This PR aims to increase the consistency across the docs for code blocks and code/comment/output markings. Rule followed here is "what's visible on the screen should be reflected" Issue: - Docs had various code blocks showing: comments, commands & outputs. - All three of these items were inconsistently marked. Some examples as to how this PR aims to introduce improvements: 1. Removed `> ` from in front of the "outputs". Eg, ` > REPOSITORY TAG ID CREATED` replaced with: ` REPOSITORY TAG ID CREATED`. 2. Introduced `$` for commands. Eg, ` sudo chkconfig docker on` replaced with: ` $ sudo chkconfig docker on` 3. Comments: ` > # ` replaced with: ` # `. > Please note: > Due to a vast amount of items reviewed and changed for this PR, there > might be some individually incorrect replacements OR patterns of incorrect > replacements. This PR needs to be reviewed and if there is anything missing, > it should be improved or amended. Closes: https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/issues/5286 Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: O.S. Tezer <ostezer@gmail.com> (github: ostezer)
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page_title: Installation on FrugalWare page_description: Please note this project is currently under heavy development. It should not be used in production. page_keywords: frugalware linux, virtualization, docker, documentation, installation
Docker is still under heavy development! We don't recommend using it in production yet, but we're getting closer with each release. Please see our blog post, Getting to Docker 1.0
This is a community contributed installation path. The only
installation is using the Ubuntu installation path. This version may be out of date because it depends on some binaries to be updated and published
Installing on FrugalWare is handled via the official packages:
The lxc-docker package will install the latest tagged version of Docker.
Docker depends on several packages which are specified as dependencies in the packages. The core dependencies are:
- systemd
- lvm2
- sqlite3
- libguestfs
- lxc
- iproute2
- bridge-utils
A simple
pacman -S lxc-docker
is all that is needed.
Starting Docker
There is a systemd service unit created for Docker. To start Docker as service:
$ sudo systemctl start lxc-docker
To start on system boot:
$ sudo systemctl enable lxc-docker