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The coffee utility. Handles command-line compilation of CoffeeScript into various forms: saved into .js files or printed to stdout, piped to JSLint or recompiled every time the source is saved, printed as a token stream or as the syntax tree, or launch an interactive REPL.


External dependencies.

fs:           require 'fs'
path:         require 'path'
optparse:     require './optparse'
CoffeeScript: require './coffee-script'

The help banner that is printed when coffee is called without arguments.

  coffee compiles CoffeeScript source files into JavaScript.

    coffee path/to/script.coffee

The list of all the valid option flags that coffee knows how to handle.

  ['-c', '--compile',       'compile to JavaScript and save as .js files']
  ['-i', '--interactive',   'run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL']
  ['-o', '--output [DIR]',  'set the directory for compiled JavaScript']
  ['-w', '--watch',         'watch scripts for changes, and recompile']
  ['-p', '--print',         'print the compiled JavaScript to stdout']
  ['-l', '--lint',          'pipe the compiled JavaScript through JSLint']
  ['-s', '--stdio',         'listen for and compile scripts over stdio']
  ['-e', '--eval',          'compile a string from the command line']
  [      '--no-wrap',       'compile without the top-level function wrapper']
  ['-t', '--tokens',        'print the tokens that the lexer produces']
  ['-n', '--nodes',         'print the parse tree that Jison produces']
  ['-v', '--version',       'display CoffeeScript version']
  ['-h', '--help',          'display this help message']

Top-level objects shared by all the functions.

options: {}
sources: []
option_parser: null

Run coffee by parsing passed options and determining what action to take. Many flags cause us to divert before compiling anything. Flags passed after -- will be passed verbatim to your script as arguments in process.argv

exports.run: ->
  return usage()                              if options.help
  return version()                            if options.version
  return require './repl'                     if options.interactive
  return compile_stdio()                      if options.stdio
  return compile_script 'console', sources[0] if options.eval
  return usage()                              unless sources.length
  separator: sources.indexOf '--'
  flags: []
  if separator >= 0
    flags: sources[(separator + 1)...sources.length]
    sources: sources[0...separator]
  process.ARGV: process.argv: flags
  watch_scripts() if options.watch

Asynchronously read in each CoffeeScript in a list of source files and compile them.

compile_scripts: ->
  compile: (source) ->
    path.exists source, (exists) ->
      throw new Error "File not found: $source" unless exists
      fs.readFile source, (err, code) -> compile_script(source, code)
  compile(source) for source in sources

Compile a single source script, containing the given code, according to the requested options. Both compile_scripts and watch_scripts share this method in common. If evaluating the script directly sets __filename, __dirname and module.filename to be correct relative to the script's path.

compile_script: (source, code) ->
  o: options
  code_opts: compile_options source
    if      o.tokens      then print_tokens CoffeeScript.tokens code
    else if o.nodes       then puts CoffeeScript.nodes(code).toString()
    else if o.run         then CoffeeScript.run code, code_opts
      js: CoffeeScript.compile code, code_opts
      if o.print          then process.stdio.write js
      else if o.compile   then write_js source, js
      else if o.lint      then lint js
  catch err
    if o.watch            then puts err.message else throw err

Attach the appropriate listeners to compile scripts incoming over stdin, and write them back to stdout.

compile_stdio: ->
  code: ''
  process.stdio.addListener 'data', (string) ->
    code: + string if string
  process.stdio.addListener 'close', ->
    compile_script 'stdio', code

Watch a list of source CoffeeScript files using fs.watchFile, recompiling them every time the files are updated. May be used in combination with other options, such as --lint or --print.

watch_scripts: ->
  watch: (source) ->
    fs.watchFile source, {persistent: true, interval: 500}, (curr, prev) ->
      return if curr.mtime.getTime() is prev.mtime.getTime()
      fs.readFile source, (err, code) -> compile_script(source, code)
  watch(source) for source in sources

Write out a JavaScript source file with the compiled code. By default, files are written out in cwd as .js files with the same name, but the output directory can be customized with --output.

write_js: (source, js) ->
  filename: path.basename(source, path.extname(source)) + '.js'
  dir:      options.output or path.dirname(source)
  js_path:  path.join dir, filename
  fs.writeFile js_path, js

Pipe compiled JS through JSLint (requires a working jsl command), printing any errors or warnings that arise.

lint: (js) ->
  jsl: process.createChildProcess('jsl', ['-nologo', '-stdin'])
  jsl.addListener 'output', (result) ->
    puts result.replace(/\n/g, '') if result
  jsl.addListener 'error', (result) ->
    puts result if result
  jsl.write js

Pretty-print a stream of tokens.

print_tokens: (tokens) ->
  strings: for token in tokens
    [tag, value]: [token[0], token[1].toString().replace(/\n/, '\\n')]
    "[$tag $value]"
  puts strings.join(' ')

Use the OptionParser module to extract all options from process.argv that are specified in SWITCHES.

parse_options: ->
  option_parser: new optparse.OptionParser SWITCHES, BANNER
  o: options:    option_parser.parse(process.argv)
  options.run:   not (o.compile or o.print or o.lint)
  options.print: !!  (o.print or (o.eval or o.stdio and o.compile))
  sources:       options.arguments[2...options.arguments.length]

The compile-time options to pass to the CoffeeScript compiler.

compile_options: (source) ->
  o: {source: source}
  o['no_wrap']: options['no-wrap']

Print the --help usage message and exit.

usage: ->
  puts option_parser.help()
  process.exit 0

Print the --version message and exit.

version: ->
  puts "CoffeeScript version ${CoffeeScript.VERSION}"
  process.exit 0