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page_title: Installation on Google Cloud Platform page_description: Please note this project is currently under heavy development. It should not be used in production. page_keywords: Docker, Docker documentation, installation, google, Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform
Docker is still under heavy development! We don’t recommend using it in production yet, but we’re getting closer with each release. Please see our blog post, Getting to Docker 1.0
Compute Engine QuickStart for Debian
- Go to Google Cloud Console and create a new Cloud Project with Compute Engine enabled.
- Download and configure the Google Cloud SDK to use your project with the following commands:
$ curl https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/release/install_google_cloud_sdk.bash | bash
$ gcloud auth login
Enter a cloud project id (or leave blank to not set): <google-cloud-project-id>
- Start a new instance, select a zone close to you and the desired instance size:
$ gcutil addinstance docker-playground --image=backports-debian-7
1: europe-west1-a
4: us-central1-b
>>> <zone-index>
1: machineTypes/n1-standard-1
12: machineTypes/g1-small
>>> <machine-type-index>
- Connect to the instance using SSH:
$ gcutil ssh docker-playground
- Install the latest Docker release and configure it to start when the instance boots:
docker-playground:~$ curl get.docker.io | bash
docker-playground:~$ sudo update-rc.d docker defaults
- Start a new container:
docker-playground:~$ sudo docker run busybox echo 'docker on GCE \o/'
docker on GCE \o/