Tweaking for Hugo Updating the Dockerfile with new sed; fix broken link on Kitematic Fixing image pull for Dockerfile Removing docs targets Signed-off-by: Mary Anthony <mary@docker.com>
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Using PowerShell DSC
Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management tool that extends the existing functionality of Windows PowerShell. DSC uses a declarative syntax to define the state in which a target should be configured. More information about PowerShell DSC can be found at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn249912.aspx.
To use this guide you'll need a Windows host with PowerShell v4.0 or newer.
The included DSC configuration script also uses the official PPA so only an Ubuntu target is supported. The Ubuntu target must already have the required OMI Server and PowerShell DSC for Linux providers installed. More information can be found at https://github.com/MSFTOSSMgmt/WPSDSCLinux. The source repository listed below also includes PowerShell DSC for Linux installation and init scripts along with more detailed installation information.
The DSC configuration example source is available in the following repository: https://github.com/anweiss/DockerClientDSC. It can be cloned with:
$ git clone https://github.com/anweiss/DockerClientDSC.git
The DSC configuration utilizes a set of shell scripts to determine whether or
not the specified Docker components are configured on the target node(s). The
source repository also includes a script (RunDockerClientConfig.ps1
) that can
be used to establish the required CIM session(s) and execute the
More detailed usage information can be found at https://github.com/anweiss/DockerClientDSC.
Install Docker
The Docker installation configuration is equivalent to running:
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys\
sh -c "echo deb https://get.docker.com/ubuntu docker main\
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
apt-get update
apt-get install lxc-docker
Ensure that your current working directory is set to the DockerClientDSC
source and load the DockerClient configuration into the current PowerShell
. .\DockerClient.ps1
Generate the required DSC configuration .mof file for the targeted node
DockerClient -Hostname "myhost"
A sample DSC configuration data file has also been included and can be modified
and used in conjunction with or in place of the Hostname
DockerClient -ConfigurationData .\DockerConfigData.psd1
Start the configuration application process on the targeted node
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -Hostname "myhost"
The RunDockerClientConfig.ps1
script can also parse a DSC configuration data
file and execute configurations against multiple nodes as such:
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -ConfigurationData .\DockerConfigData.psd1
Image configuration is equivalent to running: docker pull [image]
docker rmi -f [IMAGE]
Using the same steps defined above, execute DockerClient
with the Image
parameter and apply the configuration:
DockerClient -Hostname "myhost" -Image "node"
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -Hostname "myhost"
You can also configure the host to pull multiple images:
DockerClient -Hostname "myhost" -Image "node","mongo"
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -Hostname "myhost"
To remove images, use a hashtable as follows:
DockerClient -Hostname "myhost" -Image @{Name="node"; Remove=$true}
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -Hostname $hostname
Container configuration is equivalent to running:
docker run -d --name="[containername]" -p '[port]' -e '[env]' --link '[link]'\
'[image]' '[command]'
docker rm -f [containername]
To create or remove containers, you can use the Container
parameter with one
or more hashtables. The hashtable(s) passed to this parameter can have the
following properties:
- Name (required)
- Image (required unless Remove property is set to
) - Port
- Env
- Link
- Command
- Remove
For example, create a hashtable with the settings for your container:
$webContainer = @{Name="web"; Image="anweiss/docker-platynem"; Port="80:80"}
Then, using the same steps defined above, execute
with the -Image
and -Container
DockerClient -Hostname "myhost" -Image node -Container $webContainer
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -Hostname "myhost"
Existing containers can also be removed as follows:
$containerToRemove = @{Name="web"; Remove=$true}
DockerClient -Hostname "myhost" -Container $containerToRemove
.\RunDockerClientConfig.ps1 -Hostname "myhost"
Here is a hashtable with all of the properties that can be used to create a container:
$containerProps = @{Name="web"; Image="node:latest"; Port="80:80"; `
Env="PORT=80"; Link="db:db"; Command="grunt"}