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The coffee utility. Handles command-line compilation of CoffeeScript into various forms: saved into .js files or printed to stdout, piped to JavaScript Lint or recompiled every time the source is saved, printed as a token stream or as the syntax tree, or launch an interactive REPL.

External dependencies.

fs             = require 'fs'
path           = require 'path'
helpers        = require './helpers'
optparse       = require './optparse'
CoffeeScript   = require './coffee-script'
{spawn, exec}  = require 'child_process'
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'

exists         = fs.exists or path.exists

Allow CoffeeScript to emit Node.js events.

helpers.extend CoffeeScript, new EventEmitter

printLine = (line) -> process.stdout.write line + '\n'
printWarn = (line) -> process.stderr.write line + '\n'

hidden = (file) -> /^\.|~$/.test file

The help banner that is printed when coffee is called without arguments.

BANNER = '''
  Usage: coffee [options] path/to/script.coffee -- [args]

  If called without options, `coffee` will run your script.

The list of all the valid option flags that coffee knows how to handle.

  ['-b', '--bare',            'compile without a top-level function wrapper']
  ['-c', '--compile',         'compile to JavaScript and save as .js files']
  ['-e', '--eval',            'pass a string from the command line as input']
  ['-h', '--help',            'display this help message']
  ['-i', '--interactive',     'run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL']
  ['-j', '--join [FILE]',     'concatenate the source CoffeeScript before compiling']
  ['-l', '--lint',            'pipe the compiled JavaScript through JavaScript Lint']
  ['-n', '--nodes',           'print out the parse tree that the parser produces']
  [      '--nodejs [ARGS]',   'pass options directly to the "node" binary']
  ['-o', '--output [DIR]',    'set the output directory for compiled JavaScript']
  ['-p', '--print',           'print out the compiled JavaScript']
  ['-r', '--require [FILE*]', 'require a library before executing your script']
  ['-s', '--stdio',           'listen for and compile scripts over stdio']
  ['-t', '--tokens',          'print out the tokens that the lexer/rewriter produce']
  ['-v', '--version',         'display the version number']
  ['-w', '--watch',           'watch scripts for changes and rerun commands']

Top-level objects shared by all the functions.

opts         = {}
sources      = []
sourceCode   = []
notSources   = {}
watchers     = {}
optionParser = null

Run coffee by parsing passed options and determining what action to take. Many flags cause us to divert before compiling anything. Flags passed after -- will be passed verbatim to your script as arguments in process.argv

exports.run = ->
  return forkNode()                      if opts.nodejs
  return usage()                         if opts.help
  return version()                       if opts.version
  loadRequires()                         if opts.require
  return require './repl'                if opts.interactive
  if opts.watch and !fs.watch
    return printWarn "The --watch feature depends on Node v0.6.0+. You are running #{process.version}."
  return compileStdio()                  if opts.stdio
  return compileScript null, sources[0]  if opts.eval
  return require './repl'                unless sources.length
  literals = if opts.run then sources.splice 1 else []
  process.argv = process.argv[0..1].concat literals
  process.argv[0] = 'coffee'
  process.execPath = require.main.filename
  for source in sources
    compilePath source, yes, path.normalize source

Compile a path, which could be a script or a directory. If a directory is passed, recursively compile all '.coffee' extension source files in it and all subdirectories.

compilePath = (source, topLevel, base) ->
  fs.stat source, (err, stats) ->
    throw err if err and err.code isnt 'ENOENT'
    if err?.code is 'ENOENT'
      if topLevel and source[-7..] isnt '.coffee'
        source = sources[sources.indexOf(source)] = "#{source}.coffee"
        return compilePath source, topLevel, base
      if topLevel
        console.error "File not found: #{source}"
        process.exit 1
    if stats.isDirectory()
      watchDir source, base if opts.watch
      fs.readdir source, (err, files) ->
        throw err if err and err.code isnt 'ENOENT'
        return if err?.code is 'ENOENT'
        index = sources.indexOf source
        files = files.filter (file) -> not hidden file
        sources[index..index] = (path.join source, file for file in files)
        sourceCode[index..index] = files.map -> null
        files.forEach (file) ->
          compilePath (path.join source, file), no, base
    else if topLevel or path.extname(source) is '.coffee'
      watch source, base if opts.watch
      fs.readFile source, (err, code) ->
        throw err if err and err.code isnt 'ENOENT'
        return if err?.code is 'ENOENT'
        compileScript(source, code.toString(), base)
      notSources[source] = yes
      removeSource source, base

Compile a single source script, containing the given code, according to the requested options. If evaluating the script directly sets __filename, __dirname and module.filename to be correct relative to the script's path.

compileScript = (file, input, base) ->
  o = opts
  options = compileOptions file
    t = task = {file, input, options}
    CoffeeScript.emit 'compile', task
    if      o.tokens      then printTokens CoffeeScript.tokens t.input
    else if o.nodes       then printLine CoffeeScript.nodes(t.input).toString().trim()
    else if o.run         then CoffeeScript.run t.input, t.options
    else if o.join and t.file isnt o.join
      sourceCode[sources.indexOf(t.file)] = t.input
      t.output = CoffeeScript.compile t.input, t.options
      CoffeeScript.emit 'success', task
      if o.print          then printLine t.output.trim()
      else if o.compile   then writeJs t.file, t.output, base
      else if o.lint      then lint t.file, t.output
  catch err
    CoffeeScript.emit 'failure', err, task
    return if CoffeeScript.listeners('failure').length
    return printLine err.message + '\x07' if o.watch
    printWarn err instanceof Error and err.stack or "ERROR: #{err}"
    process.exit 1

Attach the appropriate listeners to compile scripts incoming over stdin, and write them back to stdout.

compileStdio = ->
  code = ''
  stdin = process.openStdin()
  stdin.on 'data', (buffer) ->
    code += buffer.toString() if buffer
  stdin.on 'end', ->
    compileScript null, code

If all of the source files are done being read, concatenate and compile them together.

joinTimeout = null
compileJoin = ->
  return unless opts.join
  unless sourceCode.some((code) -> code is null)
    clearTimeout joinTimeout
    joinTimeout = wait 100, ->
      compileScript opts.join, sourceCode.join('\n'), opts.join

Load files that are to-be-required before compilation occurs.

loadRequires = ->
  realFilename = module.filename
  module.filename = '.'
  require req for req in opts.require
  module.filename = realFilename

Watch a source CoffeeScript file using fs.watch, recompiling it every time the file is updated. May be used in combination with other options, such as --lint or --print.

watch = (source, base) ->

  prevStats = null
  compileTimeout = null

  watchErr = (e) ->
    if e.code is 'ENOENT'
      return if sources.indexOf(source) is -1
      catch e
        removeSource source, base, yes
    else throw e

  compile = ->
    clearTimeout compileTimeout
    compileTimeout = wait 25, ->
      fs.stat source, (err, stats) ->
        return watchErr err if err
        return rewatch() if prevStats and stats.size is prevStats.size and
          stats.mtime.getTime() is prevStats.mtime.getTime()
        prevStats = stats
        fs.readFile source, (err, code) ->
          return watchErr err if err
          compileScript(source, code.toString(), base)

    watcher = fs.watch source, compile
  catch e
    watchErr e

  rewatch = ->
    watcher = fs.watch source, compile

Watch a directory of files for new additions.

watchDir = (source, base) ->
  readdirTimeout = null
    watcher = fs.watch source, ->
      clearTimeout readdirTimeout
      readdirTimeout = wait 25, ->
        fs.readdir source, (err, files) ->
          if err
            throw err unless err.code is 'ENOENT'
            return unwatchDir source, base
          for file in files when not hidden(file) and not notSources[file]
            file = path.join source, file
            continue if sources.some (s) -> s.indexOf(file) >= 0
            sources.push file
            sourceCode.push null
            compilePath file, no, base
  catch e
    throw e unless e.code is 'ENOENT'

unwatchDir = (source, base) ->
  prevSources = sources[..]
  toRemove = (file for file in sources when file.indexOf(source) >= 0)
  removeSource file, base, yes for file in toRemove
  return unless sources.some (s, i) -> prevSources[i] isnt s

Remove a file from our source list, and source code cache. Optionally remove the compiled JS version as well.

removeSource = (source, base, removeJs) ->
  index = sources.indexOf source
  sources.splice index, 1
  sourceCode.splice index, 1
  if removeJs and not opts.join
    jsPath = outputPath source, base
    exists jsPath, (itExists) ->
      if itExists
        fs.unlink jsPath, (err) ->
          throw err if err and err.code isnt 'ENOENT'
          timeLog "removed #{source}"

Get the corresponding output JavaScript path for a source file.

outputPath = (source, base) ->
  filename  = path.basename(source, path.extname(source)) + '.js'
  srcDir    = path.dirname source
  baseDir   = if base is '.' then srcDir else srcDir.substring base.length
  dir       = if opts.output then path.join opts.output, baseDir else srcDir
  path.join dir, filename

Write out a JavaScript source file with the compiled code. By default, files are written out in cwd as .js files with the same name, but the output directory can be customized with --output.

writeJs = (source, js, base) ->
  jsPath = outputPath source, base
  jsDir  = path.dirname jsPath
  compile = ->
    js = ' ' if js.length <= 0
    fs.writeFile jsPath, js, (err) ->
      if err
        printLine err.message
      else if opts.compile and opts.watch
        timeLog "compiled #{source}"
  exists jsDir, (itExists) ->
    if itExists then compile() else exec "mkdir -p #{jsDir}", compile

Convenience for cleaner setTimeouts.

wait = (milliseconds, func) -> setTimeout func, milliseconds

When watching scripts, it's useful to log changes with the timestamp.

timeLog = (message) ->
  console.log "#{(new Date).toLocaleTimeString()} - #{message}"

Pipe compiled JS through JSLint (requires a working jsl command), printing any errors or warnings that arise.

lint = (file, js) ->
  printIt = (buffer) -> printLine file + ':\t' + buffer.toString().trim()
  conf = __dirname + '/../../extras/jsl.conf'
  jsl = spawn 'jsl', ['-nologo', '-stdin', '-conf', conf]
  jsl.stdout.on 'data', printIt
  jsl.stderr.on 'data', printIt
  jsl.stdin.write js

Pretty-print a stream of tokens.

printTokens = (tokens) ->
  strings = for token in tokens
    [tag, value] = [token[0], token[1].toString().replace(/\n/, '\\n')]
    "[#{tag} #{value}]"
  printLine strings.join(' ')

Use the OptionParser module to extract all options from process.argv that are specified in SWITCHES.

parseOptions = ->
  optionParser  = new optparse.OptionParser SWITCHES, BANNER
  o = opts      = optionParser.parse process.argv[2..]
  o.compile     or=  !!o.output
  o.run         = not (o.compile or o.print or o.lint)
  o.print       = !!  (o.print or (o.eval or o.stdio and o.compile))
  sources       = o.arguments
  sourceCode[i] = null for source, i in sources

The compile-time options to pass to the CoffeeScript compiler.

compileOptions = (filename) ->
  {filename, bare: opts.bare, header: opts.compile}

Start up a new Node.js instance with the arguments in --nodejs passed to the node binary, preserving the other options.

forkNode = ->
  nodeArgs = opts.nodejs.split /\s+/
  args     = process.argv[1..]
  args.splice args.indexOf('--nodejs'), 2
  spawn process.execPath, nodeArgs.concat(args),
    cwd:        process.cwd()
    env:        process.env
    customFds:  [0, 1, 2]

Print the --help usage message and exit. Deprecated switches are not shown.

usage = ->
  printLine (new optparse.OptionParser SWITCHES, BANNER).help()

Print the --version message and exit.

version = ->
  printLine "CoffeeScript version #{CoffeeScript.VERSION}"