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stack rm The stack rm command description and usage stack, rm, remove, down

stack rm

Usage:  docker stack rm STACK [STACK...]

Remove one or more stacks

  rm, remove, down

      --help   Print usage


Remove the stack from the swarm. This command has to be run targeting a manager node.


Remove a stack

This will remove the stack with the name myapp. Services, networks, and secrets associated with the stack will be removed.

$ docker stack rm myapp

Removing service myapp_redis
Removing service myapp_web
Removing service myapp_lb
Removing network myapp_default
Removing network myapp_frontend

Remove multiple stacks

This will remove all the specified stacks, myapp and vossibility. Services, networks, and secrets associated with all the specified stacks will be removed.

$ docker stack rm myapp vossibility

Removing service myapp_redis
Removing service myapp_web
Removing service myapp_lb
Removing network myapp_default
Removing network myapp_frontend
Removing service vossibility_nsqd
Removing service vossibility_logstash
Removing service vossibility_elasticsearch
Removing service vossibility_kibana
Removing service vossibility_ghollector
Removing service vossibility_lookupd
Removing network vossibility_default
Removing network vossibility_vossibility