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CoffeeScript can be used both on the server, as a command-line compiler based on Node.js/V8, or to run CoffeeScripts directly in the browser. This module contains the main entry functions for tokenizing, parsing, and compiling source CoffeeScript into JavaScript.

If included on a webpage, it will automatically sniff out, compile, and execute all scripts present in text/coffeescript tags.

fs               = require 'fs'
path             = require 'path'
{Lexer,RESERVED} = require './lexer'
{parser}         = require './parser'
vm               = require 'vm'

TODO: Remove registerExtension when fully deprecated.

if require.extensions
  require.extensions['.coffee'] = (module, filename) ->
    content = compile fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'), {filename}
    module._compile content, filename
else if require.registerExtension
  require.registerExtension '.coffee', (content) -> compile content

The current CoffeeScript version number.

exports.VERSION = '1.2.0'

Words that cannot be used as identifiers in CoffeeScript code


Expose helpers for testing.

exports.helpers = require './helpers'

Compile a string of CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler.

exports.compile = compile = (code, options = {}) ->
  {merge} = exports.helpers
    (parser.parse lexer.tokenize code).compile merge {}, options
  catch err
    err.message = "In #{options.filename}, #{err.message}" if options.filename
    throw err

Tokenize a string of CoffeeScript code, and return the array of tokens.

exports.tokens = (code, options) ->
  lexer.tokenize code, options

Parse a string of CoffeeScript code or an array of lexed tokens, and return the AST. You can then compile it by calling .compile() on the root, or traverse it by using .traverseChildren() with a callback.

exports.nodes = (source, options) ->
  if typeof source is 'string'
    parser.parse lexer.tokenize source, options
    parser.parse source

Compile and execute a string of CoffeeScript (on the server), correctly setting __filename, __dirname, and relative require().

exports.run = (code, options) ->
  mainModule = require.main

Set the filename.

  mainModule.filename = process.argv[1] =
      if options.filename then fs.realpathSync(options.filename) else '.'

Clear the module cache.

  mainModule.moduleCache and= {}

Assign paths for node_modules loading

  mainModule.paths = require('module')._nodeModulePaths path.dirname options.filename


  if path.extname(mainModule.filename) isnt '.coffee' or require.extensions
    mainModule._compile compile(code, options), mainModule.filename
    mainModule._compile code, mainModule.filename

Compile and evaluate a string of CoffeeScript (in a Node.js-like environment). The CoffeeScript REPL uses this to run the input.

exports.eval = (code, options = {}) ->
  return unless code = code.trim()
  Script = vm.Script
  if Script
    if options.sandbox?
      if options.sandbox instanceof Script.createContext().constructor
        sandbox = options.sandbox
        sandbox = Script.createContext()
        sandbox[k] = v for own k, v of options.sandbox
      sandbox.global = sandbox.root = sandbox.GLOBAL = sandbox
      sandbox = global
    sandbox.__filename = options.filename || 'eval'
    sandbox.__dirname  = path.dirname sandbox.__filename

define module/require only if they chose not to specify their own

    unless sandbox isnt global or sandbox.module or sandbox.require
      Module = require 'module'
      sandbox.module  = _module  = new Module(options.modulename || 'eval')
      sandbox.require = _require = (path) ->  Module._load path, _module, true
      _module.filename = sandbox.__filename
      _require[r] = require[r] for r in Object.getOwnPropertyNames require when r isnt 'paths'

use the same hack node currently uses for their own REPL

      _require.paths = _module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths process.cwd()
      _require.resolve = (request) -> Module._resolveFilename request, _module
  o = {}
  o[k] = v for own k, v of options
  o.bare = on # ensure return value
  js = compile code, o
  if sandbox is global
    vm.runInThisContext js
    vm.runInContext js, sandbox

Instantiate a Lexer for our use here.

lexer = new Lexer

The real Lexer produces a generic stream of tokens. This object provides a thin wrapper around it, compatible with the Jison API. We can then pass it directly as a "Jison lexer".

parser.lexer =
  lex: ->
    [tag, @yytext, @yylineno] = @tokens[@pos++] or ['']
  setInput: (@tokens) ->
    @pos = 0
  upcomingInput: ->

parser.yy = require './nodes'