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Javascript Callback Manager for Rails 3
Add the following line to the Gemfile:
gem 'paloma'
On the first run of either of the two commands mentioned below, the callbacks folder will be generated in app/assets/javascripts/. Inside the callbacks folder, index.js will also be created.
The following are the commands which can be executed in the terminal to generate files needed for the callbacks:
rails g paloma:add <controller_name>
Execute the command above to generate a folder, named as <controller_name> which will be the container of all the callbacks that will be used within that controller. Inside this folder, callbacks.js will also be generated.
rails g paloma:add <controller_name>/<action_name>
This command allows the user to create the file <action_name>.js under the <controller_name> folder.
Generated Files
###index.js Contains code for requiring all callbacks of all folders and is automatically updated when new folders and callback.js files are created
# app/assets/javascripts/callbacks/index.js
window.Paloma = {callbacks:{}};
//= require ./<controller_name>/callbacks
###callbacks.js Contains code for requiring all callbacks under the same folder <controller_name>
# app/assets/javascripts/callbacks/<controller_name>/callbacks.js
//= require_tree .
###<action_name>.js Actual code to be executed when callback is called
# app/assets/javascripts/callbacks/<controller_name>/<action_name>.js
Paloma.callbacks['<controller_name>/<action_name>'] = function(params){
//put your code here