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let and const: block-scoped and reassignment-protected variables

When CoffeeScript was designed, var was intentionally omitted. This was to spare developers the mental housekeeping of needing to worry about variable declaration (var foo) as opposed to variable assignment (foo = 1). The CoffeeScript compiler automatically takes care of declaration for you, by generating var statements at the top of every function scope. This makes it impossible to accidentally declare a global variable.

let and const add a useful ability to JavaScript in that you can use them to declare variables within a block scope, for example within an if statement body or a for loop body, whereas var always declares variables in the scope of an entire function. When CoffeeScript 2 was designed, there was much discussion of whether this functionality was useful enough to outweigh the simplicity offered by never needing to consider variable declaration in CoffeeScript. In the end, it was decided that the simplicity was more valued. In CoffeeScript there remains only one type of variable.

Keep in mind that const only protects you from reassigning a variable; it doesnt prevent the variables value from changing, the way constants usually do in other languages:

const obj = {foo: 'bar'};
obj.foo = 'baz'; // Allowed!
obj = {}; // Throws error