* Added User Guide section outlines. * Added User Guide to menu. * Moved HTTPS example to articles. * Replaced Hello World example with User Guide. * Moved use cases out of examples. * Updated Introduction to add User Guide. * Redirected migrated /use and /articles links. * Added Docker.io section * Added Dockerized section * Added Using Docker section * Added Docker Images section * Added Docker Links section * Added Docker Volumes section Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: James Turnbull <james@lovedthanlost.net> (github: jamtur01)
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page_title: Dockerizing a Redis service page_description: Installing and running an redis service page_keywords: docker, example, package installation, networking, redis
Dockerizing a Redis Service
Very simple, no frills, Redis service attached to a web application using a link.
Create a docker container for Redis
Firstly, we create a Dockerfile
for our new Redis
FROM ubuntu:12.10
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install redis-server
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/redis-server"]
Next we build an image from our Dockerfile
Replace <your username>
with your own user name.
$ sudo docker build -t <your username>/redis .
Run the service
Use the image we've just created and name your container redis
Running the service with -d
runs the container in detached mode, leaving
the container running in the background.
Importantly, we're not exposing any ports on our container. Instead we're going to use a container link to provide access to our Redis database.
$ sudo docker run --name redis -d <your username>/redis
Create your web application container
Next we can create a container for our application. We're going to use
the -link
flag to create a link to the redis
container we've just
created with an alias of db
. This will create a secure tunnel to the
container and expose the Redis instance running inside that
container to only this container.
$ sudo docker run --link redis:db -i -t ubuntu:12.10 /bin/bash
Once inside our freshly created container we need to install Redis to
get the redis-cli
binary to test our connection.
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get -y install redis-server
$ service redis-server stop
As we've used the --link redis:db
option, Docker
has created some environment variables in our web application container.
$ env | grep DB_
# Should return something similar to this with your values
We can see that we've got a small list of environment variables prefixed
with DB
. The DB
comes from the link alias specified when we launched
the container. Let's use the DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR
variable to connect to
our Redis container.
$ redis-cli -h $DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR
$ redis>
$ redis> set docker awesome
$ redis> get docker
$ redis> exit
We could easily use this or other environment variables in our web
application to make a connection to our redis