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  • #206 - Fixed Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility for tracking object_changes.
  • #200 - Fixed next_version method so that it returns the live model when called on latest reified version of a model prior to the live model.
  • #197 - PaperTrail now falls back on using YAML for serialization of serialized model attributes for storage in the object and object_changes columns in the Version table. This fixes compatibility for Rails 3.0.x for projects that employ the serialize declaration on a model.
  • #194 - A JSON serializer is now included in the gem.
  • #192 - object_changes should store serialized representation of serialized attributes for create actions (in addition to update actions, which had already been patched by #180).
  • #190 - Fixed compatibility with SerializedAttributes gem.
  • #189 - Provided support for a configure block initializer.
  • Added setter method for the serializer config option.


  • #183 - Fully qualify the Version class to help prevent namespace resolution errors within other gems / plugins.
  • #180 - Store serialized representation of serialized attributes on the object and object_changes columns in the Version table.
  • #164 - Allow usage of custom serializer for storage of object attributes.


  • #181/#182 - Controller metadata methods should only be evaluated when paper_trail_enabled_for_controller == true.
  • #177/#178 - Factored out version_key into it's own method to prevent ConnectionNotEstablished error from getting thrown in instances where has_paper_trail is declared on class prior to ActiveRecord establishing a connection.
  • #176 - Force metadata calls for attributes to use current value if attribute value is changing.
  • #173 - Update link to diff-lcs.
  • #172 - Save object_changes on creation.
  • #168 - Respect conditional :if or :unless arguments to the has_paper_trail method for destroy events.
  • #167 - Fix originator method so that it works with subclasses and STI.
  • #160 - Fixed failing tests and resolved out of date dependency issues.
  • #157 - Refactored class_attribute names on the ClassMethods module for names that are not obviously pertaining to PaperTrail to prevent method name collision.