser compiler * Track compiledComments as a property of Base, to ensure that it’s not a global variable * Docs: split up the Usage section * Docs for type annotations via Flow; updated docs output * Update regular comments documentation * Updated browser compiler * Comments before soak * Comments before static methods, and probably before `@variable =` (this) assignments generally * Comments before ‘if exists?’, refactor comment before ‘if this.var’ to be more precise, improve helper methods * Comments before a method that contains ‘super()’ should output above the method property, not above the ‘super.method()’ call * Fix missing comments before `if not` (i.e. before a UNARY token) * Fix comments before ‘for’; add test for comment before assignment if (fixed in earlier commit) * Comments within heregexes * Updated browser compiler * Update description to reflect what’s now happening in compileCommentFragments * Preserve blank lines between line comments; output “whitespace-only” line comments as blank lines, rather than `//` following by whitespace * Better future-proof comments tests * Comments before object destructuring; abstract method for setting comments aside before compilation * Handle more cases of comments before or after `for` loop declaration lines * Fix indentation of comments preceding `for` loops * Fix comment before splat function parameter * Catch another RegexWithInterpolations comment edge case * Updated browser compiler * Change heregex example to one that’s more readable; update output * Remove a few last references to the defunct HERECOMMENT token * Abstract location hash creation into a function * Improved clarity per code review notes * Updated browser compiler
2017-08-03 02:34:34 +00:00
bold = red = green = yellow = reset = ''
unless process.env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS
[CS2] Comments (#4572) * Make `addLocationDataFn` more DRY * Style fixes * Provide access to full parser inside our custom function running in parser.js; rename the function to lay the groundwork for adding data aside from location data * Fix style. * Fix style. * Label test comments * Update grammar to remove comment tokens; update DSL to call new helper function that preserves comments through parsing * New implementation of compiling block comments: the lexer pulls them out of the token stream, attaching them as a property to a token; the rewriter moves the attachment around so it lives on a token that is destined to make it through to compilation (and in a good placement); and the nodes render the block comment. All tests but one pass (commented out). * If a comment follows a class declaration, move the comment inside the class body * Style * Improve indentation of multiline comments * Fix indentation for block comments, at least in the cases covered by the one failing test * Don’t reverse the order of unshifted comments * Simplify rewriter’s handling of comments, generalizing the special case * Expand the list of tokens we need to avoid for passing comments through the parser; get some literal tokens to have nodes created for them so that the comments pass through * Improve comments; fix multiline flag * Prepare HereComments for processing line comments * Line comments, first draft: the tests pass, but the line comments aren’t indented and sometimes trail previous lines when they shouldn’t; updated compiler output in following commit * Updated compiler, now with line comments * `process` doesn’t exist in the browser, so we should check for its existence first * Update parser output * Test that proves #4290 is fixed * Indent line comments, first pass * Compiled output with indented line comments * Comments that start a new line shouldn’t trail; don’t skip comments attached to generated tokens; stop looking for indentation once we hit a newline * Revised output * Cleanup * Split “multiline” line comment tokens, shifting them forward or back as appropriate * Fix comments in module specifiers * Abstract attaching comments to a node * Line comments in interpolated strings * Line comments can’t be multiline anymore * Improve handling of blank lines and indentation of following comments that start a new line (i.e. don’t trail) * Make comments compilation more object-oriented * Remove lots of dead code that we don’t need anymore because a comment is never a node, only a fragment * Improve eqJS helper * Fix #4290 definitively, with improved output for arrays with interspersed block comments * Add support for line comments output interspersed within arrays * Fix mistake, don’t lose the variable we’re working on * Remove redundant replacements * Check for indentation only from the start of the string * Indentations in generated JS are always multiples of two spaces (never tabs) so just look for 2+ spaces * Update package versions; run Babel twice, once for each preset, temporarily until a Babili bug is fixed that prevents it from running with the env preset * Don’t rely on `fragment.type`, which can break when the compiler is minified * Updated generated docs and browser compiler * Output block comments after function arguments * Comments appear above scope `var` declarations; better tracking of generated `JS` tokens created only to shepherd comments through to the output * Create new FuncGlyph node, to hold comments we want to output near the function parameters * Block comments between `)` and `->`/`=>` get output between `)` and `{`. * Fix indentation of comments that are the first line inside a bare mode block * Updated output * Full Flow example * Updated browser compiler * Abstract and organize comment fragment generation code; store more properties on the comment fragment objects; make `throw` behave like `return` * Abstract token insertion code * Add missing locationData to STRING_START token, giving it the locationData of the overall StringWithInterpolations token so that comments attached to STRING_START end up on the StringWithInterpolations node * Allow `SUPER` tokens to carry comments * Rescue comments from `Existence` nodes and `If` nodes’ conditions * Rescue comments after `\` line continuation tokens * Updated compiled output * Updated browser compiler * Output block comments in the same `compileFragments` method as line comments, except for inline block comments * Comments before splice * Updated browser compiler * Track compiledComments as a property of Base, to ensure that it’s not a global variable * Docs: split up the Usage section * Docs for type annotations via Flow; updated docs output * Update regular comments documentation * Updated browser compiler * Comments before soak * Comments before static methods, and probably before `@variable =` (this) assignments generally * Comments before ‘if exists?’, refactor comment before ‘if this.var’ to be more precise, improve helper methods * Comments before a method that contains ‘super()’ should output above the method property, not above the ‘super.method()’ call * Fix missing comments before `if not` (i.e. before a UNARY token) * Fix comments before ‘for’; add test for comment before assignment if (fixed in earlier commit) * Comments within heregexes * Updated browser compiler * Update description to reflect what’s now happening in compileCommentFragments * Preserve blank lines between line comments; output “whitespace-only” line comments as blank lines, rather than `//` following by whitespace * Better future-proof comments tests * Comments before object destructuring; abstract method for setting comments aside before compilation * Handle more cases of comments before or after `for` loop declaration lines * Fix indentation of comments preceding `for` loops * Fix comment before splat function parameter * Catch another RegexWithInterpolations comment edge case * Updated browser compiler * Change heregex example to one that’s more readable; update output * Remove a few last references to the defunct HERECOMMENT token * Abstract location hash creation into a function * Improved clarity per code review notes * Updated browser compiler
2017-08-03 02:34:34 +00:00
bold = '\x1B[0;1m'
red = '\x1B[0;31m'
green = '\x1B[0;32m'
yellow = '\x1B[0;33m'
reset = '\x1B[0m'
# Built file header.
header = """
* CoffeeScript Compiler v#{CoffeeScript.VERSION}
* https://coffeescript.org
* Copyright 2011-#{new Date().getFullYear()}, Jeremy Ashkenas
* Released under the MIT License
# Used in folder names like `docs/v1`.
majorVersion = parseInt CoffeeScript.VERSION.split('.')[0], 10
2010-02-16 06:04:48 +00:00
# Log a message with a color.
2010-07-25 05:23:37 +00:00
log = (message, color, explanation) ->
console.log color + message + reset + ' ' + (explanation or '')
spawnNodeProcess = (args, output = 'stderr', callback) ->
relayOutput = (buffer) -> console.log buffer.toString()
proc = spawn 'node', args
proc.stdout.on 'data', relayOutput if output is 'both' or output is 'stdout'
proc.stderr.on 'data', relayOutput if output is 'both' or output is 'stderr'
proc.on 'exit', (status) -> callback(status) if typeof callback is 'function'
# Run a CoffeeScript through our node/coffee interpreter.
run = (args, callback) ->
spawnNodeProcess ['bin/coffee'].concat(args), 'stderr', (status) ->
process.exit(1) if status isnt 0
callback() if typeof callback is 'function'
# Build the CoffeeScript language from source.
buildParser = ->
helpers.extend global, require 'util'
require 'jison'
# We don't need `moduleMain`, since the parser is unlikely to be run standalone.
parser = require('./lib/coffeescript/grammar').parser.generate(moduleMain: ->)
2017-02-13 01:00:05 +00:00
fs.writeFileSync 'lib/coffeescript/parser.js', parser
2010-02-16 06:04:48 +00:00
buildExceptParser = (callback) ->
files = fs.readdirSync 'src'
files = ('src/' + file for file in files when file.match(/\.(lit)?coffee$/))
run ['-c', '-o', 'lib/coffeescript'].concat(files), callback
build = (callback) ->
buildExceptParser callback
transpile = (code, options = {}) ->
options.minify = process.env.MINIFY isnt 'false'
options.transform = process.env.TRANSFORM isnt 'false'
options.sourceType ?= 'script'
babel = require '@babel/core'
presets = []
# Exclude the `modules` plugin in order to not break the `}(this));`
# at the end of the `build:browser` code block.
presets.push ['@babel/env', {modules: no}] if options.transform
presets.push ['minify', {mangle: no, evaluate: no, removeUndefined: no}] if options.minify
babelOptions =
presets: presets
compact: options.minify
minified: options.minify
comments: not options.minify
sourceType: options.sourceType
{ code } = babel.transformSync code, babelOptions unless presets.length is 0
testBuiltCode = (watch = no) ->
csPath = './lib/coffeescript'
csDir = path.dirname require.resolve csPath
for mod of require.cache when csDir is mod[0 ... csDir.length]
delete require.cache[mod]
testResults = runTests require csPath
unless watch
process.exit 1 unless testResults
buildAndTest = (includingParser = yes, harmony = no) ->
process.stdout.write '\x1Bc' # Clear terminal screen.
execSync 'git checkout lib/*', stdio: 'inherit' # Reset the generated compiler.
buildArgs = ['bin/cake']
buildArgs.push if includingParser then 'build' else 'build:except-parser'
log "building#{if includingParser then ', including parser' else ''}...", green
spawnNodeProcess buildArgs, 'both', ->
log 'testing...', green
testArgs = if harmony then ['--harmony'] else []
testArgs = testArgs.concat ['bin/cake', 'test']
spawnNodeProcess testArgs, 'both'
watchAndBuildAndTest = (harmony = no) ->
buildAndTest yes, harmony
fs.watch 'src/', interval: 200, (eventType, filename) ->
if eventType is 'change'
log "src/#{filename} changed, rebuilding..."
buildAndTest (filename is 'grammar.coffee'), harmony
fs.watch 'test/', {interval: 200, recursive: yes}, (eventType, filename) ->
if eventType is 'change'
log "test/#{filename} changed, rebuilding..."
buildAndTest no, harmony
task 'build', 'build the CoffeeScript compiler from source', build
task 'build:parser', 'build the Jison parser only', buildParser
task 'build:except-parser', 'build the CoffeeScript compiler, except for the Jison parser', buildExceptParser
task 'build:full', 'build the CoffeeScript compiler from source twice, and run the tests', ->
build ->
build testBuiltCode
task 'build:browser', 'merge the built scripts into a single file for use in a browser', ->
code = """
require['../../package.json'] = (function() {
return #{fs.readFileSync "./package.json"};
2017-02-13 01:00:05 +00:00
for name in ['helpers', 'rewriter', 'lexer', 'parser', 'scope', 'nodes', 'sourcemap', 'coffeescript', 'browser']
code += """
2013-06-02 05:21:36 +00:00
require['./#{name}'] = (function() {
2013-05-31 21:44:23 +00:00
var exports = {}, module = {exports: exports};
2017-02-13 01:00:05 +00:00
#{fs.readFileSync "lib/coffeescript/#{name}.js"}
2013-05-31 21:44:23 +00:00
return module.exports;
2013-06-02 05:21:36 +00:00
# From here, we generate two outputs: a legacy script output for all browsers
# and a module output for browsers that support `<script type="module">`.
code = """
var CoffeeScript = function() {
function require(path){ return require[path]; }
return require['./browser'];
scriptCode = transpile """
2011-11-05 10:04:53 +00:00
(function(root) {
2011-11-05 10:04:53 +00:00
2011-12-15 16:21:38 +00:00
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(function() { return CoffeeScript; });
2012-11-29 17:43:18 +00:00
} else {
root.CoffeeScript = CoffeeScript;
2011-12-15 16:21:38 +00:00
2011-11-05 10:04:53 +00:00
moduleCode = transpile """
export default CoffeeScript;
const { VERSION, compile, eval: evaluate, load, run, runScripts } = CoffeeScript;
export { VERSION, compile, evaluate as eval, load, run, runScripts };
""", {sourceType: 'module'}
outputFolders = [
for outputFolder in outputFolders
fs.mkdirSync outputFolder unless fs.existsSync outputFolder
fs.writeFileSync "#{outputFolder}/coffeescript.js", """
#{if outputFolder.includes('legacy') then scriptCode else moduleCode}
task 'build:browser:full', 'merge the built scripts into a single file for use in a browser, and test it', ->
invoke 'build:browser'
console.log "built ... running browser tests:"
invoke 'test:browser'
task 'build:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the CoffeeScript compiler, running tests on each build', ->
task 'build:watch:harmony', 'watch and continually rebuild the CoffeeScript compiler, running harmony tests on each build', ->
watchAndBuildAndTest yes
buildDocs = (watch = no) ->
# Constants
indexFile = 'documentation/site/index.html'
siteSourceFolder = "documentation/site"
sectionsSourceFolder = 'documentation/sections'
changelogSourceFolder = 'documentation/sections/changelog'
examplesSourceFolder = 'documentation/examples'
outputFolder = "docs/v#{majorVersion}"
# Helpers
releaseHeader = (date, version, prevVersion) ->
<h3>#{prevVersion and "<a href=\"https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/compare/#{prevVersion}...#{version}\">#{version}</a>" or version}
<span class="timestamp"> &mdash; <time datetime="#{date}">#{date}</time></span>
codeFor = require "./documentation/site/code.coffee"
htmlFor = ->
hljs = require 'highlight.js'
hljs.configure classPrefix: ''
markdownRenderer = require('markdown-it')
html: yes
typographer: yes
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
highlight: (str, language) ->
# From https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it#syntax-highlighting
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
if language and hljs.getLanguage(language)
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
return hljs.highlight(str, { language }).value
catch ex
return '' # No syntax highlighting
# Add some custom overrides to Markdown-Its rendering, per
# https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it/blob/master/docs/architecture.md#renderer
defaultFence = markdownRenderer.renderer.rules.fence
markdownRenderer.renderer.rules.fence = (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) ->
code = tokens[idx].content
2016-12-11 06:21:12 +00:00
if code.indexOf('codeFor(') is 0 or code.indexOf('releaseHeader(') is 0
"<%= #{code} %>"
"<blockquote class=\"uneditable-code-block\">#{defaultFence.apply @, arguments}</blockquote>"
(file, bookmark) ->
md = fs.readFileSync "#{sectionsSourceFolder}/#{file.replace /\//g, path.sep}.md", 'utf-8'
md = md.replace /<%= releaseHeader %>/g, releaseHeader
md = md.replace /<%= majorVersion %>/g, majorVersion
md = md.replace /<%= fullVersion %>/g, CoffeeScript.VERSION
html = markdownRenderer.render md
html = _.template(html)
codeFor: codeFor()
releaseHeader: releaseHeader
includeScript = ->
(file) ->
file = "#{siteSourceFolder}/#{file}" unless '/' in file
code = fs.readFileSync file, 'utf-8'
code = CoffeeScript.compile code
code = transpile code
2016-12-11 06:21:12 +00:00
include = ->
(file) ->
file = "#{siteSourceFolder}/#{file}" unless '/' in file
2016-12-11 06:21:12 +00:00
output = fs.readFileSync file, 'utf-8'
if /\.html$/.test(file)
render = _.template output
output = render
releaseHeader: releaseHeader
majorVersion: majorVersion
fullVersion: CoffeeScript.VERSION
htmlFor: htmlFor()
codeFor: codeFor()
include: include()
includeScript: includeScript()
2016-12-11 06:21:12 +00:00
# Task
do renderIndex = ->
render = _.template fs.readFileSync(indexFile, 'utf-8')
output = render
2016-12-11 06:21:12 +00:00
include: include()
fs.writeFileSync "#{outputFolder}/index.html", output
log 'compiled', green, "#{indexFile} → #{outputFolder}/index.html"
fs.symlinkSync "v#{majorVersion}/index.html", 'docs/index.html'
catch exception
if watch
for target in [indexFile, siteSourceFolder, examplesSourceFolder, sectionsSourceFolder, changelogSourceFolder]
fs.watch target, interval: 200, renderIndex
log 'watching...', green
task 'doc:site', 'build the documentation for the website', ->
task 'doc:site:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the documentation for the website', ->
buildDocs yes
buildDocTests = (watch = no) ->
# Constants
testFile = 'documentation/site/test.html'
testsSourceFolder = 'test'
outputFolder = "docs/v#{majorVersion}"
# Included in test.html
testHelpers = fs.readFileSync('test/support/helpers.coffee', 'utf-8').replace /exports\./g, '@'
# Helpers
testsInScriptBlocks = ->
output = ''
for filename in fs.readdirSync testsSourceFolder
if filename.indexOf('.coffee') isnt -1
type = 'coffeescript'
else if filename.indexOf('.litcoffee') isnt -1
type = 'literate-coffeescript'
# Set the type to text/x-coffeescript or text/x-literate-coffeescript
# to prevent the browser compiler from automatically running the script
output += """
<script type="text/x-#{type}" class="test" id="#{filename.split('.')[0]}">
#{fs.readFileSync "test/#{filename}", 'utf-8'}
# Task
do renderTest = ->
render = _.template fs.readFileSync(testFile, 'utf-8')
output = render
testHelpers: testHelpers
tests: testsInScriptBlocks()
fs.writeFileSync "#{outputFolder}/test.html", output
log 'compiled', green, "#{testFile} → #{outputFolder}/test.html"
if watch
for target in [testFile, testsSourceFolder]
fs.watch target, interval: 200, renderTest
log 'watching...', green
task 'doc:test', 'build the browser-based tests', ->
task 'doc:test:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the browser-based tests', ->
buildDocTests yes
buildAnnotatedSource = (watch = no) ->
do generateAnnotatedSource = ->
exec "cd src && ../node_modules/docco/bin/docco *.*coffee --output ../docs/v#{majorVersion}/annotated-source", (err) -> throw err if err
log 'generated', green, "annotated source in docs/v#{majorVersion}/annotated-source/"
if watch
fs.watch 'src/', interval: 200, generateAnnotatedSource
log 'watching...', green
task 'doc:source', 'build the annotated source documentation', ->
task 'doc:source:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the annotated source documentation', ->
buildAnnotatedSource yes
task 'release', 'build and test the CoffeeScript source, and build the documentation', ->
execSync '''
cake build:full
cake build:browser
cake doc:test
cake test:browser:node
cake test:browser
cake test:integrations
cake doc:site
cake doc:source
''', stdio: 'inherit'
2011-10-07 04:39:24 +00:00
task 'bench', 'quick benchmark of compilation time', ->
2017-02-13 01:00:05 +00:00
{Rewriter} = require './lib/coffeescript/rewriter'
sources = ['coffeescript', 'grammar', 'helpers', 'lexer', 'nodes', 'rewriter']
coffee = sources.map((name) -> fs.readFileSync "src/#{name}.coffee").join '\n'
litcoffee = fs.readFileSync("src/scope.litcoffee").toString()
2010-11-21 01:28:45 +00:00
fmt = (ms) -> " #{bold}#{ " #{ms}".slice -4 }#{reset} ms"
total = 0
now = Date.now()
time = -> total += ms = -(now - now = Date.now()); fmt ms
tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens coffee, rewrite: no
littokens = CoffeeScript.tokens litcoffee, rewrite: no, literate: yes
tokens = tokens.concat(littokens)
console.log "Lex #{time()} (#{tokens.length} tokens)"
tokens = new Rewriter().rewrite tokens
console.log "Rewrite#{time()} (#{tokens.length} tokens)"
nodes = CoffeeScript.nodes tokens
console.log "Parse #{time()}"
js = nodes.compile bare: yes
console.log "Compile#{time()} (#{js.length} chars)"
2010-11-21 01:28:45 +00:00
console.log "total #{ fmt total }"
2010-06-11 22:47:48 +00:00
# Run the CoffeeScript test suite.
2011-10-07 04:39:24 +00:00
runTests = (CoffeeScript) ->
CoffeeScript.register() unless global.testingBrowser
# These are attached to `global` so that theyre accessible from within
# `test/async.coffee`, which has an async-capable version of
# `global.test`.
global.currentFile = null
global.passedTests = 0
global.failures = []
2010-11-28 17:27:06 +00:00
global[name] = func for name, func of require 'assert'
# Convenience aliases.
global.CoffeeScript = CoffeeScript
[CS2] Comments (#4572) * Make `addLocationDataFn` more DRY * Style fixes * Provide access to full parser inside our custom function running in parser.js; rename the function to lay the groundwork for adding data aside from location data * Fix style. * Fix style. * Label test comments * Update grammar to remove comment tokens; update DSL to call new helper function that preserves comments through parsing * New implementation of compiling block comments: the lexer pulls them out of the token stream, attaching them as a property to a token; the rewriter moves the attachment around so it lives on a token that is destined to make it through to compilation (and in a good placement); and the nodes render the block comment. All tests but one pass (commented out). * If a comment follows a class declaration, move the comment inside the class body * Style * Improve indentation of multiline comments * Fix indentation for block comments, at least in the cases covered by the one failing test * Don’t reverse the order of unshifted comments * Simplify rewriter’s handling of comments, generalizing the special case * Expand the list of tokens we need to avoid for passing comments through the parser; get some literal tokens to have nodes created for them so that the comments pass through * Improve comments; fix multiline flag * Prepare HereComments for processing line comments * Line comments, first draft: the tests pass, but the line comments aren’t indented and sometimes trail previous lines when they shouldn’t; updated compiler output in following commit * Updated compiler, now with line comments * `process` doesn’t exist in the browser, so we should check for its existence first * Update parser output * Test that proves #4290 is fixed * Indent line comments, first pass * Compiled output with indented line comments * Comments that start a new line shouldn’t trail; don’t skip comments attached to generated tokens; stop looking for indentation once we hit a newline * Revised output * Cleanup * Split “multiline” line comment tokens, shifting them forward or back as appropriate * Fix comments in module specifiers * Abstract attaching comments to a node * Line comments in interpolated strings * Line comments can’t be multiline anymore * Improve handling of blank lines and indentation of following comments that start a new line (i.e. don’t trail) * Make comments compilation more object-oriented * Remove lots of dead code that we don’t need anymore because a comment is never a node, only a fragment * Improve eqJS helper * Fix #4290 definitively, with improved output for arrays with interspersed block comments * Add support for line comments output interspersed within arrays * Fix mistake, don’t lose the variable we’re working on * Remove redundant replacements * Check for indentation only from the start of the string * Indentations in generated JS are always multiples of two spaces (never tabs) so just look for 2+ spaces * Update package versions; run Babel twice, once for each preset, temporarily until a Babili bug is fixed that prevents it from running with the env preset * Don’t rely on `fragment.type`, which can break when the compiler is minified * Updated generated docs and browser compiler * Output block comments after function arguments * Comments appear above scope `var` declarations; better tracking of generated `JS` tokens created only to shepherd comments through to the output * Create new FuncGlyph node, to hold comments we want to output near the function parameters * Block comments between `)` and `->`/`=>` get output between `)` and `{`. * Fix indentation of comments that are the first line inside a bare mode block * Updated output * Full Flow example * Updated browser compiler * Abstract and organize comment fragment generation code; store more properties on the comment fragment objects; make `throw` behave like `return` * Abstract token insertion code * Add missing locationData to STRING_START token, giving it the locationData of the overall StringWithInterpolations token so that comments attached to STRING_START end up on the StringWithInterpolations node * Allow `SUPER` tokens to carry comments * Rescue comments from `Existence` nodes and `If` nodes’ conditions * Rescue comments after `\` line continuation tokens * Updated compiled output * Updated browser compiler * Output block comments in the same `compileFragments` method as line comments, except for inline block comments * Comments before splice * Updated browser compiler * Track compiledComments as a property of Base, to ensure that it’s not a global variable * Docs: split up the Usage section * Docs for type annotations via Flow; updated docs output * Update regular comments documentation * Updated browser compiler * Comments before soak * Comments before static methods, and probably before `@variable =` (this) assignments generally * Comments before ‘if exists?’, refactor comment before ‘if this.var’ to be more precise, improve helper methods * Comments before a method that contains ‘super()’ should output above the method property, not above the ‘super.method()’ call * Fix missing comments before `if not` (i.e. before a UNARY token) * Fix comments before ‘for’; add test for comment before assignment if (fixed in earlier commit) * Comments within heregexes * Updated browser compiler * Update description to reflect what’s now happening in compileCommentFragments * Preserve blank lines between line comments; output “whitespace-only” line comments as blank lines, rather than `//` following by whitespace * Better future-proof comments tests * Comments before object destructuring; abstract method for setting comments aside before compilation * Handle more cases of comments before or after `for` loop declaration lines * Fix indentation of comments preceding `for` loops * Fix comment before splat function parameter * Catch another RegexWithInterpolations comment edge case * Updated browser compiler * Change heregex example to one that’s more readable; update output * Remove a few last references to the defunct HERECOMMENT token * Abstract location hash creation into a function * Improved clarity per code review notes * Updated browser compiler
2017-08-03 02:34:34 +00:00
global.Repl = require './lib/coffeescript/repl'
global.bold = bold
global.red = red
global.green = green
global.yellow = yellow
global.reset = reset
asyncTests = []
onFail = (description, fn, err) ->
filename: global.currentFile
error: err
description: description
source: fn.toString() if fn.toString?
# Our test helper function for delimiting different test cases.
2010-12-10 04:59:50 +00:00
global.test = (description, fn) ->
2011-01-03 09:17:00 +00:00
fn.test = {description, currentFile}
result = fn.call(fn)
if result instanceof Promise # An async test.
asyncTests.push result
result.then ->
.catch (err) ->
onFail description, fn, err
catch err
onFail description, fn, err
helpers.extend global, require './test/support/helpers'
# When all the tests have run, collect and print errors.
# If a stacktrace is available, output the compiled function source.
process.on 'exit', ->
time = ((Date.now() - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2)
2011-10-07 04:39:24 +00:00
message = "passed #{passedTests} tests in #{time} seconds#{reset}"
return log(message, green) unless failures.length
log "failed #{failures.length} and #{message}", red
for fail in failures
2012-11-14 21:19:17 +00:00
{error, filename, description, source} = fail
console.log ''
2012-11-14 21:19:17 +00:00
log " #{description}", red if description
log " #{error.stack}", red
2012-11-14 21:19:17 +00:00
console.log " #{source}" if source
# Run every test in the `test` folder, recording failures, except for files
# were skipping because the features to be tested are unsupported in the
# current Node runtime.
testFilesToSkip = []
skipUnless = (featureDetect, filenames) ->
unless (try new Function featureDetect)
testFilesToSkip = testFilesToSkip.concat filenames
skipUnless 'async () => {}', ['async.coffee', 'async_iterators.coffee']
skipUnless 'async function* generator() { yield 42; }', ['async_iterators.coffee']
skipUnless 'var a = 2 ** 2; a **= 3', ['exponentiation.coffee']
skipUnless 'var {...a} = {}', ['object_rest_spread.coffee']
skipUnless '/foo.bar/s.test("foo\tbar")', ['regex_dotall.coffee']
skipUnless '1_2_3', ['numeric_literal_separators.coffee']
skipUnless '1n', ['numbers_bigint.coffee']
2022-01-20 19:40:13 +00:00
skipUnless 'async () => { await import(\'data:application/json,{"foo":"bar"}\', { assert: { type: "json" } }) }', ['import_assertions.coffee']
files = fs.readdirSync('test').filter (filename) ->
filename not in testFilesToSkip
startTime = Date.now()
2013-05-25 14:04:18 +00:00
for file in files when helpers.isCoffee file
literate = helpers.isLiterate file
currentFile = filename = path.join 'test', file
code = fs.readFileSync filename
2012-09-26 00:35:02 +00:00
CoffeeScript.run code.toString(), {filename, literate}
catch error
failures.push {filename, error}
Promise.all(asyncTests).then ->
Promise.reject() if failures.length isnt 0
2011-10-07 04:39:24 +00:00
task 'test', 'run the CoffeeScript language test suite', ->
runTests(CoffeeScript).catch -> process.exit 1
task 'test:browser', 'run the test suite against the modern browser compiler in a headless browser', ->
# This test uses Puppeteer to launch headless Chrome to test the ES module
# version of the browser compiler. Theres no reason to run this test in old
# versions of Node (the runtime is the headless Chrome browser, not Node),
# and Puppeteer 3 only supports Node >= 10.18.1, so limit this test to those
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
# versions. The code below uses `Promise.prototype.finally` because the
# CoffeeScript codebase currently maintains compatibility with Node 6, which
# did not support `async`/`await` syntax. Even though this test doesnt run
# in Node 6, it needs to still _parse_ in Node 6 so that this file can load.
[major, minor, build] = process.versions.node.split('.').map (n) -> parseInt(n, 10)
return if major < 10 or (major is 10 and minor < 18) or (major is 10 and minor is 18 and build < 1)
# Create very simple web server to serve the two files we need.
http = require 'http'
serveFile = (res, fileToServe, mimeType) ->
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader 'Content-Type', mimeType
fs.createReadStream(fileToServe).pipe res
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
if req.url is '/'
serveFile res, path.join(__dirname, 'docs', "v#{majorVersion}", 'test.html'), 'text/html'
else if req.url is '/browser-compiler-modern/coffeescript.js'
# The `text/javascript` MIME type is required for an ES module file to be
# loaded in a browser.
serveFile res, path.join(__dirname, 'docs', "v#{majorVersion}", 'browser-compiler-modern', 'coffeescript.js'), 'text/javascript'
res.statusCode = 404
server.listen 8080
puppeteer = require 'puppeteer'
browser = page = result = null
.then((browserHandle) ->
browser = browserHandle
).then((pageHandle) ->
page = pageHandle
page.goto 'http://localhost:8080/'
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
page.waitForSelector '#result',
visible: yes
polling: 'mutation'
).then((element) ->
page.evaluate ((el) => el.textContent), element
).then((elementText) ->
result = elementText
).finally ->
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
if result and not result.includes('failed')
log result, green
log result, red
process.exit 1
task 'test:browser:node', 'run the test suite against the legacy browser compiler in Node', ->
source = fs.readFileSync "lib/coffeescript-browser-compiler-legacy/coffeescript.js", 'utf-8'
result = {}
2010-12-13 02:41:04 +00:00
global.testingBrowser = yes
(-> eval source).call result
runTests(CoffeeScript).catch -> process.exit 1
task 'test:integrations', 'test the module integrated with other libraries and environments', ->
# Tools like Webpack and Browserify generate builds intended for a browser
# environment where Node modules are not available. We want to ensure that
# the CoffeeScript module as presented by the `browser` key in `package.json`
# can be built by such tools; if such a build succeeds, it verifies that no
# Node modules are required as part of the compiler (as opposed to the tests)
# and that therefore the compiler will run in a browser environment.
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
# Webpack 5 requires Node >= 10.13.0.
[major, minor] = process.versions.node.split('.').map (n) -> parseInt(n, 10)
return if major < 10 or (major is 10 and minor < 13)
tmpdir = os.tmpdir()
webpack = require 'webpack'
webpack {
entry: './'
# Webpacks minification causes the CoffeeScript module to fail some tests.
minimize: off
path: tmpdir
filename: 'coffeescript.js'
library: 'CoffeeScript'
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2'
}, (err, stats) ->
if err or stats.hasErrors()
if err
console.error err.stack or err
console.error err.details if err.details
if stats.hasErrors()
console.error error for error in stats.compilation.errors
if stats.hasWarnings()
console.warn warning for warning in stats.compilation.warnings
process.exit 1
builtCompiler = path.join tmpdir, 'coffeescript.js'
2021-09-19 21:15:00 +00:00
{ CoffeeScript } = require builtCompiler
global.testingBrowser = yes
testResults = runTests CoffeeScript
fs.unlinkSync builtCompiler
process.exit 1 unless testResults