Unfancy JavaScript
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Jeremy Ashkenas d2d5f649d3 caching the length property lookup for vanilla array comprehensions and rebuilding docs 2010-02-25 23:39:14 -05:00
bin allowing checked out versions of the source to use bin/cake and bin/coffee from any directory. 2010-02-22 09:12:52 -05:00
documentation caching the length property lookup for vanilla array comprehensions and rebuilding docs 2010-02-25 23:39:14 -05:00
examples Fixed web_server example to be compatible with Node v0.1.30 2010-02-25 17:42:05 -06:00
extras new live 'Try CoffeeScript' 2010-02-25 20:39:34 -05:00
lib caching the length property lookup for vanilla array comprehensions and rebuilding docs 2010-02-25 23:39:14 -05:00
src caching the length property lookup for vanilla array comprehensions and rebuilding docs 2010-02-25 23:39:14 -05:00
test adding a test for nested pattern matching 2010-02-25 07:31:33 -05:00
vendor/jison updating to the latest Jison 2010-02-23 21:03:05 -05:00
.gitignore adding the compiled parser back into the repo (after all that) so that it can be used as the source for the narwhal package 2010-01-23 12:44:36 -05:00
Cakefile moving some of the fs methods over to sync methods, where it's alright and where it makes things clearer 2010-02-25 21:53:42 -05:00
LICENSE bumping the license to 2010 2010-01-10 17:57:29 -05:00
README doc update 2010-02-25 17:18:28 -05:00
Rakefile implementing the inline javascript in the documentation page in text/coffeescript, switching from the closure compiler to the yui compressor for building the browser version -- the closure compiler had a bug for our input -- fixable by hand but not worth the tiny savings 2010-02-24 20:41:56 -05:00
index.html caching the length property lookup for vanilla array comprehensions and rebuilding docs 2010-02-25 23:39:14 -05:00
package.json docs for CoffeeScript 0.5.2, which is now out. 2010-02-25 00:26:59 -05:00


         }   }   {              
        {   {  }  }             
         }   }{  {               
        {  }{  }  }                    _____       __  __           
       ( }{ }{  { )                   / ____|     / _|/ _|          
     .- { { }  { }} -.               | |     ___ | |_| |_ ___  ___ 
    (  ( } { } { } }  )              | |    / _ \|  _|  _/ _ \/ _ \ 
    |`-..________ ..-'|              | |___| (_) | | | ||  __/  __/ 
    |                 |               \_____\___/|_| |_| \___|\___|
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    |                 | )  )          / ____|         (_)     | |  
    |                 |/  /          | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_ 
    |                 (  /            \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
    |                 |/              ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_ 
    |                 |              |_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|
     `-.._________..-'                                  | |        
  CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
  Install Node.js, and then the CoffeeScript compiler:
  sudo bin/cake install
  Compile a script:
  coffee /path/to/script.coffee
  For documentation, usage, and examples, see:
  To suggest a feature, report a bug, or general discussion:
  If you'd like to chat, drop by #coffeescript on Freenode IRC,
  or on webchat.freenode.net.

  The source repository: