
888 B

docker website

This is the docker website repository


  • Checkout this repo to your local dir
  • Install sphinx: pip install sphinx
  • Push this to dotcloud


  • run make docs
  • your static website can now be found in the _build dir
  • change the .rst files with your favorite editor to your liking
  • run make clean to clean up
  • run make docs to build the new version


  • The index.html file is copied from the source dir to the output dir without modification. So changes to the index.html page should be made directly in html
  • a simple way to run locally. cd into _build and then run 'python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000'
  • For the Template the css is compiled from less. When changes are needed they can be compiled using lessc lessc main.less or watched using watch-lessc watch-lessc -i main.less -o main.css