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The CoffeeScript parser is generated by Jison from this grammar file. Jison is a bottom-up parser generator, similar in style to Bison, implemented in JavaScript. It can recognize LALR(1), LR(0), SLR(1), and LR(1) type grammars. To create the Jison parser, we list the pattern to match on the left-hand side, and the action to take (usually the creation of syntax tree nodes) on the right. As the parser runs, it shifts tokens from our token stream, from left to right, and attempts to match the token sequence against the rules below. When a match can be made, it reduces into the nonterminal (the enclosing name at the top), and we proceed from there.

If you run the cake build:parser command, Jison constructs a parse table from our rules and saves it into lib/parser.js.

The only dependency is on the Jison.Parser.

{Parser} = require 'jison'

Jison DSL

Since we're going to be wrapped in a function by Jison in any case, if our action immediately returns a value, we can optimize by removing the function wrapper and just returning the value directly.

unwrap = /^function\s*\(\)\s*\{\s*return\s*([\s\S]*);\s*\}/

Our handy DSL for Jison grammar generation, thanks to Tim Caswell. For every rule in the grammar, we pass the pattern-defining string, the action to run, and extra options, optionally. If no action is specified, we simply pass the value of the previous nonterminal.

o = (patternString, action, options) ->
  patternString = patternString.replace /\s{2,}/g, ' '
  return [patternString, '$$ = $1;', options] unless action
  action = if match = unwrap.exec action then match[1] else "(#{action}())"
  action = action.replace /\bnew /g, '$&yy.'
  action = action.replace /\b(?:Expressions\.wrap|extend)\b/g, 'yy.$&'
  [patternString, "$$ = #{action};", options]

Grammatical Rules

In all of the rules that follow, you'll see the name of the nonterminal as the key to a list of alternative matches. With each match's action, the dollar-sign variables are provided by Jison as references to the value of their numeric position, so in this rule:

"Expression UNLESS Expression"

$1 would be the value of the first Expression, $2 would be the token for the UNLESS terminal, and $3 would be the value of the second Expression.

grammar =

The Root is the top-level node in the syntax tree. Since we parse bottom-up, all parsing must end here.

  Root: [
    o '',                                       -> new Expressions
    o 'Body'
    o 'Block TERMINATOR'

Any list of statements and expressions, separated by line breaks or semicolons.

  Body: [
    o 'Line',                                   -> Expressions.wrap [$1]
    o 'Body TERMINATOR Line',                   -> $1.push $3
    o 'Body TERMINATOR'

Expressions and statements, which make up a line in a body.

  Line: [
    o 'Expression'
    o 'Statement'

Pure statements which cannot be expressions.

  Statement: [
    o 'Return'
    o 'Throw'
    o 'Comment'
    o 'STATEMENT',                              -> new Literal $1

All the different types of expressions in our language. The basic unit of CoffeeScript is the Expression -- everything that can be an expression is one. Expressions serve as the building blocks of many other rules, making them somewhat circular.

  Expression: [
    o 'Value'
    o 'Invocation'
    o 'Code'
    o 'Operation'
    o 'Assign'
    o 'If'
    o 'Try'
    o 'While'
    o 'For'
    o 'Switch'
    o 'Class'

An indented block of expressions. Note that the Rewriter will convert some postfix forms into blocks for us, by adjusting the token stream.

  Block: [
    o 'INDENT Body OUTDENT',                    -> $2
    o 'INDENT OUTDENT',                         -> new Expressions

A literal identifier, a variable name or property.

  Identifier: [
    o 'IDENTIFIER',                             -> new Literal $1

Alphanumerics are separated from the other Literal matchers because they can also serve as keys in object literals.

  AlphaNumeric: [
    o 'NUMBER',                                 -> new Literal $1
    o 'STRING',                                 -> new Literal $1

All of our immediate values. These can (in general), be passed straight through and printed to JavaScript.

  Literal: [
    o 'AlphaNumeric'
    o 'JS',                                     -> new Literal $1
    o 'REGEX',                                  -> new Literal $1
    o 'BOOL',                                   ->
      new Literal if $1 is 'undefined' then 'void 0' else $1

Assignment of a variable, property, or index to a value.

  Assign: [
    o 'Assignable = Expression',                -> new Assign $1, $3
    o 'Assignable = INDENT Expression OUTDENT', -> new Assign $1, $4

Assignment when it happens within an object literal. The difference from the ordinary Assign is that these allow numbers and strings as keys.

  AssignObj: [
    o 'ObjAssignable',                          -> new Value $1
    o 'ObjAssignable : Expression',             -> new Assign new Value($1), $3, 'object'
    o 'ObjAssignable :
       INDENT Expression OUTDENT',              -> new Assign new Value($1), $4, 'object'
    o 'Comment'

  ObjAssignable: [
    o 'Identifier'
    o 'AlphaNumeric'
    o 'Parenthetical'
    o 'ThisProperty'

A return statement from a function body.

  Return: [
    o 'RETURN Expression',                      -> new Return $2
    o 'RETURN',                                 -> new Return

A block comment.

  Comment: [
    o 'HERECOMMENT',                            -> new Comment $1

The Code node is the function literal. It's defined by an indented block of Expressions preceded by a function arrow, with an optional parameter list.

  Code: [
    o 'PARAM_START ParamList PARAM_END FuncGlyph Block', -> new Code $2, $5, $4
    o 'FuncGlyph Block',                        -> new Code [], $2, $1

CoffeeScript has two different symbols for functions. -> is for ordinary functions, and => is for functions bound to the current value of this.

  FuncGlyph: [
    o '->',                                     -> 'func'
    o '=>',                                     -> 'boundfunc'

An optional, trailing comma.

  OptComma: [
    o ''
    o ','

The list of parameters that a function accepts can be of any length.

  ParamList: [
    o '',                                       -> []
    o 'Param',                                  -> [$1]
    o 'ParamList , Param',                      -> $1.concat $3

A single parameter in a function definition can be ordinary, or a splat that hoovers up the remaining arguments.

  Param: [
    o 'ParamVar',                               -> new Param $1
    o 'ParamVar ...',                           -> new Param $1, null, on
    o 'ParamVar = Expression',                  -> new Param $1, $3

  ParamVar: [
    o 'Identifier'
    o 'ThisProperty'
    o 'Array'
    o 'Object'

A splat that occurs outside of a parameter list.

  Splat: [
    o 'Expression ...',                         -> new Splat $1

Variables and properties that can be assigned to.

  SimpleAssignable: [
    o 'Identifier',                             -> new Value $1
    o 'Value Accessor',                         -> $1.push $2
    o 'Invocation Accessor',                    -> new Value $1, [$2]
    o 'ThisProperty'

Everything that can be assigned to.

  Assignable: [
    o 'SimpleAssignable'
    o 'Array',                                  -> new Value $1
    o 'Object',                                 -> new Value $1

The types of things that can be treated as values -- assigned to, invoked as functions, indexed into, named as a class, etc.

  Value: [
    o 'Assignable'
    o 'Literal',                                -> new Value $1
    o 'Parenthetical',                          -> new Value $1
    o 'This'

The general group of accessors into an object, by property, by prototype or by array index or slice.

  Accessor: [
    o '.  Identifier',                          -> new Accessor $2
    o '?. Identifier',                          -> new Accessor $2, 'soak'
    o ':: Identifier',                          -> new Accessor $2, 'proto'
    o '::',                                     -> new Accessor new Literal 'prototype'
    o 'Index'

Indexing into an object or array using bracket notation.

  Index: [
    o 'INDEX_START Expression INDEX_END',       -> new Index $2
    o 'INDEX_SOAK  Index',                      -> extend $2, soak : yes
    o 'INDEX_PROTO Index',                      -> extend $2, proto: yes

In CoffeeScript, an object literal is simply a list of assignments.

  Object: [
    o '{ AssignList OptComma }',                -> new Obj $2, $1.generated

Assignment of properties within an object literal can be separated by comma, as in JavaScript, or simply by newline.

  AssignList: [
    o '',                                                       -> []
    o 'AssignObj',                                              -> [$1]
    o 'AssignList , AssignObj',                                 -> $1.concat $3
    o 'AssignList OptComma TERMINATOR AssignObj',               -> $1.concat $4
    o 'AssignList OptComma INDENT AssignList OptComma OUTDENT', -> $1.concat $4

Class definitions have optional bodies of prototype property assignments, and optional references to the superclass.

  Class: [
    o 'CLASS',                                      -> new Class
    o 'CLASS Block',                                -> new Class null, null, $2
    o 'CLASS EXTENDS Value',                        -> new Class null, $3
    o 'CLASS EXTENDS Value Block',                  -> new Class null, $3, $4
    o 'CLASS SimpleAssignable',                     -> new Class $2
    o 'CLASS SimpleAssignable Block',               -> new Class $2, null, $3
    o 'CLASS SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Value',       -> new Class $2, $4
    o 'CLASS SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Value Block', -> new Class $2, $4, $5

Ordinary function invocation, or a chained series of calls.

  Invocation: [
    o 'Value OptFuncExist Arguments',           -> new Call $1, $3, $2
    o 'Invocation OptFuncExist Arguments',      -> new Call $1, $3, $2
    o 'SUPER',                                  ->
      new Call 'super', [new Splat new Literal 'arguments']
    o 'SUPER Arguments',                        ->
      new Call 'super', $2

An optional existence check on a function.

  OptFuncExist: [
    o '',                                       -> no
    o 'FUNC_EXIST',                             -> yes

The list of arguments to a function call.

  Arguments: [
    o 'CALL_START CALL_END',                    -> []
    o 'CALL_START ArgList OptComma CALL_END',   -> $2

A reference to the this current object.

  This: [
    o 'THIS',                                   -> new Value new Literal 'this'
    o '@',                                      -> new Value new Literal 'this'

A reference to a property on this.

  ThisProperty: [
    o '@ Identifier',                           -> new Value new Literal('this'), [new Accessor($2)], 'this'

The array literal.

  Array: [
    o '[ ]',                                    -> new Arr []
    o '[ ArgList OptComma ]',                   -> new Arr $2

The ArgList is both the list of objects passed into a function call, as well as the contents of an array literal (i.e. comma-separated expressions). Newlines work as well.

  ArgList: [
    o 'Arg',                                              -> [$1]
    o 'ArgList , Arg',                                    -> $1.concat $3
    o 'ArgList OptComma TERMINATOR Arg',                  -> $1.concat $4
    o 'INDENT ArgList OptComma OUTDENT',                  -> $2
    o 'ArgList OptComma INDENT ArgList OptComma OUTDENT', -> $1.concat $4

Valid arguments are Expressions or Splats.

  Arg: [
    o 'Expression'
    o 'Splat'

Just simple, comma-separated, required arguments (no fancy syntax). We need this to be separate from the ArgList for use in Switch blocks, where having the newlines wouldn't make sense.

  SimpleArgs: [
    o 'Expression'
    o 'SimpleArgs , Expression',                -> [].concat $1, $3

The variants of try/catch/finally exception handling blocks.

  Try: [
    o 'TRY Block',                              -> new Try $2
    o 'TRY Block Catch',                        -> new Try $2, $3[0], $3[1]
    o 'TRY Block FINALLY Block',                -> new Try $2, null, null, $4
    o 'TRY Block Catch FINALLY Block',          -> new Try $2, $3[0], $3[1], $5

A catch clause names its error and runs a block of code.

  Catch: [
    o 'CATCH Identifier Block',                 -> [$2, $3]

Throw an exception object.

  Throw: [
    o 'THROW Expression',                       -> new Throw $2

Parenthetical expressions. Note that the Parenthetical is a Value, not an Expression, so if you need to use an expression in a place where only values are accepted, wrapping it in parentheses will always do the trick.

  Parenthetical: [
    o '( Expression )',                         -> new Parens $2

The condition portion of a while loop.

  WhileSource: [
    o 'WHILE Expression',                       -> new While $2
    o 'WHILE Expression WHEN Expression',       -> new While $2, guard: $4
    o 'UNTIL Expression',                       -> new While $2, invert: true
    o 'UNTIL Expression WHEN Expression',       -> new While $2, invert: true, guard: $4

The while loop can either be normal, with a block of expressions to execute, or postfix, with a single expression. There is no do..while.

  While: [
    o 'WhileSource Block',                      -> $1.addBody $2
    o 'Statement  WhileSource',                 -> $2.addBody Expressions.wrap [$1]
    o 'Expression WhileSource',                 -> $2.addBody Expressions.wrap [$1]
    o 'Loop',                                   -> $1

  Loop: [
    o 'LOOP Block',                             -> new While(new Literal 'true').addBody $2
    o 'LOOP Expression',                        -> new While(new Literal 'true').addBody Expressions.wrap [$2]

Array, object, and range comprehensions, at the most generic level. Comprehensions can either be normal, with a block of expressions to execute, or postfix, with a single expression.

  For: [
    o 'Statement  ForBody',                     -> new For $1, $2
    o 'Expression ForBody',                     -> new For $1, $2
    o 'ForBody    Block',                       -> new For $2, $1

An array of all accepted values for a variable inside the loop. This enables support for pattern matching.

  ForValue: [
    o 'Identifier'
    o 'Array',                                  -> new Value $1
    o 'Object',                                 -> new Value $1

  ForIn: [
    o 'FORIN Expression',                               -> source: $2
    o 'FORIN Expression WHEN Expression',               -> source: $2, guard: $4
    o 'FORIN Expression BY Expression',                 -> source: $2, step: $4
    o 'FORIN Expression BY Expression WHEN Expression', -> source: $2, step: $4, guard: $6

  ForOf: [
    o 'FOROF Expression',                       -> object: on, source: $2
    o 'FOROF Expression WHEN Expression',       -> object: on, source: $2, guard: $4

  ForTo: [
    o 'TO Expression',                               -> to: $2
    o 'TO Expression WHEN Expression',               -> to: $2, guard: $4
    o 'TO Expression BY Expression',                 -> to: $2, step: $4
    o 'TO Expression BY Expression WHEN Expression', -> to: $2, step: $4, guard: $6

The source of a comprehension is an array or object with an optional guard clause. If it's an array comprehension, you can also choose to step through in fixed-size increments.

  ForBody: [
    o 'FOR ForValue ForIn',                     -> extend $3, name: $2
    o 'FOR ForValue , Identifier ForIn',        -> extend $5, name: $2, index: $4
    o 'FOR Identifier ForOf',                   -> extend $3, index: $2
    o 'FOR ForValue , ForValue ForOf',          -> extend $5, index: $2, name: $4
    o 'FOR ALL Identifier ForOf',               -> extend $4, raw: on, index: $3
    o 'FOR ALL Identifier , ForValue ForOf',    -> extend $6, raw: on, index: $3, name: $5
    o 'FOR Identifier FROM Expression ForTo',   -> extend $5, index: $2, from: $4

  Switch: [
    o 'SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens OUTDENT',            -> new Switch $2, $4
    o 'SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT', -> new Switch $2, $4, $6
    o 'SWITCH INDENT Whens OUTDENT',                       -> new Switch null, $3
    o 'SWITCH INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT',            -> new Switch null, $3, $5

  Whens: [
    o 'When'
    o 'Whens When',                             -> $1.concat $2

An individual When clause, with action.

  When: [
    o 'LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block',            -> [[$2, $3]]
    o 'LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block TERMINATOR', -> [[$2, $3]]

The most basic form of if is a condition and an action. The following if-related rules are broken up along these lines in order to avoid ambiguity.

  IfBlock: [
    o 'IF Expression Block',                    -> new If $2, $3
    o 'UNLESS Expression Block',                -> new If $2, $3, invert: true
    o 'IfBlock ELSE IF Expression Block',       -> $1.addElse new If $4, $5
    o 'IfBlock ELSE Block',                     -> $1.addElse $3

The full complement of if expressions, including postfix one-liner if and unless.

  If: [
    o 'IfBlock'
    o 'Statement  POST_IF Expression',          -> new If $3, Expressions.wrap([$1]), statement: true
    o 'Expression POST_IF Expression',          -> new If $3, Expressions.wrap([$1]), statement: true
    o 'Statement  POST_UNLESS Expression',      -> new If $3, Expressions.wrap([$1]), statement: true, invert: true
    o 'Expression POST_UNLESS Expression',      -> new If $3, Expressions.wrap([$1]), statement: true, invert: true

Arithmetic and logical operators, working on one or more operands. Here they are grouped by order of precedence. The actual precedence rules are defined at the bottom of the page. It would be shorter if we could combine most of these rules into a single generic Operand OpSymbol Operand -type rule, but in order to make the precedence binding possible, separate rules are necessary.

  Operation: [
    o 'UNARY Expression',                       -> new Op $1 , $2
    o '-     Expression',                      (-> new Op '-', $2), prec: 'UNARY'
    o '+     Expression',                      (-> new Op '+', $2), prec: 'UNARY'

    o '-- SimpleAssignable',                    -> new Op '--', $2
    o '++ SimpleAssignable',                    -> new Op '++', $2
    o 'SimpleAssignable --',                    -> new Op '--', $1, null, true
    o 'SimpleAssignable ++',                    -> new Op '++', $1, null, true

The existential operator.

    o 'Expression ?',                           -> new Existence $1

    o 'Expression +  Expression',               -> new Op '+' , $1, $3
    o 'Expression -  Expression',               -> new Op '-' , $1, $3

    o 'Expression MATH     Expression',         -> new Op $2, $1, $3
    o 'Expression SHIFT    Expression',         -> new Op $2, $1, $3
    o 'Expression COMPARE  Expression',         -> new Op $2, $1, $3
    o 'Expression LOGIC    Expression',         -> new Op $2, $1, $3
    o 'Expression RELATION Expression',         ->
      if $2.charAt(0) is '!'
        new Op($2.slice(1), $1, $3).invert()
        new Op $2, $1, $3

    o 'SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN
       Expression',                             -> new Assign $1, $3, $2
    o 'SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN
       INDENT Expression OUTDENT',              -> new Assign $1, $4, $2
    o 'SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Expression',    -> new Extends $1, $3


Operators at the top of this list have higher precedence than the ones lower down. Following these rules is what makes 2 + 3 * 4 parse as:

2 + (3 * 4)

And not:

(2 + 3) * 4
operators = [
  ['left',      '.', '?.', '::']
  ['left',      'CALL_START', 'CALL_END']
  ['nonassoc',  '++', '--']
  ['left',      '?']
  ['right',     'UNARY']
  ['left',      'MATH']
  ['left',      '+', '-']
  ['left',      'SHIFT']
  ['left',      'RELATION']
  ['left',      'COMPARE']
  ['left',      'LOGIC']
  ['nonassoc',  'INDENT', 'OUTDENT']
  ['right',     '=', ':', 'COMPOUND_ASSIGN', 'RETURN', 'THROW', 'EXTENDS']
  ['right',     'FORIN', 'FOROF', 'FROM', 'TO', 'BY', 'WHEN']
  ['right',     'IF', 'UNLESS', 'ELSE', 'FOR', 'WHILE', 'UNTIL', 'LOOP', 'SUPER', 'CLASS']
  ['right',     'POST_IF', 'POST_UNLESS']

Wrapping Up

Finally, now what we have our grammar and our operators, we can create our Jison.Parser. We do this by processing all of our rules, recording all terminals (every symbol which does not appear as the name of a rule above) as "tokens".

tokens = []
for all name, alternatives of grammar
  grammar[name] = for alt in alternatives
    for token in alt[0].split ' '
      tokens.push token unless grammar[token]
    alt[1] = "return #{alt[1]}" if name is 'Root'

Initialize the Parser with our list of terminal tokens, our grammar rules, and the name of the root. Reverse the operators because Jison orders precedence from low to high, and we have it high to low (as in Yacc).

exports.parser = new Parser
  tokens      : tokens.join ' '
  bnf         : grammar
  operators   : operators.reverse()
  startSymbol : 'Root'