
28 KiB


This project follows semver 2.0.0 and the recommendations of


Now with less model pollution! About 40 methods that were polluting your models' namespaces have been removed, reducing the chances of a name conflict with your methods.

Breaking Changes

  • #864 - The model methods deprecated in 5.2.0 have been removed. Use paper_trail.x instead of x.
  • #861 - timestamp_field= removed without replacement. It is no longer configurable. The timestamp field in the versions table must now be named created_at.


  • None


  • #881 - Add RSpec matcher have_a_version_with_changes for easier testing.


  • None

5.2.3 (2016-11-29)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • None


  • None


  • #889 - Fix warning message in instances when a version can't be persisted due to validation errors.
  • #868 Fix usage of find_by_id when primary key is not id, affecting reifying certain records.

5.2.2 (2016-09-08)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • #863 - PaperTrail.timestamp_field= deprecated without replacement. See #861 for discussion.


  • None


5.2.1 (2016-09-02)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • None


  • None


  • #857 - Fix deserialization of enums written by PT 4.
  • #798 - Fix a rare bug with serialization of enums in rails 4.2 only when using touch_with_version.

5.2.0 (2016-06-27)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • #719 - The majority of model methods. Use paper_trail.x instead of x. Why? Your models are a crowded namespace, and we want to get out of your way!


  • None


  • None

5.1.1 (2016-05-31)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • None


  • #813 - Warning for paper_trail_on_destroy(:after) for pre-releases of AR 5
  • #651 - Bug with installing PT on MySQL <= 5.6

5.1.0 (2016-05-20)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • #809 - Print warning if version cannot be saved.


  • #812 - Issue with saving HABTM associated objects using accepts_nested_attributes_for
  • #811 - Avoid unnecessary query in #record_destroy
  • Improvements to documentation

5.0.1 (2016-05-04)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • None


  • #791 - A rare issue in applications that override warn.
  • #789 - A potentially common issue, in applications with initializers that use versioned models.

5.0.0 (2016-05-02)

Breaking Changes

  • #758 - PaperTrail.config.track_associations getter method removed, use track_associations? instead.
  • #740 - PaperTrail.config.track_associations? now defaults to false
  • #723 - PaperTrail.enabled= now affects all threads
  • #556 / #301 - If you are tracking who is responsible for changes with whodunnit, be aware that PaperTrail no longer adds the set_paper_trail_whodunnit before_action for you. Please add this before_action to your ApplicationController to continue recording whodunnit. See the readme for an example.
  • #683 / #682 - Destroy callback default changed to :before to accommodate ActiveRecord 5 option belongs_to_required_by_default and new Rails 5 default.


  • #771 - Added support for has_and_belongs_to_many associations
  • #741 / #681 MySQL unicode support in migration generator
  • #689 - Rails 5 compatibility
  • Added a rails config option: config.paper_trail.enabled
  • #503 - Support for reifying belongs_to associations.


  • #777 - Support HMT associations with :source option.
  • #738 - Rare bug where a non-versioned STI parent caused changeset to return an empty hash.
  • #731 - Map enums to database values before storing in object_changes column.
  • #715 - Optimize post-rollback association reset.
  • #701 / #699 - Cleaning old versions explicitly preserves the most recent versions instead of relying on database result ordering.
  • #635 - A bug where it was not possible to disable PT when using a multi-threaded webserver.
  • #584 - Fixed deprecation warning for Active Record after_callback / after_commit

4.2.0 (2016-05-31)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • #808 - Warn when destroy callback is set to :after with ActiveRecord 5 option belongs_to_required_by_default set to true.


  • None

4.1.0 (2016-01-30)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • A way to control the order of AR callbacks. #614
  • Added unversioned_attributes option to reify. #579


  • None

4.0.2 (2016-01-19)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • None


  • #696 / #697 Bind JSON query parameters in where_object and where_object_changes.

4.0.1 (2015-12-14)

Breaking Changes

  • None


  • None


  • #636 - Should compile assets without a db connection
  • #589 / #588 - Fixes timestamp for "create" versions

4.0.0 (2015-07-30)

This major release adds JSON column support in PostgreSQL, limited support for versioning associations, various new configuration options, and a year's worth of bug fixes. Thanks to everyone who helped test the two betas and two release candidates.

Breaking Changes

  • Using a Rails initializer to reopen PaperTrail::Version or otherwise extend PaperTrail is no longer recommended. An alternative is described in the readme. See and
  • If you depend on the RSpec or Cucumber helpers, you must require them in your test helper.
  • #566 - Removed deprecated methods paper_trail_on and paper_trail_off. Use paper_trail_on! and paper_trail_off! instead.
  • #458 - Version metadata (the :meta option) from AR attributes for create events will now save the current value instead of nil.
  • #391 - object_changes value should dump to YAML as a normal Hash instead of an ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.
  • #375 / #374 / #354 / #131 - Versions are now saved with an after_ callback, instead of a before_ callback. This ensures that the timestamp field for a version matches the corresponding timestamp in the model.
  • 3da1f104 - PaperTrail.config and PaperTrail.configure are now identical: both return the PaperTrail::Config instance and also yield it if a block is provided.


  • #525 / #512 - Support for virtual accessors and redefined setter and getter methods.
  • #518 - Support for querying against PostgreSQL's JSON and JSONB column types via PaperTrail::VersionConcern#where_object and PaperTrail::VersionConcern#where_object_changes
  • #507 - New option: :save_changes controls whether or not to save changes to the object_changes column (if it exists).
  • #500 - Support for passing an empty array to the on option (on: []) to disable all automatic versioning.
  • #494 - The install generator will warn the user if the migration they are attempting to generate already exists.
  • #484 - Support for PostgreSQL's JSONB Type for storing object and object_changes.
  • #439 / #12 - Support for versioning associations (has many, has one, etc.) one level deep.
  • #420 - Add VersionConcern#where_object_changes instance method; acts as a helper for querying against the object_changes column in versions table.
  • #416 - Added a config option for enabling/disabling utilization of serialized_attributes for ActiveRecord, necessary because serialized_attributes has been deprecated in ActiveRecord version 4.2 and will be removed in version 5.0
  • #399 - Add :dup argument for options hash to reify which forces a new model instance.
  • #394 - Add RSpec matcher have_a_version_with for easier testing.
  • #347 - Autoload ActiveRecord models in via a Rails::Engine when the gem is used with Rails.


  • #563 - Fixed a bug in touch_with_version so that it will still create a version even when the on option is, e.g. [:create].
  • #541 - PaperTrail.config.enabled should be Thread Safe
  • #451 - Fix reify method in context of model where the base class has a default scope, and the live instance is not scoped within that default scope.
  • #440 - versions association should clear/reload after a transaction rollback.
  • #438 - ModelKlass.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? should return false if has_paper_trail has not been declared on the class.
  • #404 / #428 - model_instance.dup does not need to be invoked when examining what the instance looked like before changes were persisted, which avoids issues if a 3rd party has overriden the dup behavior. Also fixes errors occuring when a user attempts to update the inheritance column on an STI model instance in ActiveRecord 4.1.x
  • #427 - Fix reify method in context of model where a column has been removed.
  • #414 - Fix functionality ignore argument to has_paper_trail in ActiveRecord 4.
  • #413 - Utilize RequestStore to ensure that the PaperTrail.whodunnit is set in a thread safe manner within Rails and Sinatra.
  • #381 - Fix irb warning: can't alias context from irb_context. Rspec and Cucumber helpers should not be loaded by default, regardless of whether those libraries are loaded.
  • #248 - In MySQL, to prevent truncation, generated migrations now use longtext instead of text.
  • Methods handling serialized attributes should fallback to the currently set Serializer instead of always falling back to PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML.


  • #479 - Deprecated originator method, use paper_trail_originator.


  • #479 - Deprecated originator method in favor of paper_trail_originator Deprecation warning informs users that the originator of the methods will be removed in version 4.0. (Backported from v4)
  • Updated deprecation warnings for Model.paper_trail_on and Model.paper_trail_off to have display correct version number the methods will be removed (4.0)


  • #525 / #512 - Support for virtual accessors and redefined setter and getter methods.


  • #404 / #428 - Fix errors occuring when a user attempts to update the inheritance column on an STI model instance in ActiveRecord 4.1.x


  • #414 - Backport fix for ignore argument to has_paper_trail in ActiveRecord 4.


  • #401 / #406 - PaperTrail::Version class is not loaded via a Rails::Engine, even when the gem is used within Rails. This feature has will be re-introduced in version 4.0.
  • #398 - Only require the RSpec helper if RSpec::Core is required.


This version was yanked from RubyGems and has been replaced by version 3.0.5, which is almost identical, but does not eager load in the PaperTrail::Version class through a Rails::Engine when the gem is used on Rails since it was causing issues for some users.

  • #386 - Fix eager loading of versions association with custom class name in ActiveRecord 4.1.
  • #384 - Fix VersionConcern#originator instance method.
  • #383 - Make gem compatible with ActiveRecord::Enum (available in ActiveRecord 4.1+).
  • #380 / #377 - Add VersionConcern#where_object instance method; acts as a helper for querying against the object column in versions table.
  • #373 - Fix default sort order for the versions association in ActiveRecord 4.1.
  • #372 - Use Arel for SQL construction.
  • #365 - VersionConcern#version_at should return nil when receiving a timestamp that occured after the object was destroyed.
  • Expand PaperTrail::VERSION into a module, mimicking the form used by Rails to give it some additional modularity & versatility.
  • Fixed VersionConcern#index instance method so that it conforms to using the primary key for ordering when possible.


  • #357 - If a Version instance is reified and then persisted at that state, it's timestamp attributes for update should still get touched.
  • #351 / #352 - PaperTrail::Rails::Controller should hook into all controller types, and should not get loaded unless ActionController is.
  • #346 - user_for_paper_trail method should accommodate different types for return values from current_user method.
  • #344 - Gem is now tested against MySQL and PostgreSQL in addition to SQLite.
  • #317 / #314 - versions should default to ordering via the primary key if it is an integer to avoid timestamp comparison issues.
  • PaperTrail::Cleaner.clean_versions! should group versions by PaperTrail.timestamp_field when deciding which ones to keep / destroy, instead of always grouping by the created_at field.
  • If a Version instance is reified and then persisted at that state, it's source version (model_instance#version_association_name, usually model_instance#version) will get cleared since persisting it causes it to become the live instance.
  • If destroy actions are tracked for a versioned model, invoking destroy on the model will cause the corresponding version that gets generated to be assigned as the source version (model_instance#version_association_name, usually model_instance#version).


  • #340 - Prevent potential error encountered when using the InstallGenerator with Rails 4.1.0.rc1.
  • #334 - Add small-scope whodunnit method to PaperTrail::Model::InstanceMethods.
  • #329 - Add touch_with_version method to PaperTrail::Model::InstanceMethods, to allow for generating a version while touching a model.
  • #328 / #326 / #307 - Model.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? and model_instance.without_versioning is now thread-safe.
  • #316 - user_for_paper_trail should default to current_user.try(:id) instead of current_user (if current_user is defined).
  • #313 - Make the Rails::Controller helper compatible with ActionController::API for compatibility with the rails-api gem.
  • #312 - Fix RSpec with_versioning class level helper method.
  • model_instance.without_versioning now yields the model_instance, enabling syntax like this: model_instance.without_versioning { |obj| obj.update_attributes(:name => 'value') }.
  • Deprecated Model.paper_trail_on and Model.paper_trail_off in favor of bang versions of the methods. Deprecation warning informs users that the non-bang versions of the methods will be removed in version 4.0


  • #305 - PaperTrail::VERSION should be loaded at runtime.
  • #295 - Explicitly specify table name for version class when querying attributes. Prevents AmbiguousColumn errors on certain JOIN statements.
  • #289 - Use ActiveSupport::Concern for implementation of base functionality on PaperTrail::Version class. Increases flexibility and makes it easier to use custom version classes with multiple ActiveRecord connections.
  • #288 - Change all scope declarations to class methods on the PaperTrail::Version class. Fixes usability when PaperTrail::Version.abstract_class? == true.
  • #287 - Support for PostgreSQL's JSON Type for storing object and object_changes.
  • #281 - Rails::Controller helper will return false for the paper_trail_enabled_for_controller method if PaperTrail.enabled? == false.
  • #280 - Don't track virtual timestamp attributes.
  • #278 / #272 - Make RSpec and Cucumber helpers usable with Spork and Zeus.
  • #273 - Make the only and ignore options accept Hash arguments; allows for conditional tracking.
  • #264 - Allow unwrapped symbol to be passed in to the on option.
  • #224/#236 - Fixed compatibility with ActsAsTaggableOn.
  • #235 - Dropped unnecessary secondary sort on versions association.
  • #216 - Added helper & extension for RSpec, and helper for Cucumber.
  • #212 - Added PaperTrail::Cleaner module, useful for discarding draft versions.
  • #207 - Versions for 'create' events are now created with create! instead of create so that an exception gets raised if it is appropriate to do so.
  • #199 - Rails 4 compatibility.
  • #165 - Namespaced the Version class under the PaperTrail module.
  • #119 - Support for Sinatra; decoupled gem from Rails.
  • Renamed the default serializers from PaperTrail::Serializers::Yaml and PaperTrail::Serializers::Json to the capitalized forms, PaperTrail::Serializers::YAML and PaperTrail::Serializers::JSON.
  • Removed deprecated set_whodunnit method from Rails Controller scope.


  • #228 - Refactored default user_for_paper_trail method implementation so that current_user only gets invoked if it is defined.
  • #219 - Fixed issue where attributes stored with nil value might not get reified properly depending on the way the serializer worked.
  • #213 - Added a version_limit option to the PaperTrail::Config options that can be used to restrict the number of versions PaperTrail will store per object instance.
  • #187 - Confirmed JRuby support.
  • #174 - The event field on the versions table can now be customized.


  • #206 - Fixed Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility for tracking object_changes.
  • #200 - Fixed next_version method so that it returns the live model when called on latest reified version of a model prior to the live model.
  • #197 - PaperTrail now falls back on using YAML for serialization of serialized model attributes for storage in the object and object_changes columns in the Version table. This fixes compatibility for Rails 3.0.x for projects that employ the serialize declaration on a model.
  • #194 - A JSON serializer is now included in the gem.
  • #192 - object_changes should store serialized representation of serialized attributes for create actions (in addition to update actions, which had already been patched by #180).
  • #190 - Fixed compatibility with SerializedAttributes gem.
  • #189 - Provided support for a configure block initializer.
  • Added setter method for the serializer config option.


  • #183 - Fully qualify the Version class to help prevent namespace resolution errors within other gems / plugins.
  • #180 - Store serialized representation of serialized attributes on the object and object_changes columns in the Version table.
  • #164 - Allow usage of custom serializer for storage of object attributes.


  • #181/#182 - Controller metadata methods should only be evaluated when paper_trail_enabled_for_controller == true.
  • #177/#178 - Factored out version_key into it's own method to prevent ConnectionNotEstablished error from getting thrown in instances where has_paper_trail is declared on class prior to ActiveRecord establishing a connection.
  • #176 - Force metadata calls for attributes to use current value if attribute value is changing.
  • #173 - Update link to diff-lcs.
  • #172 - Save object_changes on creation.
  • #168 - Respect conditional :if or :unless arguments to the has_paper_trail method for destroy events.
  • #167 - Fix originator method so that it works with subclasses and STI.
  • #160 - Fixed failing tests and resolved out of date dependency issues.
  • #157 - Refactored class_attribute names on the ClassMethods module for names that are not obviously pertaining to PaperTrail to prevent method name collision.