* additional * ambiguous * anonymous * anything * application * because * before * building * capabilities * circumstances * commit * committer * compresses * concatenated * config * container * container's * current * definition * delimiter * disassociates * discovery * distributed * doesnotexist * downloads * duplicates * either * enhancing * enumerate * escapable * exactly * expect * expectations * expected * explicitly * false * filesystem * following * forbidden * git with * healthcheck * ignore * independent * inheritance * investigating * irrelevant * it * logging * looking * membership * mimic * minimum * modify * mountpoint * multiline * notifier * outputting * outside * overridden * override * parsable * plugins * precedence * propagation * provided * provides * registries * repositories * returning * settings * should * signals * someone * something * specifically * successfully * synchronize * they've * thinking * uninitialized * unintentionally * unmarshaling * unnamed * unreferenced * verify Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
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Development Report for May 08, 2017
Daily Meeting
A daily meeting is hosted on slack every business day at 9am PST on the channel #moby-project
During this meeting, we are talking about the tasks needed to be done for splitting moby and docker.
Topics discussed last week
The CLI split
The Docker CLI was successfully moved to https://github.com/docker/cli last week thanks to @tiborvass The Docker CLI is now compiled from the Dockerfile
Mailing list
Discourse is available at forums.mobyproject.org thanks to @thaJeztah. mailing-list mode is enabled, so once you register there, you will received every new threads / messages via email. So far, 3 categories were created: Architecture, Meta & Support. The last step missing is to setup an email address to be able to start a new thread via email.
Find a place for /pkg
Lots of discussion and progress made on this topic thanks to @dnephin. Here is the list proposed to split/reorganize the pkgs.
Find a good and non-confusing home for the remaining monolith
@cpuguy83 is leading the effort here. It's still WIP but the way we are experimenting with is to reorganise directories within the moby/moby.
So far only work on the builder, by @tonistiigi, happened regarding the componentization effort.
The builder dev report can be found here