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Sven Dowideit fc9a3b1c1b Consistently use 'sudo docker' in examples
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Sven Dowideit <SvenDowideit@docker.com> (github: SvenDowideit)
2014-09-16 11:49:05 +10:00

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page_title: Link via an Ambassador Container
page_description: Using the Ambassador pattern to abstract (network) services
page_keywords: Examples, Usage, links, docker, documentation, examples, names, name, container naming
# Link via an Ambassador Container
## Introduction
Rather than hardcoding network links between a service consumer and
provider, Docker encourages service portability, for example instead of:
(consumer) --> (redis)
Requiring you to restart the `consumer` to attach it to a different
`redis` service, you can add ambassadors:
(consumer) --> (redis-ambassador) --> (redis)
(consumer) --> (redis-ambassador) ---network---> (redis-ambassador) --> (redis)
When you need to rewire your consumer to talk to a different Redis
server, you can just restart the `redis-ambassador` container that the
consumer is connected to.
This pattern also allows you to transparently move the Redis server to a
different docker host from the consumer.
Using the `svendowideit/ambassador` container, the link wiring is
controlled entirely from the `docker run` parameters.
## Two host Example
Start actual Redis server on one Docker host
big-server $ sudo docker run -d --name redis crosbymichael/redis
Then add an ambassador linked to the Redis server, mapping a port to the
outside world
big-server $ sudo docker run -d --link redis:redis --name redis_ambassador -p 6379:6379 svendowideit/ambassador
On the other host, you can set up another ambassador setting environment
variables for each remote port we want to proxy to the `big-server`
client-server $ sudo docker run -d --name redis_ambassador --expose 6379 -e REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp:// svendowideit/ambassador
Then on the `client-server` host, you can use a Redis client container
to talk to the remote Redis server, just by linking to the local Redis
client-server $ sudo docker run -i -t --rm --link redis_ambassador:redis relateiq/redis-cli
redis> ping
## How it works
The following example shows what the `svendowideit/ambassador` container
does automatically (with a tiny amount of `sed`)
On the Docker host ( that Redis will run on:
# start actual redis server
$ sudo docker run -d --name redis crosbymichael/redis
# get a redis-cli container for connection testing
$ sudo docker pull relateiq/redis-cli
# test the redis server by talking to it directly
$ sudo docker run -t -i --rm --link redis:redis relateiq/redis-cli
redis> ping
# add redis ambassador
$ sudo docker run -t -i --link redis:redis --name redis_ambassador -p 6379:6379 busybox sh
In the `redis_ambassador` container, you can see the linked Redis
containers `env`:
$ env
This environment is used by the ambassador `socat` script to expose Redis
to the world (via the `-p 6379:6379` port mapping):
$ sudo docker rm redis_ambassador
$ sudo ./contrib/mkimage-unittest.sh
$ sudo docker run -t -i --link redis:redis --name redis_ambassador -p 6379:6379 docker-ut sh
$ socat TCP4-LISTEN:6379,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:
Now ping the Redis server via the ambassador:
Now go to a different server:
$ sudo ./contrib/mkimage-unittest.sh
$ sudo docker run -t -i --expose 6379 --name redis_ambassador docker-ut sh
$ socat TCP4-LISTEN:6379,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:
And get the `redis-cli` image so we can talk over the ambassador bridge.
$ sudo docker pull relateiq/redis-cli
$ sudo docker run -i -t --rm --link redis_ambassador:redis relateiq/redis-cli
redis> ping
## The svendowideit/ambassador Dockerfile
The `svendowideit/ambassador` image is a small `busybox` image with
`socat` built in. When you start the container, it uses a small `sed`
script to parse out the (possibly multiple) link environment variables
to set up the port forwarding. On the remote host, you need to set the
variable using the `-e` command line option.
--expose 1234 -e REDIS_PORT_1234_TCP=tcp://
Will forward the local `1234` port to the remote IP and port, in this
case ``.
# first you need to build the docker-ut image
# using ./contrib/mkimage-unittest.sh
# then
# docker build -t SvenDowideit/ambassador .
# docker tag SvenDowideit/ambassador ambassador
# then to run it (on the host that has the real backend on it)
# docker run -t -i --link redis:redis --name redis_ambassador -p 6379:6379 ambassador
# on the remote host, you can set up another ambassador
# docker run -t -i --name redis_ambassador --expose 6379 sh
FROM docker-ut
MAINTAINER SvenDowideit@home.org.au
CMD env | grep _TCP= | sed 's/.*_PORT_\([0-9]*\)_TCP=tcp:\/\/\(.*\):\(.*\)/socat TCP4-LISTEN:\1,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:\2:\3 \&/' | sh && top