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James Turnbull 2819677c21 Initial links for Docker Hub rename
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: James Turnbull <james@lovedthanlost.net> (github: jamtur01)
2014-06-04 16:48:49 -07:00

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page_title: Remote API v1.7 page_description: API Documentation for Docker page_keywords: API, Docker, rcli, REST, documentation

Docker Remote API v1.7

1. Brief introduction

  • The Remote API has replaced rcli
  • The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket.
  • The API tends to be REST, but for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport stdout, stdin and stderr

2. Endpoints

2.1 Containers

List containers

GET /containers/json

List containers

**Example request**:

    GET /containers/json?all=1&before=8dfafdbc3a40&size=1 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

                 "Id": "8dfafdbc3a40",
                 "Image": "base:latest",
                 "Command": "echo 1",
                 "Created": 1367854155,
                 "Status": "Exit 0",
                 "Ports":[{"PrivatePort": 2222, "PublicPort": 3333, "Type": "tcp"}],
                 "Id": "9cd87474be90",
                 "Image": "base:latest",
                 "Command": "echo 222222",
                 "Created": 1367854155,
                 "Status": "Exit 0",
                 "Id": "3176a2479c92",
                 "Image": "base:latest",
                 "Command": "echo 3333333333333333",
                 "Created": 1367854154,
                 "Status": "Exit 0",
                 "Id": "4cb07b47f9fb",
                 "Image": "base:latest",
                 "Command": "echo 444444444444444444444444444444444",
                 "Created": 1367854152,
                 "Status": "Exit 0",

Query Parameters:


-   **all**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, Show all containers.
    Only running containers are shown by default
-   **limit**  Show `limit` last created
    containers, include non-running ones.
-   **since**  Show only containers created since Id, include
    non-running ones.
-   **before**  Show only containers created before Id, include
    non-running ones.
-   **size**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, Show the containers

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **400**  bad parameter
-   **500**  server error

Create a container

POST /containers/create

Create a container

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/create HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json

                 "/tmp": {}
                 "22/tcp": {}

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 201 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Json Parameters:


-   **config**  the container's configuration

Status Codes:

-   **201**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **406**  impossible to attach (container not running)
-   **500**  server error

Inspect a container

GET /containers/(id)/json

Return low-level information on the container id

**Example request**:

    GET /containers/4fa6e0f0c678/json HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

                 "Id": "4fa6e0f0c6786287e131c3852c58a2e01cc697a68231826813597e4994f1d6e2",
                 "Created": "2013-05-07T14:51:42.041847+02:00",
                 "Path": "date",
                 "Args": [],
                 "Config": {
                         "Hostname": "4fa6e0f0c678",
                         "User": "",
                         "Memory": 0,
                         "MemorySwap": 0,
                         "AttachStdin": false,
                         "AttachStdout": true,
                         "AttachStderr": true,
                         "PortSpecs": null,
                         "Tty": false,
                         "OpenStdin": false,
                         "StdinOnce": false,
                         "Env": null,
                         "Cmd": [
                         "Dns": null,
                         "Image": "base",
                         "Volumes": {},
                         "VolumesFrom": "",

                 "State": {
                         "Running": false,
                         "Pid": 0,
                         "ExitCode": 0,
                         "StartedAt": "2013-05-07T14:51:42.087658+02:01360",
                         "Ghost": false
                 "Image": "b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc",
                 "NetworkSettings": {
                         "IpAddress": "",
                         "IpPrefixLen": 0,
                         "Gateway": "",
                         "Bridge": "",
                         "PortMapping": null
                 "SysInitPath": "/home/kitty/go/src/github.com/dotcloud/docker/bin/docker",
                 "ResolvConfPath": "/etc/resolv.conf",
                 "Volumes": {}

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

List processes running inside a container

GET /containers/(id)/top

List processes running inside the container id

**Example request**:

    GET /containers/4fa6e0f0c678/top HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Query Parameters:


-   **ps_args**  ps arguments to use (eg. aux)

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Inspect changes on a container's filesystem

GET /containers/(id)/changes

Inspect changes on container id's filesystem

**Example request**:

    GET /containers/4fa6e0f0c678/changes HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Export a container

GET /containers/(id)/export

Export the contents of container id

**Example request**:

    GET /containers/4fa6e0f0c678/export HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream

    {{ STREAM }}

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Start a container

POST /containers/(id)/start

Start the container id

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/(id)/start HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json

         "PortBindings":{ "22/tcp": [{ "HostPort": "11022" }] },

Binds need to reference Volumes that were defined during container

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Content-Type: text/plain

Json Parameters:


-   **hostConfig**  the container's host configuration (optional)

Status Codes:

-   **204**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Stop a container

POST /containers/(id)/stop

Stop the container id

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/e90e34656806/stop?t=5 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Query Parameters:


-   **t**  number of seconds to wait before killing the container

Status Codes:

-   **204**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Restart a container

POST /containers/(id)/restart

Restart the container id

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/e90e34656806/restart?t=5 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Query Parameters:


-   **t**  number of seconds to wait before killing the container

Status Codes:

-   **204**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Kill a container

POST /containers/(id)/kill

Kill the container id

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/e90e34656806/kill HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Status Codes:

-   **204**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Attach to a container

POST /containers/(id)/attach

Attach to the container id

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/16253994b7c4/attach?logs=1&stream=0&stdout=1 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.raw-stream

    {{ STREAM }}

Query Parameters:


-   **logs**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, return logs. Default
-   **stream**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, return stream.
    Default false
-   **stdin**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, if stream=true, attach
    to stdin. Default false
-   **stdout**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, if logs=true, return
    stdout log, if stream=true, attach to stdout. Default false
-   **stderr**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, if logs=true, return
    stderr log, if stream=true, attach to stderr. Default false

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **400**  bad parameter
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

**Stream details**:

When using the TTY setting is enabled in
[`POST /containers/create`
](/api/docker_remote_api_v1.9/#post--containers-create "POST /containers/create"),
the stream is the raw data from the process PTY and client's stdin.
When the TTY is disabled, then the stream is multiplexed to separate
stdout and stderr.

The format is a **Header** and a **Payload** (frame).


The header will contain the information on which stream write the
stream (stdout or stderr). It also contain the size of the
associated frame encoded on the last 4 bytes (uint32).

It is encoded on the first 8 bytes like this:

    header := [8]byte{STREAM_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4}

`STREAM_TYPE` can be:

-   0: stdin (will be writen on stdout)
-   1: stdout
-   2: stderr

`SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4` are the 4 bytes of
the uint32 size encoded as big endian.


The payload is the raw stream.


The simplest way to implement the Attach protocol is the following:

1.  Read 8 bytes
2.  chose stdout or stderr depending on the first byte
3.  Extract the frame size from the last 4 byets
4.  Read the extracted size and output it on the correct output
5.  Goto 1)

Wait a container

POST /containers/(id)/wait

Block until container id stops, then returns the exit code

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/16253994b7c4/wait HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Remove a container

DELETE /containers/(id)

Remove the container id from the filesystem

**Example request**:

    DELETE /containers/16253994b7c4?v=1 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 204 OK

Query Parameters:


-   **v**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, Remove the volumes
    associated to the container. Default false

Status Codes:

-   **204**  no error
-   **400**  bad parameter
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Copy files or folders from a container

POST /containers/(id)/copy

Copy files or folders of container id

**Example request**:

    POST /containers/4fa6e0f0c678/copy HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json


**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream

    {{ STREAM }}

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

2.2 Images

List Images

GET /images/json

Example request:

    GET /images/json?all=0 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

         "RepoTags": [
         "Id": "8dbd9e392a964056420e5d58ca5cc376ef18e2de93b5cc90e868a1bbc8318c1c",
         "Created": 1365714795,
         "Size": 131506275,
         "VirtualSize": 131506275
         "RepoTags": [
         "ParentId": "27cf784147099545",
         "Id": "b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc",
         "Created": 1364102658,
         "Size": 24653,
         "VirtualSize": 180116135

Create an image

POST /images/create

Create an image, either by pull it from the registry or by importing it

**Example request**:

    POST /images/create?fromImage=base HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

    {"status":"Pulling", "progress":"1/? (n/a)"}

When using this endpoint to pull an image from the registry, the
`X-Registry-Auth` header can be used to include
a base64-encoded AuthConfig object.

Query Parameters:


-   **fromImage**  name of the image to pull
-   **fromSrc**  source to import, - means stdin
-   **repo**  repository
-   **tag**  tag
-   **registry**  the registry to pull from

Request Headers:


-   **X-Registry-Auth**  base64-encoded AuthConfig object

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Insert a file in an image

POST /images/(name)/insert

Insert a file from url in the image name at path

**Example request**:

    POST /images/test/insert?path=/usr&url=myurl HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

    {"status":"Inserting", "progress":"1/? (n/a)"}

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Inspect an image

GET /images/(name)/json

Return low-level information on the image name

**Example request**:

    GET /images/base/json HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

                         "Cmd": ["/bin/bash"]
         "Size": 6824592

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such image
-   **500**  server error

Get the history of an image

GET /images/(name)/history

Return the history of the image name

**Example request**:

    GET /images/base/history HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such image
-   **500**  server error

Push an image on the registry

POST /images/(name)/push

Push the image name on the registry

**Example request**:

    POST /images/test/push HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

    {"status":"Pushing", "progress":"1/? (n/a)"}

Query Parameters:


-   **registry**  the registry you wan to push, optional

Request Headers:


-   **X-Registry-Auth**  include a base64-encoded AuthConfig

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such image
-   **500**  server error

Tag an image into a repository

POST /images/(name)/tag

Tag the image name into a repository

**Example request**:

    POST /images/test/tag?repo=myrepo&force=0 HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 201 OK

Query Parameters:


-   **repo**  The repository to tag in
-   **force**  1/True/true or 0/False/false, default false

Status Codes:

-   **201**  no error
-   **400**  bad parameter
-   **404**  no such image
-   **409**  conflict
-   **500**  server error

Remove an image

DELETE /images/(name)

Remove the image name from the filesystem

**Example request**:

    DELETE /images/test HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-type: application/json


Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **404**  no such image
-   **409**  conflict
-   **500**  server error

Search images

GET /images/search

Search for an image on Docker Hub.


: The response keys have changed from API v1.6 to reflect the JSON sent by the registry server to the docker daemon's request.

**Example request**:

    GET /images/search?term=sshd HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

                "description": "",
                "is_official": false,
                "is_trusted": false,
                "name": "wma55/u1210sshd",
                "star_count": 0
                "description": "",
                "is_official": false,
                "is_trusted": false,
                "name": "jdswinbank/sshd",
                "star_count": 0
                "description": "",
                "is_official": false,
                "is_trusted": false,
                "name": "vgauthier/sshd",
                "star_count": 0

Query Parameters:


-   **term**  term to search

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

2.3 Misc

Build an image from Dockerfile via stdin

POST /build

Build an image from Dockerfile via stdin

**Example request**:

    POST /build HTTP/1.1

    {{ STREAM }}

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

    {{ STREAM }}

The stream must be a tar archive compressed with one of the
following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, xz.

The archive must include a file called `Dockerfile`
at its root. It may include any number of other files,
which will be accessible in the build context (See the [*ADD build

Query Parameters:


-   **t**  repository name (and optionally a tag) to be applied to
    the resulting image in case of success
-   **q**  suppress verbose build output
-   **nocache**  do not use the cache when building the image

Request Headers:


-   **Content-type**  should be set to

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Check auth configuration

POST /auth

Get the default username and email

**Example request**:

    POST /auth HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json


**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **204**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Display system-wide information

GET /info

Display system-wide information

**Example request**:

    GET /info HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json

         "NFd": 11,

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Show the docker version information

GET /version

Show the docker version information

**Example request**:

    GET /version HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Create a new image from a container's changes

POST /commit

Create a new image from a container's changes

**Example request**:

    POST /commit?container=44c004db4b17&m=message&repo=myrepo HTTP/1.1

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 201 OK
        Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.raw-stream


Query Parameters:


-   **container**  source container
-   **repo**  repository
-   **tag**  tag
-   **m**  commit message
-   **author**  author (eg. "John Hannibal Smith
-   **run**  config automatically applied when the image is run.
    (ex: {"Cmd": ["cat", "/world"], "PortSpecs":["22"]})

Status Codes:

-   **201**  no error
-   **404**  no such container
-   **500**  server error

Monitor Docker's events

GET /events

Get events from docker, either in real time via streaming, or via polling (using since)

**Example request**:

    GET /events?since=1374067924

**Example response**:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json


Query Parameters:


-   **since**  timestamp used for polling

Status Codes:

-   **200**  no error
-   **500**  server error

Get a tarball containing all images and tags in a repository

GET /images/(name)/get

Get a tarball containing all images and metadata for the repository specified by name.

**Example request**

           GET /images/ubuntu/get

       **Example response**:

       .. sourcecode:: http

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/x-tar

    Binary data stream
        :statuscode 200: no error
        :statuscode 500: server error

Load a tarball with a set of images and tags into docker

POST /images/load

Load a set of images and tags into the docker repository.

**Example request**

        POST /images/load

      Tarball in body

    **Example response**:

    .. sourcecode:: http

       HTTP/1.1 200 OK

     :statuscode 200: no error
     :statuscode 500: server error

3. Going further

3.1 Inside docker run

Here are the steps of docker run :

  • Create the container

  • If the status code is 404, it means the image doesn't exists: - Try to pull it - Then retry to create the container

  • Start the container

  • If you are not in detached mode: - Attach to the container, using logs=1 (to have stdout and stderr from the container's start) and stream=1

  • If in detached mode or only stdin is attached: - Display the container's id

3.2 Hijacking

In this version of the API, /attach, uses hijacking to transport stdin, stdout and stderr on the same socket. This might change in the future.

3.3 CORS Requests

To enable cross origin requests to the remote api add the flag "api-enable-cors" when running docker in daemon mode.

$ docker -d -H="" --api-enable-cors